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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (2 Viewers)

SouthJersey said:
Sweet J said:
Looking for classic or recent movies that are simply "fun" and that my 8-year old son and I could both watch and both enjoy.

I'm not sure what the criteria I want to use is, other than "equally entertaining for both 8 year old boy and dad," and "I haven't seen it a million times (which precludes Star Wars, Princess Bride, and some other greats). Looking for overlooked greats.

The first movie on the list will be: Searching for Bobby Fisher. I haven't seen it for years, but I'm thinking this would be perfect for an 8-year old. I'll post again with his and my thoughts.

After that, I am considering Spellbound, but my wife thinks that will be too old/intense for him.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.
GooniesBack to the Future 1 & 2

Karate Kid

Stand by Me

The Sandlot

I'm sure you've seen a couple of those a few times...but I'm always willing to sit through another watching of any of those. Dunno if 8 year olds today will enjoy them as much.

If you really wanna go old school I always loved Swiss Family Robinson.

For more recent flicks I thought Wall-E was pretty dope.
I did this when people came into the video store to look for family movies - recommend 80s movies. Maybe I haven't watched that many PG movies recently, but it seems like they got away with more in the 80s. In BttF, you have smoking, drinking, kind of a rape scene, and some swearing. KK might not have as much but you have Johnny rolling up a joint at the dance and Mr. Myagi boozing it up. Again, maybe it's just because I haven't been watching family movies lately or it's because pg-13 was still new back then and it took awhile before they got it right, etc.Stand By Me is an 'R' movie, and probably shouldn't be in the mix for an 8yo IMO.

jdoggydogg said:
hooter311 said:
jdoggydogg said:
Inglorious Bastards - 9/10 - Pretty gruesome, and nasty. Not recommended for those with sensitive stomachs. Brad Pitt does a great job, but I had a hard time picturing Ryan from the Office as a soldier.
:thumbup: This doesn't open until August 21, 2009.
Yes, but it was screened at Cannes earlier this month. Knowing Que, he most likely found it on a torrent site.
He needs to hook us up with this....
jdoggydogg said:
hooter311 said:
jdoggydogg said:
Inglorious Bastards - 9/10 - Pretty gruesome, and nasty. Not recommended for those with sensitive stomachs. Brad Pitt does a great job, but I had a hard time picturing Ryan from the Office as a soldier.
:banned: This doesn't open until August 21, 2009.
Yes, but it was screened at Cannes earlier this month. Knowing Que, he most likely found it on a torrent site.
He needs to hook us up with this....
I know, right?
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?

I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?

Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?

So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
I wanted to see Terminator, but it's getting very poor reviews. Hard to believe that the guy who gave us the Charlie's Angels masterpiece could screw up Terminator. And the name McG? I love it.
jdoggydogg said:
El Floppo said:
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
I wanted to see Terminator, but it's getting very poor reviews. Hard to believe that the guy who gave us the Charlie's Angels masterpiece could screw up Terminator. And the name McG? I love it.
Charlie's Angels masterpieceS. So nice, he had to do it twice.No dice on the Egoyan thing, eh?
jdoggydogg said:
El Floppo said:
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
I wanted to see Terminator, but it's getting very poor reviews. Hard to believe that the guy who gave us the Charlie's Angels masterpiece could screw up Terminator. And the name McG? I love it.
Charlie's Angels masterpieceS. So nice, he had to do it twice.No dice on the Egoyan thing, eh?
I haven't seen the Egoyan trailer. But I loved The Sweet Hereafter. So I will definitely check out the new flick on DVD.
El Floppo said:
Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
i remember it got good reviews. i thought it would be taking a bow at cannes before making a run at the domestic market here. i love the guy's work, so i am pleased that it is stateside.
El Floppo said:
Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
i remember it got good reviews. i thought it would be taking a bow at cannes before making a run at the domestic market here. i love the guy's work, so i am pleased that it is stateside.
Playing at only one theater in NYC despite NYTimes' Stephen Holden calling it Egoyan's best work since Sweet Hereafter (one of my favorite films)- and I'm with you in really digging the rest of his stuff too.
jdoggydogg said:
El Floppo said:
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
I wanted to see Terminator, but it's getting very poor reviews. Hard to believe that the guy who gave us the Charlie's Angels masterpiece could screw up Terminator. And the name McG? I love it.
The new Terminator is pretty entertaining. Not nearly as good as the first two of course but I think I liked it more then the third. It lacks the human touches that made the first two so good but the action is very good.
El Floppo said:
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?

I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?
NO! Absolutely not!
Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Not good. Give it a C. This movie is exactly what I expected and nothing more. I was really looking forward to seeing it too. It never got off the ground. Actually, nothing happens in the movie... A guy is born old and gets young... has a woman in his life. That's it.
That's very accurate. Furthermore, there isn't much passion in the movie at all. The only scene that'll stick with me is the scene where the clock goes backwards and the soldiers go backwards and do not die in the war. That was a cool scene and it had emotional impact. But almost all the movie is devoid of any emotional impact.
this is a much better explanation than what I gave to my wife - no robots or karate
El Floppo said:
So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?

I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?
NO! Absolutely not!
you got a phobia about baby-sitters, or is it really that bad?
It's definitely not worth that kind of trouble. Wait to rent it.
El Floppo said:
Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
i remember it got good reviews. i thought it would be taking a bow at cannes before making a run at the domestic market here. i love the guy's work, so i am pleased that it is stateside.
Playing at only one theater in NYC despite NYTimes' Stephen Holden calling it Egoyan's best work since Sweet Hereafter (one of my favorite films)- and I'm with you in really digging the rest of his stuff too.
apparently, it opened and closed in chicago in the span of a week. ugh.
I know I'm late to the Lars and the Real Girl party, but the wife and I watched it last night and I really liked it. Everyone in it was on the top of their game and the story was really endearing. I kept waiting for it to go over the top with:


Don't waste your time with TSalvation...I'm a big fan of the franchise and always enjoyed Bale (although lately I'm starting to question it).

It's terribly written and pieced together...the story makes no real sense and its just a mess.

I won't go into specifics but the best I could recommend this film for is maybe matinee price...or rental...but don't pay full price for this thing.

Don't waste your time with TSalvation...I'm a big fan of the franchise and always enjoyed Bale (although lately I'm starting to question it).It's terribly written and pieced together...the story makes no real sense and its just a mess.I won't go into specifics but the best I could recommend this film for is maybe matinee price...or rental...but don't pay full price for this thing.
Oh, and I almost forgot (or at least, tried to)..................because my gf reallllllllllly wanted to see it again, I watched The Who's Tommy last night on Netflix streaming. Holy lord, is that godawful. No offense to any Who fans that are out there, but that is just a piece of ####. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy that movie (and I'm not). Who decided to let the actors sing their parts? Excruciating. (-57,000/5)

Oh, and I almost forgot (or at least, tried to)..................because my gf reallllllllllly wanted to see it again, I watched The Who's Tommy last night on Netflix streaming. Holy lord, is that godawful. No offense to any Who fans that are out there, but that is just a piece of ####. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy that movie (and I'm not). Who decided to let the actors sing their parts? Excruciating. (-57,000/5)
what part of "rock opera" do you not understand?
Oh, and I almost forgot (or at least, tried to)..................because my gf reallllllllllly wanted to see it again, I watched The Who's Tommy last night on Netflix streaming. Holy lord, is that godawful. No offense to any Who fans that are out there, but that is just a piece of ####. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy that movie (and I'm not). Who decided to let the actors sing their parts? Excruciating. (-57,000/5)
what part of "rock opera" do you not understand?
What part of "Who decided to let the ACTORS sing their parts?" do you not understand? Because it would be impossible to have The Who perform the songs? Sorry to hurt your feelings, but that movie blows.
Oh, and I almost forgot (or at least, tried to)..................because my gf reallllllllllly wanted to see it again, I watched The Who's Tommy last night on Netflix streaming. Holy lord, is that godawful. No offense to any Who fans that are out there, but that is just a piece of ####. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy that movie (and I'm not). Who decided to let the actors sing their parts? Excruciating. (-57,000/5)
what part of "rock opera" do you not understand?
What part of "Who decided to let the ACTORS sing their parts?" do you not understand? Because it would be impossible to have The Who perform the songs? Sorry to hurt your feelings, but that movie blows.
i'm not a fan of the film. i'm not much a fan of the band either. i just don't see why you're in the least bit surprised by the decision to let the actors sing? it is true to premise of the genre.
Oh, and I almost forgot (or at least, tried to)..................because my gf reallllllllllly wanted to see it again, I watched The Who's Tommy last night on Netflix streaming. Holy lord, is that godawful. No offense to any Who fans that are out there, but that is just a piece of ####. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy that movie (and I'm not). Who decided to let the actors sing their parts? Excruciating. (-57,000/5)
what part of "rock opera" do you not understand?
What part of "Who decided to let the ACTORS sing their parts?" do you not understand? Because it would be impossible to have The Who perform the songs? Sorry to hurt your feelings, but that movie blows.
i'm not a fan of the film. i'm not much a fan of the band either. i just don't see why you're in the least bit surprised by the decision to let the actors sing? it is true to premise of the genre.
Maybe it's just that a)I hadn't seen it since I was a tyke, and b) I guess I just expected that if you are going to let the actors sing the parts, that they could actually sing. "Uncle" Frank was horrible. Ann Margaret's only saving grace is that she is hot as hell. Jack Nicholson is just about the only one in the movie (besides Daltry) that doesn't make your ears bleed. He even sounded better than Townshend, who is also horrible.
Maybe it's just that a)I hadn't seen it since I was a tyke, and b) I guess I just expected that if you are going to let the actors sing the parts, that they could actually sing. "Uncle" Frank was horrible. Ann Margaret's only saving grace is that she is hot as hell. Jack Nicholson is just about the only one in the movie (besides Daltry) that doesn't make your ears bleed. He even sounded better than Townshend, who is also horrible.
meh. the whole thing is a bit of a trainwreck. i only enjoyed Tina Turner's bit as the Acide Queen because it's pretty obvious that she's tweaked all to hell for the performance.
Maybe it's just that a)I hadn't seen it since I was a tyke, and b) I guess I just expected that if you are going to let the actors sing the parts, that they could actually sing. "Uncle" Frank was horrible. Ann Margaret's only saving grace is that she is hot as hell. Jack Nicholson is just about the only one in the movie (besides Daltry) that doesn't make your ears bleed. He even sounded better than Townshend, who is also horrible.
meh. the whole thing is a bit of a trainwreck. i only enjoyed Tina Turner's bit as the Acide Queen because it's pretty obvious that she's tweaked all to hell for the performance.
Good point. She, of course, can sing. And that part was decent (although the "robot" special effects and all that stuff don't really hold up, but I can overlook that when combined with everything else). The bottom line is, I think only fans of The Who would actually say that they enjoyed this movie, and a large percentage of those would be lying to themselves. It was just bad. I might have to revisit the Ann Margaret TV scene at a later date though, when I want to beat myself up a little bit. I'm just talkin. I was sitting there with the gf trying not to say "Damn, she was fine!!!!"
I only made it halfway thru Benjamin Button. My wife kept watching it since she loves Pitt and even she said it wasn't that good.

I liked Vicky Christina Barcelona. It didn't hurt that Scarlett and Penelope are hot as hell in it but it was a good story too.

So has anybody seen the new Terminator movie?I was so looking forward to this, but the wife keeps reminding me it's directed by McG (who I want to crotch-punch just for the lame-### name)... is it worth getting a baby-sitter?Also- can't believe that the Atom Egoyan movie "Adoration" showed up silently at the theater down the street and just as silently disappeared. Anybody know about this flick?
I wanted to see Terminator, but it's getting very poor reviews. Hard to believe that the guy who gave us the Charlie's Angels masterpiece could screw up Terminator. And the name McG? I love it.
The new Terminator is pretty entertaining. Not nearly as good as the first two of course but I think I liked it more then the third. It lacks the human touches that made the first two so good but the action is very good.
I will definitely see it. But maybe I'll wait for DVD.
Donnie Brasco

I'd only seen it once when it was released. Very good movie. I liked it the first time, and it's held up very well over the years. Outstanding melodrama.

Recently watched Shadow of the Vampire based on recommendations from this thread, and thought it was great. (4/5)
Excellent movie. Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Auto Focus features another great Dafoe role.
Don't forget Platoon. I was blown away by him in that.
Yeah, but that movie doesn't hold up very well.
I don't think so at all.Tom Berenger's evil resonates forever.

Keith David is one of the best supporting characters of all time.


Great movie. Seymour Hoffman and Streep were on top of their game for this movie. Great story that really parallels life in every respect.

ETA... this movie finally sealed it for me, Philip Seymour Hoffman is one of the best actors...EVER. Man brings it.

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Finally got around to Freedom Writers. Thought it was pretty good. Only complaint was that the various gangs came together too easily, too early in the movie. It felt like the conflict was resolved before the halfway point in the movie. Then, I kept expecting an aftershock or something where one of the students would fall off the lovetrain, but it never materialized.

Just seemed anticlimatic, and the story with the husband lent nothing to the story.


Recently watched Shadow of the Vampire based on recommendations from this thread, and thought it was great. (4/5)
Excellent movie. Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Auto Focus features another great Dafoe role.
Don't forget Platoon. I was blown away by him in that.
Yeah, but that movie doesn't hold up very well.
I don't think so at all.Tom Berenger's evil resonates forever.

Keith David is one of the best supporting characters of all time.
A bit too much Charlie Sheen... maybe that's the "not holding up" part of it?Everything with Defoe and Berenger was/is brilliant.

Excellent movie. Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Auto Focus features another great Dafoe role.
Don't forget Platoon. I was blown away by him in that.
Yeah, but that movie doesn't hold up very well.
I don't think so at all.Tom Berenger's evil resonates forever. Keith David is one of the best supporting characters of all time.
A bit too much Charlie Sheen... maybe that's the "not holding up" part of it?Everything with Defoe and Berenger was/is brilliant.
:confused: GBEF, I think you might owe a pick in the GWD.
Excellent movie. Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Auto Focus features another great Dafoe role.
Don't forget Platoon. I was blown away by him in that.
Yeah, but that movie doesn't hold up very well.
I don't think so at all.Tom Berenger's evil resonates forever. Keith David is one of the best supporting characters of all time.
A bit too much Charlie Sheen... maybe that's the "not holding up" part of it?Everything with Defoe and Berenger was/is brilliant.
Not to take this tangent too much further, but pretty much all of Platoon is cliche after cliche. The acting (other than Sheen) is superb, but the screenplay is mostly BS. 90% of Vietnam vets will tell you they hate Oliver Stone and think that movie was total crap. The Deer Hunter is so vastly superior to Platoon, I'm embarrassed to mention them in the same sentence. While some of the scenes in Deer Hunter are beyond the realm of possibility, it's simply a film with a lot more to say. Platoon is best summed up as: 1) Vietnam was a mistake. 2) the US behaved horribly, particularly to civilians. 3) only a few soldiers had a moral compass. 4) Oliver Stone is the moral authority policing America's behavior for us. 5) oh yeah, in the middle of all the bad stuff we did, a bunch of our guys were shot and killed. let's not really dwell on that though.My advice: avoid Platoon, unless you haven't been around enough to know that a few war crimes were committed (similar to Schindler's List -- is anyone so clueless that they don't realize the Holocaust was a terrible event that killed millions and should never have happened, & should never be allowed to happen again?), go watch a better movie instead. If you want to see more about how war impacts people, go rent The Best Years of Our Lives or The Deer Hunter.
Not to take this tangent too much further, but pretty much all of Platoon is cliche after cliche. The acting (other than Sheen) is superb, but the screenplay is mostly BS. 90% of Vietnam vets will tell you they hate Oliver Stone and think that movie was total crap. The Deer Hunter is so vastly superior to Platoon, I'm embarrassed to mention them in the same sentence. While some of the scenes in Deer Hunter are beyond the realm of possibility, it's simply a film with a lot more to say. Platoon is best summed up as: 1) Vietnam was a mistake. 2) the US behaved horribly, particularly to civilians. 3) only a few soldiers had a moral compass. 4) Oliver Stone is the moral authority policing America's behavior for us. 5) oh yeah, in the middle of all the bad stuff we did, a bunch of our guys were shot and killed. let's not really dwell on that though.My advice: avoid Platoon, unless you haven't been around enough to know that a few war crimes were committed (similar to Schindler's List -- is anyone so clueless that they don't realize the Holocaust was a terrible event that killed millions and should never have happened, & should never be allowed to happen again?), go watch a better movie instead. If you want to see more about how war impacts people, go rent The Best Years of Our Lives or The Deer Hunter.
The Best Years of our Lives is a truly outstanding movie. :mellow:
Not to take this tangent too much further, but pretty much all of Platoon is cliche after cliche. The acting (other than Sheen) is superb, but the screenplay is mostly BS. 90% of Vietnam vets will tell you they hate Oliver Stone and think that movie was total crap. The Deer Hunter is so vastly superior to Platoon, I'm embarrassed to mention them in the same sentence. While some of the scenes in Deer Hunter are beyond the realm of possibility, it's simply a film with a lot more to say. Platoon is best summed up as: 1) Vietnam was a mistake. 2) the US behaved horribly, particularly to civilians. 3) only a few soldiers had a moral compass. 4) Oliver Stone is the moral authority policing America's behavior for us. 5) oh yeah, in the middle of all the bad stuff we did, a bunch of our guys were shot and killed. let's not really dwell on that though.My advice: avoid Platoon, unless you haven't been around enough to know that a few war crimes were committed (similar to Schindler's List -- is anyone so clueless that they don't realize the Holocaust was a terrible event that killed millions and should never have happened, & should never be allowed to happen again?), go watch a better movie instead. If you want to see more about how war impacts people, go rent The Best Years of Our Lives or The Deer Hunter.
Despite what I said earlier, this is a really :mellow: Deer Hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platoon
Inglorious Bastards - 9/10 - Pretty gruesome, and nasty. Not recommended for those with sensitive stomachs. Brad Pitt does a great job, but I had a hard time picturing Ryan from the Office as a soldier.
How did you see this? downloaded some torrents, all fake.
role models- sucks

seven pounds- big Will Smith fan but this is not my type of movie

the strangers- creepy

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The Other End of the Line: Oof. Romantic "Comedy" about an Indian girl at a credit card call center hooking up with an American guy who had identity stolen. Somehow they fall in love over the phone and she goes to met him in the San Fran. Maybe the most predictable movie I've ever seen. Girl meets boy. Have fun fall in love. Big fight. Big dramatic scene where its all over. Knock on the door, say some sappy junk, back in love. End. The Indian chick, Shriya Saran, was the only good part of the movie. Hot and a pretty darn good actress. 1/5
Recently watched Shadow of the Vampire based on recommendations from this thread, and thought it was great. (4/5)
Excellent movie. Dafoe is one of my favorite actors. Auto Focus features another great Dafoe role.
Don't forget Platoon. I was blown away by him in that.
Yeah, but that movie doesn't hold up very well.
I don't think so at all.Tom Berenger's evil resonates forever.

Keith David is one of the best supporting characters of all time.
Great roles in the movie and great moments. But if you hold it up against Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now, it hasn't aged well.

Great movie. Seymour Hoffman and Streep were on top of their game for this movie. Great story that really parallels life in every respect.

ETA... this movie finally sealed it for me, Philip Seymour Hoffman is one of the best actors...EVER. Man brings it.
I feel exactly the same way. I just saw it last night.
Not to take this tangent too much further, but pretty much all of Platoon is cliche after cliche. The acting (other than Sheen) is superb, but the screenplay is mostly BS. 90% of Vietnam vets will tell you they hate Oliver Stone and think that movie was total crap. The Deer Hunter is so vastly superior to Platoon, I'm embarrassed to mention them in the same sentence. While some of the scenes in Deer Hunter are beyond the realm of possibility, it's simply a film with a lot more to say. Platoon is best summed up as: 1) Vietnam was a mistake. 2) the US behaved horribly, particularly to civilians. 3) only a few soldiers had a moral compass. 4) Oliver Stone is the moral authority policing America's behavior for us. 5) oh yeah, in the middle of all the bad stuff we did, a bunch of our guys were shot and killed. let's not really dwell on that though.My advice: avoid Platoon, unless you haven't been around enough to know that a few war crimes were committed (similar to Schindler's List -- is anyone so clueless that they don't realize the Holocaust was a terrible event that killed millions and should never have happened, & should never be allowed to happen again?), go watch a better movie instead. If you want to see more about how war impacts people, go rent The Best Years of Our Lives or The Deer Hunter.
This is all correct. The best Vietnam movies (Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket, and Apocalypse Now) have urgent drama that will be relevant decades from now. Platoon made a splash when it came out. But some of the dialogue and drama look very silly upon a modern viewing.

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