I love Sirius/XM NFL radio, or whatever it's called now, but it's getting harder and harder to listen to thanks to people selling their products. First I noticed Adam Schein selling his product (I can't even remember what it is, that's how effective it is). Then it was Tim Ryan's ridiculous pre-scripted conversation with Rosanne Barr that they try to make sound unscripted (like that ever works). Now today I'm listening and as I tune in Michael Strahan is giving some fairly interesting football analysis regarding the NFC East. Then out of nowhere he, with the eager help of Schein, start hyping some skin care product. WTF? How many millions has Strahan made and now he has to pollute NFL Radio with his product so he can make more money. This is sad. The NFL makes so much money and all they can think about is how they can make even more. Once again, no one cares about the fans. Am I the only one who feels this way?