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So does Kitna lead the Bengals next year? (1 Viewer)


Ignored by Nipsey
Torn ACL/MCL's do not heal over the course of a few months. Palmer is looking at 10 months minimum until he can play again.Is Kitna the Bengals QB next season? Do the Bengals make a run at Favre for one year?

Torn ACL/MCL's do not heal over the course of a few months. Palmer is looking at 10 months minimum until he can play again.

Is Kitna the Bengals QB next season? Do the Bengals make a run at Favre for one year?
Got any facts to back this? Bengals say they think he'll be ready.
Cincinnati homer here. Not sure when free agency starts, but it will all depend on how the surgery goes before any idea of recovery time.But we will need someone as a veteran to carry us assuming Carson is not 100% at beginning of season.

March 20, 2005, 10:26BearsQB Grossman's Ready To PlayBrad Biggs, Chicago Sun Times - [Full Article]QB Rex Grossman said if there was a game this week, he could play on his right knee, which was surgically repaired in October after he tore the anterior cruciate ligament. He has been doing all quarterback work necessary for a few weeks and says the half-year off from throwing was good for his arm.So basically Grossman tore his like September 26th, 2004 and was ready to play March 20th 2005. That is a 6 month recover time. That puts Palmer ready to go by Mid-July....barring any major set-backs, Palmer is your opening day starter.Mark it down now, Palmer will slide in ALL drafts and we will all be able to steal him 1 more year.E

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ESPN reported last night that Palmer had clean tears so the recover would be much faster than normal and he should be back by the start of the season. For whatever that is worth.

Torn ACL/MCL's do not heal over the course of a few months.  Palmer is looking at 10 months minimum until he can play again.

Is Kitna the Bengals QB next season?  Do the Bengals make a run at Favre for one year?
Got any facts to back this? Bengals say they think he'll be ready.
At best, it's 6 months until you can resume activity (July) and that's if everything goes OK.
Cincy guy here. They keep saying on the radio that it's a clean tear, which they keep saying is actually a good thing from a medical standpoint. Carson's on the radio right now. My 2 cents are that the Bengals have to re-sign Kitna. He knows the offense very well and can operate it as best he can. They can sign him for a fair price and he can do what needs to be done which is keep the seat warm until the Greek God of a quarterback returns to unleash his fury on the rest of the league.

I know he can be bland as all get out, but Palmer was just asked and his response was "I'm your opening day quarterback, no question. I'll be back" I know it's not totally up to him, but he's obviously being told news which lets him believe this.

Cincy guy here. They keep saying on the radio that it's a clean tear, which they keep saying is actually a good thing from a medical standpoint. Carson's on the radio right now.

My 2 cents are that the Bengals have to re-sign Kitna. He knows the offense very well and can operate it as best he can. They can sign him for a fair price and he can do what needs to be done which is keep the seat warm until the Greek God of a quarterback returns to unleash his fury on the rest of the league.
I am not a doctor and I did not sleep at the Holiday Inn Express last night. However, I can be certain that we will not be doing anything but guessing until they actually operate. Once they see/feel/repair, then and only then we will have a timetable for his return.and now back to your regular scheduled program...


Torn ACL isnt as bad for a QB as a RB. It should take him quicker to come back than a RB. He'll be fine by opening day and should be 100% at the most soon thereafter.

Mark it down now, Palmer will slide in ALL drafts and we will all be able to steal him 1 more year.

He wont slide in my draft, whether or not hes 100% by draft day. He may not go in the 1st round like I know he would had he not got hurt, but he wont last past round 2. Theres just too much upside, and its not like hes a running QB who uses his legs much.Now if by some chance hes still there in round 3 Id jump on him in a heartbeat, but I dont see it happening.

What a pisser way to end the season. We as football fans got robbed by the injury - Who knows what would have happened if Palmer didnt get hurt.

Since Palmer isnt really a QB that relies on his Mobility, I don't think it will take nearly as long to rehab as it would for a RB, or even C-Pep, Although C-Pep is different in that he tore 3 ligaments... They are at least going to have to try to re-sign Kitna, but now it's gonna cost them a lot more to do so.

What about someone else instead of Kitna, just as a stop gap. Aaron Brooks? kerry Collins? Tim Couch?Not sure if Collins will even be available. And Kitna has an advantage as he knows the offense, but I am still not big on kitna if we have to rely on him for more than 2 games next year.I will admit I haven't paid much attention to the QBs that will be free agents after this year since we had Carson, but who knows.Of course, I still say no rush to judgement until after surgery.

I don't care how much Kitna knows the offense. If Palmer is forced to miss any action next season, I say bring in someone with a bit of arm strength to hold down the fort until Carson is ready. Even if it's a guy who will throw the occasional pick; Kitna does that too. And his tiny hands tend to have a hard time holding onto the ball to boot. Sorry, bitter Bengal fan right now :cry: .

I am not a doctor and I did not sleep at the Holiday Inn Express last night. However, I can be certain that we will not be doing anything but guessing until they actually operate. Once they see/feel/repair, then and only then we will have a timetable for his return.

and now back to your regular scheduled program...


I luv it.

Kitna is a free agent, so this could get interesting.
I thought the same thing when Palmer got hurt.... Kitna heard the cash register sound go off ... "cha-ching"Palmer owner with his right for next year, and only next year in a redraft .... :hot:

Kitna owner in a dynast league....


would have preferred Kitna signing and starting on another team..and Palmer being healthy.

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I mentioned this in another thread. No way Kitna stays in Cinci to be Palmer's backup. He wants to start and my guess is he will sign with Baltimore. Even if Palmer is not the starter at the begining of the season, he will be at the end of it while Kitna would be on the sidelines again. Don't think Kitna stays.

I love Kitna, but he's really not that great of a quarterback.. I'd be just as well to let Craig Krenzel start while Palmer is out. I think he's a leader-type in the mold of Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson/Jon Kitna.As if I can't see someone quoting this post and mocking the quarterbacks I just compared Krenzel to.

I love Kitna, but he's really not that great of a quarterback.. I'd be just as well to let Craig Krenzel start while Palmer is out. I think he's a leader-type in the mold of Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson/Jon Kitna.

As if I can't see someone quoting this post and mocking the quarterbacks I just compared Krenzel to.
:eek: :popcorn:
Tim Couch?
wouldn't the quarterback controversy rip the team apart?seriously, kitna didn't look good in the second half of the game sunday, but if he resigns and starts game one, they'll be fine. if i were a bengals fan, i'd be a bit more worried about the defense than kitna.
I love Kitna, but he's really not that great of a quarterback.. I'd be just as well to let Craig Krenzel start while Palmer is out.  I think he's a leader-type in the mold of Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson/Jon Kitna.

As if I can't see someone quoting this post and mocking the quarterbacks I just compared Krenzel to.
:eek: :popcorn:
Cool member #.There's a lot of quarterbacks who would look good in this offense, brah.

I think barring the franchise tag, Kitna will test the free agent waters and find himself a starting job somewhere.

I think barring the franchise tag, Kitna will test the free agent waters and find himself a starting job somewhere.
serious question: i remember reading a lot over the past two years about how kitna was happy to back up palmer, so why is he suddenly interested in a starting job?
I love Kitna, but he's really not that great of a quarterback.. I'd be just as well to let Craig Krenzel start while Palmer is out.  I think he's a leader-type in the mold of Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson/Jon Kitna.

As if I can't see someone quoting this post and mocking the quarterbacks I just compared Krenzel to.
:eek: :popcorn:
Cool member #.There's a lot of quarterbacks who would look good in this offense, brah.
I thought the same about Collins this year, too. :wall:
I think barring the franchise tag, Kitna will test the free agent waters and find himself a starting job somewhere.
serious question: i remember reading a lot over the past two years about how kitna was happy to back up palmer, so why is he suddenly interested in a starting job?
Being happy with one's current situation is in no way contraindicative to being open to a new situation.I'm sure many people on this board like what they're doing for a living but would find it appealling if downright preferable to be doing something different.

In Kitna's case, he accepted his role as the good soldier, being under contract what else was he to do? Now he has the chance to see if there's a starter's job out there. Any NFL QB worth having is one who ultimately sees himself as a starter under the right circumstances.

I think barring the franchise tag, Kitna will test the free agent waters and find himself a starting job somewhere.
serious question: i remember reading a lot over the past two years about how kitna was happy to back up palmer, so why is he suddenly interested in a starting job?
Being happy with one's current situation is in no way contraindicative to being open to a new situation.I'm sure many people on this board like what they're doing for a living but would find it appealling if downright preferable to be doing something different.

In Kitna's case, he accepted his role as the good soldier, being under contract what else was he to do? Now he has the chance to see if there's a starter's job out there. Any NFL QB worth having is one who ultimately sees himself as a starter under the right circumstances.
i guess my question is, if he were really interested in being a starter, why not force the issue after the '03 season when iirc he was 'comback player of the year' and his stock was at it's highest? now he's two years older and he's going to look for a starting job?i suppose that's for him to know and us to wonder about.

who are the most likely teams? the jets maybe?

I think barring the franchise tag, Kitna will test the free agent waters and find himself a starting job somewhere.
serious question: i remember reading a lot over the past two years about how kitna was happy to back up palmer, so why is he suddenly interested in a starting job?
Being happy with one's current situation is in no way contraindicative to being open to a new situation.I'm sure many people on this board like what they're doing for a living but would find it appealling if downright preferable to be doing something different.

In Kitna's case, he accepted his role as the good soldier, being under contract what else was he to do? Now he has the chance to see if there's a starter's job out there. Any NFL QB worth having is one who ultimately sees himself as a starter under the right circumstances.
i guess my question is, if he were really interested in being a starter, why not force the issue after the '03 season when iirc he was 'comback player of the year' and his stock was at it's highest? now he's two years older and he's going to look for a starting job?i suppose that's for him to know and us to wonder about.

who are the most likely teams? the jets maybe?
Because the team used the 1st overall pick the prior draft on Carson Palmer. There was no hand to force, he was under contract and releasing him would've in no way guaranteed he could sign somewhere else as a starter. And remember, the Bengals paid him a $1.5 million bonus that year even though he technically fell short by a handful of snaps; there was some loyalty there.

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