I know a couple that's friends with BB (as in they socialize with him, they go to his house pretty regularly, and have travelled with him, etc.). They tell me he is nothing like the grumpy old curmudgeon we all see at the podium waging war against the media. I've also heard stories from players that Bill is actually very funny and witty with a dry sense of humor. Very few people have gotten to know the real Bill.
Same thing with Gronk. He acquired the rep as a frat boy, party boy, goof ball. But he's never spent a dime of his salary from over the years (saved it all and lived off of endorsements and other income). Even now, he still volunteers covertly all over Boston. He's a regular at the Children's Hospital and spends the entire day as a human jungle gym playing with little kids who have no idea who he is. But he doesn't announce it, doesn't want the media there, and keeps it on the down low. He's volunteered at many other charity events and done grunt work like a regular Joe. I remember one day my son was at basketball tournament at a sports complex where Gronk was booked at the same time for a paid signing event. All the kids in the tournament were disappointed that they had to play when Gronk was there, and he hung around an hour plus to meet all the basketball kids after their games were done.