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Story About Bill Belichick And The Lions Fans Kids He Snubbed Years Ago (1 Viewer)

Always wondered why some coaches always stay in character with the media. So much you never really know what they are really like.
Always wondered why some coaches always stay in character with the media. So much you never really know what they are really like.

Agreed @Da Guru

We usually have only a sliver of the true story. Yet many, me included, act as if we know everything.

At times I don`t understand why though. Jim Caldwell acted like Billy B the whole time he was in Detroit. Looking back I wonder if he regrets that in some way.

For 4 years when he was asked anything about a players injury it was the exact same answer "Check the report" Matt Patricia was the same way. I have no idesa what Caldwell and Patricia are really like, or if they are any different.

When Dan Campbell was asked about LaPorta he says "Well he hyper -extended his knee, has some swelling and a bone bruise that hopefully with treatment we can get under control, we will know more as the week goes on" Everyone is happy with that answer.

That is why Campbell is so likable. After one win he was asked what he was doing to enjoy this win and DC said "I am going to drink some beers tonight"
As a Jets fan obviously not a fan of Belichick but this is a great story. I do find him interesting as a person - I remember reading storis from the old Giants/Jets beat writers from way back when Belichick was a DC and they spoke of a very outgoing guy who loved to talk about music - Bon Jovi fan if I recall. Always wonder how much of his public persona is partially an act to protect his team
I know a couple that's friends with BB (as in they socialize with him, they go to his house pretty regularly, and have travelled with him, etc.). They tell me he is nothing like the grumpy old curmudgeon we all see at the podium waging war against the media. I've also heard stories from players that Bill is actually very funny and witty with a dry sense of humor. Very few people have gotten to know the real Bill.

Same thing with Gronk. He acquired the rep as a frat boy, party boy, goof ball. But he's never spent a dime of his salary from over the years (saved it all and lived off of endorsements and other income). Even now, he still volunteers covertly all over Boston. He's a regular at the Children's Hospital and spends the entire day as a human jungle gym playing with little kids who have no idea who he is. But he doesn't announce it, doesn't want the media there, and keeps it on the down low. He's volunteered at many other charity events and done grunt work like a regular Joe. I remember one day my son was at basketball tournament at a sports complex where Gronk was booked at the same time for a paid signing event. All the kids in the tournament were disappointed that they had to play when Gronk was there, and he hung around an hour plus to meet all the basketball kids after their games were done.
I know a couple that's friends with BB (as in they socialize with him, they go to his house pretty regularly, and have travelled with him, etc.). They tell me he is nothing like the grumpy old curmudgeon we all see at the podium waging war against the media. I've also heard stories from players that Bill is actually very funny and witty with a dry sense of humor. Very few people have gotten to know the real Bill.

Same thing with Gronk. He acquired the rep as a frat boy, party boy, goof ball. But he's never spent a dime of his salary from over the years (saved it all and lived off of endorsements and other income). Even now, he still volunteers covertly all over Boston. He's a regular at the Children's Hospital and spends the entire day as a human jungle gym playing with little kids who have no idea who he is. But he doesn't announce it, doesn't want the media there, and keeps it on the down low. He's volunteered at many other charity events and done grunt work like a regular Joe. I remember one day my son was at basketball tournament at a sports complex where Gronk was booked at the same time for a paid signing event. All the kids in the tournament were disappointed that they had to play when Gronk was there, and he hung around an hour plus to meet all the basketball kids after their games were done.
Cam Newton came off as jackass with his https://www.si.com/nfl/video/2016/06/09/cam-newton-panthers-dab-history but was one of the great guys around town https://www.patriots.com/news/cam-the-man-newton-off-the-field
hey tell me he is nothing like the grumpy old curmudgeon we all see at the podium waging war against the media. I've also heard stories from players that Bill is actually very funny and witty with a dry sense of humor. Very few people have gotten to know the real Bill.
Have been hearing that about him for over 20 years now. Barkley was the first person I ever heard mention it, said Bill had an amazing sense of humor. I had a hard time buying it at first but so many have since said the same thing.

If I could pick anyone in the world to be hired to become a broadcaster I'd pick him, which of course he could have if he ever wanted it. I think a lot of people think he'd be dull, my guess is we'd get to see his real personality all while he's education viewers in a way they just don't do anymore.

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