I get that, and I think a lot about how challenging it must have been for the pioneers. I just don't need to see a guy scalped up close is all. (The rape scene was also too much for me TBH).Well if you've spent any time watching Ukrainian war footage, Hollywood doesn't do it justice meaning it's a lot worse up close and personal in reality. That said, they didn't pull any punches with this one. Similar to 1883's portrayal of how tough life actually was during that time period, I suspect it's closer to reality than we'd like to admit. Not for the feint of heart but the folks who pushed West were pretty hardcore. Think about what was being asked of the folks who decided to undertake the journey, pack up everything you own and travel a couple thousand miles over unexplored terrain while dealing with hostile Indian tribes trying desperately to hang on to their way of life, marauders who had no law to fear and mother nature just being a ***** every step of the way. Then, just when you're almost there you run into a zealot that is trying to set up his kingdom. The massacre that has everyone upset actually happened.We finished up American Primeval last night. It was a good show, particularly the way it depicted life in the American west in the 1850s. That said, the violence was a bit much, which is really saying something. I can't recall the last time I watched a show or movie and thought "they really need to dial the violence back a bit." This may have been a first for me. I feel like the target audience for this show was people who spend way too much time watching Ukranian war footage, and I'm honestly not kidding about that.
Hollywood has done a good job making death a lot easier to deal with than it is in reality. These shows that make it a little more realistic are shocking to our subdued sensibilities but if you've ever rolled up on a car wreck with a casualty you know death isn't pretty or easy. Not saying I look for this stuff but when I see it, it doesn't put me off too much. I appreciate the realism.
This never really occurred to me until a few days ago, but I actually do wonder if the existence of American Primeval is a data point for the argument that social media has desensitized a large chunk of the population to extreme violence. This show is not Terrifier, which is intentionally over-the-top and cartoonish. This is hyper-realistic depictions of extreme real-world violence of the type that most people scroll past as fast as they can when it shows up in their feed. And again, it is a good show. This is not Netflix garbage. It will probably win some awards.