Using the fictional numbers from before, I thought there was a 20% chance TO would miss the season, therefore I didn't have him ranked in my top 30. Whether that 20% even actually occurred isn't very relevant in determining whether or not my prediction was accurate.
Chase, I have no idea what you are trying to say here but I hope it was code for I told you so.
It was actually the opposite. I'll go back to the rolling the dice example.If I say before you roll a dice that there's a 1/6 chance of rolling a 5, and it comes up 3...is my prediction bad? That's what some in this thread tried to say about me and other FBG staff members because we ranked TO low. But I said whether or not the 5 comes up (which in this case, is TO being suspended for the year) doesn't make the prediction good or bad.
If I say before the roll of the dice that there's a 1/6 chance of rolling a 5, and it comes up 5...my prediction isn't any better. It just looks better.
Many people thought TO had a chance of being suspended for the year, and that's why they ranked him low. I didn't have TO in my top 30, and never intended on drafting him. But even if he never got suspended for the year, I wouldn't have thought it was a bad ranking. I factored into my analysis (as did FBGs) the chance that TO would get suspended for the year; but no one ever questioned what he can do on the field.