If we aren't counting Major League then there's always moneyball, 8 men out, the sandlot
My rankings.
1. The Natural
2. Moneyball (totally slipped my mind)
3. Bull Durham
4. Major League
5. Sandlot
6. Field of Dreams
7. 8 Men Out
1. The Natural
2. Bull Durham
3. Major League
4. Moneyball
5. The Bad News Bears
6. Field of Dreams
7. 8 Men Out
8. The Sandlot
9. Trouble With The Curve
10. The Babe
My list:
- The Natural
- Bull Durham
- Major League
- Bad News Bears
- Field of Dreams
- A League of Their Own
Huge dropoff after that group for me.
Crap how can I forget about A League of Their Own….yeah bump The Babe out for that one on my top 10
For me it's:
1. A League of Their Own
2. Field of Dreams
3. Major League
4. The Pride of the Yankees
And then the rest.
field of dreams because i was lucky enough to have a dad i loved and miss the hell out of and i would do damned near anything to have a catch one more time with him and thats just how it is take that to the bank bromigos
if you can watch this and not get up in your throat im not sure you have a soul
I've told this story before, but not for a while.
My dad lost his dad when he was 2yo- everything points to him getting killed by Murder Inc in Brooklyn over some loan debt, but he essentially vanished. So my dad grew up as "the man of the house" from that point on, learning how to be an actual dad years later on the job with my brother and me (and an amazing dad).
We rented and watched FoD together years after it had come out (when I was visiting as an adult), without much idea what it was about other than baseball.
At that scene, I start getting emotional and look at my dad... He's completely lost it, bawling like I'd never seen him do before or after. It has always been his dream that his dad would magically appear one day. I'm crying writing this.. I miss my dad so much.