Having surprised more than a few people by going to the second round of the playoffs this year, this offseason promises to feature less dread and more hope than recent ones. OK, here we go.Redskins Hire Al Sunders as Offensive CoordinatorHe'll also take over the playcalling from Gibbs, who wants to concentrate on overall team management.

Patrick Ramsey continues to look like he's a goner from the Skins. Buried at the end of that article is the following.Gibbs acknowledged that giving Saunders so much authority marked a significant departure from his previous years as a Redskins coach, and was done only after considerable reflection on his part. "My commitment should be that I need to really look at myself long and hard and say, 'Is there anything I can do to help the Redskins win,' and there's probably some of that" ego checking, Gibbs said.........."I had no feeling that we needed to fill this role. It was specific to Al," Gibbs said. "I can honestly say to you there was nobody else out there."
Finally, Al Saunders Attempts Jedi Mind-Control Tricks on Joe Gibbs, who doesn't even notice.Gibbs called quarterbacks Mark Brunell and Jason Campbell to inform them of Saunders's hiring but said he has not talked to Patrick Ramsey, who almost certainly will be traded or released. Saunders referred to Brunell and Campbell when quickly discussing offensive personnel yesterday, but did not mention Ramsey, a former first-round pick.