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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (9 Viewers)

All of this hooey is the stuff we’re tired of.

Everyone who’s posted on this page (with the post i’m responding to) is lucky we haven’t started the new suspension policy yet. All of you are posting stuff that isn’t the substantive topic of this thread.

Please don’t be board cops to each other. Everyone just please ignore each other.
:goodposting: Thanks for confirming. 

Don't Noonan said:
It will be awesome to not have him following me around anymore.  These guys bought the Russia hoax so badly that they truly have no idea what is about to happen.  Get your popcorn ready!
FYI GB, this is a counterproductive approach.

ETA: that’s not to say the post tog responded to is, or is not, productive in its own right. But following up on your question to me before, we can only control our actions and posts. 

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Maurile Tremblay said:
All of this hooey is the stuff we’re tired of.

Everyone who’s posted on this page (with the post i’m responding to) is lucky we haven’t started the new suspension policy yet. All of you are posting stuff that isn’t the substantive topic of this thread.

Please don’t be board cops to each other. Everyone just please ignore each other.

I respect your thoughts on the matter but only responded to two posts with substantive answers.

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Funny, we just got done talking about Julia Davis’ grifting career.  

Good for Butina- her treatment here was a disgrace.  We’d do the same thing if an American was wrongly imprisoned over there.  She was an ambitious, postgrad gun nut and that’s all she was.  She was held in solitary confinement for months, a practice widely  condemned as torture.  Read this piece by James Bamford, she was no spy.  The Russian government opposed her push for relaxed gun laws.  FSB agents routinely kept tabs on her organization.  Opposition leader Alexiy Navalny endorsed her.  

The Butina story became chum for people’s weird trumprussia fixation, despite having zero to do with the alleged election meddling campaign.  The media had its ‘sexy secret agent’ lede and that was that.  Had she simply filed the correct piece of paper with the correct bureaucrat, everything she did would have been entirely legal.  

One of the worst cases of media malpractice in this whole thing, up there with the Cuban/Russian-trained sonic mindbeam crickets.  

Kyle Cheney @kyledcheney · 12m

It’s official: DOJ has appealed the ruling requiring them to turn over Mueller’s grand jury info to Congress. Deadline was 10/30. Let’s see if there’s a stay.

Funny, we just got done talking about Julia Davis’ grifting career.  

Good for Butina- her treatment here was a disgrace.  We’d do the same thing if an American was wrongly imprisoned over there.  She was an ambitious, postgrad gun nut and that’s all she was.  She was held in solitary confinement for months, a practice widely  condemned as torture.  Read this piece by James Bamford, she was no spy.  The Russian government opposed her push for relaxed gun laws.  FSB agents routinely kept tabs on her organization.  Opposition leader Alexiy Navalny endorsed her.  

The Butina story became chum for people’s weird trumprussia fixation, despite having zero to do with the alleged election meddling campaign.  The media had its ‘sexy secret agent’ lede and that was that.  Had she simply filed the correct piece of paper with the correct bureaucrat, everything she did would have been entirely legal.  

One of the worst cases of media malpractice in this whole thing, up there with the Cuban/Russian-trained sonic mindbeam crickets.  
She pleaded guilty.

Limbaugh today saying there was no evidence in Mueller’s report that Trump did anything wrong and that Devin Nunes is the hero in the story because when people point out there is evidence he doesn’t believe any of the evidence. 

Its baffling that anyone can take him seriously

Limbaugh today saying there was no evidence in Mueller’s report that Trump did anything wrong and that Devin Nunes is the hero in the story because when people point out there is evidence he doesn’t believe any of the evidence. 

Its baffling that anyone can take him seriously
And its profoundly depressing that so many do.

Powell confused Sullivan in court in September when she said the documents could exonerate Flynn, just after telling the judge her client was not planning to withdraw his guilty plea.

Sullivan last year expressed his disdain for the former national security adviser, telling Flynn: “Arguably you sold your country out.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly for anyone watching this since Powell came on and likely before, Flynn appears to be effectively withdrawing his guilty plea.

- Though he hasn't done it explicitly, just through all the crap that Powell has been throwing at Judge Sullivan, who most recently cancelled a hearing on demands for Brady material (weird timing on that). Apparently what happened is that Sullivan saw that Powell was making new claims and asked her to do honest briefing on that and then ask the DOJ to respond, all pretty quickly.

- Flynn's next hearing was supposed to be his final (final final) sentencing in December, but since last year when all the Flynnsanity went down (the judge suggested actual treason based on what he had seen), Flynn backed out of his cooperation with his business partner and has since had Powell shoveling dung at the bench all summer.

- Sullivan is infamously unpredictable, so who knows how this will play out. I'd think he'd be rather pissed all this has transpired. It also appears that Flynn's strategy was to wait out Mueller and get a more favorable hand at the head of the DOJ. Golly, who knows where he got the inside baseball to play that out. And he also seems to have an almost unlimited source of funds.

DC Circuit requests Howell stay her order instructing the DOJ to release Mueller grand jury materials...

...Judge Howell refuses.

Howell had not ruled on the stay request by the time the appeals court issued its order Tuesday, but she weighed in later in the evening, declining to put her decision on hold. She also took more shots at the Trump administration’s legal stance.

The judge said the Justice Department’s arguments suffered from “serious infirmities.” She also described as “minimal” the agency’s chance of prevailing in its appeal.

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How can she just ignore the Circuit Court?
I’m not really clear on this but I think what happens is the appeals court issues an administrative stay that requires a very basic formal statement from the court below that ‘sure yeah I guess the guy who just lost could win in appeal’, which is usually pretty much the case. But here Howell isn’t even doing that, she’s saying this is a waste of time so no not really, the appellant has no shot.

- I’ll be frank I’m not really sure where this has landed.

Its a fast moving case - but I think this is what went down:

District Court orders the disclosure of Grand Jury Testimony.

DOJ files its notice of appeal, and requests that the District Court stay her order.

DOJ files it first motion at the Circuit Court level, asking that court to stay the DC order while the matter is under appeal (once the material is turned over, the appeal is moot)

The district court (Howell) refused to issue the stay.

The circuit court did grant an administrative stay.

It is not unusual to ask both the trial court and appellate court to stay the underlying order.

The administrative stay is significant in that it is not a ruling on the merits of the stay request itself - but simply a time-out while things get sorted.  To win a "stay" DOJ is going to have to show a likelihood of success on the merits of the underlying case - i.e. that the Judge was wrong to order disclosure in this case.  That seem unlikely in this case, but the parties have until early next week to make their case.

Dear God, please let Stone throw Trump under the bus and then go to jail for a long time.

Only way that happens is if there’s serious concern that Trump will be impeached before he can issue pardons. If that ever happens I’d expected a mad rush between Stone, Manafort and Flynn to see who can sell Trump out first. Their loyalty is to the get out of jail card, not Trump.

Only way that happens is if there’s serious concern that Trump will be impeached before he can issue pardons. If that ever happens I’d expected a mad rush between Stone, Manafort and Flynn to see who can sell Trump out first. Their loyalty is to the get out of jail card, not Trump.
It would be like the sausage races at Brewers games.

The Mueller Report’s Secret Memos

BuzzFeed News sued the US government for the right to see all the work that Mueller’s team kept secret. Today we are publishing the first installment.

Today, in response to a court order, the Justice Department has released the first installment of documents: 500 pages of summaries of FBI interviews with witnesses, available here for the first time. Another installment will be released every month for at least the next eight years.

Known as “302 reports,” these summaries of interviews — which have been conducted with people such as former White House counsel Don McGahn, former attorney general Jeff Sessions, and Trump’s former fixer and lawyer Michael Cohen — are some of the most important and highly sought-after documents from Mueller’s investigation. They reveal what key players in the campaign told FBI agents about Russia, Trump, his business dealings, and his attempts to impede the special counsel’s investigation.

SaintsInDome2006 said:
Perhaps less than total exoneration. 

The people with wealth, power, and money in this world do a lot of shady stuff to keep  it. It doesn’t matter if they’re  democrat or republican, Russian or Saudi. They all have an angle they’re working, and it seems more and more rare that any of these people are working for Americans as a whole. They use the law to break the law. You can look at Washington today and say “business as usual” and I think that’s a problem. Perhaps it is, and this administration has taken it to the extreme or is just too clumsy to work the system and a light is being shown. Either way some major reforms need to be made with regards to money flowing to politicians through various means. 

SaintsInDome2006 said:
Am I reading this right that visible text is what has been released? Call me a cynic, have not read through entirely, but I did see Flynn suggestion that Russia was not likely involved in the hack (that it was probably Ukraine) and other comments from Bannon about Cohen, and that he was "halfcocked" and probably behind the decision to pay off Stormy Daniels. Based on this 8 year release, should we expect that only partial-context snippets which help Trump in the near term are being prioritized for release by DOJ?

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Only way that happens is if there’s serious concern that Trump will be impeached before he can issue pardons. If that ever happens I’d expected a mad rush between Stone, Manafort and Flynn to see who can sell Trump out first. Their loyalty is to the get out of jail card, not Trump.
That's an interesting angle that I hadn't considered. 

Am I reading this right that visible text is what has been released? Call me a cynic, have not read through entirely, but I did see Flynn suggestion that Russia was not likely involved in the hack (that it was probably Ukraine) and other comments from Bannon about Cohen, and that he was "halfcocked" and probably behind the decision to pay off Stormy Daniels. Based on this 8 year release, should we expect that only partial-context snippets which help Trump in the near term are being prioritized for release by DOJ?
Is this really helpful to Trump? I find the biggest problem are the redactions and it seems some names are redacted for privacy (this is new behavior started by Barr) and for ongoing investigation, of which there’s a hell of a lot for a supposedly closed investigation, especially the Cohen stuff.

Just about your points:

- Im not sure why Flynn saying he has lots of contacts in Russian intel is good for Trump. It also makes Flynn look like a total dupe. The fact that this guy was in Trump's orbit and influencing him is a key point.

- Bannon’s having a negative opinion of Cohen doesn’t help either. Yeah Cohen is the kind of guy who’d do a scuzzy deal like that and precisely he worked for Trump and did his bidding. I’d also consider that Bannon was actively trying to absolve Trump.

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Is this really helpful to Trump? I find the biggest problem are the redactions and it seems some names are redacted for privacy (this is new behavior started by Barr) and for ongoing investigation, of which there’s a hell of a lot for a supposedly closed investigation, especially the Cohen stuff.

Just about your points:

- Im not sure why Flynn saying he has lots of contacts in Russian intel is good for Trump. It also makes Flynn look like a total dupe. The fact that this guy was in Trump's orbit and influencing him is a key point.

- Bannon’s having a negative opinion of Cohen doesn’t help either. Yeah Cohen is the kind of guy who’d do a scuzzy deal like that and precisely he worked for Trump and did his bidding. I’d also consider that Bannon was actively trying to absolve Trump.
I don't know, which is why I asked. The only difference between my/your impression though is you are taking it to the next level of "well yes, but he had X motive" and assuming others will obviously connect dots on truth/motivation. Having been through the Mueller report, knowing the vast majority are too confused or lazy to take anything beyond Barr's paraphrasing, I think that's naive:

Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said , "get the emails ." Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails. Flynn was adamant the Russians did not carry out the hack . To support this theory Flynn advised , based on his experience , the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) was not capable of figuring it out ... Gates advised Trump Jr. and Manafort also had contacts with , "Russia types. " Gates clarified by saying Manafort's connection with Russians was minimal aside from his relationship with Oleg Deripaska . Gates said Manafort primarily had contacts with Ukrainians . Gates recalled Manafort saying the hack was likely carried out by the Ukrainians, not the Russians , which parroted a narrative Kilimnik often supported. Kilimnik also opined the hack could have been perpetrated by Russian operatives in Ukraine.
Wouldn't this snippet logically be produced to (1) support possibility of non-Russian origin narrative, (2) support incompetence of the USIC, giving footing to the ongoing "investigation of the investigation" by DOJ? Seems self-serving, even if you don't feel it directly supports Trump. Like you, I assume there is additional context that shows why Mueller didn't find it compelling. However, I can already envision the Barr recap of the half-context released text: "The Mueller report showed evidence of possible Ukraine origin, and that our US intelligence agency might not be capable of solving. We think it needed to be looked at more closely, and lo and behold see this rabbit we pulled out of a hat." That will thereafter be what 99% think the released materials supported. If necessary context is released 8 years from now, it would not even matter.

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Kyle Cheney@kyledcheney · 49s

This was the only way the Roger Stone trial could conceivably start.

Josh Gerstein@joshgerstein· 2m

We've completed voir dire of just one potential juror at Roger Stone trial. She is a former Obama WH OMB official. Courtroom cleared for a medical incident involving a spectator. Trial in recess.


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