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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (7 Viewers)

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[scooter] said:
Trump's approval number dropped 6 points today. :lol:

You really need to coordinate your goalpost moves with the last poll results, buddy.
I HOPE DROPPED MEANS UP - and 6 means 200.


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urbanhack said:
Summarize today:

1. Pushed conspiracy theory that millions of people vote illegally
2. Claimed he doesn’t know why his attorney paid an adult film star 130K
3. Defended his claim that Mexican immigrants are rapists
4. Praised his EPA Director who grossly abused tax dollars

Did we miss anything?
5. Possibly $100 Billion in new tariffs

6.  I’m not sure if anyone caught it but he hinted at having the government subsidize farmers for the agriculture hit on China.  I figured more people would have at least mentioned it.

subsidize farmers 

Your REPUBLICAN President is going to cut the legs out from under rural farmers...

..and THEN he’s going to put them on government welfare?

How much will this cost us and how many families will this affect?

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Don't Noonan said:
Well Tim, we will see who is right soon enough.  One thing is for sure Obamacare was wildly unpopular.   People are starting to see their paychecks go up, and after hearing the crumbs lies from Pelosi and Schumer I think Democrats are going to lose the momentum they have from Trump and fast.
Good luck with that.

Scott Pruitt, you've had tremendous success in destroying America's environment and building a huge new beautiful swamp in DC. What are you going to do next?

I'm going to Disney World on the taxpayer's dime!

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5. Possibly $100 Billion in new tariffs

6.  I’m not sure if anyone caught it but he hinted at having the government subsidize farmers for the agriculture hit on China.  I figured more people would have at least mentioned it.
I thought the right was against subsidizing groups of people?

Don't Noonan said:
One thing is for sure Obamacare was wildly unpopular.
So wildly unpopular the GOP held house, GOP held Senate, and GOP held Presidency can't seem to pry it from the hands of the people....good shtick :thumbup:

Don't Noonan said:
Exactly!   Only this is great for America and Denocrats are already looking stupid on this based on Trunps rising poll numbers.
Are these the same polls that had Hillary destroying Trump?  :coffee:  


Your REPUBLICAN President is going to cut the legs out from under rural farmers...

..and THEN he’s going to put them on government welfare?

How much will this cost us and how many families will this affect?
I'd be relatively confident that any such help to farmers would be structured such that family farmers get next to nothing.  Corporate farming on the other hand.

Facts: Stocks slide on renewed trade worries. Job report and wages show weak job data.

Those are headlines today from Fox Business.

Trump fans: “Donald Trump is good on the economy though”.  :rolleyes:

Robert Wilkie has taken over as VA Secretary.

However Tom Bowman was next in line.

Following Shulkin’s firing, Trump nominated White House physician Ronny Jackson as the next VA secretary, and Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Robert Wilkie to serve as acting secretary until the confirmation process is complete. But the announcement bypassed VA Deputy Secretary Tom Bowman, who was the next in line to take over the top leadership post. White House officials have not addressed the legal justification for a move, saying only that Wilkie has been working in the role since last Thursday. 

Well, the good news is there's virtually no chance of the Dow dropping to 23,000 today no matter how it goes.  So we should get another weekend for cool heads to prevail and some new weird news to pop up.  That's more pleasant than I expected this week.  

I'm shocked that Fox even mentioned the stock slide. I bet someone gets fired.
Its actually from Fox Business.  Its ok because they balanced it with "Amazon’s Prime Wardrobe – will it mean more retail demise?"

I'm hoping to read their expose tomorrow on "The home PC - Will it hurt the retail typewriter market?"
Fox News has a ticker all day and usually only do it during big losses. I doubt someone gets fired for it though.


Aides sometimes plot to have guests make points on Fox that they have been unable to get the president to agree to in person.

“He will listen more when it is on TV,” a senior administration official tells WaPo.

:lmao:   It's hilarious how his staff has to figure out and manipulate Trump like daycare workers have to work around certain special children and their needs. 

:lmao:   It's hilarious how his staff has to figure out and manipulate Trump like daycare workers have to work around certain special children and their needs. 
Quick!  Someone drag Barney out of retirement and get him a regular spot on Fox and Friends!  Something that teaches ethics and civics for starters.

Ok...how about the official announcement from China?  It's in the link I provided.


Notice of the Customs Tariff Commission 
of the State Council on the 
Duty Reduction Concession Obligations of Certain Import Commodities Originating in the United States

Taxation Committee [2018] 13

General Administration of Customs:

  In order to safeguard China's interests and balance the losses caused by the United States adding tariffs (ie 232 measures) to imported steel and aluminum products to China's interests, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council has decided to suspend duty concessions on certain imported goods originating in the United States. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows:

  I. To suspend tariff reduction obligations on 120 imported commodities such as fruits and products originating in the United States, impose additional tariffs on the basis of the current applicable tariff rates, and impose a tariff rate of 15%.

  Secondly, 8 import commodities such as pork and products originating in the United States shall be subject to tariff reduction obligations. Tariffs shall be imposed on the basis of the current applicable tariff rates, and the tariff rate shall be increased by 25%.

  Third, the current policy of taxation, tax relief and tax exemption remains unchanged.

  Fourth, after adding tariffs, relevant calculation formula:

  Tariff = duty paid price × (current applicable tariff rate + imposed tariff rate)

  Import Consumption Tax = Consumption Tax Calculated Price of Import Link × Consumption Tax Rate of Import Link

  Taxes for consumption tax at the import link = (tariff duty + duty)/(1-tax for importation tax)

  Value-added tax for import link = Value-added tax for import link × Tax rate for import link VAT

  Import link value-added tax calculation = tariff pay price + tariff + import link consumption tax

  5. This Circular shall be implemented as of April 2, 2018.

  Notice is hereby given.

  Annex: List of Commodity Tariff Obligations Concerning Tariff Reduction and Tariff Increase

  State Council Customs Tariff Commission

2018 Nian 4 Yue 1 Ri

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I'm no trade expert, but from a Trump behavior standpoint it seems pretty obvious how this is gonna go down. He'll posture for a little while longer, then fold while finding some minute detail or concession that allows him to convince himself and his hard core followers that he "won" no matter what "the experts" say.  Then he'll take credit for ensuing stock market recovery, essentially double-dipping on credit for the market.

Ok...how about the official announcement from China?  It's in the link I provided.


That is a release of their intentions, not that they have been implemented. Again, why would Reuters write it like they did?

The White House’s National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow spent much of the day Wednesday trying to calm markets after the two countries announced tariffs, and said they still have time work out their differences.

“Remember, none of the tariffs have been put in place yet. These are all proposals,” he said in a brief interview, without specifying if talks are planned or how they’d take place. “We’re putting it out for comment. There’s at least two months before any actions are taken. China by the way did not enact the tariffs.”

China’s ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, also said his first choice would be to consult the U.S. over trade. “Negotiations would still be our preference, but it takes two to tango,” he said. “We’ll always stand for consultation and negotiation, but if others do things in the wrong direction, we’ll have to respond.”

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The equity markets and the jobs report do not make up "the economy", but they are both economic indicators.

Call it 0-2 today, as again another huge volatility day on the markets, this time down, and an unfavorable monthly jobs report.

If Obama had a policy that could so directly be tied to the equity markets losing 400 or 600 points in a day, both of which have happened multiple times in the last 2 months alone, it would have been bedlam. 

Also, if people weren't so shell shocked by the constant noise and BS, this month's jobs report under the Obama administration would have been labeled a disaster, the likes of which Hannity et. al. would rail on for a week.

Not good. Let's see what happens with the housing market. Maybe we can go 0-3 like we did in 2007-2008. Or, hopefully we can collectively figure it out, and change things back to "normal" in 2018 and 2020.

My question is, was 2009-2016 not decent enough on equity growth, unemployment, and housing prices? What is the actual problem we're solving, that's leading to these fixes where we lose 1%-2% percentage points a day? It's absurd.

Ok...how about the official announcement from China?  It's in the link I provided.


That is a release of their intentions, not that they have been implemented. Again, why would Reuters write it like they did?

The White House’s National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow spent much of the day Wednesday trying to calm markets after the two countries announced tariffs, and said they still have time work out their differences.

“Remember, none of the tariffs have been put in place yet. These are all proposals,” he said in a brief interview, without specifying if talks are planned or how they’d take place. “We’re putting it out for comment. There’s at least two months before any actions are taken. China by the way did not enact the tariffs.”

China’s ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, also said his first choice would be to consult the U.S. over trade. “Negotiations would still be our preference, but it takes two to tango,” he said. “We’ll always stand for consultation and negotiation, but if others do things in the wrong direction, we’ll have to respond.”
Ok....how about this.

Though I think I see where this is going if we're using Kudlow as a source  :mellow:  

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