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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (1 Viewer)

The problem is he's bluffing. If he had anything, he'd have brought it out by now. He's all in with just a high card hand, and the democrats have a straight flush.
Remember when there were reports that Trump was going to throw him under the bus like he did with Cohen and Rudy said he's not worried, he has insurance against that? That's Rudy's go-to move. He has all this secret information he can hurt you with.  It's his defense mechanism. 

Remember when there were reports that Trump was going to throw him under the bus like he did with Cohen and Rudy said he's not worried, he has insurance against that? That's Rudy's go-to move. He has all this secret information he can hurt you with.  It's his defense mechanism. 
And we all know these so called “reports” aren’t always true.

Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In his opening statement at Trump's impeachment trial, Rep. Adam Schiff reminded the Senate of their solemn duty and the gravity of just what it is they will be discussing at the trial.

Schiff warned that if Trump is not impeached, the American people may have a chance to tamper with the next election.

"If President Trump is not impeached, the American people might get a say in who is president," Schiff said gravely. "We simply can't allow that to happen. We must diligently defend our electoral process against electoral outcomes we do not like. If that means seizing power through a sham impeachment trial, so be it."

"When the Founders wrote that founding document thing, they never imagined there would be electoral outcomes that Democrats did not agree with."

Democrats also said they even have hard evidence that the 2016 election was compromised by Republicans voting for Trump.

"We know this horrible outcome could happen, because it's already happened once before."


George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley appeared on CBS and offered his most biting criticism of the House Democrats’ efforts to impeach the President yet. Coming from someone who does not support and did not vote for President Trump, his comments are especially significant.

The CBS panel had been discussing the second Article of Impeachment on Thursday when Turley said, “I think that this is one where the House is completely unmoored by history and by the law. And I think that this will go down as one of the greatest historic blunders of a House of Congress.”

Nice to see a Dem with some objectivity.

I may have to listen to that again, but it seemed that his basis was that low income wages are rising at 4.5% vs 3% for high wage earners. While that sounds great I’m wondering what that would equate to- ie 4.5% of say $15 an hour  is what, about $.68 an hour? 3% of $30 an hour (hardly “high wage earner”) is about $.90 an hour. So is it really as rosy or am I misconstruing this? 
He mentioned some other numbers but like I said I think I’ll have to watch that again to understand it better.

Nice to see a Dem with some objectivity.
I think Turley may be a bit peeved that Nadler cites him today.

Id really like to hear the conservative argument for machining executive power and minimizing Congressional powers. At the same time btw trump lawyers are in court arguing that the courts have no role in any demands by Congress.

I may have to listen to that again, but it seemed that his basis was that low income wages are rising at 4.5% vs 3% for high wage earners. While that sounds great I’m wondering what that would equate to- ie 4.5% of say $15 an hour  is what, about $.68 an hour? 3% of $30 an hour (hardly “high wage earner”) is about $.90 an hour. So is it really as rosy or am I misconstruing this? 
He mentioned some other numbers but like I said I think I’ll have to watch that again to understand it better.
It was 4.5% for low income and 3% for middle income which is pretty good considering it's been between 2-3% increases for the last several years. 

With the economy doing a well as it is, and employers having to increase starting wages to remain competitive, things are trending in the right direction.  Obviously there is still a long way to go, but being able to say this economy is closing the gap will be a good campaigning point. 

There was a time when I had become pretty moderate.  I'm so sick of Dems taking the moral high ground and telling me what a POS I am for disagreeing with them.  And working class America feels that way too.  That's why you lost in 2016, and that's why you'll lose in 2020.  

Keep America Great!

There was a time when I had become pretty moderate.  I'm so sick of Dems taking the moral high ground and telling me what a POS I am for disagreeing with them.  And working class America feels that way too.  That's why you lost in 2016, and that's why you'll lose in 2020.  

Keep America Great!
they may think they have the moral high ground, but they don't. They're not even close to the moral high ground for many reasons, not just this type of stuff.

Seriously, if you support murdering babies you can't even talk about the moral high ground at all.  

Trump speaking at the March of life will have huge consequences.  Dems have been doing a rain dance to celebrate the falling evangelical support--and Trump just shored it up in 1 speech.  

Trump speaking at the March of life will have huge consequences.  Dems have been doing a rain dance to celebrate the falling evangelical support--and Trump just shored it up in 1 speech.  
You mean the guy that was pro-choice until he figured out his biggest con?

Repost, but it's worth it: One of my favorite Democrats, Bill Maher, summed it up perfectly:  "The Clinton impeachment started with a blow job, the Trump impeachment will end with one." 

HFS.  I'm watching reruns and Pelosi was on Maher last week. 

Shes a mess.  She actually believed Repub Senators were going to jump on board with her. 

Bill said it was Charlie Brown and the football. 

Pelosi is Charlie Brown and she missed the football and fell on her back. Again. 


Love the guy that asked Liz Warren after saving for years for his daughters college if he would be refunded that money and she snaps back “absolutely not” like there is anything that makes sense about her biased hand outs. Can’t believe people think that way, she’s an embarrassment. 
I can’t imagine what would cause me to support her.  What level of self loathing or hatred of my country would make me cast a vote in her name?


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