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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (3 Viewers)

dkp993 said:
I submit into evidence your honor exhibit A - “The Mustard Incident” and exhibit B -“The Tan Suit”.  
Not analogous.  Those were actually reported in the US.  

It’s a UK publication, of course they did a story on connection to his mother’s home town in the UK.  

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At this point, it might be a good thing if Biden gets the nomination.  It’s very telling that he is bumbling like this and still holds a lead in the polls over the rest of the Dems.  
Well to be fair bumbles shouldn't be road blocks.  Look at all of Trumps bumbles and the GOP is trying to cancel primaries in a bunch of states to keep challengers away from him, bumbles are good for both sidz!

Well to be fair bumbles shouldn't be road blocks.  Look at all of Trumps bumbles and the GOP is trying to cancel primaries in a bunch of states to keep challengers away from him, bumbles are good for both sidz!
Yeah.  I don’t like them canceling primaries (if that’s true).  It’s more appropriate for everyone to spend millions on primaries only to circumvent the will of the voters with “superdelegates.”  

Well to be fair bumbles shouldn't be road blocks.  Look at all of Trumps bumbles and the GOP is trying to cancel primaries in a bunch of states to keep challengers away from him, bumbles are good for both sidz!
As far as expectations go, 2020 simply isn't going to be a fair fight. The Dem nominee is going to be held to far higher standards and to quote Wade on Omaha Beach:

####! Just give us a ####### chance you son of a #####! You son of a ####### ##########!
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Yeah.  I don’t like them canceling primaries (if that’s true).  It’s more appropriate for everyone to spend millions on primaries only to circumvent the will of the voters with “superdelegates.”  
Trump and others have claimed that but it was found to be false per Politifact:


No, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders wouldn't have won even if super delegates were nixed


Trump tweeted, "An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if it were not for the Super Delegates."

This does not check out. Sanders would have still lost without superdelegates in the mix, because Clinton won a majority of the popular vote and pledged delegates.

On the contrary, the only way for Sanders to have won is he would have been able to persuade more superdelegates to switch their votes from Clinton to him.

We rate Trump’s claim False.

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This is the weakest possible argument one can use.  The truth is important whether “average Americans” care or not.  Blatant in your face lies matter. Doing the opposite of what was promised matters, and more importantly not pointing it out or brining it to the forefront allows for the lies to be even more blatant the next time.  

(Waiting for the inevitable JB rolling emoji or laughing reaction.....)
You are totally wrong on this a non issue In The 2020 election.  People will vote with their wallets and the economy is doing very well.  You are out of touch.

Seriously..."dedication to the issue" Unbelievable 
A follow-up: So we just got through the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks, which was the catalyst for the creation of the DHS. As I am sure you know, Trump invited Taliban leaders to the US just a few days before.

Right now at DHS under Trump:

- The DHS general counsel was just fired - no nominee, no appointment.

DHS Secretary - no nominee, led by acting.

DHS Deputy Secretary - no nominee, led by acting.

DHS Under Secretary for Management - no nominee, led by acting.

CBP Commissioner - no nominee, led by acting.

ICE Director - no nominee, led by acting.

USCIS DIrector - no nominee, led by acting.

FEMA Administrator - led by acting, nominee in place, nominee just withdrew, no nominee.

Fema director for the Puerto Rico recovery - just indicted.

Assistant Fema director for the Puerto Rico recovery - just indicted.

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You are totally wrong on this a non issue In The 2020 election.  People will vote with their wallets and the economy is doing very well.  You are out of touch.
If the economy is poor for people.....they are more likely to vote with their wallets.

If the economy is doing well for people.....they are more likely to vote for more secondary and tertiary issues.

Trump has to make the issue of the success of the economy solely about him....while blaming the spectre of a recession on the horizon on the idea that if he loses....the whole house of cards tumbles down.  

Footage of the wall on Fox News as we speak......it’s being built and it’s spectacular. 
I think I saw the same report. It was a presser by Trump at the construction claiming that was what was happening. The Fox reporter said Trump ‘dodged’ when asked if Mexico was paying for it and said that its being claimed that it’s replacement fencing. Unusual piece by Fox.

>>Last month, the administration completed 14 miles of steel bollards up to 30 feet high. The $147 million project replaced a much shorter fence made of surplus airstrip landing mats from the Vietnam War.<<

>>Meanwhile, the Defense Department has nixed three border barrier projects in Arizona over costs, according to a court document filed Monday.<<


Politicfact article from August 30:

Donald Trump’s border wall: how much has been built?

Before Trump became president, 654 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S. Mexico border had primary barriers. As of today, that hasn’t increased.

To date, the administration has replacedabout 60 miles of dilapidated barriers with new fencing. And a major component of Trump’s pledge — that Mexico would pay for the wall — hasn’t been part of the equation. U.S. taxpayers have paid the cost.

Who’s going to pay for it! We are!!

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Politicfact article from August 30:

Donald Trump’s border wall: how much has been built?

Before Trump became president, 654 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S. Mexico border had primary barriers. As of today, that hasn’t increased.

To date, the administration has replacedabout 60 miles of dilapidated barriers with new fencing. And a major component of Trump’s pledge — that Mexico would pay for the wall — hasn’t been part of the equation. U.S. taxpayers have paid the cost.

Who’s going to pay for it! We are!!
El Chapo’s money isn’t going to go to the Just Say No program 

How we feeling about these reports of Trump asking Ukraine for dirt on Biden’s kid? 

Fake news, nothingburger?  Searching fir examples of where Obama did something similar?

What‘s the MAGA crowd play?

If there was even one mile of new wall built, Trump would have before and after pictures as well as a time lapse video of it being built. And he'd be showing it at rallies and it would be shown every ten minutes on Fox News. The man hasn't gotten one foot of new wall built. We all know it. Even the ones pretending that they believe him. 

He also retweeted a video of himself talking about himself winning a Nobel prize with some fire, high five hand and cat emojis.

Another banner day for the perfectly stable genius.

Your guy took time to troll some little girl on his Twitter machine. Another proud day for MAGA people!
Wait.  Is she a little girl or is she a force to be reckoned with?  You cant have it both ways.  In the climate change thread shes a guiding light and smarter than her age.  Now shes a little girl.  Make up your flippin mind

Wait.  Is she a little girl or is she a force to be reckoned with?  You cant have it both ways.  In the climate change thread shes a guiding light and smarter than her age.  Now shes a little girl.  Make up your flippin mind
She's not a little kid who spoke in front of the UN and got world wide attention? Seems like that is both of the things you say.

She's a little girl that who was speaking on an a very important issue. The president, who thinks climate change is a hoax, took time to make fun of a little kid. Just our daily example of how pathetic he is.

She's not a little kid who spoke in front of the UN and got world wide attention? Seems like that is both of the things you say.

She's a little girl that who was speaking on an a very important issue. The president, who thinks climate change is a hoax, took time to make fun of a little kid. Just our daily example of how pathetic he is.
I agree shes a little kid and I agree trump shouldnt make fun of little kids

I agree shes a little kid and I agree trump shouldnt make fun of little kids
Trump's idea of protecting our environment:

  • A coal lobbyist runs the EPA
  • An oil lobbyist runs the DOI 
  • A BP oil attorney is the nation's top enviro lawyer
  • An agribusiness & chemical industry insider runs Agriculture
  • A Monsanto exec is tapped to run US Fish & Wildlife

Give me the little girl.

Trump's idea of protecting our environment:

  • A coal lobbyist runs the EPA
  • An oil lobbyist runs the DOI 
  • A BP oil attorney is the nation's top enviro lawyer
  • An agribusiness & chemical industry insider runs Agriculture
  • A Monsanto exec is tapped to run US Fish & Wildlife

Give me the little girl.
I notice you posting in the PSF a lot more lately, don’t get sucked in with the rest of the fellowship of the miserable 


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