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what happened to the shark pool? (1 Viewer)

I'll browse on my laptop, my wife's laptop, my smartphone, and my tablet. Bookmarks don't sync across all four devices. Black dots do.
Really? Mine do.
Black dots also have other advantages. Sometimes a thread has a crappy or misleading title, and I'll completely forget that I'd read it, but the black dot serves as a visual reminder. With a black dot, you can see automatically which threads have new replies without going through every one of your (potentially considerable number of) bookmarks. Black dots are more useful when someone practices thread necromancy. Lots of advantages.
All of which could be accomplished by bookmarks or other means without annoying other readers. Black dotting is really the most selfish thing you can do on a forum like this
Really, though, black dots have been around since the dawn of FBGs. An emoticon was created whose sole reason for existence was black dotting threads. Love it or hate it, it's part of the fabric of the forums at this point.
The "that's the way it's always been" argument is a particularly bad one in any debate on any topic.
Seriously, always thought the black dot was pretty innocent. Had no idea that people were this level of annoyed by my not saying anything (over making something useless up).
'BassNBrew said:
Guys like Kool aid larry and rizzler have ruined countless threads recently with thread stalking and bickering as if anyone cared about their factless opinion posts and ongoing arguments.
Someone cared enough to write a novel about it. :rolleyes: Anyways, short and sweet. If this was a forum that dealt with serious, life altering issues, I'd care.

It doesn't. This forum and this hobby are about pretending to be something we're not; Owners of a football team.

It's make belief, man. Most of us come here to cool down, blow off some steam, throw a couple zingers, and when we want real info, we hit the articles.

Some of us like to make novellas about how cool things were back in the dinosaur age.
OMG..you cant be FN serious? I know this..the 10/20 K i spend a year playing this hobby is not PRETEND Monopoly money! Lots of players here play very serious high stakes FF on a professional level. Now i know exactly what Fred was talking about. Trolls like you just ruin sites like this..you would have been chewed up and spit out back in the day..that kind of BS would not ever have gone on back then! What a dam shame! Wow, guess i know why i dont come around here nearly like i used to! I haven't been as crazy about the tank since the board change. There was a time this place was the first place id come anytime i wanted to find the best up to the second information. Those were the days, this forum was the best for that. I was far from an angel here but did try to contribute some good stuff as much as possible too. I can see why Fred is so turned off..What a disgrace of a post, as soon as i get to post like this i also turn off and leave..its just that pathetic..if you feel that way why the hell you here? Screw don't back back..who needs this kind of BS here? Pretend? So if i blow 10k playing this year can i pretend that its still really in my bank account?? WTF kind of BS nonsense is that? OMG if this donkey is anything like the type of new posters around here then this place will never be the same again and i cant tell you how big a shame that would be.

Does not J still come around in here and give creeps like this a warning or two before giving them a time out or worse? Jeez, now dopes like this are costing me good time..wasted time and that's exactly what Fred was referring too..just takes a few Aholes like Riz here and destroy a great forum!

Joe clean this place up and out, one way or another.
Speaking of cleaning up..."i was banned for 4 years and i guess it just been lifted recently, how much do i owe you bass? I will get it to you with my next check..sorry about that but my isp was banned and i could even browse this site never mind log in..again sorry. I will take care of this as i do recall a bet we had back then..i think it was $25 or $50 but am not sure..let me know and keep things cool and i will make good on it via paypal or check during my next pay period.." - DoonyT

It was $50 Donny. You've passed Lhucks on the debt delinquincy meter and are now closing in on the US gov't.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: The next time BassNBrew and Donny meet
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'BassNBrew said:
Guys like Kool aid larry and rizzler have ruined countless threads recently with thread stalking and bickering as if anyone cared about their factless opinion posts and ongoing arguments.
Someone cared enough to write a novel about it. :rolleyes: Anyways, short and sweet. If this was a forum that dealt with serious, life altering issues, I'd care.

It doesn't. This forum and this hobby are about pretending to be something we're not; Owners of a football team.

It's make belief, man. Most of us come here to cool down, blow off some steam, throw a couple zingers, and when we want real info, we hit the articles.

Some of us like to make novellas about how cool things were back in the dinosaur age.
OMG..you cant be FN serious? I know this..the 10/20 K i spend a year playing this hobby is not PRETEND Monopoly money! Lots of players here play very serious high stakes FF on a professional level. Now i know exactly what Fred was talking about. Trolls like you just ruin sites like this..you would have been chewed up and spit out back in the day..that kind of BS would not ever have gone on back then! What a dam shame! Wow, guess i know why i dont come around here nearly like i used to! I haven't been as crazy about the tank since the board change. There was a time this place was the first place id come anytime i wanted to find the best up to the second information. Those were the days, this forum was the best for that. I was far from an angel here but did try to contribute some good stuff as much as possible too. I can see why Fred is so turned off..What a disgrace of a post, as soon as i get to post like this i also turn off and leave..its just that pathetic..if you feel that way why the hell you here? Screw don't back back..who needs this kind of BS here? Pretend? So if i blow 10k playing this year can i pretend that its still really in my bank account?? WTF kind of BS nonsense is that? OMG if this donkey is anything like the type of new posters around here then this place will never be the same again and i cant tell you how big a shame that would be.

Does not J still come around in here and give creeps like this a warning or two before giving them a time out or worse? Jeez, now dopes like this are costing me good time..wasted time and that's exactly what Fred was referring too..just takes a few Aholes like Riz here and destroy a great forum!

Joe clean this place up and out, one way or another.
Speaking of cleaning up..."i was banned for 4 years and i guess it just been lifted recently, how much do i owe you bass? I will get it to you with my next check..sorry about that but my isp was banned and i could even browse this site never mind log in..again sorry. I will take care of this as i do recall a bet we had back then..i think it was $25 or $50 but am not sure..let me know and keep things cool and i will make good on it via paypal or check during my next pay period.." - DoonyTIt was $50 Donny. You've passed Lhucks on the debt delinquincy meter and are now closing in on the US gov't.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I've been in leagues with Donny for many years. I can assure you that he probably just forgot.DT hasn't welched on a bet in his life.

I blame Spygate. It brought out too many posters who either wanted to defend or vilify the Patriots and Belichick, and many of those posters stuck around and were nothing but nuisances. And the SP has never recovered.
Interesting timing on this post. There is a new book out about Spygate.http://www.amazon.com/Spygate-Untold-Story-Bryan-OLeary/dp/0985467002The author was on local radio today. He learned some very intriguing stuff that didn't come out before.
Not sure what value this place has in general anymore. With the right twitter feeds you can get all the information you need on any player or team and avoid all the bull#### slapfights.

The articles that shark pool members are always nice to read. I appreciate guys like MOP, Yudkin, and others that bring something interesting to talk about to the pool. I'm not a prolific poster as some are, but I find it easy enough to sort through what's worth reading. I pay for the footballguys content/articles. I don't pay for the sharkpool. Any value that I get from it is just a bonus.

Even if the boards were paid, some people would still pay just to be a D-bag and zing people. Personally, I save that for the people that I actually compete against. The boards aren't a competition for me so I'm content to take in what I can and hope that it helps me vs. my leaguemates. Ultimately, anytime there's a forum for discussion people will join in just to try to win the argument rather than forward the discussion. They're pretty easy to pick out. You can just ignore and move on.

just got a pm/email from my buddy here..i do not have the time right now to sift through this entire thread to find the posts but its said some bassnbrew person has a problem..me welsh on a bet?? NOW THAT AS FN FUNNY AS ANYTHING IVE EVER HEARD OF ABOUT MYSELF!...not sure if anyone might remember my old sig i used here before Tilman is my hero but it was all about aholes who makes side bets and don't pay out here and how it pisses me off to no end! I made what must be in the hundreds of side bets on all kinds of things Ff related out here and never once not paid when i lost (i do have a pretty good winning % tho:) but have one to many times not gotten paid for a win. But that's beside the point. Now as for this crazy accusation...i was suspended here for like three years and i'd did not come back here even once for at least 2-3 years after that. So what you're talking about has to be 7-8 years ago? Well excuse me! Not only could i not log in i could not see the entire board for two years! If i had a bet i have no idea what it was how it got made how it finished or if i won or lost for that matter or how much it was for even! I must have more more than one side bet going on here over the years i was active here before getting suspended! Strange i see no one claiming they lost any to me huh? Bass whoever do you see me changing my user name or trying to hide? Never happen, are you that desperate and hurting really or did you yapp so much and talk BS that you might not have deserved to get paid IF a bet was even had? But i got to run right now ill get back to this when i have time to and time to think about what the heck ur talking about and i better not remember or see any BS talk pointed at me from you or you wasted your time..but again if i lost a legit bet and its proved to me i have no problem paying up even if it was 7 years ago and i was blocked form this site for half of them. Whats funny here is my email never changed and i never heard a word about this from you or anyone for that matter that i recall and i have been bouncing in and around here every now and then even posted some and never heard this..but now this comes up? Shocked to say the least but if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on with interest as long as you didn't talk BS when i had no chance to even log on or read this site know outcome of any bets and defend myself. I say that because i know what ive had to deal with here(and yes i given back just as well)over those past years.

How much was this bet? I spend a small fortune every year playing this hobby. Cash is not the issue here. Ill be back at a better time for me..but don't talk BS.. PM me some details but please understand i wasn't able to log in or view this site for many years when this may have gone down.

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Not sure what value this place has in general anymore. With the right twitter feeds you can get all the information you need on any player or team and avoid all the bull#### slapfights.
You still can share your opinion and debate your side of a point if done right. To me this place has been more than just a place where you get news, I think that's the same for you too, Culdeus.
if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on
I know bass and I remember that there was a bet. Its been a long time, but he's legit. I think it was in the mock drafts forum, and I do believe you got banned somewhere around that time.
What happened to SSOG? His posts were great.
Never seen a poster "need" to be right more than SSOG. Everyone has their own opinion.
Yeah, when I first came here I loved to post and discuss stats with some of the guys and how they could be interpreted in FF and real football. I found a few posters who seemed to enjoy it as well and I was really having fun. I saw SSOG make a post, it seemed well thought out and had stats to back it up. I posted a counter argument with a different opinion, backed it up with stats - just to see what he thought. He went off on me - told me how I was so wrong, belittled my ideas, but never tried to prove his point after that. I looked at his join date and respected that - so I stopped discussing stuff along those lines after that. I finished that thread with a few other posters who seemed to not get so flustered if you disagreed - but I figured SSOG was the establishment here so I backed off.I don't say this to single out SSOG - he just happened to be my reason as to why I stopped trying to get too deep in discussions here. I really just wanted to point out that the OP, fred, is right in my humble opinion. As a new guy, who loves discussion and constructive arguments, it seems it's hard sometimes to find others who want the same, and who can take others disagreeing with them without it turning into a mud slinging fest.

*Edited* to clarify a few things.

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Most people are primarily interested in themselves, so you're always gonna have the ACF type posts mixed in with the SP info threads. Once I learned to treat those as noise, I got a lot more satisfaction here. A lot of folks think it's there job to play board cop.There are still a lot of really well informed posters that provide great insight and discussion around here. Always has been.On the flip-side, you also going to have a few "look at me folks" (I.e., Rizzler). The folks that like to have "fun" junking up threads with one-liners and starting pissing contests. In a way I feel bad for them. If you gotta bully people and get your kicks being a jack-### online, you might need to find another hobby.
do you feel rizzler is bullying you?
Not at all. I really meant that certain folks seem to get enjoyment from riling up others to get reaction. I've never seen Rizzler do anything overly mean spirited or cross the line with anyone personally. Bullying was a poor choice of words.
What happened to SSOG? His posts were great.
Never seen a poster "need" to be right more than SSOG. Everyone has their own opinion.
Yeah, when I first came here I loved to post and discuss stats with some of the guys and how they could be interpreted in FF and real football. I found a few posters who seemed to enjoy it as well and I was really having fun. I saw SSOG make a post, it seemed well thought out and had stats to back it up. I posted a counter argument with a different opinion, backed it up with stats - just to see what he thought. He went off on me - told me how I was so wrong, called me a few names, but never tried to prove his point after that. I looked at his join date and respected that - so I stopped discussing stuff along those lines after that. I finished that thread with a few other posters who seemed to not get so flustered if you disagreed - but I figured SSOG was the establishment here so I backed off.
Would you mind linking me to this exchange, please? I've never known SSOG to be anything other than a gentleman.
What happened to SSOG? His posts were great.
Never seen a poster "need" to be right more than SSOG. Everyone has their own opinion.
Yeah, when I first came here I loved to post and discuss stats with some of the guys and how they could be interpreted in FF and real football. I found a few posters who seemed to enjoy it as well and I was really having fun. I saw SSOG make a post, it seemed well thought out and had stats to back it up. I posted a counter argument with a different opinion, backed it up with stats - just to see what he thought. He went off on me - told me how I was so wrong, called me a few names, but never tried to prove his point after that. I looked at his join date and respected that - so I stopped discussing stuff along those lines after that. I finished that thread with a few other posters who seemed to not get so flustered if you disagreed - but I figured SSOG was the establishment here so I backed off.
Would you mind linking me to this exchange, please? I've never known SSOG to be anything other than a gentleman.
SSOG said himself that he had toolish tendencies.
just got a pm/email from my buddy here..i do not have the time right now to sift through this entire thread to find the posts but its said some bassnbrew person has a problem..me welsh on a bet?? NOW THAT AS FN FUNNY AS ANYTHING IVE EVER HEARD OF ABOUT MYSELF!...not sure if anyone might remember my old sig i used here before Tilman is my hero but it was all about aholes who makes side bets and don't pay out here and how it pisses me off to no end! I made what must be in the hundreds of side bets on all kinds of things Ff related out here and never once not paid when i lost (i do have a pretty good winning % tho:) but have one to many times not gotten paid for a win. But that's beside the point. Now as for this crazy accusation...i was suspended here for like three years and i'd did not come back here even once for at least 2-3 years after that. So what you're talking about has to be 7-8 years ago? Well excuse me! Not only could i not log in i could not see the entire board for two years! If i had a bet i have no idea what it was how it got made how it finished or if i won or lost for that matter or how much it was for even! I must have more more than one side bet going on here over the years i was active here before getting suspended! Strange i see no one claiming they lost any to me huh? Bass whoever do you see me changing my user name or trying to hide? Never happen, are you that desperate and hurting really or did you yapp so much and talk BS that you might not have deserved to get paid IF a bet was even had? But i got to run right now ill get back to this when i have time to and time to think about what the heck ur talking about and i better not remember or see any BS talk pointed at me from you or you wasted your time..but again if i lost a legit bet and its proved to me i have no problem paying up even if it was 7 years ago and i was blocked form this site for half of them. Whats funny here is my email never changed and i never heard a word about this from you or anyone for that matter that i recall and i have been bouncing in and around here every now and then even posted some and never heard this..but now this comes up? Shocked to say the least but if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on with interest as long as you didn't talk BS when i had no chance to even log on or read this site know outcome of any bets and defend myself. I say that because i know what ive had to deal with here(and yes i given back just as well)over those past years. How much was this bet? I spend a small fortune every year playing this hobby. Cash is not the issue here. Ill be back at a better time for me..but don't talk BS.. PM me some details but please understand i wasn't able to log in or view this site for many years when this may have gone down.
What happened to SSOG? His posts were great.
Never seen a poster "need" to be right more than SSOG. Everyone has their own opinion.
Yeah, when I first came here I loved to post and discuss stats with some of the guys and how they could be interpreted in FF and real football. I found a few posters who seemed to enjoy it as well and I was really having fun. I saw SSOG make a post, it seemed well thought out and had stats to back it up. I posted a counter argument with a different opinion, backed it up with stats - just to see what he thought. He went off on me - told me how I was so wrong, called me a few names, but never tried to prove his point after that. I looked at his join date and respected that - so I stopped discussing stuff along those lines after that. I finished that thread with a few other posters who seemed to not get so flustered if you disagreed - but I figured SSOG was the establishment here so I backed off.
Would you mind linking me to this exchange, please? I've never known SSOG to be anything other than a gentleman.
Nope. It was a while ago and I didn't respond kindly, either. I went on the defensive - then returned fire. Not my finest hour. I actually came back to edit out the name after I realized it'd be better that way. Either way - I just wanted say that it does indeed seem hard to find threads without attacks back and forth but I've found some posters that I really enjoy discussing with as well. I'm just more careful now about how open I am with against-the-grain ideas.
I've just had some crazy international travel over the last several years during the summers and as I move up the corporate ladder my time to write 12 hour posts on value plays just doesn't exist like it used to....growing up is a #####.

That being said, I can still spot value from a mile away and I can smell a bust from even further.

We'll see if I can find the time to make some posts on value plays/busts etc. this year...just got back from a 3 week middle east business/vacation trip and am starting to sink my teeth into some data...have about 15 games on the DVR to watch too.

Some people - too many people - think they can do whatever they want on here. That their being a doosh shouldn't bother you. That they're just having fun. They're just doing their thing on a message board. And so are other people, so what's the big deal.

I liken it to people who don't clean up their dog's poop in a public park. Then we all have to dance around it and inevitably end up stepping in it at some point.

And then we end up just not going to the park anymore, because you can't walk anywhere without getting covered in feces.

To bostonfred (the OP):

I started posting here in 1998 and I agree with you 100% of the way the Shark Pool has gone downhill. I agree with your constructive comments and I will try to do my part to not contribute to the negative factors you identified.

same as it ever was. people always remember the good old days but there was just as much BS, ego slapfights and 'noise' back then. It's the fallacy of memory.
I agree that there has always been noise. I disagree that the signal to noise ratio is the same as it's always been. I can come to the forums after a week away and read everything worth reading from that time within a couple hours. It used to take substantially longer. Content has been on the decline.
Yeah, when I first came here I loved to post and discuss stats with some of the guys and how they could be interpreted in FF and real football. I found a few posters who seemed to enjoy it as well and I was really having fun. I saw SSOG make a post, it seemed well thought out and had stats to back it up. I posted a counter argument with a different opinion, backed it up with stats - just to see what he thought. He went off on me - told me how I was so wrong, belittled my ideas, but never tried to prove his point after that. I looked at his join date and respected that - so I stopped discussing stuff along those lines after that. I finished that thread with a few other posters who seemed to not get so flustered if you disagreed - but I figured SSOG was the establishment here so I backed off.

I don't say this to single out SSOG - he just happened to be my reason as to why I stopped trying to get too deep in discussions here. I really just wanted to point out that the OP, fred, is right in my humble opinion. As a new guy, who loves discussion and constructive arguments, it seems it's hard sometimes to find others who want the same, and who can take others disagreeing with them without it turning into a mud slinging fest.

*Edited* to clarify a few things.
I just wanted to say that I have no memory of this exchange, but I also have no reason to doubt your version of events. I'm well aware that, without realizing it or meaning to, I can come off as a real self-important d-bag. And sometimes, I am ashamed to admit, I do realize it and mean to, and that's when I'm the biggest d-bag of all. I'm sure my behavior was totally undeserved, no matter how I might have felt at the time, and I would like to offer an unqualified apology. Maturity comes for some of us in fits and starts.
I just wanted to say that I have no memory of this exchange, but I also have no reason to doubt your version of events. I'm well aware that, without realizing it or meaning to, I can come off as a real self-important d-bag. And sometimes, I am ashamed to admit, I do realize it and mean to, and that's when I'm the biggest d-bag of all. I'm sure my behavior was totally undeserved, no matter how I might have felt at the time, and I would like to offer an unqualified apology. Maturity comes for some of us in fits and starts.
A truly sincere apology IMHO....striving to get a little better every day is never a bad thing and something I think we ALL can agree on.
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I just wanted to say that I have no memory of this exchange, but I also have no reason to doubt your version of events. I'm well aware that, without realizing it or meaning to, I can come off as a real self-important d-bag. And sometimes, I am ashamed to admit, I do realize it and mean to, and that's when I'm the biggest d-bag of all. I'm sure my behavior was totally undeserved, no matter how I might have felt at the time, and I would like to offer an unqualified apology. Maturity comes for some of us in fits and starts.
A truly sincere apology IMHO....striving to get a little better every day is never a bad thing and something I think we ALL can agree on.
This apology is all well and good but the real question is:SSOG, does your return to the scene also signal a return to updated rankings on dynastyrankings.net?
I've been a real long time lurker (I go back to the Fantasy Advantage days before this site absorbed it) and I rarely post because of all of the name calling and flaming. That being said, sifting through threads on this site has really helped me in my leagues a lot. Year after year I get great players by paying attention to information given by posters here. I agree with your sentiment BF, but it's been this way for a long time. There is still some great posting and info here.

I think some of it is nostalgia, but there is a real sense of lack of value. Maybe it's because some of the real pioneers of FF have grown up, had families, and have less time for the hobby. Maybe it's the general "who's loudest/most obnoxious wins" mentality of the modern internet. To me, though, the most obvious reason for lack of quality conversations is pretty much everything is pretty well figured out in FF.

I remember having really intense arguments with stud RB theory vs. VBD vs. AVDB vs. whatever else. It reminds me a lot of what has happened to MMA. Early on, it was a kick boxer vs. a wrestler, or a BJJ guy vs a karate guy. Over time, everyone has figured out what skills are the most important and melded styles. In FF, there has been a melding of what works backed up by years of statistics. Remember when defense by committee was revolutionary? There just isn't anything breakthrough coming out anymore, and a lot of us who enjoyed a good debate have bowed out.

I remember being disappointed in my 3 digit number when this board opened up because I was a 2 digiter on ole yeller. I'm like a lot of the old guard. We've written our pieces; we've made our cases. Footballguys excelled where Draftsharks (earliest VDB concepts), The Coordinator (the first software VDB tool), and many other early ff sites failed. Those sites had revolutionary concepts that leapfrogged where most ff players were, but footballguys realized early on it wasn't about the tools, it was about the community. There was never anything unique here except for the discussions of some really smart people. That was the secret sauce.

Here we are, a dozen or so years later, the community has grown, but with that growth, there has been so much noise added that many of those who contributed unique thought have decided it's not worth the effort to be heard over the crowd. It's an unfortunate side effect of popularity. I still peruse from time to time, but as weird as it may sound some of my world view was shaped by discussions with really smart people in the FFA, and nearly all my fantasy knowledge comes from bringing ideas in here and fighting for whatever algorithm tweak I thought would give us an edge. I'm sad those kind of conversations don't happen anymore.

I read more and more, "it's a hobby", or "I'm here to blow off steam". Early on, we came here to figure out how to crush our league and in many cases make a lot of money doing it. That mentality doesn't seem to be around any more.

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just got a pm/email from my buddy here..i do not have the time right now to sift through this entire thread to find the posts but its said some bassnbrew person has a problem..me welsh on a bet?? NOW THAT AS FN FUNNY AS ANYTHING IVE EVER HEARD OF ABOUT MYSELF!...not sure if anyone might remember my old sig i used here before Tilman is my hero but it was all about aholes who makes side bets and don't pay out here and how it pisses me off to no end! I made what must be in the hundreds of side bets on all kinds of things Ff related out here and never once not paid when i lost (i do have a pretty good winning % tho:) but have one to many times not gotten paid for a win. But that's beside the point. Now as for this crazy accusation...i was suspended here for like three years and i'd did not come back here even once for at least 2-3 years after that. So what you're talking about has to be 7-8 years ago? Well excuse me! Not only could i not log in i could not see the entire board for two years! If i had a bet i have no idea what it was how it got made how it finished or if i won or lost for that matter or how much it was for even! I must have more more than one side bet going on here over the years i was active here before getting suspended! Strange i see no one claiming they lost any to me huh? Bass whoever do you see me changing my user name or trying to hide? Never happen, are you that desperate and hurting really or did you yapp so much and talk BS that you might not have deserved to get paid IF a bet was even had? But i got to run right now ill get back to this when i have time to and time to think about what the heck ur talking about and i better not remember or see any BS talk pointed at me from you or you wasted your time..but again if i lost a legit bet and its proved to me i have no problem paying up even if it was 7 years ago and i was blocked form this site for half of them. Whats funny here is my email never changed and i never heard a word about this from you or anyone for that matter that i recall and i have been bouncing in and around here every now and then even posted some and never heard this..but now this comes up? Shocked to say the least but if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on with interest as long as you didn't talk BS when i had no chance to even log on or read this site know outcome of any bets and defend myself. I say that because i know what ive had to deal with here(and yes i given back just as well)over those past years.

How much was this bet? I spend a small fortune every year playing this hobby. Cash is not the issue here. Ill be back at a better time for me..but don't talk BS.. PM me some details but please understand i wasn't able to log in or view this site for many years when this may have gone down.
Here are the pertinent details...

Linky Worth the read as there are some other nuggets in this thread.

fyi...counter to his claim above, he was e-mailed.

You guys need to know the real story about the DonnyT character since he's spreading falsehoods around here, so here's the 411 on DonnyT/DLeo... After DLeo drafted an embrassingly pathetic survivor team last year and BAGGED HOW HE AS THE GRAETEST (Hopefully I captured his writing style) I challenged him to the following wager... "How about $25 on total points and $25 on who lasts the longest." His reply..."sure...ok..lets do it.." I have documentation via PMs and posts on this board about the wager. He now claims that we have a second wager which never existed. I was never able to get him to commit to sending the funds to a neutral party. I just got lip service such as this..."Actually as far as my money is concerned I could wait until the bets are over to pay or get paid..figure it out..we both post here since day one and very likely wont stop for 25 or fifty bucks and get slammed here its almost better than having the money in hand because these guys would never look at us the same again if one didn't pay and I am the one guy who short of death would ever stiff any bet debt...think about it..again either way the bets are on the minute I committed." Well DonnyT lost his wagers, got banned from this board, and refused to pay. I e-mailed him about payment and got this response..."I would not know Bass. Problem is that Bryant BANNED me for some unknown reason and i have not been at the site since week 2 or around there. I will make good when i he puts me back in. Try and put in a word for me or find out when i might be let back in. But I will make good on it once I get in and check things out. I was not sure what league we had the bets in and have not been able to track the league since being unable to log in the boards...." Fast forward to this summer and DLeo is now "filling in" for his buddy DonnyT. Same writing style, same caps, same IP. I ask for my payment again and he claims not to be the same guy. Here's the first PM I got from DonnyT/DLeo "don't dare start this BS! My Dame is Dennis not Donny! I know who you are talking about but he was BANNED FROM THESE BOARDS LAST YEAR or so he has told me. I asked if could help draft with him last year in the Anarchy leagues and he let me because he was worried about missing a pick with such a short timer. I did not post last year only read these boards. This year i decided I was good enough to come out and play with my own user name. Please don't get this confused! Now how could he even owe you any monies if WE BEAT YOU IN THIS LEAGUE? Our team out scored your team meaning he should be owed the money and I know you two had a $50 bet in the Anarchy leagues last year so what are you even trying to pull? Just to end this now I have not been in touch with DT since he told me last year that he was Banned from using the boards and was Pissed off at Joe because of it. Please now, this ends right here as far as that goes. " Note how he said he hasn't been in touch with DonnyT for a year but less than an hour later I get this e-mail from DonnyT...Bass. Are you forgetting out $50 bet on who finishes with more points in our Anarchy leagues last year? We did have a $50 bet on that as well and i did out point you. So wouldn't that make us all even..strange you would possibly forget this or were you confused.? I never forget a bet just wasnt sure where this other leagues was posted becasue of my being banned from posting or even reading that board. Please dont be asking my friend DL about being me because that will only get him banned from that dictator lead MB. I will never have anythign to do with the board again and am so pissed at Bryant it does nto matter anyways. Please do not tll me you dont remember our anarchy bet from last year? So DLeo/DonnyT....please point to one post or e-mail that references a second bet between us? Better yet, stop making up stuff and paid your fantasy football debts. You are the Michael Vick of the fantasy football world.
This apology is all well and good but the real question is:SSOG, does your return to the scene also signal a return to updated rankings on dynastyrankings.net?
Probably not, but I do have some other fun stuff in the works.
just got a pm/email from my buddy here..i do not have the time right now to sift through this entire thread to find the posts but its said some bassnbrew person has a problem..me welsh on a bet?? NOW THAT AS FN FUNNY AS ANYTHING IVE EVER HEARD OF ABOUT MYSELF!...not sure if anyone might remember my old sig i used here before Tilman is my hero but it was all about aholes who makes side bets and don't pay out here and how it pisses me off to no end! I made what must be in the hundreds of side bets on all kinds of things Ff related out here and never once not paid when i lost (i do have a pretty good winning % tho:) but have one to many times not gotten paid for a win. But that's beside the point. Now as for this crazy accusation...i was suspended here for like three years and i'd did not come back here even once for at least 2-3 years after that. So what you're talking about has to be 7-8 years ago? Well excuse me! Not only could i not log in i could not see the entire board for two years! If i had a bet i have no idea what it was how it got made how it finished or if i won or lost for that matter or how much it was for even! I must have more more than one side bet going on here over the years i was active here before getting suspended! Strange i see no one claiming they lost any to me huh? Bass whoever do you see me changing my user name or trying to hide? Never happen, are you that desperate and hurting really or did you yapp so much and talk BS that you might not have deserved to get paid IF a bet was even had? But i got to run right now ill get back to this when i have time to and time to think about what the heck ur talking about and i better not remember or see any BS talk pointed at me from you or you wasted your time..but again if i lost a legit bet and its proved to me i have no problem paying up even if it was 7 years ago and i was blocked form this site for half of them. Whats funny here is my email never changed and i never heard a word about this from you or anyone for that matter that i recall and i have been bouncing in and around here every now and then even posted some and never heard this..but now this comes up? Shocked to say the least but if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on with interest as long as you didn't talk BS when i had no chance to even log on or read this site know outcome of any bets and defend myself. I say that because i know what ive had to deal with here(and yes i given back just as well)over those past years.

How much was this bet? I spend a small fortune every year playing this hobby. Cash is not the issue here. Ill be back at a better time for me..but don't talk BS.. PM me some details but please understand i wasn't able to log in or view this site for many years when this may have gone down.
Here are the pertinent details...

Linky Worth the read as there are some other nuggets in this thread.

fyi...counter to his claim above, he was e-mailed.

You guys need to know the real story about the DonnyT character since he's spreading falsehoods around here, so here's the 411 on DonnyT/DLeo... After DLeo drafted an embrassingly pathetic survivor team last year and BAGGED HOW HE AS THE GRAETEST (Hopefully I captured his writing style) I challenged him to the following wager... "How about $25 on total points and $25 on who lasts the longest." His reply..."sure...ok..lets do it.." I have documentation via PMs and posts on this board about the wager. He now claims that we have a second wager which never existed. I was never able to get him to commit to sending the funds to a neutral party. I just got lip service such as this..."Actually as far as my money is concerned I could wait until the bets are over to pay or get paid..figure it out..we both post here since day one and very likely wont stop for 25 or fifty bucks and get slammed here its almost better than having the money in hand because these guys would never look at us the same again if one didn't pay and I am the one guy who short of death would ever stiff any bet debt...think about it..again either way the bets are on the minute I committed." Well DonnyT lost his wagers, got banned from this board, and refused to pay. I e-mailed him about payment and got this response..."I would not know Bass. Problem is that Bryant BANNED me for some unknown reason and i have not been at the site since week 2 or around there. I will make good when i he puts me back in. Try and put in a word for me or find out when i might be let back in. But I will make good on it once I get in and check things out. I was not sure what league we had the bets in and have not been able to track the league since being unable to log in the boards...." Fast forward to this summer and DLeo is now "filling in" for his buddy DonnyT. Same writing style, same caps, same IP. I ask for my payment again and he claims not to be the same guy. Here's the first PM I got from DonnyT/DLeo "don't dare start this BS! My Dame is Dennis not Donny! I know who you are talking about but he was BANNED FROM THESE BOARDS LAST YEAR or so he has told me. I asked if could help draft with him last year in the Anarchy leagues and he let me because he was worried about missing a pick with such a short timer. I did not post last year only read these boards. This year i decided I was good enough to come out and play with my own user name. Please don't get this confused! Now how could he even owe you any monies if WE BEAT YOU IN THIS LEAGUE? Our team out scored your team meaning he should be owed the money and I know you two had a $50 bet in the Anarchy leagues last year so what are you even trying to pull? Just to end this now I have not been in touch with DT since he told me last year that he was Banned from using the boards and was Pissed off at Joe because of it. Please now, this ends right here as far as that goes. " Note how he said he hasn't been in touch with DonnyT for a year but less than an hour later I get this e-mail from DonnyT...Bass. Are you forgetting out $50 bet on who finishes with more points in our Anarchy leagues last year? We did have a $50 bet on that as well and i did out point you. So wouldn't that make us all even..strange you would possibly forget this or were you confused.? I never forget a bet just wasnt sure where this other leagues was posted becasue of my being banned from posting or even reading that board. Please dont be asking my friend DL about being me because that will only get him banned from that dictator lead MB. I will never have anythign to do with the board again and am so pissed at Bryant it does nto matter anyways. Please do not tll me you dont remember our anarchy bet from last year? So DLeo/DonnyT....please point to one post or e-mail that references a second bet between us? Better yet, stop making up stuff and paid your fantasy football debts. You are the Michael Vick of the fantasy football world.
Now this...this right here, that is good stuff... LOL If footballguys had a reality show... this would be the main focus of an entire episode

just got a pm/email from my buddy here..i do not have the time right now to sift through this entire thread to find the posts but its said some bassnbrew person has a problem..me welsh on a bet?? NOW THAT AS FN FUNNY AS ANYTHING IVE EVER HEARD OF ABOUT MYSELF!...not sure if anyone might remember my old sig i used here before Tilman is my hero but it was all about aholes who makes side bets and don't pay out here and how it pisses me off to no end! I made what must be in the hundreds of side bets on all kinds of things Ff related out here and never once not paid when i lost (i do have a pretty good winning % tho:) but have one to many times not gotten paid for a win. But that's beside the point. Now as for this crazy accusation...i was suspended here for like three years and i'd did not come back here even once for at least 2-3 years after that. So what you're talking about has to be 7-8 years ago? Well excuse me! Not only could i not log in i could not see the entire board for two years! If i had a bet i have no idea what it was how it got made how it finished or if i won or lost for that matter or how much it was for even! I must have more more than one side bet going on here over the years i was active here before getting suspended! Strange i see no one claiming they lost any to me huh? Bass whoever do you see me changing my user name or trying to hide? Never happen, are you that desperate and hurting really or did you yapp so much and talk BS that you might not have deserved to get paid IF a bet was even had? But i got to run right now ill get back to this when i have time to and time to think about what the heck ur talking about and i better not remember or see any BS talk pointed at me from you or you wasted your time..but again if i lost a legit bet and its proved to me i have no problem paying up even if it was 7 years ago and i was blocked form this site for half of them. Whats funny here is my email never changed and i never heard a word about this from you or anyone for that matter that i recall and i have been bouncing in and around here every now and then even posted some and never heard this..but now this comes up? Shocked to say the least but if you point me to this 'be' i made ill pay with bells on with interest as long as you didn't talk BS when i had no chance to even log on or read this site know outcome of any bets and defend myself. I say that because i know what ive had to deal with here(and yes i given back just as well)over those past years.

How much was this bet? I spend a small fortune every year playing this hobby. Cash is not the issue here. Ill be back at a better time for me..but don't talk BS.. PM me some details but please understand i wasn't able to log in or view this site for many years when this may have gone down.
Here are the pertinent details...

Linky Worth the read as there are some other nuggets in this thread.

fyi...counter to his claim above, he was e-mailed.

You guys need to know the real story about the DonnyT character since he's spreading falsehoods around here, so here's the 411 on DonnyT/DLeo... After DLeo drafted an embrassingly pathetic survivor team last year and BAGGED HOW HE AS THE GRAETEST (Hopefully I captured his writing style) I challenged him to the following wager... "How about $25 on total points and $25 on who lasts the longest." His reply..."sure...ok..lets do it.." I have documentation via PMs and posts on this board about the wager. He now claims that we have a second wager which never existed. I was never able to get him to commit to sending the funds to a neutral party. I just got lip service such as this..."Actually as far as my money is concerned I could wait until the bets are over to pay or get paid..figure it out..we both post here since day one and very likely wont stop for 25 or fifty bucks and get slammed here its almost better than having the money in hand because these guys would never look at us the same again if one didn't pay and I am the one guy who short of death would ever stiff any bet debt...think about it..again either way the bets are on the minute I committed." Well DonnyT lost his wagers, got banned from this board, and refused to pay. I e-mailed him about payment and got this response..."I would not know Bass. Problem is that Bryant BANNED me for some unknown reason and i have not been at the site since week 2 or around there. I will make good when i he puts me back in. Try and put in a word for me or find out when i might be let back in. But I will make good on it once I get in and check things out. I was not sure what league we had the bets in and have not been able to track the league since being unable to log in the boards...." Fast forward to this summer and DLeo is now "filling in" for his buddy DonnyT. Same writing style, same caps, same IP. I ask for my payment again and he claims not to be the same guy. Here's the first PM I got from DonnyT/DLeo "don't dare start this BS! My Dame is Dennis not Donny! I know who you are talking about but he was BANNED FROM THESE BOARDS LAST YEAR or so he has told me. I asked if could help draft with him last year in the Anarchy leagues and he let me because he was worried about missing a pick with such a short timer. I did not post last year only read these boards. This year i decided I was good enough to come out and play with my own user name. Please don't get this confused! Now how could he even owe you any monies if WE BEAT YOU IN THIS LEAGUE? Our team out scored your team meaning he should be owed the money and I know you two had a $50 bet in the Anarchy leagues last year so what are you even trying to pull? Just to end this now I have not been in touch with DT since he told me last year that he was Banned from using the boards and was Pissed off at Joe because of it. Please now, this ends right here as far as that goes. " Note how he said he hasn't been in touch with DonnyT for a year but less than an hour later I get this e-mail from DonnyT...Bass. Are you forgetting out $50 bet on who finishes with more points in our Anarchy leagues last year? We did have a $50 bet on that as well and i did out point you. So wouldn't that make us all even..strange you would possibly forget this or were you confused.? I never forget a bet just wasnt sure where this other leagues was posted becasue of my being banned from posting or even reading that board. Please dont be asking my friend DL about being me because that will only get him banned from that dictator lead MB. I will never have anythign to do with the board again and am so pissed at Bryant it does nto matter anyways. Please do not tll me you dont remember our anarchy bet from last year? So DLeo/DonnyT....please point to one post or e-mail that references a second bet between us? Better yet, stop making up stuff and paid your fantasy football debts. You are the Michael Vick of the fantasy football world.
Just a typical message board welsher. Nothing to see here.
'Epic Problem said:
'LHUCKS said:
I miss JoeT and LHucks, as they had their quirks, but usually brought some great info.
:yawn: I don't know who you are, but take what you know about FF and then multiply it by 100...that's about where I'm at.
Willing to admit that I know nothing about FF.....now where does that leave you?
I would say you know just SLIGHTLY less about FF than the average poster. I would give you a score of -1.
'Epic Problem said:
'LHUCKS said:
I miss JoeT and LHucks, as they had their quirks, but usually brought some great info.
:yawn: I don't know who you are, but take what you know about FF and then multiply it by 100...that's about where I'm at.
Willing to admit that I know nothing about FF.....now where does that leave you?
I would say you know just SLIGHTLY less about FF than the average poster. I would give you a score of -1.
LHucks or Epic? :popcorn:

'Epic Problem said:
'LHUCKS said:
I miss JoeT and LHucks, as they had their quirks, but usually brought some great info.
:yawn: I don't know who you are, but take what you know about FF and then multiply it by 100...that's about where I'm at.
Willing to admit that I know nothing about FF.....now where does that leave you?
I would say you know just SLIGHTLY less about FF than the average poster. I would give you a score of -1.
LHucks or Epic? :popcorn:
Please refrain from participating in discussions about math.
:goodposting: Fred.I find myself quickly sifting through threads now looking of the meat instead of reading every post like I used to.I think part of the problem is that 10 years ago, only the people who were really really into fantasy football came here, so the discussions were deeper and more serious. Now that FF has really taken off (great for Joe and David), it has watered down the quality.It's still a great place to come. It just takes a little more digging.
I agree with this. There's still some great insights and analysis in here but you have to sift through a lot to get to the good stuff and you have to know who to read. My personal gripe is that there seem to be so many "I told you so" posts, or old threads getting bumped solely for that purpose. They're not offering anything new; no useful analysis. All they do is clog up the board.
'coolnerd said:
'SSOG said:
'growlers said:
Count me in as one of the people that doesn't post and doesn't come here as much because I am sick of all the low content posts.

Ironically, I don't care about the useless THREADS, those I can choose not to open, but when it's a topic I want to read about, it's so hard to get through it because of all the people who want to post zingers, marking threads, people just posting to start fights, etc.....

I don't care at all in the FFA - that's what it's for, and I do read and participate in that forum - but in the shark pool I wish it was moderated heavily and just put the ban-hammer on anyone who posts useless replies. I want to come to this forum to get information and talk about football.

It should be run like "The Lounge" at 2+2 - over there they tailor the forums so that people that want to post wisecracks and junk can post in OOT or BBV and the people that want to read them can hang out in those forums. In The Lounge, it's generally all thoughtful replies that add to the discussion or you get banned from posting there.

I also have a 3 digit account besides this one, and agree that the board was much better 3-4 years ago.
:no: Black dot, white corner, Jason Sehorn... Whatever you call it, marking threads is sacred.
Yep. marking threads with nothing is better than those sites which force people to type like 10 characters. that forces people who just want to comeback to a thread to read it in more detail to say something meaningless instead.
to a certain extent marking a thread keeps pages that are worthy of being marked bumped up on the 1st page (and thus furthers the likelihood they are discussed and debated more thoroughly) even if they add nothing but a :sehorn:.

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