Jack Splat
Guys, I got the pop-up screen yesterday with IE 6.0 (no patches). After reading this thread last night and much soul-searching, I decided to take my 50 lashes and tell the corporate security guys what happened . They ran a pretty serious virus check on my PC and found something called TROJAN HORSE - BACKDOOR, or something to that effect.The file they ended up putting in the virus vault was named YRNIMCI.EXE and located at C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32. I don't know enough to say go check and see if you have that file, or just go out and run some good anti-virus software, but my guess is that if you got the pop-up you now have that virus. Again, I don't know enough to even say whether it was a serious virus or just something to collect information about your internet usage.Take this as a "just letting you know what I know" message.Jack.