I am not at all worried about Taylor's college workload.
A high workload is an indicator of a bunch of good things. It's a sign that the coaches wanted him on the field and trusted his durability, and that he had good enough conditioning & durability to stay on the field.
A high workload probably also increases a player's chances of getting injured. But I think most of that risk is immediate - each carry is an additional chance to get injured, and carries while worn out late in a high-workload game probably involve a higher risk of getting injured. Since he didn't get hurt at the time, that risk has mostly passed. There is maybe a little extra long-term injury risk from wear-and-tear, but when making predictions about a player's future injury risk the "evidence of durability" is more important.
A high workload is an indicator of a bunch of good things. It's a sign that the coaches wanted him on the field and trusted his durability, and that he had good enough conditioning & durability to stay on the field.
A high workload probably also increases a player's chances of getting injured. But I think most of that risk is immediate - each carry is an additional chance to get injured, and carries while worn out late in a high-workload game probably involve a higher risk of getting injured. Since he didn't get hurt at the time, that risk has mostly passed. There is maybe a little extra long-term injury risk from wear-and-tear, but when making predictions about a player's future injury risk the "evidence of durability" is more important.