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***Official Donald J. Trump Impeachment (Whistleblower) Thread*** (3 Viewers)

Sheriff Bart said:
Apparently the IC should have let them make the announcement snd Trump release the money. 



Comes to mind. 
Hmmm, elvisaintdead posted the exact same thing in FARK.

(I still don't know what you mean)

the moops said:
The amount of times you type this phrase is staggering.

If I was repeatedly told over and over about certain things, and this is my only retort, I woudl likely take a close look at my reality
That simply isn't true

Stealthycat said:
are you seriously going to say this whole impeachment isn't political ?

this is ALL political agenda from Democrats, do you agree ? its got nothing to do with national interest, please
I'm sorry, did you actually say this has nothing to do with national security? Over half the country thinks it did and the President should be impeached over it. 

apalmer said:
Again, irrelevant.  You refuse to see the  difference between bargaining for national interests and bargaining for personal interests.

I negotiate often for clients. If I say, "My client will drop his lawsuit against your client if your client will pay him $50,000", it's perfectly acceptable. In fact, it's my job. If I say, "My client will drop his lawsuit if you pay me $5,000" it isn't acceptable.
Sure. 40% of $5000 is so little your firm would fire you.

:lol:  I'm positive reasons why orders are given are not required in documents.  If your boss tells you to do something do you ask him why?
Yes. When I had a boss, I did. 

But there are reasons in there. Just not the reasons now being stated.  And the ones in there are false as well. 

I'm sorry, did you actually say this has nothing to do with national security? Over half the country thinks it did and the President should be impeached over it. 
no, the half this country that wants Trump impeached and removed has wanted him impeached and removed for 3 years now ........ it has NOTHING to do with national security or even wrongdoing

the end goal is all that matter, the means to get there doesn't 

This simply isn't true.

I'm one example. 
have you called for Trump's impeachment/removal since Nov 2016 ?

the vast majority then, is that better?  you will find few people who voted Trump that see's this witch hunt as valid. When the side that is asking for impeachment/removal has been asking for it for 3 years, you've got know I think that the "what" doesn't matter anymore. 

they will use whatever they have to - Stormy, Russia, Ukraine, taxes, Syria, its one thing after another 

this impeachment will fail - what's next?  does anyone REALLY think the Democrats and anti-Trump haters will stop when this impeachment attempt fails ? and that knowledge (that they won't stop) is a huge red flag to anything they attempt to do IMO

have you called for Trump's impeachment/removal since Nov 2016 ?

the vast majority then, is that better?  you will find few people who voted Trump that see's this witch hunt as valid. When the side that is asking for impeachment/removal has been asking for it for 3 years, you've got know I think that the "what" doesn't matter anymore. 

they will use whatever they have to - Stormy, Russia, Ukraine, taxes, Syria, its one thing after another 

this impeachment will fail - what's next?  does anyone REALLY think the Democrats and anti-Trump haters will stop when this impeachment attempt fails ? and that knowledge (that they won't stop) is a huge red flag to anything they attempt to do IMO
No, I haven't called for his removal since 2016. When I read the facts presented to me, 1 - McGahn's testimony in the Mueller report and, 2 - the "transcript" presented by Trump himself, I made my own decision about whether or not any President should be removed from office for those actions.

As far as finding people that voted for Trump that see it as a witch hunt? That's like finding new parents that think their baby is ugly. It just doesn't work that way. But their kid is still ugly.

please.   If that was the case, he would have talked about corruption in general, or specific oligarchs who do the real corrupt stuff.  I mean, seriously.  An American kid making less than a million a year is small potatoes relative to guys like Zlochevsky or Firtash.  

There are Ukrainian oligarchs hosing the country for billions and Trump wants this kid specifically investigated because he's trying to oust corruption?  really?  
It’s beyond laughable.  Trump didn’t give a #### about Ukraine.  Just like Sondland said.  

Explaining what Trump was doing in Ukraine as “rooting out corruption” Is Qanon level bananas.  

He got caught.  The. Released the money.  Then did nothing more about Ukraine as the jig was up.  Except let crazy Rudy chase his tail over there.  

It’s beyond laughable.  Trump didn’t give a #### about Ukraine.  Just like Sondland said.  

Explaining what Trump was doing in Ukraine as “rooting out corruption” Is Qanon level bananas.  

He got caught.  The. Released the money.  Then did nothing more about Ukraine as the jig was up.  Except let crazy Rudy chase his tail over there.  
I would say that he did the opposite of what he claimed - he encouraged corruption in Ukraine. When you need to get rid of the anti-corruption ambassador to get your investigations done, you’re one of the corrupt ones.

no, the half this country that wants Trump impeached and removed has wanted him impeached and removed for 3 years now ........ it has NOTHING to do with national security or even wrongdoing

the end goal is all that matter, the means to get there doesn't 
What extraordinary hyperbole.  Wow.  

What extraordinary hyperbole.  Wow.  
The truth is hyperbole now? 

There is no way anyone can say this hasn't been a witch hunt from the start.   They were going to find something, anything to get Trump no matter how insignificant.  Even if they had to "trump up" the charges to get him. (see what i did there?). 

I think 1/2 the problem is that the Democrats have been crying wolf for so long no one believes them anymore, in my opinion.

The truth is hyperbole now? 

There is no way anyone can say this hasn't been a witch hunt from the start.   They were going to find something, anything to get Trump no matter how insignificant.  Even if they had to "trump up" the charges to get him. (see what i did there?). 

I think 1/2 the problem is that the Democrats have been crying wolf for so long no one believes them anymore, in my opinion.
To suggest that half the country has wanted to impeach trump for three years is complete hyperbole.  Just more evidence of the division in America and sourcing information from silos (edit: or more accurately stated conflating infotainment and opinion with news and facts)

unless, of course you have anything at all to back that ridiculous claim up.  

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The truth is hyperbole now? 

There is no way anyone can say this hasn't been a witch hunt from the start.   They were going to find something, anything to get Trump no matter how insignificant.  Even if they had to "trump up" the charges to get him. (see what i did there?). 

I think 1/2 the problem is that the Democrats have been crying wolf for so long no one believes them anymore, in my opinion.
This is false. I suggest you go back and look at my posts from a 1-2 years ago. You could start by looking in the North Korea thread. Then take a stroll through the tariff thread. I wasn't against Trump for trying new things (I'm still not).  I took a lot of heat from posters here for my stance. 

The facts that were presented are what determined my opinion. Now and then. 

To suggest that half the country has wanted to impeach trump for three years is complete hyperbole.  Just more evidence of the division in America and sourcing information from silos.  

unless, of course you have anything at all to back that ridiculous claim up.  
Did I say half the country?  Or Democrats in Congress?  Here are some samples:



Note the dates.

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This is false. I suggest you go back and look at my posts from a 1-2 years ago. You could start by looking in the North Korea thread. Then take a stroll through the tariff thread. I wasn't against Trump for trying new things (I'm still not).  I took a lot of heat from posters here for my stance. 

The facts that were presented are what determined my opinion. Now and then. 
Come on the guy that joined 2 weeks ago that has been posting non-stop right wing talking points isn't going to know what you said 1-2 years ago....

I'm pretty sure my favorite narrative these days is the "Trump is concerned with corruption" narrative.  Because, when you're concerned with corruption you give the documented, corrupt leaders hundreds of millions of dollars two years in a row without so much as blinking an eye AND you are only really interested in a public statement saying corruption is going to be investigated not really caring if the investigation actually takes place or not.

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This is false. I suggest you go back and look at my posts from a 1-2 years ago. You could start by looking in the North Korea thread. Then take a stroll through the tariff thread. I wasn't against Trump for trying new things (I'm still not).  I took a lot of heat from posters here for my stance. 

The facts that were presented are what determined my opinion. Now and then. 
I appreciate your thoughts, Thanks!  👍

Unfortunately - and I'm not saying that you're lying - I just don't think no one believes anyone anymore when it comes to Trump.  Sides are dug in.  And this all came from the very beginning when DJT was elected.  The left thought Hillary was going to get it and when she didn't I personally feel that broke the Democrats (and the left in general).


The truth is hyperbole now? 

There is no way anyone can say this hasn't been a witch hunt from the start.   They were going to find something, anything to get Trump no matter how insignificant.  Even if they had to "trump up" the charges to get him. (see what i did there?). 

I think 1/2 the problem is that the Democrats have been crying wolf for so long no one believes them anymore, in my opinion.

I appreciate your thoughts, Thanks!  👍

Unfortunately - and I'm not saying that you're lying - I just don't think no one believes anyone anymore when it comes to Trump.  Sides are dug in.  And this all came from the very beginning when DJT was elected.  The left thought Hillary was going to get it and when she didn't I personally feel that broke the Democrats (and the left in general).
It wasn't so much tht HIllary lost, it was the electoral election of an amoral narcissist.

Come on the guy that joined 2 weeks ago that has been posting non-stop right wing talking points isn't going to know what you said 1-2 years ago....
Even if I hadn't, I still wouldn't go searching down posts from 1-2 years ago.  That's an unreasonable ask of anyone - I'll just take his word for it.

We're also in a forum that is at least 85% liberal and you're saying I'm the one posting talking points?  Just go look at the first page of the forum and count how many left and right wing talking points you find.

I appreciate your thoughts, Thanks!  👍

Unfortunately - and I'm not saying that you're lying - I just don't think no one believes anyone anymore when it comes to Trump.  Sides are dug in.  And this all came from the very beginning when DJT was elected.  The left thought Hillary was going to get it and when she didn't I personally feel that broke the Democrats (and the left in general).
What's to believe? You can find the facts for yourself. I told you where you can read a "transcript" of my opinions about Trump. 

If I'm dug in, wouldn't I be defending Trump the same way I was about his meeting with Kim? Or his trade war with China? Why would I suddenly change my stance on him now?

You quoted me responding to SC’s claim that to state half the country has wanted to impeach Trump for 3 years.  I described that claim as hyperbole, and then you posted links that does not in any way disprove my position that the claim was hyperbole , which you disagreed with.  I believe you said: “so the truth is hyperbole now”.   

what am I missing here?

edit:  didn’t see the responses from other posters.  Not trying to dog pile here, but the post was addressed to me so I answered it.  

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