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Mike Pence And Others Wearing Masks - Plea To My Pro Mask Friends (1 Viewer)

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Joe Bryant

Staff member
Sorry if honda.

Mike Pence urges people to wear masks:  

A message for my pro-mask friends. I've worn a mask around other people in public since the start. My hope is we can be cool about wearing masks as opinions start to change on this.

My guess is we can't. We seem unable to be cool about anything where we disagree. My guess is it'll be the folks who've been pro-mask mocking the anti-mask folks as idiots who held out so long. Which will only make them hold out longer.

I hope I'm wrong.

It's a human nature thing where we feel compelled to rub the other person's face in it. And it's counterproductive to the big picture.

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Here here.

This isn't about winning the argument. It's about public safety and health of all Americans. However, I will say this: If the President continues to downplay/ignore the urgency of wearing masks in public, he is undermining Pence's efforts here.

Sorry if honda.

Mike Pence urges people to wear masks:  

A message for my pro-mask friends. I've worn a mask around other people in public since the start. My hope is we can be cool about wearing masks as opinions start to change on this.

My guess is we can't. We seem unable to be cool about anything where we disagree. My guess is it'll be the folks who've been pro-mask mocking the anti-mask folks as idiots who held out so long. Which will only make them hold out longer.

I hope I'm wrong.

It's a human nature thing where we feel compelled to rub the other person's face in it. And it's counterproductive to the big picture.
just so i'm clear, the scenario is that i come across someone who previously thought masks were ridiculous and still won't wear one (hence "holding out longer)?  or has changed his/her mind and is now wearing one? (like Pence).

just so i'm clear, the scenario is that i come across someone who previously thought masks were ridiculous and still won't wear one (hence "holding out longer)?  or has changed his/her mind and is now wearing one? (like Pence).
Someone who only recently started wearing masks. 

Timely thread Joe...was going to post this in the :hophead:  thread.  Here seems to be more appropriate.  Wanted to throw it out there for all those mocking us who wear masks as a means to do our part.  They do make a difference.  I am definitely in the "better late than never" camp for those who eventually come around IRL.  Here, I'm pretty confident it's pure shtick.

How in the world did we get to the point where we have a term like “pro-mask” ?

For the record I am pro-seatbelt, pro-fire extinguisher, and pro-traffic light.

Timely thread Joe...was going to post this in the :hophead:  thread.  Here seems to be more appropriate.  Wanted to throw it out there for all those mocking us who wear masks as a means to do our part.  They do make a difference.  I am definitely in the "better late than never" camp for those who eventually come around IRL.  Here, I'm pretty confident it's pure shtick.
I've been to Arizona, Montana, & ND over the last 3 months.  Gas stations & grocery stores mostly.  I wear a mask when going in these places.  I have yet to see anyone mock or jeer someone with a mask on.

The advice seems to be directed towards those taking mitigation seriously, welcoming those who maybe weren't taking it seriously. I agree.

People in lesser affected areas might have a different curve for taking it seriously. They shouldn't be mocked. It's natural. If you live in a county with 5 cases, it must seem absurd. But then things change.

Welcome to all who do their part. Things are getting worse.

I don't know anyone who hasn't been wearing masks indoors. I've seen person here or there but I didn't know them and didn't say anything to them. If I did, I would just be happy they came around. I am never going to mock someone for coming around to agreeing with me. 

I don’t want to mock anyone or rub anything in anyone’s face. But I do want it to be mandatory. I think it should be a federal law for the duration of the pandemic that everyone is required to wear a mask in public and there should be strict fines for not doing so. And this has been my position since Mid March. 

That being said, I do have to question why it’s the “pro-mask” people that need to be warned about mocking others, when it’s been the “anti-maskers” who have done all the mocking so far, starting with the President mocking Biden for wearing a mask and continuing with certain posters here who have mocked and trolled anyone who took wearing a mask seriously. So I don’t think we’re the ones you need to worry about. 

I've been to Arizona, Montana, & ND over the last 3 months.  Gas stations & grocery stores mostly.  I wear a mask when going in these places.  I have yet to see anyone mock or jeer someone with a mask on.
That's awesome...wish it were that way everywhere, including here but it's not.

That being said, I do have to question why it’s the “pro-mask” people that need to be warned about mocking others, when it’s been the “anti-maskers” who have done all the mocking so far, starting with the President mocking Biden for wearing a mask and continuing with certain posters here who have mocked and trolled anyone who took wearing a mask seriously. So I don’t think we’re the ones you need to worry about. 
Because it looks like it's heading the way where "pro-mask" is the standard. Which is where I've been.

But keep on the "it's not me, it's THEM" shtick. I'm sure that's working great. 

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I've been to Arizona, Montana, & ND over the last 3 months.  Gas stations & grocery stores mostly.  I wear a mask when going in these places.  I have yet to see anyone mock or jeer someone with a mask on.
That's been my experience in Tennessee as well.

I was in a restaurant Friday picking up food to go. Of the 10 customers in the building, 9 had masks on. :shrug:  

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Because it looks like it's heading the way where "pro-mask" is the standard. Which is where I've been.

But keep on the "it's not me, it's THEM" shtick. I'm sure that's working great. 
To your first point I hope not. It certainly won’t come from me. 
To your second point, sometimes it IS them. Sometimes it isn’t. I don’t think there’s any general rule here. 

I'm not convinced the "please be extra cool" guy is being extra cool in this thread.  

That said, I WANT to rub my Fox News watching family's nose in it, but out of appreciation for the message of this thread, I shall resist temptation.

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Timely thread Joe...was going to post this in the :hophead:  thread.  Here seems to be more appropriate.  Wanted to throw it out there for all those mocking us who wear masks as a means to do our part.  They do make a difference. 

My thought on it from the start was it's low effort wear one. If it doesn't do anything, it's not a big deal. If it does do something, and it's pretty easy to believe it does, then we're all better off. 

I understand your point but is this really a problem?  I honestly can't see anyone spiking the football because others are finally doing the absolute least to protect themselves and others.

FWIW, here in the midwest I get   :rolleyes: from at least a couple of non-mask wearing people the few times I go the store.

I don't know anyone who hasn't been wearing masks indoors. I've seen person here or there but I didn't know them and didn't say anything to them. If I did, I would just be happy they came around. I am never going to mock someone for coming around to agreeing with me. 
Thanks. I hope most are like you (and me) on this.

On the flip side, this could be a novel and I'm sure there will be plenty of novels written on it but the mask thing is DEEP.

Like primal instincts deep. There are HUGE internal motivations deep in our brain tied to showing our face. 

There is the totally separate angle as well of "valor". Going into "battle" without needing protection is a real thing.

It's the reason people went nuts over Witten's famous run. And why John Madden said, "If you can do that, you're a TOUGH football player". https://youtu.be/e7k-YaMfwZM

It's why this picture of Leonidas 


is not as dramatic as this one:


It's why people make fun of this:


It's Joe Rogan saying "Masks are for #itches."

Glasses can be similar. Eric Dickerson talked of how hated wearing "those goggles". https://sportsnaut.com/2016/09/eric-dickerson-hated-wearing-goggles/

There's also the element of "signaling". 

For better or for worse, masks have become a way to "signal" to the world what "team" you're on. 

Sadly, for many, the two choices are "You're an idiot pansy sheeple if you wear a mask" and the other team is "You're an idiot hateful grandma killer if you don't wear a mask". 

It can feel lonely in the middle. 

And I wish more people talked about that. 

Colin Cowherd in particular is a big voice that's shared my view on it. He's been very much, "Just wear a mask if you're out. It's not difficult. We don't know a lot but the two things we seem to know is it's common sense that social distancing and covering your nose and mouth seem to help". 

But that doesn't seem to get much traction.

At best, we get the new look where people want to wear them on their chin which is just enough to appease both sides. They're zero help on your chin but at least you can say you're open to the idea. 

And here's a bigger point:  I'm not saying it's logical. 

In fact, that's my point. It's not logical. It's something deep down within many people. And makes it difficult to understand.

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I understand your point but is this really a problem?  I honestly can't see anyone spiking the football because others are finally doing the absolute least to protect themselves and others.

FWIW, here in the midwest I get   :rolleyes: from at least a couple of non-mask wearing people the few times I go the store.
I hope it won't be a problem. From what i can tell with Pence and Hannity and others moving this way, the tide does seem to be moving this direction with more wearing masks. 

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That's been my experience in Tennessee as well.

I was in a restaurant Friday picking up food to go. Of the 10 customers in the building, 9 had masks on. :shrug:  
Ive seen a few with the questioning of why wear one...but nothing mocked.

My favorite was a guy in front of me at a gas station Saturday (had to go in this time but was worth the laugh)...he was loudly proclaiming he didn't see a point in a mask because he was so unlikely to get the virus.  He proceeded to buy 3 scratch off tickets and 2 powerball quick picks.

I don’t want to mock anyone or rub anything in anyone’s face. But I do want it to be mandatory. I think it should be a federal law for the duration of the pandemic that everyone is required to wear a mask in public and there should be strict fines for not doing so. And this has been my position since Mid March. 

That being said, I do have to question why it’s the “pro-mask” people that need to be warned about mocking others, when it’s been the “anti-maskers” who have done all the mocking so far, starting with the President mocking Biden for wearing a mask and continuing with certain posters here who have mocked and trolled anyone who took wearing a mask seriously. So I don’t think we’re the ones you need to worry about. 
I hate these one size fits all narratives where you think you are 100% correct and want to apply it to everyone.  I agree masks should be mandatory for the most part but there are people that are affected by them.  People with asthma, people with anxiety, etc...  I don't want to go around handing out "strict fines" on people like that.   Be better than that.

And for crying out loud there's plenty of people mocking those that don't wear masks telling them they are selfish, don't care about others, yada yada yada.   It's bof sidez, as usual.  But I doubt you'll see that.

Ive seen a few with the questioning of why wear one...but nothing mocked.

My favorite was a guy in front of me at a gas station Saturday (had to go in this time but was worth the laugh)...he was loudly proclaiming he didn't see a point in a mask because he was so unlikely to get the virus.  He proceeded to buy 3 scratch off tickets and 2 powerball quick picks.
While not to their face, I've seen and heard some mocking.  "Why would you be wearing a mask while walking down the street," said in a not-so-positive tone about someone they had seen earlier that day.  

Ive seen a few with the questioning of why wear one...but nothing mocked.

My favorite was a guy in front of me at a gas station Saturday (had to go in this time but was worth the laugh)...he was loudly proclaiming he didn't see a point in a mask because he was so unlikely to get the virus.  He proceeded to buy 3 scratch off tickets and 2 powerball quick picks.
What's the lottery ticket have to do with it?

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I don't understand the resistances to masks.   I have been wearing them since late March when this thing started to explode where I live.  It was probably a couple of weeks before Cuomo ordered people to wear them.  

I don't view it as my team vs. your team thing but I do think people who don't wear masks are selfish since the number one thing they do is protect other people. Not sure why people still refuse and if someone decided to start wearing them now all the better.

I hate these one size fits all narratives where you think you are 100% correct and want to apply it to everyone.  I agree masks should be mandatory for the most part but there are people that are affected by them.  People with asthma, people with anxiety, etc...  I don't want to go around handing out "strict fines" on people like that.   Be better than that.

And for crying out loud there's plenty of people mocking those that don't wear masks telling them they are selfish, don't care about others, yada yada yada.   It's bof sidez, as usual.  But I doubt you'll see that.
Sorry but if you have anxiety or asthma that affects you wearing a mask, either work out some sort of exception or don’t show up in public. It would certainly be nice if we could make this sort of thing voluntary but obviously we can’t- unless it is the law people just won’t take it seriously. 

I already addressed your second point and I stand by what I wrote. 

Sadly, for many, the two choices are "You're an idiot pansy sheeple if you wear a mask" and the other team is "You're an idiot hateful grandma killer if you don't wear a mask". 

It can feel lonely in the middle. 

And I wish more people talked about that. 

Colin Cowherd in particular is a big voice that's shared my view on it. He's been very much, "Just wear a mask if you're out. It's not difficult. We don't know a lot but the two things we seem to know is it's common sense that social distancing and covering your nose and mouth seem to help". 

But that doesn't seem to get much traction.

At best, we get the new look where people want to wear them on their chin which is just enough to appease both sides. They're zero help on your chin but at least you can say you're open to the idea. 

And here's a bigger point:  I'm not saying it's logical. 

In fact, that's my point. It's not logical. It's something deep down within many people. And makes it difficult to understand.
I don't say anything but I have my thoughts. I just keep them to myself because why initiate a conflict with a stranger when we can just avoid the person? I do know some restaurants around here are re-closing because they have had too many run-ins with nasty customers who refused to wear masks or social distance as the staff were asking. My POV is totally different because my experience in SE Michigan is much different. We got hit really hard right away and so we have been taking this really seriously up here. Our Governor has also stressed the seriousness of the issue through her actions and words. I hated the mask at first and sure, there has been a time where I forgot it and had to double back to pick it up but like anything else in life, we adapt quickly. Where you are, it hasn't been as serious so it hasn't been handled as seriously. I think you guys should because it can get very scary. I hope people realize that before it gets bad there.  It ripped through a local convent in the city I work and I think something like 15 nuns died in a week. A Detroit ballroom dancing club and a choir were two of the first groups hit hard here and they lost so many members. It's bad news and the upside vs downside of the mask conversation is pretty simple. It's how I would try to convince anyone to wear one.

The upside of wearing a mask: limits the spread of the disease, saves lives, reduces the stress on the medical system and a shutdown can be prevented, economy can operate semi-normally

The downside of wearing a mask: it is a little uncomfortable

The upside of not wearing a mask: it's more comfortable

The downside of not wearing: a disease potentially rips through your community killing people, stressing out the health care system, a full shutdown becomes necessary and the economy comes to a halt

If you can think of it like that, it's a pretty obvious choice IMO. Also, in the day and age where most of our heroes wear helmets and masks: Batman, Ironman, Ladanian Ladanian Tomlinson, Patrick Mahomes, cops, soldiers, Star Wars characters, etc. I wouldn't have thought this would be such a tough sell. 

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I’ve never understood this.  If somebody has asthma so bad that wearing a cloth mask impacts their health image what Covid would do to them.
Also, order online or with an app or over the phone. These stores will get your items for you and give them to you curbside. 

Wasnt the initial claim that masks don't work? A claim pushed by the expert Dr. Fauci. 
I could be wrong, but I thought the initial message from the health care community was discouraging masks because they didn't want them to disappear like toilet paper was. I believe the worry was the hospital systems would run out of them (which it looks like they did in many places). 

Wasnt the initial claim that masks don't work? A claim pushed by the expert Dr. Fauci. 
Back in March,  Fauci (and many other experts/organizations) didn’t believe that people needed to wear masks unless they were infected or caring for someone who was infected.

But as more information about the virus was learned they changed their stance.

Sorry but if you have anxiety or asthma that affects you wearing a mask, either work out some sort of exception or don’t show up in public. It would certainly be nice if we could make this sort of thing voluntary but obviously we can’t- unless it is the law people just won’t take it seriously. 

I already addressed your second point and I stand by what I wrote. 
There are very few people that do have severe enough Asthma or other medical issues where they can't wear a mask - link to article below about it re: Asthma.  Don't think you can ban them from the public as they might need to go to grocery store, etc.   I view wearing a mask as protecting those people.   However, anxiety or feelings of infringing on your rights are downright selfish people and agree they should be subject to fines, etc.   I say if you can get a Doctors note then ok without a mask.


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