Similar words are uttered all the time by people caught doing stupid or bad things, usually but not always people in the public sphere. Many of them come from local news reports. Let's make this into an ongoing list.
“I am extremely embarrassed by this incident. It does not reflect who I am"
“I am extremely embarrassed by this incident. It does not reflect who I am"
The officer stopped the truck near Oak Tree Avenue and noted the driver had difficulty getting the window down. The report stated the officer “immediately observed that Bachus’ speech was somewhat slurred” and that it was difficult to understand her at times. Bachus had “glossy and bloodshot eyes” and the officer also “detected the odor of an alcohol beverage emanating from her breath as she spoke,” according to the report. When asked if she had consumed any alcohol before driving, Bachus told police she had two drinks, indicating they were wine. Police said when Bachus exited the vehicle, she told them she had a number of medical problems. She also informed the officer multiple times—without being asked—that she was a “state worker.”
During field sobriety tests, police said Bachus fell backward, swayed from side to side, and became argumentative with officers. The arrest report said when an officer told Bachus that a breathalyzer test was an opportunity to prove she was not under the influence, she replied: “Well I might be DUI.”