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10 Half Court Shots? (1 Viewer)

How much time in jail would be the deterrent to take the shots?

  • I already said no at 2.5 years

    Votes: 126 81.3%
  • 3 years

    Votes: 10 6.5%
  • 4 years

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • 5 years

    Votes: 11 7.1%
  • 6 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 years

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 10+ years

    Votes: 5 3.2%

  • Total voters


Footballguy Jr.
You get 10 shots from half court - make one and you get $5mm tax free, miss and you're going to jail (general population) for 2.5 years. 

You take the shots?

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while this would normally be a lock for Ref in most situations.......the pressure here might be a little too much to handle....no freakin way

maybe if you gave me 25.....

while this would normally be a lock for Ref in most situations.......the pressure here might be a little too much to handle....no freakin way

maybe if you gave me 25.....
It's not the amount of money (for me), it's the 2.5 years. I'm not sure there's an amount that would offset that. 

I messed up my right shoulder skiing about 12 years ago.  I have a hard time throwing with that arm now.  When I try to shoot a basket with that arm, the ball usually falls short even if I'm standing close to the basket.  So, no, I wouldn't take the shots.  

I do a little basketball workout when closing down the gym during basketball season.  Shot from the box, foul shot, three pointer - repeat a few times.  Do about a minute of wing jumper's then two foul shots.  Do about a minute of corner jumper's then two foul shots.  Repeat a few times.  Once tired finish with half court shots until I make one.

The one time it'd happen would certainly be when something like this is on the line, but I never need more than 5 or 6 attempts before making one.  So I'll take the wager no matter the terms.

I think you need to add LESS jail time if you want to coerce people to take the shots. IMO 5mil vs a year? MAYBE. 6 months? Now we're getting somewhere. 

When I was playing in high school and college, I'd be confident I could make 1 of 10.  But I wouldn't try for 2.5 years of prison
Back in the day I was pretty good at half court shots, but no way do I risk 2.5 years then or now.    I would maybe give it a try for 30 days or less in prison.

ETA:  And I would want some practice shots.

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I do a little basketball workout when closing down the gym during basketball season.  Shot from the box, foul shot, three pointer - repeat a few times.  Do about a minute of wing jumper's then two foul shots.  Do about a minute of corner jumper's then two foul shots.  Repeat a few times.  Once tired finish with half court shots until I make one.

The one time it'd happen would certainly be when something like this is on the line, but I never need more than 5 or 6 attempts before making one.  So I'll take the wager no matter the terms.
1 out of 6? impressive!

Now imagine you have 2 sets of 6. You make the first one of the first set and the very last one of the second set to keep your 1 of 6 average intact. The underlying fact there is that you missed 10 in a row, which, in the proposed scenario, is enough to send you to jail for 2.5 years. Still taking the bet? :popcorn:  

Can I designate someone else to take the shot? I have a son who is a varsity basketball player who already practices silly shots like this all the time. So something like we split the money if he makes one and I serve all the time if he doesn't. Last time he made a bet with someone, he made 2 out of 10 half court shots (the bet was he could make two before the other guy could make one). He went double or nothing that he couldn't make another one in 10 more tries and made a third on the 5th shot.

If it's me shooting, I'll pass. If I happened to make one, the heart attack would probably kill me anyway, so it would be a lose lose scenario.

1 out of 6? impressive!

Now imagine you have 2 sets of 6. You make the first one of the first set and the very last one of the second set to keep your 1 of 6 average intact. The underlying fact there is that you missed 10 in a row, which, in the proposed scenario, is enough to send you to jail for 2.5 years. Still taking the bet? :popcorn:  
Welp, I guess I'll be seeing y'all on the other side.

I'm with you.  I've had this question posed to me before but if I remember right it was 1 billion dollars vs 2 yrs of jail time.  I wouldn't do it even for a billion...
2 years in jail, $1B dollars... I'll swallow my pride and ship away.

I'll save the layup from someone else:

not the only thing you're swallowing bwwwahahabhahahahah
Give up 2 1/2 years of freedom for a chance at $5 mil...no thanks.  You should be asking the pole question the other direction..."How much $$$ would it take to persuade you to take the risk?"  But I guess I would still say no regardless.

Give up 2 1/2 years of freedom for a chance at $5 mil...no thanks.  You should be asking the pole question the other direction..."How much $$$ would it take to persuade you to take the risk?"  But I guess I would still say no regardless.
$5mm tax free over 2.5 years is the equivalent to earning $3mm a year on the books, it's a nice amount of money. 

1 out of 6? impressive!

Now imagine you have 2 sets of 6. You make the first one of the first set and the very last one of the second set to keep your 1 of 6 average intact. The underlying fact there is that you missed 10 in a row, which, in the proposed scenario, is enough to send you to jail for 2.5 years. Still taking the bet? :popcorn:  
Yeah this is the way you gotta think about it.  I think my odds of making 1/10 is really strong even with some pressure.*  So, let's it's even 75% (probably high, but go with it).  That's still a 25% chance of 2.5 years of my life being taken away.  That's 2.5 years without my wife and kids.  5 million is significant but it's probably not indefinitely life changing to offset the 25% chance I miss 2.5 of my kids' childhoods. No thanks. 

*I'm probably overestimating the sheer stress of the ten shots with so much on the line but I'm somewhat familiar with this very sort of stress and I'm assuming some practice. 

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No thank you, I like my butthole just the way it is.
Some of you really overestimating the amount of prison rape that occurs.  

I wouldn't be so concerned about that.  It's the 2.5 years away from family with all individuals freedom being taken away.  That's a big big deal to me. 

I practice half court shots all the time as there is a pretty competitive regular game of horse at my gym where a half court shot is a pretty typical shot. 

I'm fairly confident I can average around 1 in 10 but no way I am taking this bet.

I would need more shots, not more money, to consider it. 

I think a more interesting proposition would be doing this bet from the top of the key. I'm sure many of us would be willing to bet a lot that we would be easily make 1/10 and it's a bet we'd expect to win.  But man the intrigue of the pressure after missing like the first 4-5 would be incredible. I think that's the more fair proposition and one I'd have to really take time to consider. 

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Ref: hey Bubba....what you in for?

Bubba: they said I beat the #### out of these 3 college kids outside a bar and two of them are still in the hospital because "supposedly" I curb stomped their heads and cracked their skulls and they are still in a coma....

Ref: ohhh...ok

Bubba: what about you...?

Ref: uhhhhhhh....well you see there was thing.....

Bubba: you aint' gonna eat that HoneyBun are you....?

I'm actually at the gym right now. Going to try and simulate the mindset of this being for real (not really possible I know) and try it. 

Will report back.

In college I worked at a gym and we used to try these all the time.   I never counted but I know I have made 2-10 before.  Also missed probably 50+ in a row over a period of time.   It is random luck..now way I would go to jail.

Whelp, I'm rich #####es! 

Made: 1 of 10

Drew iron: 6 of 10

Air balls: 0 of 10

The make was on the 4th attempt, after the 3rd rimmed out. I would say about half felt like they had a decent chance coming out of my hand and the other half I knew were off as soon as I released.

Whelp, I'm rich #####es! 

Made: 1 of 10

Drew iron: 6 of 10

Air balls: 0 of 10

The make was on the 4th attempt, after the 3rd rimmed out. I would say about half felt like they had a decent chance coming out of my hand and the other half I knew were off as soon as I released.
Will you be the first to sign up?

Ref: hey Bubba....what you in for?

Bubba: they said I beat the #### out of these 3 college kids outside a bar and two of them are still in the hospital because "supposedly" I curb stomped their heads and cracked their skulls and they are still in a coma....

Ref: ohhh...ok

Bubba: what about you...?

Ref: uhhhhhhh....well you see there was thing.....

Bubba: you aint' gonna eat that HoneyBun are you....?
Ben Dover : Take your pants off.

Fletch : I don't even know your name.

Ben Dover : Bend over.

Fletch : Ben? Nice to meet you, Victor Hugo.  What are you in for, Ben?

Ben Dover: Molesting a dead horse.

Fletch: Ooh, there's no crime in that. That's your right as an American. I'm trying to cut down myself.

I almost never miss the rim (underhanded) when shooting from half court and wouldn't consider this with any less than 100 shots.

20 shots is probably the lowest for me to be confident it's free money.

10 shots - don't think it's worth the risk even if I think my % is > 10%.

Some of you really overestimating the amount of prison rape that occurs.  

I wouldn't be so concerned about that.  It's the 2.5 years away from family with all individuals freedom being taken away.  That's a big big deal to me. 
Conjugal visit sex is the best kind of sex.

$5mm tax free over 2.5 years is the equivalent to earning $3mm a year on the books, it's a nice amount of money. 
True but you don't get the money once you get out.  Not only to you lose the money you lose 2.5 yrs of your life.  If it was a both thing I would give it much more consideration.  You get the money free in clear of you make one and you get the money after 2.5 yrs of jail if you don't make one.  That is a lot more tempting. 


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