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2019 Is Already THE SUCK!!!1!!!! (3 Viewers)

Hang in there.  We’re only 4 days in.  Things will get better.

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Already been to a Rosary and a funeral. And it is STILL way ahead of 2018. I lost my father, wife lost her mother. Big tips of a tall iceberg. 2018 can forget it.

Eidt: I did NOT type 'forget it." Seriously Joe? Mask my words if you want, but do NOT replace them with things I didn't type!

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A great guy on my Sales team just picked his daughter up at the airport Thursday night and sat on the couch to watch TV. Daughter and wife heard a glass drop and ran in the living room. Massive heart attack and died. 47. Great shape, coached youth lacrosse, etc. This after our CIO died in a plant crash in August. Rough stretch for our team. 

A great guy on my Sales team just picked his daughter up at the airport Thursday night and sat on the couch to watch TV. Daughter and wife heard a glass drop and ran in the living room. Massive heart attack and died. 47. Great shape, coached youth lacrosse, etc. This after our CIO died in a plant crash in August. Rough stretch for our team. 
Condolences to his wife and daughter.

Typing in the response box has autocorrected exactly... never. And no, that verbiage isn't even remotely close to what I typed.
related. its a very strange thimg

eta: I started the thread because of what you were talking about... but nobody understood (I didn't make it terrible clear). I found it while telling a story somewhere about hearing a woman screaming into her cell phone at 8am on the corner the words that get turned into "forget it"... thought it was funny to share. whoops censored.

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Best wishes to all involved but firstly your daughter's friend.
An update:

The particular type of lymphoma that this girl has is either a localized cutaneous lymphoma or a systemic one that is also located in other parts of the body. The initial diagnosis was based on a cutaneous lesion, and the consulting pathologist note indicated that these lesions tend to be secondary to a systemic disease, particularly in children. But... tests need to be done to confirm.

Daughter's friend had a PET scan done yesterday to identify rapidly growing cells in other parts of the body, and the scan came back negative!!! So presumably this would indicate the localized cutaneous lymphoma which has a better prognostic outcome than the systemic one.

I would think that more tests will be done to confirm all of this, and I'm not even sure if this amended diagnosis changes treatment. But it is certainly a bit of good news.


Daughter’s friend (let’s call her Amy) was given the all-clear by the oncologist back in January. The original lesion first appeared last November, biopsied and diagnosed in December, and then finally given the “all-clear” mid-to-late January.

Fast forward to July, and Amy is having back pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss. Mom gives Amy ibuprofen for pain. Doesn’t seem to help. Mom calls oncologist who says to go to her pediatrician, and that she probably overdosed Amy on ibuprofen. Pediatrician palpates the upper abdomen and Amy winces in pain.

Two days later, Amy is admitted into the local Children’s hospital with an 8cm abdominal mass that is diagnosed as the same tumor from December. 

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Daughter’s friend (let’s call her Amy) was given the all-clear by the oncologist back in January. The original lesion first appeared last November, biopsied and diagnosed in December, and then finally given the “all-clear” mid-to-late January. Fast forward to July, and Amy is having back pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss. Mom gives Amy ibuprofen for pain. Doesn’t seem to help. Mom calls oncologist who says to go to her pediatrician, and that she probably overdosed Amy on ibuprofen. Pediatrician palpates the upper abdomen and Amy winces in pain.

Two days later, Amy is admitted into the local Children’s hospital with an 8cm abdominal mass that is diagnosed as the same tumor from January. 
Oh, crap.  I'm so sorry.  (Autocorrect) cancer.


Daughter’s friend (let’s call her Amy) was given the all-clear by the oncologist back in January. The original lesion first appeared last November, biopsied and diagnosed in December, and then finally given the “all-clear” mid-to-late January. Fast forward to July, and Amy is having back pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss. Mom gives Amy ibuprofen for pain. Doesn’t seem to help. Mom calls oncologist who says to go to her pediatrician, and that she probably overdosed Amy on ibuprofen. Pediatrician palpates the upper abdomen and Amy winces in pain.

Two days later, Amy is admitted into the local Children’s hospital with an 8cm abdominal mass that is diagnosed as the same tumor from December. 
Jeez. That's...awful. Sorry about that. I hope the Children's hospital does a better job than oncologist.  

Still have a PET scan next week, but all other staging procedures have come back negative so far. Right now Amy is a Stage 2, which is not a 0 or 1, but it’s also not a 3 or 4. 

Jeez. That's...awful. Sorry about that. I hope the Children's hospital does a better job than oncologist.  
Me too! Oncologist is young (for an oncologist), maybe early to mid 30’s. 

Based on my investigation, I think she really ####ed up. The original lesion expresses a unique and particular marker that is almost always indicative of a systemic disease. The original pathology report even suggests this.

All indications are that the oncologist leaned the other way and favored the cutaneous form of the disease, despite the diagnostic marker suggesting otherwise. And the oncologist therefore neglected to be more suspicious and recommend periodic follow-up. 

I hope I’m wrong about all of this, but I don’t think I am. 


Daughter’s friend (let’s call her Amy) was given the all-clear by the oncologist back in January. The original lesion first appeared last November, biopsied and diagnosed in December, and then finally given the “all-clear” mid-to-late January.

Fast forward to July, and Amy is having back pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss. Mom gives Amy ibuprofen for pain. Doesn’t seem to help. Mom calls oncologist who says to go to her pediatrician, and that she probably overdosed Amy on ibuprofen. Pediatrician palpates the upper abdomen and Amy winces in pain.

Two days later, Amy is admitted into the local Children’s hospital with an 8cm abdominal mass that is diagnosed as the same tumor from December. 
####...that sucks.  No way you should waiving "all clear" signals after 2 months for most any type of cancer.  Steer clear of that oncologist, IMO.  And not to hijack your thread, but I think my 2019 kicks your 2019's ### for suck so far, but I'll spare you the grim details.

####...that sucks.  No way you should waiving "all clear" signals after 2 months for most any type of cancer.  Steer clear of that oncologist, IMO.  And not to hijack your thread, but I think my 2019 kicks your 2019's ### for suck so far, but I'll spare you the grim details.
Sorry to hear about your year. And I’m a masochist. So if you ever want to share your details, I’m here for you gb. 

Get her to eat apricot seeds it will cure her cancer.  Do some research first but it does work.  My cousin had stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to her bones there was no more chemo for her because it wasn't helping so they put her on hospice.  When I told her about this she was on 4l O2 and close to death.  After a month ,she was off her O2 and it has been a year and she is now cancer free.  Just don't tell her Drs. That she is taking this or they will say they will stop treating you.    If you have any questions let me know.  Google it plenty of reviews and it does work.

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Get her to eat apricot seeds it will cure her cancer.  Do some research first but it does work.  My cousin had stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to her bones there was no more chemo for her because it wasn't helping so they put her on hospice.  When I told her about this she was on 4l O2 and close to death.  After a month ,she was off her O2 and it has been a year and she is now cancer free.  Just don't tell her Drs. That she is taking this or they will say they will stop treating you.    If you have any questions let me know.  Google it plenty of reviews and it does work.
Never heard of this and did a Google search and it brought back just as many hits on people poisoning themselves as curing cancer.  

Never heard of this and did a Google search and it brought back just as many hits on people poisoning themselves as curing cancer.  
Amazon has reviews, YouTube also.  You have to be pretty stupid to poison yourself.  You do have to start slow and gradually take more.

Never heard of this and did a Google search and it brought back just as many hits on people poisoning themselves as curing cancer.  
If you clicked on the article it says the Australian man cancer levels were down, he didn't die.  Main stream media and big pharma don't want the cure out.  Other countries have been using this for decades.  It's very safe if taken properly.  I've been taking this for over three years now. 

If you clicked on the article it says the Australian man cancer levels were down, he didn't die.  Main stream media and big pharma don't want the cure out.  Other countries have been using this for decades.  It's very safe if taken properly.  I've been taking this for over three years now. 
this is some batchit crazy 

Get her to eat apricot seeds it will cure her cancer.  Do some research first but it does work.  My cousin had stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to her bones there was no more chemo for her because it wasn't helping so they put her on hospice.  When I told her about this she was on 4l O2 and close to death.  After a month ,she was off her O2 and it has been a year and she is now cancer free.  Just don't tell her Drs. That she is taking this or they will say they will stop treating you.    If you have any questions let me know.  Google it plenty of reviews and it does work.
What in the actual ####.

This is flat out dangerous and irresponsible.

this is some batchit crazy 
Do a little research.  What is bat chit crazy, is telling people u know nothing about and have been helped.  That you don't know anything on the subject for what you are talking about, that is bat chit crazy.

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Get her to eat apricot seeds it will cure her cancer.  Do some research first but it does work.  My cousin had stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to her bones there was no more chemo for her because it wasn't helping so they put her on hospice.  When I told her about this she was on 4l O2 and close to death.  After a month ,she was off her O2 and it has been a year and she is now cancer free.  Just don't tell her Drs. That she is taking this or they will say they will stop treating you.    If you have any questions let me know.  Google it plenty of reviews and it does work.
If it works as you claim, then why would you care if the doctors stop treating you?

I could give a crap less.  But you still need someone who will order blood tests so you know how much it is dropping and if you tell the Dr that u are taking this they will stop seeing u.  Even though u r being cured they don't care it is all about the money.  Costs $14 for seeds.   A lot more for chemo.  What do u think the Dr wants?  Here is a hint.. it is not for curing u.

I could give a crap less.  But you still need someone who will order blood tests so you know how much it is dropping and if you tell the Dr that u are taking this they will stop seeing u.  Even though u r being cured they don't care it is all about the money.  Costs $14 for seeds.   A lot more for chemo.  What do u think the Dr wants?  Here is a hint.. it is not for curing u.
So, what kind of treatment do you still allow the doctors to do?  

I could give a crap less.  But you still need someone who will order blood tests so you know how much it is dropping and if you tell the Dr that u are taking this they will stop seeing u.  Even though u r being cured they don't care it is all about the money.  Costs $14 for seeds.   A lot more for chemo.  What do u think the Dr wants?  Here is a hint.. it is not for curing u.
Yep.  All doctors are just evil.

And you are N V T S nuts.

So, what kind of treatment do you still allow the doctors to do?  
If I need an antibiotic I will go to a Dr.   But unless I need a knee surgery or hip surgery.  I would go, but I work in a hospital so there's no real reason I would need to go unless injury.

If I need an antibiotic I will go to a Dr.   But unless I need a knee surgery or hip surgery.  I would go, but I work in a hospital so there's no real reason I would need to go unless injury.
So you've distilled modern medicine to just surgery and antimicrobials? Do you not believe in chronic disease?

From other countries that still use b17.  Do a little research you just might find it interesting.

From other countries that still use b17.  Do a little research you just might find it interesting.
I think you mean B-15

A so-called vitamin sold in health food stores may be giving users cancer rather than prolonging their lives, according to data presented at the recent meeting of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition in Washington, DC.

Neville Colman, MD, of the Hematology and Nutrition Laboratory of the Bronx Veterans Administration Medical Center, New York, told nutrition scientists that one of the components of "vitamin B15," also known as calcium pangamate or pangamic acid, is mutagenic in a widely used in vitro assay.

According to one survey, a chemical that is mutagenic in this test has a 90% probability of being able to cause cancer, Colman pointed out.
And it definitely can cause cyanide poisoning

Aim: To report diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of cyanide intoxication resulting from ingestion of cyanogenic glucoside-containing apricot seeds.

Methods: Thirteen patients admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Erciyes University between 2005 and 2009 with cyanide intoxication associated with ingestion of apricot seeds were reviewed retrospectively.

Results: Of the 13 patients, four were male. The mean time of onset of symptoms was 60 minutes (range 20 minutes to 3 hours). On admission, all patients underwent gastric lavage and received activated charcoal. In addition to signs of mild poisoning related to cyanide intoxication, there was severe intoxication requiring mechanical ventilation (in four cases), hypotension (in two), coma (in two) and convulsions (in one). Metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis) was detected in nine patients and these were treated with sodium bicarbonate. Hyperglycaemia occurred in nine patients and blood glucose levels normalised spontaneously in six but three required insulin therapy for 3–6 hours. Six patients received antidote treatment: high-dose hydroxocobalamin in four and two were treated with a cyanide antidote kit in addition to high-dose hydroxocobalamin. One patient required anticonvulsive therapy. All patients recovered and were discharged from the PICU within a mean (SD, range) 3.1 (1.7, 2–6) days.

Conclusion: Cyanide poisoning associated with ingestion of apricot seeds is an important poison in children, many of whom require intensive care.
From a Cochrane review on the subject:


Laetrile is the name for a semi‐synthetic compound which is chemically related to amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside from the kernels of apricots and various other species of the genus Prunus. Laetrile and amygdalin are promoted under various names for the treatment of cancer although there is no evidence for its efficacy. Due to possible cyanide poisoning, laetrile can be dangerous. 


To assess the alleged anti‐cancer effect and possible adverse effects of laetrile and amygdalin. 

Search methods

We searched the following databases: CENTRAL (2014, Issue 9); MEDLINE (1951‐2014); EMBASE (1980‐2014); AMED; Scirus; CINAHL (all from 1982‐2015); CAMbase (from 1998‐2015); the MetaRegister; the National Research Register; and our own files. We examined reference lists of included studies and review articles and we contacted experts in the field for knowledge of additional studies. We did not impose any restrictions of timer or language. Searches updated June 2018 and no new studies identified. 

Selection criteria

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi‐RCTs.

Data collection and analysis

We searched eight databases and two registers for studies testing laetrile or amygdalin for the treatment of cancer. Two review authors screened and assessed articles for inclusion criteria. 

Main results

We located over 200 references, 63 were evaluated in the original review, 6 in the 2011 and none in this update. However, we did not identify any studies that met our inclusion criteria. 

Authors' conclusions

The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.

It does a lot of things do a little research and stop being a Richard!
How am I being a Richard?  You advocated that a cancer patient take apricot seeds for treatment, but not to tell doctors for risk they would stop treating you.  I responded by suggesting you don't need a doctor if your apricot seeds work as you describe.  To which you said you need the doctor to order blood tests and the like.  OK, fine.  My follow up question is genuine.  What treatments would a doctor continue?  Chemo?  Radiation?  Surgical removal of tumors?  They certainly aren't just going to order a random blood tests for you.  Would the cancer patient allow them to continue standard treatments if they are hiding the fact that they are taking apricot seeds?  This is not a question intending to be a Richard...not sure why you interpreted it as such.


For my cousin they gave her an ultimatum of stop taking them or  find a new Dr. To order blood test.   If I had cancer I wouldn't need a Dr for blood tests cause I know many since I work in a hospital.  I could just get a Dr. To order it I wouldn't need to  see a cancer Dr.


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