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______ Passed Away Today, RIP (4 Viewers)

Tip O'Neill was a lifetime POS politician.  

I figure it was more a part of self-preservation than mentoring.  
Agree 100% about Tip.

Gotta believe they were at least friends though.

My guess is that Iacocca would have ran as a Dem, as Reagan was going for re-election in 1984.

Billionaire coal tycoon Chris Cline reportedly died in a helicopter crash off the coast of The Bahamas. 

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Verry interesting

RIP Arte Johnson
didn't see this til now. one of my Reno poker buddies was Mike Price, a writer on Laugh-in & other shows  in the 60s & 70s (as well as the food & bev editor for Playboy) and a radio guy & standup teacher in later life - last i heard he was still doing it. Mike's best showbiz friend was Laugh-in announcer Gary Owens and my Mary would almost have laughgasms when we were with those two. Neither Mike or Gary were great friends with Arte, but spoke of his quiet, subversive talent with a similar reverence as the cast of the Carol Burnett do about Tim Conway. He had one of the rarest comedic talents - the courage to wait forfrikkin'ever on a slow-burning bit. Both the Laugh-in guys were way to silly to convey it except by their respect, but that was f'real. RIP -

Ross Perot, dead at 89.
Probably had a real shot at twenty percent as an independent before the wheels came off his campaign. Without bringing the political firestorm, Perot's Reform Party became a distinct wing of the Republican Party with Buchanan and Trump-like folks arguing against stuff they felt hurt blue-collar labor in the form of free trade deals.

"That giant sucking sound" is the void he left in viable third parties, and also as he leaves. RIP to an original, and despite how one feels about the platform, he got his pet platform at least in lip service by our current president.  WI, OH, MI, PA say hello. 

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Was in an Uber in March where the driver said he had worked for Ross Perot.  Ross Perot apparently criticized what he was wearing.  The Uber driver did an impression it was pretty funny.  Said the guy was kind of a jerk to him.

Was in an Uber in March where the driver said he had worked for Ross Perot.  Ross Perot apparently criticized what he was wearing.  The Uber driver did an impression it was pretty funny.  Said the guy was kind of a jerk to him.
Is that what Dana Carvey is up to these days?

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Probably had a real shot at twenty percent as an independent before the wheels came off his campaign. Without bringing the political firestorm, Perot's Reform Party became a distinct wing of the Republican Party with Buchanan and Trump-like folks arguing against stuff they felt hurt blue-collar labor in the form of free trade deals.

"That giant sucking sound" is the void he left in viable third parties, and also as he leaves. RIP to an original, and despite how one feels about the platform, he got his pet platform at least in lip service by our current president.  WI, OH, MI, PA say hello. 
my favorite perot moment came during a debate... can't recall the question, but he had absolutely no idea about the topic- said something along the lines of "well, that's a good question and I just don't know enough to answer that- but I can promise you I'll be hiring the brightest and best and we'll be able to tackle that well". I genuinely appreciated his honesty- even in the face of showing ignorance. didn't love the brashness of him being that unprepared... but liked the honesty.

I worked on a relative of his house for a bit... some heavy duty security (including secret service spots for when presidents visted) and lots and lots of gun storage.

have been genuinely disappointed a separate independent party hasn't been able to push these two increasingly polarizing parties- also appreciate his efforts in doing his bit in that regard.

Probably had a real shot at twenty percent as an independent before the wheels came off his campaign. Without bringing the political firestorm, Perot's Reform Party became a distinct wing of the Republican Party with Buchanan and Trump-like folks arguing against stuff they felt hurt blue-collar labor in the form of free trade deals.

"That giant sucking sound" is the void he left in viable third parties, and also as he leaves. RIP to an original, and despite how one feels about the platform, he got his pet platform at least in lip service by our current president.  WI, OH, MI, PA say hello. 
that was mostly down to Buchanan

as one who did not vote for a major-party candidate between 1972 & 2008, i sincerely wish Mr Perot had been 19% less loony because he came thiiiis close to capturing what motivated action from people with teapartyish sentiments on both sides of the political spectrum and we might have more responsive institutions as a result. if he had crossed 25% or not devolved into personal paranoia, maybe we'd have gotten a balanced-budget amendment BEFORE the pols realized they could bankroll promises, porkbarrels and doctrinal adventures into warfare @ 4 cents on the dollar with a runaway deficit govt. bless you for trying, li'l fella. RIP -

that was mostly down to Buchanan
Yeah, Gary Coal Man has corrected me on that. I remember Perot and NAFTA in that election, juxtaposed against the two main party candidates; I did not pay attention to the Republican primary. 

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"Why am I here?"
Stockdale studied philosophy at Stanford and meant for that question to be rhetorical. He was a brilliant individual but not a very eloquent speaker and definitely not well versed in the world of publicity and marketing. He was also apolitical and didn't want Perot to drag him into the race in the first place. Perot made no effort to prepare Stockdale for the debate, and had no gameplan aside from winging it. The entire Perot campaign was amateur hour and the VP debate was just a micrococm of it.

Yeah, Gary Coal Man has corrected me on that. I remember Perot and NAFTA in that election, juxtaposed against the two main party candidates; I did not pay attention to the Republican primary. 
and Buchanan also hijacked a Reform Party convention, which killed that party before it ever got traction as an alternative voice without Perot

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Remember Admiral Stockdale and the SNL impersonation? I recently read an article on Stockdale. Everybody was impressed with his intellect, actually, if not his telegenic abilities. 
Yeah, I'm not a fan of Dennis Miller, but I did respect his pro-Stockdale rant, where he trashed people for turning Stockdale into a joke.
I have mixed feelings about Miller's rant. I get where he's coming from, but I also believe that any adult that willingly puts themselves into the public spotlight, is therefore a viable target for criticism. When you demand special treatment for Stockdale, then you're engaging in the same kind of PC virtue signaling that conservatives typically criticize.

Stockdale was bad on TV because he wasn't prepared. It had nothing to do with his status as a former POW.

Stockdale studied philosophy at Stanford and meant for that question to be rhetorical. He was a brilliant individual but not a very eloquent speaker and definitely not well versed in the world of publicity and marketing. He was also apolitical and didn't want Perot to drag him into the race in the first place. Perot made no effort to prepare Stockdale for the debate, and had no gameplan aside from winging it. The entire Perot campaign was amateur hour and the VP debate was just a micrococm of it.
All of this is true. Whenever I hear his name I do hear that quote in my mind. The press made him out to be a moron over it. :rolleyes:

Shared this is in the Political Forum, but worth being here too:

Read a story about him, well before he ran for the Presidency:

Once he became successful, he bought his childhood home.  But a previous owner had painted the brick house.

He instructed his workers to clean off the paint, but that wasn't an option.

So he had them remove the bricks and turn them around so they looked like the original house.

RIP, Rip

(Torn, that is)
Talented guy with a lot of self-destructive tendencies. Him and Norman Mailer's drunken on-screen fistfight is a surreal thing to witness. Odd bit of trivia: he was once married to the actress Ann Wedgeworth--Lana from Three's Company

I hadn't seen Larry Sanders in more than ten years, but after Shandling passed HBO put it back into rotation for awhile. I had forgotten how excellent he was in that show. Great chemistry with Shandling, perfect timing, and he killed with the one-liners.

Larry comes to Artie distraught over having walked in on his ex-wife having sex with Alec Baldwin.

Larry: And she was on top

Artie: That lazy *******

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Encyclopedia Brown said:
Talented guy with a lot of self-destructive tendencies. Him and Norman Mailer's drunken on-screen fistfight is a surreal thing to witness. Odd bit of trivia: he was once married to the actress Ann Wedgeworth--Lana from Three's Company

I hadn't seen Larry Sanders in more than ten years, but after Shandling passed HBO put it back into rotation for awhile. I had forgotten how excellent he was in that show. Great chemistry with Shandling, perfect timing, and he killed with the one-liners.

Larry comes to Artie distraught over having walked in on his ex-wife having sex with Alec Baldwin.

Larry: And she was on top

Artie: That lazy *******
I didn't realize Rip was Sissy Spacek's cousin.

Mel Brooks often recounts that one of the favorite "let's get our funny on" exercises in the Your Show of Show's writers room was making up Rock Hudson,/Tab Hunter/Rip Torn-like starnames. I believe Sleeve Rapier was one of them. Oddly, the most prolific comedy producer of all time, Lorne Michaels, hates comic names
it's easier if they made an appearance on The Flinstones back in the day. Perfect Example is Stony Curtis.


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