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______ Passed Away Today, RIP (2 Viewers)

back in the day i love loved SCTV late night on saturday on channel 9 in ny. growing up as a kid, it was humor that came right up my alley. so many greats from that show and people don’t even really know it existed. i still remember eugene levy, john candy, catherine o’hara, andrea martin and that small guy whose name escapes me. classic
crazy you had to watch these shows via diorama’s, you had to be so happy when television was invented….. :whistle:
lol.....this was when kids were remote controls. i remember watching tv with my dad and he'd tap me on the shoulder to get up. basically, what you were watching was it. and don't even get me started on rolling down car windows!
Close your eyes and listen

Except we didn't have that many channels back then
2-4-5-7-9-11-13 and maybe lucha libre on UHF 47
cbs, nbc, forgot 5, abc, wor (mets), wpix (yanks), pbs, uhf
Been covered above... but I had no idea!
So the passed away thread is now also former TV channel’s thread?
TV as we knew it in the '70s has passed away. :shrug:
I buried my first remote in the backyard next to my cat.
Was it the kind that clicked to make a noise and you can see the dial actually turning on the TV?

In college we got a hand-me down TV from one of the dudes I lived with. We put it in the garage and it was one of those old console TV's with the "clicker" remote. We turned the garage into a make shift living room so we hung lamps for lighting. We had one of those old lamps that had a chain to hang it with. As we were hanging the lamp the TV started changing channels. We had no idea what was going on and thought there were ghosts or something. After a few moments of moving the lamp around it finally dawned on me that the chain jingling was hitting the frequency of the "clicker" and changing the channels. We then proceeded to use that as a party gag when new people showed up to try and scare them. We had a couple people that we really freaked out and they never figured it out....haha
Akebono, first foreign Yokozuna, dies at 54. Way too young. Yokozuna is probably the rarest title one can achieve in sport - like 70 in history.

Some great highlights:

Despite all that he did on the football field, he will forever be remembered for those murders. maybe he can find the "real" killer wherever he ends up next.
OJ Simpson stats from a different era. 1973, his 2000 yard season in 14 games, he had 3 games of 200+ yards rushing, but caught only 6 balls all year. That is kind of amazing. and the 6 catches came in 3 games. Played in just 1 playoff game.
There is a crazy video on youtube of OJ standing out in front of his house with a golf club, right after the verdict, and strangers are driving up and stopping for pictures and autographs. I have to find it.
I was in awe of OJ the football player.

And while I started mourning most of that at the time of the murders, I can't help but to still mourn the little that's left for me- even if it's outshadowed by what happened after.
And I saw him and Nicole out at a club here in NYC around 1990.

I was used to seeing stars out at clubs back then... But seeing OJ was my biggest hfs I can't believe THAT person is here moment.
Let’s all say goodbye to our most famous Celebrity kidnapper and armed robber. (To say nothing of the wife beating and likely double murder).
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The ESPN Up Close interview from 1998 was a pretty good one. Chris Myers did a nice job of holding his feet to the fire. To me, his demeanor and the way he answers the questions give away his guilt. If the love of your life, the mother of you children was brutally murdered and you were charged with the crime but didn't do it, you would have a visceral reaction to being asked about your perceived role the crime. And the more people asked you about it, the more it would piss you off. At no time did OJ ever say "I didn't do this! Stop asking me questions about it! I have no idea what happened other than they were murdered." Instead he gives almost professorial answers about the crime and the trial. He does the same thing in the PPV taped interview he did.

There is a crazy video on youtube of OJ standing out in front of his house with a golf club, right after the verdict, and strangers are driving up and stopping for pictures and autographs. I have to find it.
Here it is. Go stand next to the murderer for a picture, kids!

Some people tend to come clean on their death bed.
Makes me wonder if those close to OJ heard him say anything.
i read those at his death bed had to sign NDAs so......

There's some allegations going viral by someone saying now he's dead, an NDA binding them around an incident from his murder trial days, but relating to actions while at USC, is no longer valid, and then telling what they say transpired. I don't imagine this is the right thread to discuss deeper, so I'll just suggest if you're interested, you can google "WABC OJ USC" for a synopsis, and if they don't have the original tweet there, enough info you can google and find it easily.

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