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Adam Jones penalty for late hit (1 Viewer)


At first glance it looked like the guy was not out of bounds. Was there a whistle or something? It could have been a horse collar, but I thought the call was for a late hit after the player was out of boards.

Can anyone confirm the call one way or the other?

It looked to me like he was in bounds when the tackle started, but the "throw down" portion of it was after he was out.

It was for hitting the guy out of bounds. Looked to me like he pushed him out of bounds then slammed him to the turf while out of bounds without letting go.

I know it looked a certain way. If anyone has a good Tivo HD replay that they could look at under the hood that would be nice. I just saw the play in real time and couldn't replay it, but it appeared that the throwdown slam started in bounds by a few inches. If that's the case, thanks.

I think the contact started in bounds, but the out of bounds throw down will draw the flag every time. I thought it deserved a flag before the ref threw it.

It appeared he started to push him down in bounds and it carried out of bounds. He was really trying to pull the ball out with his left hand and his right hand was pushing him down. The twisting motion when he fell made it appear more serious of a tackle than it was really. I thought it was a borderline call at the time.

It appeared he started to push him down in bounds and it carried out of bounds. He was really trying to pull the ball out with his left hand and his right hand was pushing him down. The twisting motion when he fell made it appear more serious of a tackle than it was really. I thought it was a borderline call at the time.
I thought it was borderline as well at full speed. The slow mo replay made it seem even less of a penalty. However, he did grab him at the Horse Collar area and yanked back, which was called last week in a game. So maybe he had two half penalties in there.
At first glance it looked like the guy was not out of bounds. Was there a whistle or something? It could have been a horse collar, but I thought the call was for a late hit after the player was out of boards. Can anyone confirm the call one way or the other?
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say who cares? It had little affect on the game.The Cowboys were owned plain and simple. They were an absolute embarassment.
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