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Adrian Peterson -- Torn ACL/MCL (2 Viewers)

My take: If Peterson was 100% recovered from his ankle injury then I have no problem with what happened. Injuries happen in football. However, if his ankle was even only 90% healthy going into today's game, every coach involved in the decision to let him play needs to be canned. You don't risk your 96 million dollar face of the franchise in a meaningless game if he has even a hint of a leg injury. Hope it isn't a significant injury and that he's ready come training camp, but knowing the luck of Vikings fans, it'll probably be a career ender.
Except, his ankle had zero to do with in injury in the game. Even if his ankle was 50% it has no impact on his injury.Also its late in the season, everyone is 'injured' one way or another.Sounds like you need to take a step back and cool off. Suggesting the firing of an entire coaching staff because of an injury is tired.
Zero to do with the injury? Are you certain. Sure, if he would've been hit at the same angle on any play he would've had this injury. Can you say for a fact that he wasn't a half a step slower today? Could that half a step made it so his knee wasn't planted when he was hit on this play? Plus, that has nothing to do with what I said. All I said was that "if" he wasn't 100%(or near enough to it that it didn't matter, since no NFL player is truly 100% after camp starts) then he shouldn't have been playing and wouldn't have been in the position to possibly injure himself in this game. I never said his previous injury affected his current one.
Vikings fear RB Peterson tore ACL and MCL



12/24/2011 9:31:51 PM | More

Tom Pelissero of ESPN 1500 Twin Cities reports via Twitter If the MRI confirms Vikings fears, it's at least the ACL and MCL for Adrian Peterson and he's probably not ready to start the 2012 season.

A Saturday night MRI confirmed that Adrian Peterson tore both the ACL and MCL in his left knee.

Reconstructive surgery will be delayed until the MCL heals, allowing doctors to operate on the ACL. The postponement is significant because Peterson's injury occurred so late in the year. It's possible that Peterson will be a candidate for the PUP list to begin the 2012 season. The odds will be against him playing in Week 1. Toby Gerhart will probably spend the offseason and 2012 training camp as the Vikings' first-team tailback. They may also add talent in free agency and/or the draft. Peterson just signed a seven-year, $96 million contract this past September.
The day Peterson became a 2nd rnd fantasy pick
Reminds me of what happened to Welker a few years ago in week 17 he tore both ACL and MCL and had to wait like 6-8 week for surgery.

'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:PMac21 Phil Mackey @ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?13 minutes ago ddn David Dellanave@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher forcehttp://twitter.com/#!/ddn/status/150677458520252416
http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
This is such a shame. He may never be the same. He will be 28 and old for a running back when he will have the opportunity to be back at 100%. Will always be the best I ever saw live.

'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:

PMac21 Phil Mackey

@ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?

13 minutes ago

ddn David Dellanave

@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher force

http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
Conclusions: By limiting motion at the ankle, taping increased mechanical stability at this joint. Ankle taping also provided protective benefits to the knee via reduced internal rotation moments and varus impulses during both planned and unplanned maneuvers. Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament injuries may, however, occur through increased valgus impulse during sidestepping undertaken with ankle tape.
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'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:PMac21 Phil Mackey @ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?13 minutes ago ddn David Dellanave@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher forcehttp://twitter.com/#!/ddn/status/150677458520252416
http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
If you read the full series of tweets from @ddn(who isn't a doctor, he is simply a gym owner that apparently thinks he is a doctor) he is basically just saying "your body parts are all connected." Information which we all hopefully knew prior to reading his tweets, but somehow he's made the leap in logic that since our entire body is connected that injury to one part of the body increases the odds of random events causing injury to other parts of the body. As you can see I don't put much stock in his analysis but that's maybe just me, Mackey, by the way is a baseball guy, so forgive his ignorance of contact sports.sports_fan: AP wasn't sidestepping.
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'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:PMac21 Phil Mackey @ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?13 minutes ago ddn David Dellanave@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher forcehttp://twitter.com/#!/ddn/status/150677458520252416
http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
If you read the full series of tweets from @ddn(who isn't a doctor, he is simply a gym owner that apparently thinks he is a doctor) he is basically just saying "your body parts are all connected." Information which we all hopefully knew prior to reading his tweets, but somehow he's made the leap in logic that since our entire body is connected that injury to one part of the body increases the odds of random events causing injury to other parts of the body. As you can see I don't put much stock in his analysis but that's maybe just me, Mackey, by the way is a baseball guy, so forgive his ignorance of contact sports.
First off, these are just two dudes I saw casually conversing immediately after the injury. Second, the study and David Dellanave don't contradict. DD says that taping the ankle, and limiting its ROM, transfers force to the knee as the ankle is unable to absorb normal stress due to restricted motion. The conclusion of the study states that ankle taping reduces rotation of the knee. It says nothing on force.
Well if you read the part you copied, pasted and bolded it seems like they do. And then the tweet you quoted earlier actually contradicts it as well but...

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Even as a Packer fan this sucks.

That guy was such a beast and its a shame to have this happen in such a crappy year for the Vikings...(not that there is a good time for it to happen to him).

Wish him the best...but wow...big time sucks.

'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:

PMac21 Phil Mackey

@ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?

13 minutes ago

ddn David Dellanave

@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher force

http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
Conclusions: By limiting motion at the ankle, taping increased mechanical stability at this joint. Ankle taping also provided protective benefits to the knee via reduced internal rotation moments and varus impulses during both planned and unplanned maneuvers. Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament injuries may, however, occur through increased valgus impulse during sidestepping undertaken with ankle tape.
I don't think the last sentence pertains to Adrian Peterson's situation. Then again, I have no idea what "valgus impulse during sidestepping" is.
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'LargeMouthBass said:
'meanjoegreen said:
'LargeMouthBass said:
Hope all the managers that whined about AP should play these meaningless games are happy. It looks like he'll be out for the rest of NEXT year...
Peterson was healed from his high ankle sprain, and he plays professional football as a living, not as a hobby. Teams generally like to finish the season strong when they aren't going to the playoffs, so it is not unusual at all that Peterson was playing. Cam Newton is playing today and the Panthers aren't going to the playoffs, should he have sat out this game today?
No, Football is a business and no matter what the players express, the coaches and management control their personnel. It's better for Minn, Indy, and St. Louis to lose these two games. Cam's out there to gain more playing time, AP doesn't need to gain more experience at his position.
:crazy:It's a professional sports event with paying fans. As a business, they will never tank NFL games. Players support their team and buy jerseys for players. no fans no money. If the players are healthy, they play. I can't believe anyone would think anything else. That's just crazy.
No you are crazy. Just because he's getting paid tons of money, he needs to risk getting injured for playing in meaningless games? Especially, when you've missed multiple weeks due to ankle injury? True fans would actually care about the future of their franchise player rather than be near-sighted and have him out there to entertain your drunk ###. As a fan of AP, it's sad that he'll never be the same ever again...
Sad day to see such an amazing talent have an injury that will likely have a significant impact on the rest of his career.

He can still come back and be a top rb, but might not be able to last into his 30's anymore.

'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:PMac21 Phil Mackey @ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?13 minutes ago ddn David Dellanave@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher forcehttp://twitter.com/#!/ddn/status/150677458520252416
there is no physical condition that would have sustained that sort of hit.
frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)

the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?

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frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?
not all acl injuries are the same. the mcl damage shouldnt be a concern as those heal fully without surgery. id be most worried about substantial meniscus damage.
frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?
not all acl injuries are the same. the mcl damage shouldnt be a concern as those heal fully without surgery. id be most worried about substantial meniscus damage.
Why the meniscus?Meniscus is minor. It absorbs the shock of the knee. He will have worse arthritis in his career, but his ligaments are way more important than a meniscus.
'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:

PMac21 Phil Mackey

@ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?

13 minutes ago

ddn David Dellanave

@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher force

http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
Conclusions: By limiting motion at the ankle, taping increased mechanical stability at this joint. Ankle taping also provided protective benefits to the knee via reduced internal rotation moments and varus impulses during both planned and unplanned maneuvers. Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament injuries may, however, occur through increased valgus impulse during sidestepping undertaken with ankle tape.
I don't think the last sentence pertains to Adrian Peterson's situation. Then again, I have no idea what "valgus impulse during sidestepping" is.
This. Plus it's the other ankle. Numbskulls.
Edge is best case possible. He was only 23 (vs. AP at 26), but he came back and was about 75% the player he was before for another 8 years.
I will agree with the poster who mentioned Terry Allen, who had both knees rebuilt when arthroscopic surgery was in its infancy and then was a darling for FF owners for a few years when he went to the Redskins.But how bout Frank Gore? He had an ACL injury in college and seemed to recover fully (although as you noted with Edge he was considerably younger).
'FavreCo said:
'mikel2014 said:
For those who haven't seen it. Terrible hit.

Really unfortunate injury for one of the best around.
Eww. Ugly. McGahee at UM style.
Exactly what I was thinking.Was it a cheap shot? I don't know; I've never played. The tackler basically DID launch himself at Peterson's knee, from the side.

Who was the last rb with an injury like this to come back and have sustained success?
McGahee, although he was in college when he was injured.
McGahee has most likely never been the pro he could have been. He's certainly never been dominant. It still takes about 24 months to be close to top speed again.Jamal Lewis ran for 2,000 yards after an ACL tear. That's the best case scenario. In most cases, though, I think you end up wondering how good a pro a player could have been, if not for the injury...
Who was the last rb with an injury like this to come back and have sustained success?
McGahee, although he was in college when he was injured.
McGahee has most likely never been the pro he could have been. He's certainly never been dominant. It still takes about 24 months to be close to top speed again.Jamal Lewis ran for 2,000 yards after an ACL tear. That's the best case scenario. In most cases, though, I think you end up wondering how good a pro a player could have been, if not for the injury...
This is absolutely a sad conversation to have- i feel very bad for AD. But, i think we can all agree his talent trumps all the others mentioned by leaps and bounds. Hopefully he will implement the work ethic it took for him to get this level in his rehab, and we will be talking about the success of ADP coming back stronger than ever. Hopefully he will become the best case scenario for all future RB ligament injuries. Good luck AD.
'sports_fan said:
Interesting stuff from Twitter:

PMac21 Phil Mackey

@ddn Is there evidence that knee injuries occur at a higher frequency when dealing with a high ankle sprain?

13 minutes ago

ddn David Dellanave

@PMac21 ab-so-#######-lutely. Injuries working up the kinetic chain is 101. tape and immobilize the weak ankle, then knee takes higher force

http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2010/11000/Effect_of_Ankle_Taping_on_Knee_and_Ankle_Joint.16.aspxThere's at least one study that says that's not true.
Conclusions: By limiting motion at the ankle, taping increased mechanical stability at this joint. Ankle taping also provided protective benefits to the knee via reduced internal rotation moments and varus impulses during both planned and unplanned maneuvers. Medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament injuries may, however, occur through increased valgus impulse during sidestepping undertaken with ankle tape.
I don't think the last sentence pertains to Adrian Peterson's situation. Then again, I have no idea what "valgus impulse during sidestepping" is.
This. Plus it's the other ankle. Numbskulls.
Who was the last rb with an injury like this to come back and have sustained success?
McGahee, although he was in college when he was injured.
McGahee has most likely never been the pro he could have been. He's certainly never been dominant. It still takes about 24 months to be close to top speed again.Jamal Lewis ran for 2,000 yards after an ACL tear. That's the best case scenario. In most cases, though, I think you end up wondering how good a pro a player could have been, if not for the injury...
This is absolutely a sad conversation to have- i feel very bad for AD. But, i think we can all agree his talent trumps all the others mentioned by leaps and bounds. Hopefully he will implement the work ethic it took for him to get this level in his rehab, and we will be talking about the success of ADP coming back stronger than ever. Hopefully he will become the best case scenario for all future RB ligament injuries. Good luck AD.
Its sad, but I feel worse for guys like Schaub, Mario Williams, and Nick Collins...guys actually in a championship window.
frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?
not all acl injuries are the same. the mcl damage shouldnt be a concern as those heal fully without surgery. id be most worried about substantial meniscus damage.
The MCL is a concern since he can't have surgery on his ACL until the MCL heals. If the MCL didn't get injured he'd have surgery the moment the swelling in his knee went down.
How does a torn mcl heal on it's own but an cal doesn't?
mainly blood supply. mcl has better blood flow, clot forms at the tear and healing begins. acl doesnt repair itself and isnt repaired surgically, replaced instead, often with the patella tendon
frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?
not all acl injuries are the same. the mcl damage shouldnt be a concern as those heal fully without surgery. id be most worried about substantial meniscus damage.
The MCL is a concern since he can't have surgery on his ACL until the MCL heals. If the MCL didn't get injured he'd have surgery the moment the swelling in his knee went down.
this is a good point. will make it much less likely he is ready for the start of next season.
frank gore has torn both ACLs. this injury isnt as bad as it use to be, however he will not be great next year if he plays at all. It won't be until 2013 that he will be back to being ADP. (imo)the bigger question is will the vikings move down in the draft now and take trent richardson?
not all acl injuries are the same. the mcl damage shouldnt be a concern as those heal fully without surgery. id be most worried about substantial meniscus damage.
The MCL is a concern since he can't have surgery on his ACL until the MCL heals. If the MCL didn't get injured he'd have surgery the moment the swelling in his knee went down.
this is a good point. will make it much less likely he is ready for the start of next season.
Clayton is speculating he'll start the '12 season on the PUP list so he would miss the first 6 weeks.
Totally wrong for him to be on the field... this isn't some 3rd round talent, this is the face of your franchise; a 100 million dollar running back playing hurt and playing the most volient position in the game. He looked like crap the other 2 games and he was at a higher risk of injury playing with a high ankle sprain. Heads are going to be lopped off for this and the HC should be the 1st. The owner should also put a pistal to his mouth because he had to sign off on having that kid out there as well. Peterson is a stud horse and stud horses want to race no matter how hurt they are, you don't leave that decision to them.

The good news is that his career isn't, just shorted... but 2012 is ruined.


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