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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thread (9 Viewers)

Nothing to do with socialism.  Think about things like:



Meaningful Use

Tax incentives for companies to cover health care


State insurance requirements


I could go on.  Our medical system hasn't been a largely capitalist system for a while.  It's been perverted by government forces and regulation (and has been for a long, long time). (Just as an example, there's a reason that small doctor's offices are going away and being absorbed by hospitals - the paperwork overhead is so onerous that economics of scale are required to stay afloat).
sandhan you should really point out who the forces are that lobby more than anyone else for the quote government forces and regulations endquote you know like the drug companies and healthcare interests that make tons of money from the system take that to the bank bromigos 

Why all this obsession about a candidate for the House?
It’s pretty simple. Conservatives want an easy target. Someone that they can use as an example of liberal craziness. It’s their response to Trump. The leader of their party has extreme views, so they need make the leader of the liberals to be extreme too. First they tried to make Maxine Waters that person but it didn’t stick. Now they want to make it look like the liberals are pushing socialism with her as the star.

whoknew said:
This is a terrible decision by Ocasio-Cortez. I hope she changes her mind - 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Monday that stops on her “listening tour” throughout the district, like the one held a day earlier in Corona, are “intended for lively, compassionate discourse with a diversity of viewpoints.”

According to the Democratic nominee in the 14th Congressional District, she and the dozens of area residents who attended the event “talked about race, immigration, healthcare, disability rights and housing.”

But unless you were in the room on Sunday, you won’t know what specific community problems were mentioned or how Ocasio-Cortez planned to address them once she is sworn in.

That’s because her campaign banned members of the media from attending the event, which was otherwise open to the public.
Ooof. Terrible decision. Hopefully those two incidents won't be repeated, but she should rightfully be shredded over this. This type of mentality and behavior from any of our politicians should never be allowed.

It’s pretty simple. Conservatives want an easy target. Someone that they can use as an example of liberal craziness. It’s their response to Trump. The leader of their party has extreme views, so they need make the leader of the liberals to be extreme too. First they tried to make Maxine Waters that person but it didn’t stick. Now they want to make it look like the liberals are pushing socialism with her as the star.
Thats all well and good, but how does that explain why she gets so much media attention? 

It’s pretty simple. Conservatives want an easy target. Someone that they can use as an example of liberal craziness. It’s their response to Trump. The leader of their party has extreme views, so they need make the leader of the liberals to be extreme too. First they tried to make Maxine Waters that person but it didn’t stick. Now they want to make it look like the liberals are pushing socialism with her as the star.
She's getting huge media attention.  Media that is 95+% liberal.  Republicans don't control the narrative here - this water is being carried by the liberal side.  

Have to admit she has a great platform.

Medicare For All

A Federal Jobs Guarantee

Immigration Justice / Abolish ICE

Free Higher Education / Trade School for All

A Peace Economy ?

Free Housing As a Human Right

Have to admit she has a great platform.

Medicare For All

A Federal Jobs Guarantee

Immigration Justice / Abolish ICE

Free Higher Education / Trade School for All

A Peace Economy ?

Free Housing As a Human Right
Not to say she goes about everything correctly, she doesn't, but why do people think everyone having health insurance, a job and a place to live is somehow bad? Do certain people not "deserve" those things?

Not to say she goes about everything correctly, she doesn't, but why do people think everyone having health insurance, a job and a place to live is somehow bad? Do certain people not "deserve" those things?
It's America. You work for those things. The invisible hand, bruh.

The moment the incentive to work disappears, our democracy and society will begin to erode.

If I could sit home all day and get free housing, a guaranteed job, and healthcare. I wouldn't work very hard knowing the government will take care of me.

Go ahead, legalize weed while we're at it. Give everyone free stuff and let them sit around and smoke weed everyday.

I'm sure that will end up great and not a total disaster.

Not to say she goes about everything correctly, she doesn't, but why do people think everyone having health insurance, a job and a place to live is somehow bad? Do certain people not "deserve" those things?
Who is going to pay for them, Trump's friend Russia?

"Historical NHE, 2016: NHE grew 4.3% to $3.3 trillion in 2016, or $10,348 per person, and accounted for 17.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Medicare spending grew 3.6% to $672.1 billion in 2016, or 20 percent of total NHE. Medicaid spending grew 3.9% to $565.5 billion in 2016, or 17 percent of total NHE."

3.3 Trillion in 2016 to cover 37% of Americans in 2016 dollars.

It's America. You work for those things. The invisible hand, bruh.

The moment the incentive to work disappears, our democracy and society will begin to erode.

If I could sit home all day and get free housing, a guaranteed job, and healthcare. I wouldn't work very hard knowing the government will take care of me.

Go ahead, legalize weed while we're at it. Give everyone free stuff and let them sit around and smoke weed everyday.

I'm sure that will end up great and not a total disaster.
You ever think that everyone just isn't that lazy and would still try to better themselves? Or that people might thrive if they had a little less stress on their hands wondering if they will have enough money to pay for healthcare or their copays? Maybe people would be healthier if they weren't worried about losing their jobs and living pay check to pay check?

It's America. You work for those things. The invisible hand, bruh.

The moment the incentive to work disappears, our democracy and society will begin to erode.

If I could sit home all day and get free housing, a guaranteed job, and healthcare. I wouldn't work very hard knowing the government will take care of me.

Go ahead, legalize weed while we're at it. Give everyone free stuff and let them sit around and smoke weed everyday.

I'm sure that will end up great and not a total disaster.
What country in the world offers all that? None that I know of.

You ever think that everyone just isn't that lazy and would still try to better themselves? Or that people might thrive if they had a little less stress on their hands wondering if they will have enough money to pay for healthcare or their copays? Maybe people would be healthier if they weren't worried about losing their jobs and living pay check to pay check?
Also, I’m sure the free housing that comes with the idea is not going to be a 3,000sq ft house in the burbs. The people wanting to not live in “government subsidized housing” will be fine.

I visited Denver this year and asked about their housing since I didn’t see any “subsidized housing” like I do in Milwaukee. The explanation I was given was pretty damn good and I appreciated what Denver did and how they incorporate the lower income people into housing around the city. Great for diversity. 

Many arguments against her and the ideas she and Bernie have presented are blatant fear mongering. It’s unfortunate that fear mongering works so well. 

You ever think that everyone just isn't that lazy and would still try to better themselves? Or that people might thrive if they had a little less stress on their hands wondering if they will have enough money to pay for healthcare or their copays? Maybe people would be healthier if they weren't worried about losing their jobs and living pay check to pay check?
No, I don't think that. I think the system is fine. I see plenty of happy and healthy Americans out there.

There's no system that is perfect but the one we have is pretty damn good. The only ones who complain are the ones not trying hard enough.

Let's keep it that way. 

Well, then why the hell bring this up?

If I could sit home all day and get free housing, a guaranteed job, and healthcare. I wouldn't work very hard knowing the government will take care of me.
No country in the world provides all that and no has been calling for it in this country. Was there actually some point you were trying to make in throwing that out there?


Well, then why the hell bring this up?

No country in the world provides all that and no has been calling for it in this country. Was there actually some point you were trying to make in throwing that out there?
I'm not sure. I do know that I hate socialism though.

No, I don't think that. I think the system is fine. I see plenty of happy and healthy Americans out there.

There's no system that is perfect but the one we have is pretty damn good. The only ones who complain are the ones not trying hard enough.
That isn't true. I dislike several things about our current system and think it could be easily improved if the people in charge wanted to change it. 

I am also lucky enough to live in a nice house and neighborhood. My family doesn't live pay check to pay check. 

That isn't true. I dislike several things about our current system and think it could be easily improved if the people in charge wanted to change it. 

I am also lucky enough to live in a nice house and neighborhood. My family doesn't live pay check to pay check. 
Consider me a glass half full guy. I know in this current system, if I work hard enough there is no opportunity outside my reach.

The burden is on me to work for it.

You ever think that everyone just isn't that lazy and would still try to better themselves? Or that people might thrive if they had a little less stress on their hands wondering if they will have enough money to pay for healthcare or their copays? Maybe people would be healthier if they weren't worried about losing their jobs and living pay check to pay check?
Or, God forbid, maybe only one parent would have to work and the other could stay home with the kids? 

I know a handful of families where one parent is baciscally just working for the insurance.  

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Stuart Ullman said:
Consider me a glass half full guy. I know in this current system, if I work hard enough there is no opportunity outside my reach.

The burden is on me to work for it.
Some self awareness would do you good.  I could name thousands of things completely out of your reach and I know nothing about you.

The "free stuff" argument is so rote. No, those policies aren't being proposed so you and your buddies can get free weed. 

When we decide as a country that we're going to prioritize the health and well-being of all Americans by ensuring that kids and their moms have health insurance, families have a place to live and an opportunity to work, once we decide that we're prioritizing people over corporations, then then we figure out how to accomplish it. Maybe we put tax rates back. Maybe we tax inheritances over $5 million again. Maybe we cut defense spending after decades of talking about it. The actual execution can come over time. 

But first we need to get past this "free stuff" mentality. For example, people do know that individuals pay monthly premiums for Medicare, right? It's not "free"? Not only through taxation, but through actual premium payments paid by Medicare beneficiaries every month. So maybe housing might not be so different, if we put our minds to it. AOC may not have every aspect figured out yet, but it's easily worth the conversation. Instead of shutting it down on "free stuff" and stereotypes of who receives public assistance.

Also, you have an inheritance class that doesn't work a day in their lives, lives in mansions in gated communities, and relaxes on 40 foot boats registered to obscure islands in the Caribbean. Yet somehow I never hear anything about them working hard or paying their fair share. Take a look at what the tax code did for these people and then get back to me about hard work and whether there's really "unlimited opportunity" for everyone through hard work. 

For the record, I don't begrudge the inheritance class. It just makes no sense to prioritize them in the tax code. Yet, here we are, the 98.8%, arguing over "free stuff" while actual children are homeless and actual families are without health insurance.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

This woman is totally ridiculous.  Thankfully only 5% went out and voted which means hopefully enough next time will get off their rear ends and vote this fool out.  I totally hope her getting elected was a glitch and next time around she'll sink like the Titanic.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

This woman is totally ridiculous.  Thankfully only 5% went out and voted which means hopefully enough next time will get off their rear ends and vote this fool out.  I totally hope her getting elected was a glitch and next time around she'll sink like the Titanic.
Yes, totally ridiculous. And thank you for being our arbiter of ridiculousness, I can't think of anyone more qualified. :thumbup:

That dude is criticizing someone else’s logic while actually bringing up the “love it or leave it” argument.
That's your problems with it? How about the other 98.5% of the content of the video?

Also, in my opinion, the Scandinavian countries are not doing so good lately. Not to the Venezuela point but having problems.

That's your problems with it? How about the other 98.5% of the content of the video?

Also, in my opinion, the Scandinavian countries are not doing so good lately. Not to the Venezuela point but having problems.
Luckily we don't have any problems here.  WHEW!


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