Thanks for responding quickly and professionally,
@GregAmbrosius . Excellent customer service on your part.
This is a very well-thought-out Contest. Love the innovative format, and that it didn't go overboard in terms of # of entries.
No offense to FFPC/Fantasy Pro's, but they've gone off the deep end in that regard, IMHO.
You and Tom, and Joe and the fbg's gang , are a match that makes sense from an 'approach and delivery' standpoint, IMHO. Very much on the same page. Very like-minded in how you approach your business, and your clients.
No offense to Alex and Dave, but the 'feel' of this partnership just seems like more of a good fit to me.
FYI to anyone following this discussion, minutes after reading Greg's post, I refreshed my checkout page, and the $6.40 Processing Fee had vanished.