61. Army of Darkness
BP says: Breaking my own rule here but I just really enjoy this cult classic. It has Wizards and it takes place in a different world so not sure why it's listed as just a comedy/horror? but this is my list and I can do what I want! We've probably all seen this at this point but if you haven't you should. It's campy and just a fun goofy movie so don't go into it expecting Schindler's List. It's possible that I just like Bruce Campbell way too much but I've liked him in pretty much everything including but not limited to the excellent Ash vs. Evil Dead.
BP says: Breaking my own rule here but I just really enjoy this cult classic. It has Wizards and it takes place in a different world so not sure why it's listed as just a comedy/horror? but this is my list and I can do what I want! We've probably all seen this at this point but if you haven't you should. It's campy and just a fun goofy movie so don't go into it expecting Schindler's List. It's possible that I just like Bruce Campbell way too much but I've liked him in pretty much everything including but not limited to the excellent Ash vs. Evil Dead.