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Can we discuss pet peeves here? (2 Viewers)

Bull Dozier said:
I do the laundry in our house.  Wash, dry, fold, and deliver to everyone's bed.  My wife's pile will stack up and she'll just put in on the floor on her side of the bed.  Then she'll dig through it looking for stuff to wear, which turns it into a pile of clean clothes (clean, until the dog decides its more comfortable than her dog bed).  Her side is next to the door, so I have to walk past/through it to get out of the room in the morning, which means I will trip over her clothes or the dog in the dark room most mornings. 

Meanwhile, all my clothes are put away, but she harps on me because I have a habit of leaving dresser drawers open (which she never has to walk past or trip on, just look at).  Maybe it is the piles of folded laundry inside that really bothers her. 🤔
I guess you need to decide if it's more hassle to put her clothes away when you do laundry, or deal with looking at the pile, doing extra laundry and tripping over the dog. And/or getting into conflict about it. Not giving her a pass, but you've done the hard part already. How much harder is it to finish the job?

Our mailboxes are posts at the curb.  They are designed for the mail person to be able to deliver via truck and not have to get out.  Once in a while, someone will block the mailbox with a car.  You'd think the mail person would get off his or her brains and take 1.5 steps to insert the mail into the box, but nope.

The next day I might get a piece of mail that says  "box blocked, failed to make delivery"  

I don't blame them. People are uber inconsiderate by parking in front of mailboxes. How would you like it if someone put obstructions in the way of performing your job?

I don't blame them. People are uber inconsiderate by parking in front of mailboxes. How would you like it if someone put obstructions in the way of performing your job?
I blame them utterly.  This is a minor, almost insignificant obstruction.  Not a highway, no traffic..Would take minimal effort.

So to answer your question..I get that every single day. Minor obstacles that impede my ability to do my job..And in response I don't just NOT do my job, I figure out a way to get around those obstacles.

I guess you need to decide if it's more hassle to put her clothes away when you do laundry, or deal with looking at the pile, doing extra laundry and tripping over the dog. And/or getting into conflict about it. Not giving her a pass, but you've done the hard part already. How much harder is it to finish the job?
Agree to a point.  I will do additional effort to avoid conflict for certain things.  But, she has a LOT of clothes (we turned a spare room into a walk in closet) and she doesn't organize her clothes in a way that makes sense to me, so I'd put stuff where she doesn't know where it is.  I know if I did that extra effort she'd complain about how I put her stuff away.

I expect my teenage boys to put their clothes away, I can expect my wife to.

Maybe that's a bad expectation, they don't put their clothes away either.


Agree to a point.  I will do additional effort to avoid conflict for certain things.  But, she has a LOT of clothes (we turned a spare room into a walk in closet) and she doesn't organize her clothes in a way that makes sense to me, so I'd put stuff where she doesn't know where it is.  I know if I did that extra effort she'd complain about how I put her stuff away.

I expect my teenage boys to put their clothes away, I can expect my wife to.

Maybe that's a bad expectation, they don't put their clothes away either.

So why not just put the stack of clean clothes inside the spare bedroom/walk in closet (on the floor, on top of a dresser or some designated area that she knows where the clean stuff will be)? 

 I always go with the out of sight, out of mind approach whenever possible when it deals with women’s annoying habits like this. 

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This past weekend we got some Mexican take-out.  After we ate, I put away the leftover Mexican (their takeout comes in these aluminum pie tins with a paper/cardboard cover).  The fridge was fairly full and not organized, so I stuck the tin container on top of a package of chicken thighs, which was still in it's package and double bagged with plastic shopping bags. 

5 minutes later the wife says "I need to take that chicken out and separate and freeze it".  She opens the fridge, sees the metal tin sitting on top of it the chicken in the bags, and announces "Well, the rest of the Mexican food is no good" and chucks it right in the trash.  When I very politely and cordially inquired as to why she did this, she says "you can't put food on top of raw chicken because of salmonella" and looks at me like I'm a moron.  

I further put myself into the doghouse when I said "well what about those apples sitting on the shelf next to the chicken, surely without multiple layers of plastic and metal separating them from the chicken they've caught the salmonella also.  Might as well throw everything out then if salmonella is that stealthy".  

10 years of marriage, and sometimes I swear I'll never understand this woman....

TheIronSheik said:
My daughter will open the can of Pringles, tear the paper/foil at the top back, but not completely off.  She'll leave it hanging by a thread.  Then she'll eat 9/10ths of the can and put it back in the pantry.  With the paper/foil tucked nicely under the plastic top.  So I go in, see a can of what look to be unopened Pringles and get excited to eat half a can. (Because it's impossible not to eat at least half the can upon opening them.  Scientific fact.)  But instead, I'm greeted by 2 broken chips and some crumbs.  

And I know her reason for not tearing it all the way off is because it saves her a trip of having to walk two steps all the way across the kitchen to throw that piece of paper/foil in the garbage.  :angry:
Actually keeps them fresher ..it's been proven

Agree to a point.  I will do additional effort to avoid conflict for certain things.  But, she has a LOT of clothes (we turned a spare room into a walk in closet) and she doesn't organize her clothes in a way that makes sense to me, so I'd put stuff where she doesn't know where it is.  I know if I did that extra effort she'd complain about how I put her stuff away.

I expect my teenage boys to put their clothes away, I can expect my wife to.

Maybe that's a bad expectation, they don't put their clothes away either.

Stop doing her laundry.  I sure wouldn't.

Agree to a point.  I will do additional effort to avoid conflict for certain things.  But, she has a LOT of clothes (we turned a spare room into a walk in closet) and she doesn't organize her clothes in a way that makes sense to me, so I'd put stuff where she doesn't know where it is.  I know if I did that extra effort she'd complain about how I put her stuff away.

I expect my teenage boys to put their clothes away, I can expect my wife to.

Maybe that's a bad expectation, they don't put their clothes away either.

I’d just ask how she organizes her clothes. Probably in the same conversation where you remind the teens to put away their stuff.

Either she gets the point and acts like an adult, or you have some idea where the clothes can go that isn’t a tripping hazard/dog bed.

I blame them utterly.  This is a minor, almost insignificant obstruction.  Not a highway, no traffic..Would take minimal effort.

So to answer your question..I get that every single day. Minor obstacles that impede my ability to do my job..And in response I don't just NOT do my job, I figure out a way to get around those obstacles.
One time is inconsequential,  but it seems like a decent percentage of people block their mailboxes.

Which leads to another peeve, which may have already been mentioned as well: use your ####### garage/carport/driveway to park, not the 🤬 street.

Oncoming traffic that makes a left turn in front of you, but then slows down in your lane because the road/parking lot they are turning into has a bump and they don't want to take it too fast.  Here's a thought:  Don't turn in front of a car if you don't have time to complete the process.  I've come to a screeching halt with horn blaring as I've almost t-boned the car in front of me only to see the driver point at the bump in the road then give me the finger.

So why not just put the stack of clean clothes inside the spare bedroom/walk in closet (on the floor, on top of a dresser or some designated area that she knows where the clean stuff will be)? 

 I always go with the out of sight, out of mind approach whenever possible when it deals with women’s annoying habits like this. 
We both use the spare room.  We get up and different times every week day (sometimes she's up earlier, sometimes I am) so my work clothes are in there.  It doesn't solve  problem to move the pile to that room, even if it is just to save tripping over it.

Stop doing her laundry.  I sure wouldn't.
We have a balance of responsibilities we've worked to balance over the last 20 years.  I don't do dishes, and she doesn't do laundry.  I would rather trip over her clothes than have to take a share of the dishes back.  Nothing I hate more than doing dishes.

Oncoming traffic that makes a left turn in front of you, but then slows down in your lane because the road/parking lot they are turning into has a bump and they don't want to take it too fast.  Here's a thought:  Don't turn in front of a car if you don't have time to complete the process.  I've come to a screeching halt with horn blaring as I've almost t-boned the car in front of me only to see the driver point at the bump in the road then give me the finger.
This happens to me all the freakin' time.  I'll peek back in my rearview, too, only to see PLENTY of space that this twatburger could have done his slow turn through rather than cut me off.

We have a balance of responsibilities we've worked to balance over the last 20 years.  I don't do dishes, and she doesn't do laundry.  I would rather trip over her clothes than have to take a share of the dishes back.  Nothing I hate more than doing dishes.
Put her folded laundry in the kitchen sink.

This happens to me all the freakin' time.  I'll peek back in my rearview, too, only to see PLENTY of space that this twatburger could have done his slow turn through rather than cut me off.
Apparently, the opposite problem is occurring with autonomous vehicles. Unlike humans, computers don't assume oncoming traffic will slow down one iota to accommodate their left turn.  They can't judge subtle cues humans give to predict driving behavior. So the cars wait forever to make the turn, frustrating drivers behind them.

Mr R doesn't always put in a new roll of TP when it's time.  He'll usually leave about 2 or 3 squares on the roll.  But this time, he outdid himself.  Even the cardboard tube was gone.  No new TP, mind you, but the roll was gone.  Really?

Mr R doesn't always put in a new roll of TP when it's time.  He'll usually leave about 2 or 3 squares on the roll.  But this time, he outdid himself.  Even the cardboard tube was gone.  No new TP, mind you, but the roll was gone.  Really?
Some complain when others leave just one cookie in the package. I knew a woman who would take the last one and then seal and leave the empty package.

This one is probably just an urban thing...and maybe just NYC but I doubt it.

At a crosswalk with a red light, lots of people can't stand having to wait behind somebody until it turns green, so they'll push past people already standing at the curb, so they can wait right in front of them in the street. And then most of the time, they're sitting looking at their phones when the light changes making all those other people they just pushed by have to manoeuver past and around them. And for me- I'm walking faster than most people anyways, so do me a favor and just wait like a normal person.

This is exceedingly rare...but there are people who refuse to move their bike share bike out of the dock until the earth, moon and stars have aligned...leaving the next person waiting to dock their bike in their spot (at rush hour when the bike spots are full). Happened so badly the other morning to the guy waiting patiently in front of me I had to say something to the freakazoid who was sitting there setting, resetting and resetting the seat for five minutes with the bike in the dock instead of just moving it 3 feet so the next guy can park his.

To be fair to myself, I am an extremely punctual person.  If I say I'll be somewhere, I'll be somewhere at that time or a little early.  It's kind of like the Goldilock's thing.  The too early one sounds great on paper.  But I'll be watching a show that I've timed perfectly to the time we leave.  And if no one prompted me, we'd leave exactly at the time I had laid out.  

I always tell her that her and my dad are similar with time.  I remember my dad would ask me what time I needed to get up for school.  I'd say 6:30.  He'd knock on my door at 6:15 and be like, "Hey, 15 minutes until you need to get up."  :rant:
People who are early should park down the street and wait until they are on time

When people relate dollars to number of reasons and equate one dollar to one reason.  For example, an athlete signs a $5 million contract.  He's happy now because he has "5 million reasons to be".  There was a car commercial the other day advertising a $500 discount.  They said they were giving you "500 reasons" to go buy a car there.


When people relate dollars to number of reasons and equate one dollar to one reason.  For example, an athlete signs a $5 million contract.  He's happy now because he has "5 million reasons to be".  There was a car commercial the other day advertising a $500 discount.  They said they were giving you "500 reasons" to go buy a car there.

"T.O. has 83 million reasons not to kill himself"


People who linger at their table after paying the bill in a busy restaurant. Hey #######, see that big group of people in the front? They’re waiting for selfish pricks like you to leave so they can enjoy a nice meal too. Restaurant staff should be able to politely tell these jag offs to leave instead of coming around asking if they want more water. 

People who linger at their table after paying the bill in a busy restaurant. Hey #######, see that big group of people in the front? They’re waiting for selfish pricks like you to leave so they can enjoy a nice meal too. Restaurant staff should be able to politely tell these jag offs to leave instead of coming around asking if they want more water. 
On the flip side, what about the servers who drop off your check while you are still eating your entree?  They drop it off with "I'm just gonna leave this here".  #####, what if I want a triple chocolate fudge brownie for dessert?  Or a cup of coffee after my meal?  Don't rush me out of here.

People who linger at their table after paying the bill in a busy restaurant. Hey #######, see that big group of people in the front? They’re waiting for selfish pricks like you to leave so they can enjoy a nice meal too. Restaurant staff should be able to politely tell these jag offs to leave instead of coming around asking if they want more water. 
rushing patrons out is a very American thing. churn & burn. get em in and get em out.

rush, rush, rush  :(

On the flip side, what about the servers who drop off your check while you are still eating your entree?  They drop it off with "I'm just gonna leave this here".  #####, what if I want a triple chocolate fudge brownie for dessert?  Or a cup of coffee after my meal?  Don't rush me out of here.
A lot of times, that's the restaurant telling the server to do that. Don't take that out on the server.  They can always add more orders to the bill, but the thought is when you're done, if you don't need anything else, you can start the process of paying.  

As someone who spent many years as a waiter, it was a no-win situation for us.  Drop it off early and piss people off.  Drop it off late and piss people off.  And when you count on your tips to survive, it sucks knowing you can't please everyone all of the time.

People who linger at their table after paying the bill in a busy restaurant. Hey #######, see that big group of people in the front? They’re waiting for selfish pricks like you to leave so they can enjoy a nice meal too. Restaurant staff should be able to politely tell these jag offs to leave instead of coming around asking if they want more water. 
I don't get this one.  If I go out to eat at a nice restaurant, particularly if I planned ahead and made a reservation,  I'm going to linger as long as I feel comfortable doing so.

I have been to legit BBQ joints where you go to the counter for your food, then find a spot to sit.  This place was almost perfect in every seat being full, and as soon as someone got up, the next group was ready to sit down.  I wouldn't linger here, because you are sitting where someone else needs to.

But if I just paid $75 for a steak, I'm going to sit a few minutes and enjoy the afterglow before I feel pressured to move for the next group.

People who linger at their table after paying the bill in a busy restaurant. Hey #######, see that big group of people in the front? They’re waiting for selfish pricks like you to leave so they can enjoy a nice meal too. Restaurant staff should be able to politely tell these jag offs to leave instead of coming around asking if they want more water. 
Change your definition of "nice meal".

The secondary ticket market.

Sucks to go online at a teams ticket site and within 1 second of the announced time all tickets are gone and wala! - the secondary market is flooded with tickets.

Greedy ####ers. 

I don't get this one.  If I go out to eat at a nice restaurant, particularly if I planned ahead and made a reservation,  I'm going to linger as long as I feel comfortable doing so.

I have been to legit BBQ joints where you go to the counter for your food, then find a spot to sit.  This place was almost perfect in every seat being full, and as soon as someone got up, the next group was ready to sit down.  I wouldn't linger here, because you are sitting where someone else needs to.

But if I just paid $75 for a steak, I'm going to sit a few minutes and enjoy the afterglow before I feel pressured to move for the next group.
If it's a place where you paid $75 for a steak, then you most likely have reservations involved which is not what I'm talking about here.  I'm talking about the guy who just had an egg and bacon breakfast for $10 who is just sitting there looking at his phone after he paid, completely oblivious to the fact that there are a lot of people waiting for a table.  

And I love it when I get the bill while still eating.  It's easy to add dessert if I want and if I'm in a rush I don't want to have to wait or flag down the waiter for the check.  

Scoresman said:
If it's a place where you paid $75 for a steak, then you most likely have reservations involved which is not what I'm talking about here.  I'm talking about the guy who just had an egg and bacon breakfast for $10 who is just sitting there looking at his phone after he paid, completely oblivious to the fact that there are a lot of people waiting for a table.  

And I love it when I get the bill while still eating.  It's easy to add dessert if I want and if I'm in a rush I don't want to have to wait or flag down the waiter for the check.  
Sorry, your original post mentioned a "nice meal" so I wasn't picturing a $10 sit down meal.  That's Denny's or a greasy spoon joint.  Different situation.  Not that I think you're right still, agree to disagree.  It's not my job as a customer to manage the restaurant's table flow.

Sorry, your original post mentioned a "nice meal" so I wasn't picturing a $10 sit down meal.  That's Denny's or a greasy spoon joint.  Different situation.  Not that I think you're right still, agree to disagree.  It's not my job as a customer to manage the restaurant's table flow.
You don't need to pay a lot of money or have a reservation to enjoy a nice meal.  But when a cheaper place like this is very popular, it's common courtesy not to linger after paying your bill.  Why are you lingering anyway?  

Maybe next time I'm in line at the grocery store I'll linger at the register after I pay because it's not my job to manage the store's checkout flow.  I'm sure nobody will think I'm a jackass.

You don't need to pay a lot of money or have a reservation to enjoy a nice meal.  But when a cheaper place like this is very popular, it's common courtesy not to linger after paying your bill.  Why are you lingering anyway?  

Maybe next time I'm in line at the grocery store I'll linger at the register after I pay because it's not my job to manage the store's checkout flow.  I'm sure nobody will think I'm a jackass.
Would you get upset if someone is taking a 10 minute poop at the restaurant (and therefore tying up one of the bathroom stalls) when he/she could have done that at home or their next destination?

Would you get upset if someone is taking a 10 minute poop at the restaurant (and therefore tying up one of the bathroom stalls) when he/she could have done that at home or their next destination?
If I had to poop and was waiting on them, yes.  

You don't need to pay a lot of money or have a reservation to enjoy a nice meal.  But when a cheaper place like this is very popular, it's common courtesy not to linger after paying your bill.  Why are you lingering anyway?  

Maybe next time I'm in line at the grocery store I'll linger at the register after I pay because it's not my job to manage the store's checkout flow.  I'm sure nobody will think I'm a jackass.
Poor analogy.  Restaurants are designed as meeting places for people to come together and share a meal.  Checkout lines are to collect money as people leave the store.  There is no reason to hang out at a register.  Your evening might be planned around your dinner with friends, family, etc.  Totally different scenario.

Poor analogy.  Restaurants are designed as meeting places for people to come together and share a meal.  Checkout lines are to collect money as people leave the store.  There is no reason to hang out at a register.  Your evening might be planned around your dinner with friends, family, etc.  Totally different scenario.
I disagree. You’re paying for your meal and the service it took to serve you your meal. Once you pay your bill and have finished your food, the transaction is complete. There is no reason to hang out longer. If you need a meeting place, go to Starbucks. 

Would you get upset if someone is taking a 10 minute poop at the restaurant (and therefore tying up one of the bathroom stalls) when he/she could have done that at home or their next destination?
No, that's totally different.  When you gotta go, you gotta go.  I mean I might be upset in general because I'd have to hold my own poop, but I'm not upset at the individual.  

There's no reason to linger at a table.  Especially when you can see the group of people waiting for your inconsiderate butt to leave.  


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