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Can we discuss pet peeves here? (2 Viewers)

Trying to get our son, who was studying abroad, home from Argentina.  It's been a nightmare for obvious reasons resulting in multiple flight cancellations, rebookings, credits, etc..  My wife and I took turns waiting on hold yesterday to talk to an airline representative - it was about 6 hours worth.  Not whining about the airlines, COVID 19, or the length of time holding.

The music they play while you are on hold is excruciatingly bad and on a continuous loop mixed with "Thank you for your patience, a representative will be with you soon.  Have you tried our website?"  

Delta - I can't get that Delta theme out of my head - I even had dreams that incorporated it last night.  Ba Ba Da Dummm.

United - Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk

AeroMexico - Even on the lowest volume setting, it was so loud.  It just kept coming in 90 seconds waves of a grainy classical piece with some spanish yammering.  Could only last about 20 minutes before having to go outside to get away from it.  The first 7 minutes were tolerable.  Then you started humming along.  Then it started piercing through your eardrums, driving a spike into your brain, and then reached into your soul, sucking out the last of your will.

Oh God, it was terrible.  My son got out of Argentina and is about to land in Panama.  Then to Houston.  Then home about midnight tonight. 
This is an excellent point and post.  Well done.  The airline hold music is worse than Nickelback doing Neil Diamond covers.

Not a pet peeve per se, but more of a grammar Nazi peeve...

Exasperated = intensely irritated and frustrated

Exacerbated = made (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse

People around here have been using the former when they mean the latter.
I didn't even realize there were 2 separate words.

So not so much a pet peeves as much as a screw up....

Watching Lego Masters with the family...

Fox shows a commercial promo for the next show BEFORE the actual show reveals who is eliminated.... Dummies

belljr said:
So not so much a pet peeves as much as a screw up....

Watching Lego Masters with the family...

Fox shows a commercial promo for the next show BEFORE the actual show reveals who is eliminated.... Dummies
I would be PO'd.  We buzzed through the ads, so we didn't notice.

Not a pet peeve per se, but more of a grammar Nazi peeve...

Exasperated = intensely irritated and frustrated

Exacerbated = made (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse

People around here have been using the former when they mean the latter.
You mispelled ladder.

belljr said:
So not so much a pet peeves as much as a screw up....

Watching Lego Masters with the family...

Fox shows a commercial promo for the next show BEFORE the actual show reveals who is eliminated.... Dummies
MTV did stuff like this all the time forbthe challenges.

It's great that more people are out walking these days on our residential streets, and it actually seems people are more friendly out there on average now compared to before all this virus stuff, but...

Walk on the left side of the freaking road, people! 

In this time of having to cook with what we have or could find at different trips to the store...I have been searching new recipes.

Sites that have a freaking wordy essay about how great a recipe is before you even get to the ingredients are really annoying.  Scroll scroll scroll scroll...just to find out I either don't have what I would need, or it has crap in it we don't want to cook with anyway.

Start with the ingredients...then tell me how awesome it is.

In this time of having to cook with what we have or could find at different trips to the store...I have been searching new recipes.

Sites that have a freaking wordy essay about how great a recipe is before you even get to the ingredients are really annoying.  Scroll scroll scroll scroll...just to find out I either don't have what I would need, or it has crap in it we don't want to cook with anyway.

Start with the ingredients...then tell me how awesome it is.
if you can find "print", click that. most of those sites give the option to print without the pre-amble and pictures. that gives you a snapshot of just the recipe.

so instead of several pages of filler, you just get the ingredients and procedure.

jhib said:
It's great that more people are out walking these days on our residential streets, and it actually seems people are more friendly out there on average now compared to before all this virus stuff, but...

Walk on the left side of the freaking road, people! 
Always hated it. Really hate it now. Should never have to deal with idiots coming right at me on a busy road. 

I'm confused....you're supposed to walk against traffic if no sidewalk
Correct.  Which means here in the U.S., you should be walking on the left.  Apparently, there a lot of people that don't know this.  We do have a relatively high percentage of people here in this town from other countries, so that might explain part of it.

Anyway, it's worse now that we're trying to avoid being close to other people.  Taking a walk with our dog and there are people approaching us on the same side of the road - sometimes with their own dog - just turns into a game of chicken.  We are usually the ones to move even though we know we are in the right (on the left, ha!), but I think I'm just going to start coughing loudly when it happens from now on to see what happens.

In this time of having to cook with what we have or could find at different trips to the store...I have been searching new recipes.

Sites that have a freaking wordy essay about how great a recipe is before you even get to the ingredients are really annoying.  Scroll scroll scroll scroll...just to find out I either don't have what I would need, or it has crap in it we don't want to cook with anyway.

Start with the ingredients...then tell me how awesome it is.
A “jump to the recipe” option at the top of the page should be federal law

Oncoming drivers on a residential street who almost clip mirrors with me while driving ~8 away from the parked cars on their side of the street

Sites that have you click through endless screens of thin content riddled by ads instead of posting all the information on one page.

Such a dooshy way of inflating page click metrics, and invariably really sucky content as they are more focused on structure than substance.

Some sites like this have some function to see all content on one page, but that option is often hard to find (if it's there in the first place). Even if it is, any site that does this immediately loses me as viewer. I wish everyone acted the same way to ensure this "mode" of info display gets stamped out.

Truly maddening.

Listen I know people are way worse off than me concerning work but.....

Why is it now that we have an app to communicate, almost everyone treats it as a gosh darn Facebook thread. I'm getting weather updates, memes, updates on other random dumb ####....

I didn't talk to half these people that much at actual work. Now everyone is a blabbering yenta .. 

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People that use coronavirus to try and make people ignore the dumb stuff they do.

Hey could you stop having your dog pee on my mailbox? 

Omg how can you be worried about something so trivial during a pandemic???

People that use coronavirus to try and make people ignore the dumb stuff they do.

Hey could you stop having your dog pee on my mailbox? 

Omg how can you be worried about something so trivial during a pandemic???
Sidewalk chalk art has been all the rage in our neighborhood. I took the opportunity to write this one my sidewalk:

"Don't Be A Foo!

Pick Up Your Dogs Poo!"

Sidewalk chalk art has been all the rage in our neighborhood. I took the opportunity to write this one my sidewalk:

"Don't Be A Foo!

Pick Up Your Dogs Poo!"
Lol. On nextdoor dog owners are whining about sidewalk chalk near me. 

You know child safe chalk. That gets on their paws and they lick. Apparently chalk is toxic in quantities of 1 grain to dogs. 

And of course owners can happily usher the dog into your lawn to pee or poop, but the grass around sidewalk art is also toxic. 

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Lol. On nextdoor dog owners are whining about sidewalk chalk near me. 

You know child safe chalk. That gets on their paws and they lick. Apparently chalk is toxic in quantities of 1 grain to dogs. 

And of course owners can happily usher the dog into your lawn to pee or poop, but the grass around sidewalk art is also toxic. 
Lol. Cause I'm sure the rest of the sidewalk is clean 

Lol. Cause I'm sure the rest of the sidewalk is clean 
Not to mention the fact that the grass all up and down has fecal remnants in it from other dogs. You know stuff that can pass worms and other diseases and of course they forget how dogs tend to go to the bathroom where other dogs go to the bathroom. 

Maybe just wipe the dogs paws karen.

I know I already posted this pre C19, but it goes even more now with all the remote video from homes. Having a camera pointed up your chin and nostrils in extreme close up is not something I want to watch. And yet that is most of I am seeing. I've seen people with decent video conferencing, so it is possible.

Ugh.  So sick of ads on my phone, notably in Words With Friends, that cuts out my Pandora for audio of its own.   The volume for said ad is usually higher, too.  So I have to swipe/exit out of WWF, go back to Pandora, un-pause it, and re-open WWF.  It makes listening to Pandora impossible if wanting to get a few games in.  Grrrrrrrr....

Ugh.  So sick of ads on my phone, notably in Words With Friends, that cuts out my Pandora for audio of its own.   The volume for said ad is usually higher, too.  So I have to swipe/exit out of WWF, go back to Pandora, un-pause it, and re-open WWF.  It makes listening to Pandora impossible if wanting to get a few games in.  Grrrrrrrr....
What kind of phone?

If Samsung by any chance, you can use Sound Assistant to help out. 

My neighbors kid and dog finally just finished playing outside. Thank god. Anybody know what game requires trading back and forth barking and high pitch screaming while dribbling a basketball?

Because whatever game that is...that's my new pet peeve. 

The use of the words "war room" for the NFL draft.

This ain't war. I know in the old NFL there were a lot of parallels to the military - battles in the trenches for example.

But in today's climate, it just sounds dumb. Unless war means sipping latte's while making millions of dollars selecting people who you are going to pay millions of dollars.

The use of the words "war room" for the NFL draft.

This ain't war. I know in the old NFL there were a lot of parallels to the military - battles in the trenches for example.

But in today's climate, it just sounds dumb. Unless war means sipping latte's while making millions of dollars selecting people who you are going to pay millions of dollars.

Seems legit to me. :shrug:

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are two simple definitions of "War Room".

1. a room where battles are planned that is equipped with maps, computers, etc.

2. a room where people meet and exchange plans, ideas, information, etc., in an active way.

There has hardly been any traffic at all lately, but I've noticed that some drivers are using it as an excuse to blatantly speed. We are already getting everywhere faster and easier, so there's no need to suddenly drive like a speed freak! 

There has hardly been any traffic at all lately, but I've noticed that some drivers are using it as an excuse to blatantly speed. We are already getting everywhere faster and easier, so there's no need to suddenly drive like a speed freak! 
Interesting.  I, too, have certainly noticed the decrease in traffic.  However, it seems as though everyone around here is going extra slow, and doing stupid 6-car-length social distancing while driving.  Maddening. 

There has hardly been any traffic at all lately, but I've noticed that some drivers are using it as an excuse to blatantly speed. We are already getting everywhere faster and easier, so there's no need to suddenly drive like a speed freak! 
In Los Angeles, traffic conditions have improved greatly. But like you said, people are speeding more. And while traffic accidents are down in frequency, they are up in severity due to the high speeds in which they occur. 

There has hardly been any traffic at all lately, but I've noticed that some drivers are using it as an excuse to blatantly speed. We are already getting everywhere faster and easier, so there's no need to suddenly drive like a speed freak! 

In Los Angeles, traffic conditions have improved greatly. But like you said, people are speeding more. And while traffic accidents are down in frequency, they are up in severity due to the high speeds in which they occur. 
I do not mind high speed so long as people are safe and use good judgement. USA does not do this well.

In Los Angeles, traffic conditions have improved greatly. But like you said, people are speeding more. And while traffic accidents are down in frequency, they are up in severity due to the high speeds in which they occur. 
That sounds the same as Orange County. 

Someone needs to explain to me the validity of references in a job application process.

"Hey applicant, we aren't sure we believe what you're telling us. Can you give us the contact information of two or three complete strangers so we can take their word for it instead?"

There has hardly been any traffic at all lately, but I've noticed that some drivers are using it as an excuse to blatantly speed. We are already getting everywhere faster and easier, so there's no need to suddenly drive like a speed freak! 
I've seen some of that around Houston as well.

This could go in the divorce thread I'm sure....but my wife and "the yard flower bed" nonsense.  We spent Saturday weeding and put mulch down. We now have leaf saplings or whatever falls off the trees all over the flower bed and she complains how awful it looks.  We need to pick it up. I just say mother nature will take care of it.  She gets pissed 

She then complains about the grass. I say well cut the trees down and the grass will be great. Then she wants to wait unit we redo the front.  I tell her I can cut this flower bed right now, but no she wants to do it all at once :wall:

Just non stop.   I might just cut the tree down and see if she notices

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