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Does MFL have "% Own" stats? (1 Viewer)


This is probably a stupid question, but is there a "% own" category for individual players in MFL like there is in such leagues as ESPN? I know MFL has % for added and dropped players, but I don't see anything regarding % owned. It can be a handy tool to use from time-to-time and I wish I didn't have to cross check players using ESPN's site for reference purposes. Does MFL have this category somewhere on their site and I'm just not seeing it? TIA.

TheBradyBunch said:
This is probably a stupid question, but is there a "% own" category for individual players in MFL like there is in such leagues as ESPN? I know MFL has % for added and dropped players, but I don't see anything regarding % owned. It can be a handy tool to use from time-to-time and I wish I didn't have to cross check players using ESPN's site for reference purposes. Does MFL have this category somewhere on their site and I'm just not seeing it? TIA.
They don't have it.The problem is it wouldn't be as useful on MFL. ESPN's leagues are pretty uniform, and that stat can be telling. With MFL, there is a huge variety of scoring and roster requirements, making the stat much less useful.

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