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Favre...I beg you (1 Viewer)

Phurfur.....Wrong.....you were also told by other people that Favre DID NOT hold press conferences during Super Bowl week for many years like you claimed.

That was it. Why do you deny you're a hater? It's ok to admit it.

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Phurfur.....Wrong.....you were also told by other people that Favre DID NOT hold press conferences during Super Bowl week for many years. It happened once but you stated he did it for several years.

That was it. Why do you deny you're a hater? It's ok to admit it.
You were owned :goodposting: so quit making stuff up.

Phurfur.....Wrong.....you were also told by other people that Favre DID NOT hold press conferences during Super Bowl week for many years. It happened once but you stated he did it for several years.

That was it. Why do you deny you're a hater? It's ok to admit it.
You were owned :) so quit making stuff up.
I am not making it up. http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index...66&hl=FavreGo look at post #2582 on page 52.

You wrote....."He did hold more post season press conference that any other player I know and he always seemed to make announcements during SB week."

Even sho nuff knew that Favre didn't hold these multiple announcements during Super Bowl week.

You sir....have been really :lmao:

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I doubt it's over.
:lmao: Do people seriously think this is over?
This is what Childress said:
"I just think it was a rare opportunity to explore a Hall of Fame quarterback who had background in the NFC and in this division," Childress told the paper. "He knows our system inside out ... This doesn't change anything about how I feel about our football team."
The front office and/or the Vikings players may feel different, but to me that says the door is still open for Favre. Because the way Childress felt about his team was "I want Favre on it."
The big thing came out from Longwell talkign about it...saying Favre just did not think he could make it all the way through the year and still be able to play like he is used to playing.

Now this.... :shrug:


NFL Network's Scott Hanson reports that free agent Brett Favre "will continue to throw and work out" despite telling Vikings coach Brad Childress Tuesday that he wanted to stay retired.

You've got to be kidding. Hanson reports that Favre said he's still not totally sure about whether he'll stay retired or try to play, even after "confirming" he'd re-re-retire to Childress and in an interview with ESPN. It wouldn't shock us one bit if Favre "gets the itch" again and tries to come back late in training camp or even after the regular season kicks off. Jul. 28 - 7:56 pm et

The big thing came out from Longwell talkign about it...saying Favre just did not think he could make it all the way through the year and still be able to play like he is used to playing.
Werder stated on ESPN radio tonight that Favre is having knee and ankle issues too. His knee is swelling up after his own workouts and Favre really questioned if he could make it through camp and the season.
The big thing came out from Longwell talkign about it...saying Favre just did not think he could make it all the way through the year and still be able to play like he is used to playing.
Werder stated on ESPN radio tonight that Favre is having knee and ankle issues too. His knee is swelling up after his own workouts and Favre really questioned if he could make it through camp and the season.
Sad to see...but man...you figure it had to catch up to him sometime.
Now this.... :banned:


NFL Network's Scott Hanson reports that free agent Brett Favre "will continue to throw and work out" despite telling Vikings coach Brad Childress Tuesday that he wanted to stay retired.

You've got to be kidding. Hanson reports that Favre said he's still not totally sure about whether he'll stay retired or try to play, even after "confirming" he'd re-re-retire to Childress and in an interview with ESPN. It wouldn't shock us one bit if Favre "gets the itch" again and tries to come back late in training camp or even after the regular season kicks off. Jul. 28 - 7:56 pm et
Now this.... :lmao:


NFL Network's Scott Hanson reports that free agent Brett Favre "will continue to throw and work out" despite telling Vikings coach Brad Childress Tuesday that he wanted to stay retired.

You've got to be kidding. Hanson reports that Favre said he's still not totally sure about whether he'll stay retired or try to play, even after "confirming" he'd re-re-retire to Childress and in an interview with ESPN. It wouldn't shock us one bit if Favre "gets the itch" again and tries to come back late in training camp or even after the regular season kicks off. Jul. 28 - 7:56 pm et
I'm kinda gettin' confused now.Did he just retire from the rumor of him unretiring but leave the door open to change his mind on the retiring of his retirement?

In an interview with ESPN's Ed Werder, Brett Favre called staying retired "the hardest decision I've ever made."

lolz I should sig that.

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I think this SHOULD close the door on it.

Last year he felt fine going in and got hurt anyway. This year he does not feel fine.

The Vikings should move on.

Not sure exactly how, since I thought I read Booty was currently ahead of Sage, but maybe TJ is the best choice after all.

But will probably not be a Superbowl contender with either, which was sort of the point.

Hear the ticking as ADP's time in Minny goes down a year?

You may be right Doug. I think there is much to be critical of Favre for (throwing INTs like they are going out of style, having a big ego), I think that although he uses the media he does not seek the attention for its own sake.

I think the issue genuinely is being afraid his arm is not up to it following the injury and surgery.

If it had been perfectly healthy, I believe he would have signed with Minny ASAP. It is what he wanted last year too.

I therefore conclude the delay is primarily due to health concerns not media attention generated by delaying.

Back to the thread topic, if he wins with Minny and takes them to the playoffs again, his legacy will be (a) ironman, (b) thowing lots more INTS, © throwing bullets. No change.

If he loses, he will be remembered for playing poorly when he should have called it quits, whether he had "been indecisive" or not.
If this is the end of his career, I feel obligated to point out it lends credibility to the explanation that his indecision was not any media whoring, but actual uncertianty invovling health issues. Contrary, to many, many opinions expressed in this and other threads.
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You may be right Doug. I think there is much to be critical of Favre for (throwing INTs like they are going out of style, having a big ego), I think that although he uses the media he does not seek the attention for its own sake.

I think the issue genuinely is being afraid his arm is not up to it following the injury and surgery.

If it had been perfectly healthy, I believe he would have signed with Minny ASAP. It is what he wanted last year too.

I therefore conclude the delay is primarily due to health concerns not media attention generated by delaying.

Back to the thread topic, if he wins with Minny and takes them to the playoffs again, his legacy will be (a) ironman, (b) thowing lots more INTS, © throwing bullets. No change.

If he loses, he will be remembered for playing poorly when he should have called it quits, whether he had "been indecisive" or not.
If this is the end of his career, I feel obligated to point out it lends credibility to the explanation that his indecision was not any media whoring, but actual uncertianty invovling health issues. Contrary, to many, many opinions expressed in this and other threads.
Werder stated today that Favre told him he is having some knee swelling already and his ankle is giving him issues too.
You may be right Doug. I think there is much to be critical of Favre for (throwing INTs like they are going out of style, having a big ego), I think that although he uses the media he does not seek the attention for its own sake.

I think the issue genuinely is being afraid his arm is not up to it following the injury and surgery.

If it had been perfectly healthy, I believe he would have signed with Minny ASAP. It is what he wanted last year too.

I therefore conclude the delay is primarily due to health concerns not media attention generated by delaying.

Back to the thread topic, if he wins with Minny and takes them to the playoffs again, his legacy will be (a) ironman, (b) thowing lots more INTS, © throwing bullets. No change.

If he loses, he will be remembered for playing poorly when he should have called it quits, whether he had "been indecisive" or not.
If this is the end of his career, I feel obligated to point out it lends credibility to the explanation that his indecision was not any media whoring, but actual uncertianty invovling health issues. Contrary, to many, many opinions expressed in this and other threads.
The problem is that you're choosing to only focus on this year's Favre "event".... He's been doing it, in one form or another, for 4 years now.

If this year had been the only time he pulled this kind of stunt, I'd agree with you.

There's a reason he's doing a TV commercial about being a serial waffler.

Actually a bunch of reasons, stretching back for years.

You may be right Doug. I think there is much to be critical of Favre for (throwing INTs like they are going out of style, having a big ego), I think that although he uses the media he does not seek the attention for its own sake.

I think the issue genuinely is being afraid his arm is not up to it following the injury and surgery.

If it had been perfectly healthy, I believe he would have signed with Minny ASAP. It is what he wanted last year too.

I therefore conclude the delay is primarily due to health concerns not media attention generated by delaying.

Back to the thread topic, if he wins with Minny and takes them to the playoffs again, his legacy will be (a) ironman, (b) thowing lots more INTS, © throwing bullets. No change.

If he loses, he will be remembered for playing poorly when he should have called it quits, whether he had "been indecisive" or not.
If this is the end of his career, I feel obligated to point out it lends credibility to the explanation that his indecision was not any media whoring, but actual uncertianty invovling health issues. Contrary, to many, many opinions expressed in this and other threads.
The problem is that you're choosing to only focus on this year's Favre "event".... He's been doing it, in one form or another, for 4 years now.

If this year had been the only time he pulled this kind of stunt, I'd agree with you.

There's a reason he's doing a TV commercial about being a serial waffler.

Actually a bunch of reasons, stretching back for years.
Ah, here it is. So it is possible that there have been diffeernt issues each time and not that he was doing it for the attention it generates? I think you sort of conceded the point, albeiit unwittingly...
The big thing came out from Longwell talkign about it...saying Favre just did not think he could make it all the way through the year and still be able to play like he is used to playing.
Werder stated on ESPN radio tonight that Favre is having knee and ankle issues too. His knee is swelling up after his own workouts and Favre really questioned if he could make it through camp and the season.
in Favre's mind, he a has a better chance of making it thru the season if he gets to skip that pesky training camp.I'm sure his injuries and his psyche will be much improved as we get closer to the season (and past training camp)
I think the part that lends itself to at least some media whoring...is the constant media leaks.

Do you people really think they were making it all up?

If they were making it all up (as some have accused Werder of doing last week) would he be giving Werder quotes yesterday?

Some of this is on the media...a lot of it is on the media for the continuing saga and the non stop talk of it (like having Rachel Nichols down in Hattiesburg as if he is going to come out and give an interview on his front lawn)...but you have to admit some of this is on him for the leaks and for never giving a concrete answer to anything to set the record straight.

The big thing came out from Longwell talkign about it...saying Favre just did not think he could make it all the way through the year and still be able to play like he is used to playing.
Werder stated on ESPN radio tonight that Favre is having knee and ankle issues too. His knee is swelling up after his own workouts and Favre really questioned if he could make it through camp and the season.
in Favre's mind, he a has a better chance of making it thru the season if he gets to skip that pesky training camp.I'm sure his injuries and his psyche will be much improved as we get closer to the season (and past training camp)
Maybe but he's never wanted to skip practice before. He's not Strahan.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore?

I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.

So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
I think the part that lends itself to at least some media whoring...is the constant media leaks.Do you people really think they were making it all up?If they were making it all up (as some have accused Werder of doing last week) would he be giving Werder quotes yesterday?Some of this is on the media...a lot of it is on the media for the continuing saga and the non stop talk of it (like having Rachel Nichols down in Hattiesburg as if he is going to come out and give an interview on his front lawn)...but you have to admit some of this is on him for the leaks and for never giving a concrete answer to anything to set the record straight.
:goodposting: He did give concrete answers.....leading up to yesterday he told people he wasn't sure what he would do and he had several things to consider. His answer was that he hadn't made up his mind which was true. He set the record straight yesterday. As far as media whoring....I don't know about you but I sure didn't see Favre doing interviews on TV much this offseason not to mention all those press conferences that some people like to think he has all the time.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
I thought he did say he would decide by training camp...and then stuck to it rather than asking for more time.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
I thought he did say he would decide by training camp...and then stuck to it rather than asking for more time.
He also said he would decide several times earlier too. Nice job omitting those facts. :unsure:
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
Why does that even bother you? Favre has relationshiops with several people in the media and you know damn well that he was hounded by a bunch of media people during this. So he leaked information to them during all of this. Big deal. :unsure:
I think the part that lends itself to at least some media whoring...is the constant media leaks.Do you people really think they were making it all up?If they were making it all up (as some have accused Werder of doing last week) would he be giving Werder quotes yesterday?Some of this is on the media...a lot of it is on the media for the continuing saga and the non stop talk of it (like having Rachel Nichols down in Hattiesburg as if he is going to come out and give an interview on his front lawn)...but you have to admit some of this is on him for the leaks and for never giving a concrete answer to anything to set the record straight.
:unsure: He did give concrete answers.....leading up to yesterday he told people he wasn't sure what he would do and he had several things to consider. His answer was that he hadn't made up his mind which was true. He set the record straight yesterday. As far as media whoring....I don't know about you but I sure didn't see Favre doing interviews on TV much this offseason not to mention all those press conferences that some people like to think he has all the time.
I mean a concrete quote of..."they will know by XXX time".Not...Im unsure...not leaks of being unsure...not it will be this friday...then it comes to that friday and still unsure.Its my opinion...and whether its all on Favre or on Cook is up in the air...that he/they/bus were working the media as much as they could...for whatever reason. Ill have to find the article by Brandt where he was talking about how well Favre and Cook knew the system and how to work it to their advantage.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
I thought he did say he would decide by training camp...and then stuck to it rather than asking for more time.
He also said he would decide several times earlier too. Nice job omitting those facts. :unsure:
He did? The only time frame that was reported was a deadline of last Friday but some people claim that wasn't the case. I'd like to see theses several quotes by Favre.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
Why does that even bother you? Favre has relationshiops with several people in the media and you know damn well that he was hounded by a bunch of media people during this. So he leaked information to them during all of this. Big deal. :unsure:
I did not claim it bothered me...Im pointing it out that it supports some people's opinion that he was just a bit of a drama queen/media whore a bit.Nothing more.I have not even been making those claims about him.Why does it bother you that some might feel that way?
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
I thought he did say he would decide by training camp...and then stuck to it rather than asking for more time.
He also said he would decide several times earlier too. Nice job omitting those facts. :unsure:
He did? The only time frame that was reported was a deadline of last Friday but some people claim that wasn't the case. I'd like to see theses several quotes by Favre.
Where do you think the report came from?People claimed Werder made it up...but then Favre was talking to Werder yesterday...funny how he would feed the guy quotes after he supposedly made stuff up about Favre the week before.
So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
Why does that even bother you? Favre has relationshiops with several people in the media and you know damn well that he was hounded by a bunch of media people during this. So he leaked information to them during all of this. Big deal. :rolleyes:
I did not claim it bothered me...Im pointing it out that it supports some people's opinion that he was just a bit of a drama queen/media whore a bit.Nothing more.I have not even been making those claims about him.Why does it bother you that some might feel that way?
If you aren't making those claims then why do you even make these posts about him? He does deserve crap about his offseason waffling but your example here about leaking some info to the media somehow further proves he is a media whore is really weak, sho. :unsure:
Who cares about the Friday deadline? He made his decision on Tuesday...big deal! :unsure:

He made his decision before training camp.

I'd like to see the quotes by Favre that said he would decide "several times earlier". Do you have those?

So with constant media scrutiny, virtually hounding him in his hometown, by text, and by cell, Favre was supposed to decline all comments in order not to be a media whore? I think he actually did pretty well at letting Bus take the flack.
I think a simple old guy statement to get off his lawn...lol...would suffice.Or basically just an actual comment to end the speculation. Like, Im evaluating if I can play or not...they will have my answer by training camp. And thats it.Why all the speculation...the press leaks...the comments by cook and so on?
Why does that even bother you? Favre has relationshiops with several people in the media and you know damn well that he was hounded by a bunch of media people during this. So he leaked information to them during all of this. Big deal. :rolleyes:
I did not claim it bothered me...Im pointing it out that it supports some people's opinion that he was just a bit of a drama queen/media whore a bit.Nothing more.I have not even been making those claims about him.Why does it bother you that some might feel that way?
If you aren't making those claims then why do you even make these posts about him? He does deserve crap about his offseason waffling but your example here about leaking some info to the media somehow further proves he is a media whore is really weak, sho. :thumbdown:
Because I also see people making claims that its just all the media and I feel thats BS.I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.He uses the media a bit...likes some of the attention...the media uses him to get people interested. A win win for both in a way.
Who cares about the Friday deadline? He made his decision on Tuesday...big deal! :thumbdown: He made his decision before training camp.I'd like to see the quotes by Favre that said he would decide "several times earlier". Do you have those?
It was last friday that was being talked about.As I said...no quotes...just the media reports...where do you think they got their story. It was Werder reporting it last week I believe.And again...if Werder was making it up...would Favre have been talking to Werder yesterday?Its not a big deal...its just a bit of proof that its not just the media doing all of this...that #4 shares some responsibility in how big the issue gets.Sorry you can't deal with that.
Who cares about the Friday deadline? He made his decision on Tuesday...big deal! :thumbdown: He made his decision before training camp.I'd like to see the quotes by Favre that said he would decide "several times earlier". Do you have those?
It was last friday that was being talked about.As I said...no quotes...just the media reports...where do you think they got their story. It was Werder reporting it last week I believe.And again...if Werder was making it up...would Favre have been talking to Werder yesterday?Its not a big deal...its just a bit of proof that its not just the media doing all of this...that #4 shares some responsibility in how big the issue gets.Sorry you can't deal with that.
It seems like you have many things you can't deal with when it comes to Favre. So now you claim it is a "win win for both" but yet you are making an issue of it.
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Who cares about the Friday deadline? He made his decision on Tuesday...big deal! :wall: He made his decision before training camp.I'd like to see the quotes by Favre that said he would decide "several times earlier". Do you have those?
It was last friday that was being talked about.As I said...no quotes...just the media reports...where do you think they got their story. It was Werder reporting it last week I believe.And again...if Werder was making it up...would Favre have been talking to Werder yesterday?Its not a big deal...its just a bit of proof that its not just the media doing all of this...that #4 shares some responsibility in how big the issue gets.Sorry you can't deal with that.
It seems like you have many things you can't deal with when it comes to Favre. So now you claim it is a "win win for both" but yet you are making an issue of it.
Wow...Im not making an issue of it...other people have made the claims about him being a media whore...get it?Ook and others have put it all just on the media...get it?I have said I think they both share in the blame for all of this...get it?I can deal with everything that relates to Favre.I post a lot of the topic as it has related both to my favorite team...and my favorite player of all time.The guy was a great great player for many years with the Packers.I was sad to see him retire last year.I was sad to see how both he and the franchise handled last offseason.I was sad to see how he played down the stretch, not how I like to remember the guy.I did not necessarily want to see him in Minny...but would not have minded seeing him play again...and don't think he would be leading Minny to any titles.
From RotoWorld:

Hold the phone: Favre will keep working out NFL Network's Scott Hanson reports that free agent Brett Favre "will continue to throw and work out" despite telling Vikings coach Brad Childress Tuesday that he wanted to stay retired.You've got to be kidding. Favre reportedly said he's still not totally sure about whether he'll stay retired or try to play, even after "confirming" he'd re-re-retire to Childress and in an ESPN interview. Asked by Steve Mariucci how he'd feel about his decision on Wednesday morning, Favre replied "I'm wondering that myself." It wouldn't shock us one bit if Favre "gets the itch" again and tries to come back late in camp or even after the season kicks off. Jul. 28 - 7:56 pm et
One more...

Vikings Begged Favre to Reconsider

Posted: Jul 29, 2009 9:29AM By JJ Cooper (RSS feed)

Filed Under: Vikings, NFC North, NFL Quarterbacks


Apparently Brett Favre had decided more than a week ago that he wasn't going to join the Vikings, but the Vikings wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

ESPN.com's Ed Werder reports that Favre told Vikings offensive coordinator Darren Bevell on July 20 that he would not be coming back, and that Bevell and the rest of the Vikings staff asked him to wait and think about it a little longer. The Vikings then had Adrian Peterson, Jared Allen and Steve Hutchinson call or text Favre to try to convince him to come out of retirement in what a source told ESPN was a full-court press.
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.

I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.

Phurfur.....Wrong.....you were also told by other people that Favre DID NOT hold press conferences during Super Bowl week for many years. It happened once but you stated he did it for several years.

That was it. Why do you deny you're a hater? It's ok to admit it.
You were owned :lol: so quit making stuff up.
I am not making it up. http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index...66&hl=FavreGo look at post #2582 on page 52.

You wrote....."He did hold more post season press conference that any other player I know and he always seemed to make announcements during SB week."

Even sho nuff knew that Favre didn't hold these multiple announcements during Super Bowl week.

You sir....have been really :lmao:
:confused: :lmao:
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
So if Favre told them on July 20th he didn't want to play then it doesn't appear it was his fault he was waffling over the last week or so like you claim. It appears based on Werder's comments that he was taking more time to think about it because the Vikings asked him to.
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Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
So if Favre told them on July 20th he didn't want to play then it doesn't appear it was his fault he was waffling over the last week or so like you claim. It appears based on Werder's comments that he was taking more time to think about it beacuse the Vikings asked him to.
My claim was it was likely he or bus leaking information.This would make it seem like it may have been Minny doing some of that as well.And again...if he is taking more time to think about it...say so. Don't keep up the speculation. That is the part I fault Favre and Cook with...they fueled a lot of this speculation and kept it going.Some will say its because he liked the attention...note...I have not been one just saying that.
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.

I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
So if Favre told them on July 20th he didn't want to play then it doesn't appear it was his fault he was waffling over the last week or so like you claim. It appears based on Werder's comments that he was taking more time to think about it beacuse the Vikings asked him to.
My claim was it was likely he or bus leaking information.This would make it seem like it may have been Minny doing some of that as well.

And again...if he is taking more time to think about it...say so. Don't keep up the speculation. That is the part I fault Favre and Cook with...they fueled a lot of this speculation and kept it going.

Some will say its because he liked the attention...note...I have not been one just saying that.
Just keep stirring the pot, sho. :shrug:
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
So if Favre told them on July 20th he didn't want to play then it doesn't appear it was his fault he was waffling over the last week or so like you claim. It appears based on Werder's comments that he was taking more time to think about it beacuse the Vikings asked him to.
My claim was it was likely he or bus leaking information.This would make it seem like it may have been Minny doing some of that as well.And again...if he is taking more time to think about it...say so. Don't keep up the speculation. That is the part I fault Favre and Cook with...they fueled a lot of this speculation and kept it going.Some will say its because he liked the attention...note...I have not been one just saying that.
But Sho "just taking more time to decide" was exactly what was said and it certainly apears to be true. :thumbup:
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.

I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
So if Favre told them on July 20th he didn't want to play then it doesn't appear it was his fault he was waffling over the last week or so like you claim. It appears based on Werder's comments that he was taking more time to think about it beacuse the Vikings asked him to.
My claim was it was likely he or bus leaking information.This would make it seem like it may have been Minny doing some of that as well.

And again...if he is taking more time to think about it...say so. Don't keep up the speculation. That is the part I fault Favre and Cook with...they fueled a lot of this speculation and kept it going.

Some will say its because he liked the attention...note...I have not been one just saying that.
Just keep stirring the pot, sho. :lmao:
Yes...because Im the one who posted the "so if Favre told them"....part right?Yup...just stirring the pot.


Leave Sho alone, he is being reasonably reasonable given his shock after being so sure Favre was just trying to get the media attention and had already decided to play for Minnesota when he asked the Jets for his release. He is simply unprepared for the reality that health was actually the key issue...

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Leave Sho alone, he is being reasonably reasonable given his shock after being so sure Favre was just trying to get the media attention and had already decided to play for Minnesota when he asked the Jets for his release. He is simply unprepared for the reality that health was actually the key issue...
Umm...come on now. You have been reasonable and shown that you can disagree with me without making it personal unlike the other ook...but wher was I so sure he was just trying to get media attention?As for already deciding to play for Minny once he asked his release from the Jets...its clear it was his goal if his body could hold up that he was going there if he could. Not sure how you dispute that.And what in my comments have I said that has shown I am not prepared for the reality that health was the issue in him not coming back?
Nice....solid confidence shown in Tarvaris and Sage when you are doing that much to get the guy.I think it goes beyond Chilly's claim that if you have a chance at Favre you pursue it a bit.
The good news for the Vikings is that neither one of these guys had the starting job to begin with so they would have had to earn it anyway - at least now without Favre they have something to work for, instead of just being the backup guy.

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