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Free agency extended, AGAIN (1 Viewer)

I probably wouldn't feel much sense of urgency either if I could move deadlines pretty much however and whenever I wanted.

Why don't they just say that the season is on hold until further notice until they iron out a new CBA? It makes more sense to announce when they have something than every few hours changing the (supposed) deadlines.

Updated: March 5, 2006, 11:29 PM ET

NFL, union agree to delay free agency 72 hours

NEW YORK -- NFL labor negotiations took yet another surprising turn late Sunday when the league and union agreed to postpone free agency another 72 hours, giving the sides more time to try to reach agreement on an extension to their contract.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the delay would give owners a chance to consider the union's latest proposal during a meeting Tuesday in Dallas.

Talks broke off earlier in the day, leaving dozens of veterans in danger of becoming salary-cap casualties before midnight Monday, when free agency was supposed to begin.

The breakdown in talks, though surprising, was typical of the topsy-turvy negotiations, so far: Just when things seemed darkest, they got back on track; and when it appeared a deal could be struck, talks fell apart.
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I agree that they should just say FA is on hold till we reach a deal because this deadline extention is just a joke.

Reaching a deal is a must and the ramafications are huge. Do you really want the NFL be like baseball with no cap? A labor lock out in 2008 possibly too? Since we're all talking football in March so much I am guessing the answer is no. Relax and hope a deal is made before they have to extend the deadline any further

Mort just said on ESPN that cuts as of Sunday night can be rescinded (like last Thursday)...i.e. Kerry Collins.

This is frustrating to the small fanatical subset of us who are craving NFL news in March :)

However, in the grand scheme of things most fans probably haven't batted an eyelash.

This is frustrating to the small fanatical subset of us who are craving NFL news in March :)

However, in the grand scheme of things most fans probably haven't batted an eyelash.
I don't find it frustrating. I'm thankful that they are still trying to get this resolved to avoid the possible mess they can get themselves into without a new CBA.
This is frustrating to the small fanatical subset of us who are craving NFL news in March :)

However, in the grand scheme of things most fans probably haven't batted an eyelash.
I'd think it's more frustrating to guys like Kerry Collins."You're cut"

"Oh, no you're not"

"At least not yet"

"Now you're cut"

"oh, nevermind..."

"You're cut"


The NFL cannot delay the start of free agency without the consent of the NFLPA. Giving an open ended extension takes the sense of urgency to get a deal done away for both sides.

IF Upshaw has truly gotten the owners to blink, then he has done an admirable job.


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