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Game Thread W14 - Philadelphia V NY Giants (1 Viewer)

Westbrook = 169 yards, 2 TDs

Giants Offense = 117 yards, 0 TDs

Westbrook giving AR a piggyback ride. And that ain't easy!!!

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What was wrong with the celebration?
another reason to give them a penatly. Eagles been on the short end of the stick this season with bad calls ( hence the two blown PI calls they should have had )
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Eli's lucky to get that one back. Looked kinda like Favre to Cotchery in Week one (without the receiver in the picture).

4th and inches and the Giants are in shotgun formation? They dont get it of course. :goodposting:

We are seeing once again what Eli's biggest flaw is: He is not good in bad and/or cold weather.

It makes you wonder if having home field in the playoffs will really benefit Eli that much. He did so well last year in the playoffs last year because none of those games were at home (and only one was really in bad or cold weather).

Eli is 7-21 for 66 yards. 4th and one, 4 WR set?

Feels kind of funny, second guessing the OTHER teams play calling...

BTW Westbrook is looking incredible today. Healthy and running strong. He's pushing the pile, breaking tackles all day.

nice to see McNabb :) to the Giant fans


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TOTAL DOMINATION by the Eagles today. They are driving the ball up and down the field. Converting every third down. The only two negatives are the blocked FGs, special teams.

This McNabb guy looks great the last two weeks.

As an Eagles die hard, I don't want to hear the Plaxico excuses, distraction comments, etc. The Eagles simply beat them soundly on both offense and defense. Barring some miracle in the last 3 minutes... :)

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As an Eagles die hard, I don't want to hear the Plaxico excuses, distraction comments, etc. The Eagles simply beat them soundly on both offense and defense. They just beat them.
True, but you do know that how well a team is prepared and practices during the week plays a MAJOR part in how well they play on Sunday, right? I am not going to say that Burress' situation is the reason they lost, but it sure didn't help. Either way, great win by the Eagles today. Note: I am not a fan of either team.
That ball was uncatchable. Shouldn't have been PI.

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ATL loss helps. Now go Steelers and Ravens!
The ATL loss is huge. As I was looking at the playoff scenarios this week what worried me most was that the Eagles could still win out and possibly not get in if the NFC South teams had the perfect storm of results leaving everyone but the Saints at at least 11-5. This Falcons loss makes that more unlikely now.

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