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Game Thread W9 - Detroit V Minnesota (1 Viewer)

Mariucci is perhaps the worst coach in the NFL. He makes no effort to emphasize running the football. He sits Kevin Jones for half of their offensive plays. He should be fired.

I needed a DF and seriously considered grabbing the Vikings this week. Didn't in favor of SF (ranked 4th vs 29th ofr the Vikes). We'll have to see if its a mistake or not.

Well so much for the Lions D. Also, Harrington seems to always find new ways to suck even more. How is this guy even in the NFL let alone starting? My god.

Wow what a catch by Burleson?? Vikes are rolling...BTw, why did the Lions put in Pinner?? As if their struggles were Jones' fault. Against the Vikes they need to get their ground game going and with Roy out cause he's a wuss KJ is their best bet. I don't get Mariucci.

The Lions team is such a disgrace. They f'n suck so bad EVERY year. It's so frustrating to try and be a fan of this worthless franchise.

Mariucci is perhaps the worst coach in the NFL. He makes no effort to emphasize running the football. He sits Kevin Jones for half of their offensive plays. He should be fired.
:goodposting: unfortunately, 2 years too late

Mariucci is perhaps the worst coach in the NFL.  He makes no effort to emphasize running the football.  He sits Kevin Jones for half of their offensive plays.  He should be fired.
:goodposting: unfortunately, 2 years too late
Another intestesting fact is that Mooch is 0-4 against Tice. Soon to be 0-5. That is pretty pathetic.
Why in the F### is Moore not getting the majority of the touches??????? Where the hell did this come from? Did anyone see this coming based on the last 3 weeks?

I was debating between Moore & Droughns in one of my dynasty leagues & decided on Moore. I had a feeling Brad Johnson would restore some order to the Vikings. No reason for that, really. It's just that pro football (& FF) is a very fickle game. Anyway, I made the wrong choice for the right reason (or something like that, LOL). I don't believe there's any question Moore is the best back on their roster (including Whiz). Not only that, he's one of the better young RBs in the league, IMO. That said, I'm not the HC. Tice is. I can't wait 'til that dufus gets CANNED!!! :)

Mariucci is perhaps the worst coach in the NFL.  He makes no effort to emphasize running the football.  He sits Kevin Jones for half of their offensive plays.  He should be fired.
:goodposting: unfortunately, 2 years too late
He should be fired just for starting Harrington again. Joe schmo packing groceries should be starting over him. If I played on this team I'd be recruiting guys to break Harrington's legs at this point.
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I'm not sure KJ is ever going to be the guy we all thought or at least those of us who thought a top 10 RB. He can't break loose. Pinner and Bryson still get carries and TDs. It's getting close to time to say to myself that I just missed that one.

K.Jones out of the game. Ice on his neck.
He is officially one of the biggest ####### in the NFL. He is hurt every f**king game.
I believe that there is a button to delete your post if you should have a sudden bout of reason.
He could but then you qouted it so that woldn't help. Now I quoted it again. :P
If he'll delete, then I'll delete, then you can delete, but then I'll have to delete again... :unsure:
Nice play Vines, I wish I wouldn't have heard the reports before the game saying roy was going to play. I took out Vines and put him back in :(

K.Jones out of the game. Ice on his neck.
He is officially one of the biggest ####### in the NFL. He is hurt every f**king game.
I believe that there is a button to delete your post if you should have a sudden bout of reason.
Sudden bout of reason? - I believe a statement based on facts is in fact reasonable. Have you watched a Lions game this year? How many games has Jones finished? He is now sitting on the bench icing his neck for god's sake. Next we'll see him applying a band aid to it.

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