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Getting yelled at by strangers in public. (3 Viewers)


Is this a random ####### having a bad day, or have similar happened to you or that you've witnessed and this is more common that I think?


Today was gorgeous, so the 3 yo and I went to the library and from there walked to the park which is a few blocks away.  My son stayed at a friend's, but was coming home in the afternoon.  Most of the time I leave my phone in my car when I am at the park or in stores and today was no different.  Between walking and the park we were gone for about 90mins.  Got back to the car, realized I forgot her diaper bag, so we had to walk back to the park.  This time we were close to the time when I told the 11yo that we would be home, so I grabbed my phone and was shooting him a text quick while we started walking to let him know that we would be a bit late in case he was heading home too.  Just get down with the text (admittedly, I am a slow texter), and ….

"Hey, why don't you put down your damn phone and have a nice walk with your kid!!? They don't live forever, you know.  That's ridiculous"   I turn around to see random lady hanging out her car window at the corner about 1/2 a block away to yell this at me.  

GTFO.  Needless to say I was a little pissed.  Any other examples of this or people telling you what to in public.  I kinda felt like it was internet mentality pouring over into reality or something.  

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:shrug:   Why don't you spend a little more time with your son instead of whining on a football message board?  You %^&*@!.

They don't live forever, you know?

kp- at the supermarket with my oldest when he was around 3, and an old lady pops around the corner and startles me. "oh- hi... you scared me". 

"a grown man shouldn't be scared- you should be teaching your son better behavior".

me- :confused:

me to son- "hey kiddo- lesson #1: don't ever listen to crazy old ladies in the supermarket"

people are insane.

I don't recall getting yelled at recently.  I have taken to giving people a thumbs down instead of the middle finger though in cases were people are out of line.  Lets people know what you think of them or their behavior with out being so aggressive.  This would have been a situation to just give her the thumbs down and move on.  

Some times though I am just so shocked at peoples behavior in the world that I am speechless and at a loss for how to react.  Civility is dead for the most part.

My wife yells at random strangers  :bag: .  It's only a matter of time until she gets us killed.

Admittedly, I will call blatant litterers on it.

I don't recall getting yelled at recently.  I have taken to giving people a thumbs down instead of the middle finger though in cases were people are out of line.  Lets people know what you think of them or their behavior with out being so aggressive.  This would have been a situation to just give her the thumbs down and move on.  

Some times though I am just so shocked at peoples behavior in the world that I am speechless and at a loss for how to react.  Civility is dead for the most part.

and while I can empathize with the crazy lady in kp's op... cell-phones are turning people into even worse, myopic, selfish, self-absorbed, thoughtless idiots than normal- kp didn't exactly do anything to this lady. just ruffled some bizarre sense of drive-by unwritten justice

I had a chick yell at me to stop at a stop sign in front of her house because her kids were playing around there.  I rolled through it at like 5 mph and it was a 3-way stop.

I just rolled my eyes at her and kept driving.  What I should have said was that the stop sign isn't there to protect your kids, it is there for managing traffic flow at an intersection.  Maybe you should just keep them from playing in the street.

Was she in DeForest, WI about 3:20?

What does she yell at people about?
Pointless #### like the lady in your example.  Usually I just roll my eyes, keep a comfortable distance, and pretend like I don't know her.  She's tempered it down because she knows I'm not down.

I would have layed into her so hard she would think about our interaction every day for the rest of her life.  I hope you made her cry.

"Hey, why don't you put down your damn phone and have a nice walk with your kid!!? They don't live forever, you know.  That's ridiculous"   I turn around to see random lady hanging out her car window at the corner about 1/2 a block away to yell this at me.  
"Hey, thanks for letting my three year old know he's going to die someday".

Some women are kind of crazy about shaming when it comes to parenting.  I'm saying women because I think it is mostly limited to that gender, as I never hear similar stories about males yelling at strangers about their parenting.  I was reading something the other day (maybe on Twitter) about some woman shaming another woman for buying wine at Costco while holding an infant, and some other stranger stepped in to tell the shamer to GFY.  Lots of similar stories about shaming for bottle feeding.


and while I can empathize with the crazy lady in kp's op... cell-phones are turning people into even worse, myopic, selfish, self-absorbed, thoughtless idiots than normal- kp didn't exactly do anything to this lady. just ruffled some bizarre sense of drive-by unwritten justice
Yeah, I would fully expect it if I was walking through an intersection like that or my daughter almost ran in front of her.  It was just the combo of being 1/2 a block away, on a 2 block stretch without an intersection, she was right beside me (I think holding my hand still), heading in the other direction, and coming on the heels of purposely leaving my phone behind while we enjoyed the park for the last 90mins.  

I could almost see a comment like that from somebody if I was on the phone the whole time at the park, I have been tempted to do similar.  But how do I know that they haven't been there the last 10 days without the phone, need to do some business and wanted their kid to have some fun, or doing something family related for a death or injury.  Sure, they could be looking at porn or posting in the FFA the whole time, but there is also 1000 other things that could be going on are completely understandable too.  

I would have layed into her so hard she would think about our interaction every day for the rest of her life.  I hope you made her cry.

Nothing like that.  I waved, told her to have a nice day and mind her own business.  I didn't yell it, so she might not have heard it anyway.  

Some women are kind of crazy about shaming when it comes to parenting.  I'm saying women because I think it is mostly limited to that gender, as I never hear similar stories about males yelling at strangers about their parenting.  I was reading something the other day (maybe on Twitter) about some woman shaming another woman for buying wine at Costco while holding an infant, and some other stranger stepped in to tell the shamer to GFY.  Lots of similar stories about shaming for bottle feeding.
I was on a plane once and some old hag started yelling at a mom who struggled to keep her toddler from crying throughout the flight.  The whole plane turned on the old hag.

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Some women are kind of crazy about shaming when it comes to parenting.  I'm saying women because I think it is mostly limited to that gender, as I never hear similar stories about males yelling at strangers about their parenting.  I was reading something the other day (maybe on Twitter) about some woman shaming another woman for buying wine at Costco while holding an infant, and some other stranger stepped in to tell the shamer to GFY.  Lots of similar stories about shaming for bottle feeding.
Wow.  Again, who knows WTF she was buying that for.  I could see it if she cracked it open and started drinking it in the store or something.  

Just don't know where people get off.  Love to see these people the rest of their day and what they do that I don't agree with and yell at them.  

Yeah, I would fully expect it if I was walking through an intersection like that or my daughter almost ran in front of her.  It was just the combo of being 1/2 a block away, on a 2 block stretch without an intersection, she was right beside me (I think holding my hand still), heading in the other direction, and coming on the heels of purposely leaving my phone behind while we enjoyed the park for the last 90mins.  

I could almost see a comment like that from somebody if I was on the phone the whole time at the park, I have been tempted to do similar.  But how do I know that they haven't been there the last 10 days without the phone, need to do some business and wanted their kid to have some fun, or doing something family related for a death or injury.  Sure, they could be looking at porn or posting in the FFA the whole time, but there is also 1000 other things that could be going on are completely understandable too.  
of course.

I used to work from home when floppinho was little, so I'd take him to the playground all the time. ours had a good mix of regulars, including a bunch of dads, most all of whom were there to be there... with their kid.

had a couple regulars who sat on benches the entire time with faces planted in their phones while their kid ran around the playground. of course- little kid without any attention from their own parent would usually grab onto the other parents playing with their kids. so now we're looking after and playing with your kid. ok, whatever. but at our playground, there were two of these who were decent enough kids most of the time, but then showed signs of... dunno... not having active parents in their lives... by doing #### that was outright dangerous- usually to other kids (pushing them off of slide ladders, etc). so now I have to play with AND parent/control your kid instead of my own? #### you. 

Some women are kind of crazy about shaming when it comes to parenting.  I'm saying women because I think it is mostly limited to that gender, as I never hear similar stories about males yelling at strangers about their parenting.  I was reading something the other day (maybe on Twitter) about some woman shaming another woman for buying wine at Costco while holding an infant, and some other stranger stepped in to tell the shamer to GFY.  Lots of similar stories about shaming for bottle feeding.
women get ####### ruthless about parenting... fascist and ruthless- fiercely defending their own approach to: fill in the parenting approach: and even more fiercely attacking people who parent differently.

only time I've ever said anything to another parent was at the same playground mentioned above... young mom pushing her kid (roughly the same age as floppinho- 3ish) on the next swing over while yelling some racist anti-white #### into her phone. told her if she was going to say racist crap, say it somewhere else as I didn't want my kid having to hear it.

A few weeks ago a weird looking woman on the street pointed at me and screamed very menacingly "I hope you feel good about yourself!"

I have no idea why or what I did.

My wife yells at random strangers  :bag: .  It's only a matter of time until she gets us killed.

Admittedly, I will call blatant litterers on it.
My wife does the same thing mostly while we are driving. If I die by unnatural causes it will be in a car from gunfire from another car.

I had a chick yell at me to stop at a stop sign in front of her house because her kids were playing around there.  I rolled through it at like 5 mph and it was a 3-way stop.

I just rolled my eyes at her and kept driving.  What I should have said was that the stop sign isn't there to protect your kids, it is there for managing traffic flow at an intersection.  Maybe you should just keep them from playing in the street.
In her defense you deserved it.  I used to live by a similar intersection and 25% of the drivers ran through it.  It was annoying as hell.  Yes you slowed down but stop signs are there for a reason.

In her defense you deserved it.  I used to live by a similar intersection and 25% of the drivers ran through it.  It was annoying as hell.  Yes you slowed down but stop signs are there for a reason.
Yep, full stop please.

Many many times while walking my dogs in the crosswalk at the 4-way I've wondered "is this guy going to stop?"  Never been hit, but a few times it was a little close for comfort.

A few kids from the elementary school a block away have been nicked by drivers who I'm sure thought they were negotiating that intersection in a safe yet self-convenient manner.  Nobody has been killed yet.  Just stop.

I’ve almost lost it twice recently

1) fat ### dad berating his kids on the driving range at my club. Guy is a total ###. Kids walking on eggshells. 

2) couple in first class today who were sharing videos on their phone with the sound on. No headsets. Some sounded like gunfire. Someone finally asked them to mute it and the woman was incredulous. Thought nothing of the entire plane eating their audio cranked way up. 

So yeah - I get it  

I’m reading this while my twins are practicing soccer in the field in front of me 

she’s right

i should be paying attention. 

Is it okay to bring a slurpy cup filled with rum and cokes to these things?   Asking for a friend 

I would have layed into her so hard she would think about our interaction every day for the rest of her life.  I hope you made her cry.
Unfortunately, this is what I would’ve done too. I have a short temper... homie don’t play that. 

Is this a random ####### having a bad day, or have similar happened to you or that you've witnessed and this is more common that I think?


Today was gorgeous, so the 3 yo and I went to the library and from there walked to the park which is a few blocks away.  My son stayed at a friend's, but was coming home in the afternoon.  Most of the time I leave my phone in my car when I am at the park or in stores and today was no different.  Between walking and the park we were gone for about 90mins.  Got back to the car, realized I forgot her diaper bag, so we had to walk back to the park.  This time we were close to the time when I told the 11yo that we would be home, so I grabbed my phone and was shooting him a text quick while we started walking to let him know that we would be a bit late in case he was heading home too.  Just get down with the text (admittedly, I am a slow texter), and ….

"Hey, why don't you put down your damn phone and have a nice walk with your kid!!? They don't live forever, you know.  That's ridiculous"   I turn around to see random lady hanging out her car window at the corner about 1/2 a block away to yell this at me.  

GTFO.  Needless to say I was a little pissed.  Any other examples of this or people telling you what to in public.  I kinda felt like it was internet mentality pouring over into reality or something.  
Situations like this are why, when my son was an infant, I got myself a diaper bag equipped with an anti tank gun.

The only time I've ever berated someone in public was in movie theaters.  I did use Mom Voice rather than yell.

The worst was the time the cinema thought it would be okay if the repairman fixed a machine at the back of the cinema during the movie.  I got a round of applause for that one.  Validation!  Everyone also got ticket refunds.


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