First thing. Please do not turn this political. And I fully realize it may be impossible. We've tried and failed there. But this felt like a pretty good take on where I am.
I sent this to our subscribers last night.
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I sent this to our subscribers last night.
WARNING: No Football News In This Email
I'd like to wish you a happy Fourth of July.
For you non-US folks, I ask you to please indulge us here today (and I know there are a bunch of you - thanks for being a part of what we're doing). We Americans are celebrating a very important holiday for us in our Independence Day.
Here's 70 seconds celebrating some fun things about the USA.
You've probably seen all these images and scenes before. And maybe some made you smile.
But there's something serious here too. And timely.
Halfway through, there's audio from a speech that says, "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."
I may be naive. I may be hopelessly optimistic. But I believe that.
With my whole freakin' heart.
I'm not going to deny for a second that my heart hasn't sometimes been tired or anxious or angry or sad these past few years. I'm going to guess your heart has too.
But I still believe in America.
And I believe in America because I believe in us.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but I believe in us because I believe in you.
We are what makes America. Regular people like you and me putting a greater good ahead of themselves and doing rad stuff. People showing kindness and generosity to each other. People doing their best to display empathy to one another and trying to understand when they see something differently.
This almost always looks like one thing: People assuming the best of each other.
I hope on this day today, you can be hopeful. Be encouraged.
As I do each year on this day, I won't be sending any Football news. Instead, I'm attaching the transcript of the Declaration of Independence. You can find lots more cool information about the document by clicking here.
And as there are every year, there will be some people who say I'm wrong to feel the way I do. We'll just disagree on that point. We can do that here. Or some will tell me I shouldn't send this out at all and I should just stick to football. We are about 99.99% football. This is that .01%.
If you're like me and haven't read through the document since last July 4, or if you haven't read through it in years, I'd urge you to take a couple of minutes sometime today and go through it. It's good stuff. Regardless of your political leanings.
Thanks for allowing us this non-football email today. We'll be right back onto the news for you tomorrow with the update plus we've got lots of good stuff heading your way on the website.
I hope you have a great Fourth of July.
And Peace and Grace to you.
Let's go.
Happy 4th of July from your Friends at Footballguys.