There has always been a ton of bashing on this board and on the old one. But of course since it is much larger it has gone up some.
Sometimes it gets old wading through the garbage to find the gold- which there is plenty of here. Everytime I think I've had enough I go to another FF message board and come crying back.
I like the "be excellent" policy. I wouldn't even mind if it were enforced more strictly. Without this place would be a mess. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Joe.
My wish- although I know it is simply a pipedream, would be to stop allowing new members. I KNOW it won't happen and I am not asking for it. But I was a member of a car forum that did this, no new members, and eventually all the idiots get weeded out and banned too- and that was the best message board I ever was a part of. No one flamed, people searched well, you got answers to questions, because often more knowledgable people get pushed away if there is just an influx of idiots, but that didn't happen. Unfortunately the board crashed and someone new tookover and opened it up, now it is OK but not nearly how it was.
So, all in all, how is it changed since I joined? I would just say it is bigger. Still great in the offseason, still good during the season, and still some idiots- just more than there used to be. A great board all in all.