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How To Get To Heaven When You Die (1 Viewer)

Someone nearly dies..., but then they don't. :shrug: Eta: go ahead now and copy/paste whatever it is you have on deck regarding NDE.

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No matter what happens, it's all part of "god's plan," but you don't know what that plan is until after the events have transpired. If someone dies, it's god's plan. If someone survives or is saved from catastrophe...it's all god's plan. Neat.

[SIZE=large]Was America founded as a Christian nation?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]By Editorial Staff[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Published April 2008[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]There are many today who would doubt or deny that this is true. There has even been an attempt to cover up and, in some cases, to destroy the legacy of Christian thinking that has gone into the formation of our republic. Yet what were the true thoughts and intentions of the men and women who came before us?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]A careful look into the past reveals landmarks which were essential in guiding America along the pathway that led us to where we are today. More often than not, at each one of these landmarks, there also appears irrefutable evidence that a sense of divine destiny accompanied the most important events of our history.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Here in part are some of these landmarks:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1490-1492 – Columbus’ commission was given to set out to find a new world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]According to Columbus’ personal log, his purpose in seeking undiscovered worlds was to “bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens. …. It was the Lord who put into my mind … that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies … I am the most unworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely … No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” (Columbus’ Book of Prophecies)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 10, 1606 – The Charter for the Virginia Colony read in part:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“To the glory of His divine Majesty, in propagating of the Christian religion to such people as yet live in ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]November 3, 1620 – King James I grants the Charter of the Plymouth council.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In the hope thereby to advance the enlargement of the Christian religion, to the glory of God Almighty.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]November 11, 1620 – The Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact aboard the Mayflower, in Plymouth harbor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“For the glory of God and advancement of ye Christian faith … doe by these presents solemnly & mutually in ye presence of God and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]March 4, 1629 – The first Charter of Massachusetts read in part:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“For the directing, ruling, and disposeing of all other Matters and Thinges, whereby our said People may be soe religiously, peaceablie, and civilly governed, as their good life and orderlie Conversacon, maie wynn and incite the Natives of the Country to the Knowledg and Obedience of the onlie true God and Savior of Mankinde, and the Christian Fayth, which in our Royall Intencon, and The Adventurers free profession, is the principall Ende of the Plantacion..”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]January 14, 1638 – The towns of Hartford, Weathersfield and Windsor adopt the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“To mayntayne and presearve the liberty and purity of the Gospell of our Lord Jesus, which we now professe…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]August 4, 1639 – The governing body of New Hampshire is established.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Considering with ourselves the holy will of God and our own necessity, that we should not live without wholesome laws and civil government among us, of which we are altogether destitute, do, in the name of Christ and in the sight of God, combine ourselves together to erect and set up among us such government as shall be, to our best discerning, agreeable to the will of God…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]September 26, 1642 – The rules and precepts that were to govern Harvard were set up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternall life, John 17:3 and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdome, Let every one seriously set himselfe by prayer in secret to seeke it of him Prov. 2.3.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Harvard College was founded on Christi Gloriam and later dedicated Christo et Ecclesiae. The founders of Harvard believed that “all knowledge without Christ was vain.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The charter of Yale University clearly expressed the purpose for which the school was founded: “Whereas several well disposed and Publick spirited Persons of their sincere Regard to & zeal for upholding & propagating of the Christian Protestant Religion … youth may be instructed in the Arts & Sciences who through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]In addition to Harvard and Yale, 106 out of the first 108 schools in America were founded on the Christian faith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 3, 1644 – The New Haven Colony adopts their charter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“That the judicial laws of God, as they were delivered by Moses … be a rule to all the courts in this jurisdiction …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1647 – Governor William Bradford publishes Of Plimouth Plantation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Lastly, (and which was not least,) a great hope and inward zeall they (the Pilgrims) had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto, for ye propagation and advancing of ye gospell or ye kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of ye world; yea, though they should be but stepping-stones unto others for ye performing of so great a work … their desires were set on ye ways of God, and to employ his ordinances; but they rested on his providence, and know whom they had beleeved.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 21, 1649 – The Maryland Toleration Act is passed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Be it therefor … enacted … that no person or persons whatsoever within this province … professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall … henceforth be any ways troubled, molested (or disapproved of) … in respect of his or her religion nor in the free exercise thereof …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 25, 1689 – The Great Law of Pennsylvania is passed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Whereas the glory of Almighty God and the good of mankind is the reason and the end of government … therefore government itself is a venerable ordinance of God …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]May 20, 1775 – North Carolina passes the Mecklenburg County Resolutions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people; are, and of a right ought to be, a sovereign and self-governing association, under control of no other power than that of our God and the general government of Congress.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 12, 1775 – Continental Congress issues a call to all citizens to fast and pray and confess their sin that the Lord might bless the land.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“And it is recommended to Christians of all denominations, to assemble for public worship, and to abstain from servile labor and recreation on said day.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 2-4, 1776 – Declaration of Independence written and signed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We hold these truths … that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights … appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world … And for the support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]As the Declaration was being signed, Samuel Adams said: “We have this day restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let his kingdom come.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]On the same day, Benjamin Franklin suggested that the national motto be: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Historian and philosopher G.K. Chesterton said of the founding of America that it is “the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. That creed is set forth in dogmatic and even theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]September 17, 1787 – The Constitution of the United States is finished.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]At least 50 out of the 55 men who framed the Constitution of the United States were professing Christians. (M.E. Bradford, A Worthy Company, Plymouth Rock Foundation., 1982).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Eleven of the first 13 States required faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible as qualification for holding public office.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The Constitution of each of the 50 States acknowledges and calls upon the Providence of God for the blessings of freedom.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1787 – James Madison, the “architect” of the federal Constitution and fourth president:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future .. upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 30, 1789 – Washington gives his First Inaugural Address.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“My fervent supplications to that Almighty Being Who rules over the universe, Who presides in the council of nations, and Whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by Himself for these essential purposes.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]March 11, 1792 – President George Washington:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“I am sure that never was a people who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency which so often manifested in the Revolution.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]December 20, 1820 – Daniel Webster, Plymouth Massachusetts:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers brought hither their high veneration for the Christian religion. They journeyed by its light, and labored in its hope. They sought to incorporate … and to diffuse its influence through all their institutions, civil, political and literary.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]July 4, 1821 – John Quincy Adams:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From the day of the Declaration … they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledged as the rules of their conduct.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1833 – Noah Webster:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles … This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions and government … the moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1841 – Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In the United States of America the sovereign authority is religious … there is no other country in the world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 8, 1845 – President Andrew Jackson asserts:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]February 11, 1861 – Abraham Lincoln, farewell at Springfield, Illinois:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Unless the great God who assisted (Washington) shall be with me and aid me, I must fail; but if the same Omniscient Mind and Mighty Arm that directed and protected him shall guide and support me, I shall not fail … Let us all pray that the God of our fathers may not forsake us now.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lincoln on the Bible:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it, we would not know right from wrong. All things most desireable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.” (George L. Hunt, Calvinism and the Political Order, Westminster Press, 1965, p.33)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1884 – U.S. Supreme Court reiterates the Declaration’s reference to our rights as being God-given.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]These inherent rights have never been more happily expressed than in the Declaration of Independence, “we hold these truths to be self-evident” that is, so plain that their truth is recognized upon their mere statement “that all men are endowed” – not by edicts of emperors, or by decrees of parliament, or acts of Congress, but “by their Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to secure these” – not grant them but secure them “governments are instituted among men.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1891 – The U.S. Supreme Court restates that America is a “Christian Nation.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian … this is a religious people. This is historically true. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice making this affirmation … we find everywhere a clear definition of the same truth … this is a Christian nation.” (Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States, 143 US 457, 36 L ed 226, Justice Brewer)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1909 – President Theodore Roosevelt:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“After a week on perplexing problems … it does so rest my soul to come into the house of The Lord and to sing and mean it, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty’ … (my) great joy and glory that in occupying an exalted position in the nation, I am enabled, to preach the practical moralities of the Bible to my fellow-countrymen and to hold up Christ as the hope and Savior of the world.” (Ferdinand C. Iglehart, Theodore Roosevelt – The Man As I knew Him, A.L. Burt, 1919)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1913 – President Woodrow Wilson:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“America was born to exemplify the devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the Holy Scriptures.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1952 – US Supreme Court defines the “Separation of Church and State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being … No Constitutional requirement makes it necessary for government to be hostile to religion and to throw its weight against the efforts to widen the scope of religious influence. The government must remain neutral when it comes to competition between sects … The First Amendment, however, does not say that in every respect there shall be a separation of Church and State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]January 20, 1977 – President Jimmy Carter:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Here before me is the Bible used in the inauguration of our first President in 1789, and I have just taken the oath of office on the Bible my mother gave me just a few years ago, opened to the timeless admonition from the ancient prophet Micah: ‘He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God’” (Micah 6:2).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1980 – President Ronald Reagan:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the Healing of America … our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]May 3, 1990 – President George Bush proclaims National Day of Prayer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The great faith that led our Nation’s Founding Fathers to pursue this bold experience in self-government has sustained us in uncertain and perilous times; it has given us strength to this very day. Like them, we do very well to recall our ‘firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,’ to give thanks for the freedom and prosperity this nation enjoys, and to pray for continued help and guidance from our wise and loving Creator.”[/SIZE]

In light of Memorial Day Weekend:

[SIZE=large]Was America founded as a Christian nation?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]By Editorial Staff[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Published April 2008[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]There are many today who would doubt or deny that this is true. There has even been an attempt to cover up and, in some cases, to destroy the legacy of Christian thinking that has gone into the formation of our republic. Yet what were the true thoughts and intentions of the men and women who came before us?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]A careful look into the past reveals landmarks which were essential in guiding America along the pathway that led us to where we are today. More often than not, at each one of these landmarks, there also appears irrefutable evidence that a sense of divine destiny accompanied the most important events of our history.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Here in part are some of these landmarks:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1490-1492 – Columbus’ commission was given to set out to find a new world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]According to Columbus’ personal log, his purpose in seeking undiscovered worlds was to “bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathens. …. It was the Lord who put into my mind … that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies … I am the most unworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely … No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” (Columbus’ Book of Prophecies)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 10, 1606 – The Charter for the Virginia Colony read in part:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“To the glory of His divine Majesty, in propagating of the Christian religion to such people as yet live in ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]November 3, 1620 – King James I grants the Charter of the Plymouth council.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In the hope thereby to advance the enlargement of the Christian religion, to the glory of God Almighty.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]November 11, 1620 – The Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact aboard the Mayflower, in Plymouth harbor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“For the glory of God and advancement of ye Christian faith … doe by these presents solemnly & mutually in ye presence of God and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]March 4, 1629 – The first Charter of Massachusetts read in part:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“For the directing, ruling, and disposeing of all other Matters and Thinges, whereby our said People may be soe religiously, peaceablie, and civilly governed, as their good life and orderlie Conversacon, maie wynn and incite the Natives of the Country to the Knowledg and Obedience of the onlie true God and Savior of Mankinde, and the Christian Fayth, which in our Royall Intencon, and The Adventurers free profession, is the principall Ende of the Plantacion..”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]January 14, 1638 – The towns of Hartford, Weathersfield and Windsor adopt the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“To mayntayne and presearve the liberty and purity of the Gospell of our Lord Jesus, which we now professe…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]August 4, 1639 – The governing body of New Hampshire is established.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Considering with ourselves the holy will of God and our own necessity, that we should not live without wholesome laws and civil government among us, of which we are altogether destitute, do, in the name of Christ and in the sight of God, combine ourselves together to erect and set up among us such government as shall be, to our best discerning, agreeable to the will of God…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]September 26, 1642 – The rules and precepts that were to govern Harvard were set up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternall life, John 17:3 and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdome, Let every one seriously set himselfe by prayer in secret to seeke it of him Prov. 2.3.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Harvard College was founded on Christi Gloriam and later dedicated Christo et Ecclesiae. The founders of Harvard believed that “all knowledge without Christ was vain.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The charter of Yale University clearly expressed the purpose for which the school was founded: “Whereas several well disposed and Publick spirited Persons of their sincere Regard to & zeal for upholding & propagating of the Christian Protestant Religion … youth may be instructed in the Arts & Sciences who through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]In addition to Harvard and Yale, 106 out of the first 108 schools in America were founded on the Christian faith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 3, 1644 – The New Haven Colony adopts their charter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“That the judicial laws of God, as they were delivered by Moses … be a rule to all the courts in this jurisdiction …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1647 – Governor William Bradford publishes Of Plimouth Plantation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Lastly, (and which was not least,) a great hope and inward zeall they (the Pilgrims) had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto, for ye propagation and advancing of ye gospell or ye kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of ye world; yea, though they should be but stepping-stones unto others for ye performing of so great a work … their desires were set on ye ways of God, and to employ his ordinances; but they rested on his providence, and know whom they had beleeved.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 21, 1649 – The Maryland Toleration Act is passed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Be it therefor … enacted … that no person or persons whatsoever within this province … professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall … henceforth be any ways troubled, molested (or disapproved of) … in respect of his or her religion nor in the free exercise thereof …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 25, 1689 – The Great Law of Pennsylvania is passed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Whereas the glory of Almighty God and the good of mankind is the reason and the end of government … therefore government itself is a venerable ordinance of God …”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]May 20, 1775 – North Carolina passes the Mecklenburg County Resolutions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people; are, and of a right ought to be, a sovereign and self-governing association, under control of no other power than that of our God and the general government of Congress.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 12, 1775 – Continental Congress issues a call to all citizens to fast and pray and confess their sin that the Lord might bless the land.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“And it is recommended to Christians of all denominations, to assemble for public worship, and to abstain from servile labor and recreation on said day.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 2-4, 1776 – Declaration of Independence written and signed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We hold these truths … that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights … appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world … And for the support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]As the Declaration was being signed, Samuel Adams said: “We have this day restored the Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let his kingdom come.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]On the same day, Benjamin Franklin suggested that the national motto be: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Historian and philosopher G.K. Chesterton said of the founding of America that it is “the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. That creed is set forth in dogmatic and even theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]September 17, 1787 – The Constitution of the United States is finished.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]At least 50 out of the 55 men who framed the Constitution of the United States were professing Christians. (M.E. Bradford, A Worthy Company, Plymouth Rock Foundation., 1982).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Eleven of the first 13 States required faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible as qualification for holding public office.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The Constitution of each of the 50 States acknowledges and calls upon the Providence of God for the blessings of freedom.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1787 – James Madison, the “architect” of the federal Constitution and fourth president:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future .. upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]April 30, 1789 – Washington gives his First Inaugural Address.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“My fervent supplications to that Almighty Being Who rules over the universe, Who presides in the council of nations, and Whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by Himself for these essential purposes.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]March 11, 1792 – President George Washington:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“I am sure that never was a people who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency which so often manifested in the Revolution.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]December 20, 1820 – Daniel Webster, Plymouth Massachusetts:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers brought hither their high veneration for the Christian religion. They journeyed by its light, and labored in its hope. They sought to incorporate … and to diffuse its influence through all their institutions, civil, political and literary.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]July 4, 1821 – John Quincy Adams:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From the day of the Declaration … they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledged as the rules of their conduct.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1833 – Noah Webster:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of Christ and his apostles … This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions and government … the moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1841 – Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In the United States of America the sovereign authority is religious … there is no other country in the world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Summer 8, 1845 – President Andrew Jackson asserts:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]February 11, 1861 – Abraham Lincoln, farewell at Springfield, Illinois:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Unless the great God who assisted (Washington) shall be with me and aid me, I must fail; but if the same Omniscient Mind and Mighty Arm that directed and protected him shall guide and support me, I shall not fail … Let us all pray that the God of our fathers may not forsake us now.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lincoln on the Bible:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it, we would not know right from wrong. All things most desireable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.” (George L. Hunt, Calvinism and the Political Order, Westminster Press, 1965, p.33)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1884 – U.S. Supreme Court reiterates the Declaration’s reference to our rights as being God-given.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]These inherent rights have never been more happily expressed than in the Declaration of Independence, “we hold these truths to be self-evident” that is, so plain that their truth is recognized upon their mere statement “that all men are endowed” – not by edicts of emperors, or by decrees of parliament, or acts of Congress, but “by their Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to secure these” – not grant them but secure them “governments are instituted among men.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1891 – The U.S. Supreme Court restates that America is a “Christian Nation.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian … this is a religious people. This is historically true. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice making this affirmation … we find everywhere a clear definition of the same truth … this is a Christian nation.” (Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States, 143 US 457, 36 L ed 226, Justice Brewer)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1909 – President Theodore Roosevelt:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“After a week on perplexing problems … it does so rest my soul to come into the house of The Lord and to sing and mean it, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty’ … (my) great joy and glory that in occupying an exalted position in the nation, I am enabled, to preach the practical moralities of the Bible to my fellow-countrymen and to hold up Christ as the hope and Savior of the world.” (Ferdinand C. Iglehart, Theodore Roosevelt – The Man As I knew Him, A.L. Burt, 1919)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1913 – President Woodrow Wilson:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“America was born to exemplify the devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the Holy Scriptures.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1952 – US Supreme Court defines the “Separation of Church and State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“We are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being … No Constitutional requirement makes it necessary for government to be hostile to religion and to throw its weight against the efforts to widen the scope of religious influence. The government must remain neutral when it comes to competition between sects … The First Amendment, however, does not say that in every respect there shall be a separation of Church and State.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]January 20, 1977 – President Jimmy Carter:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Here before me is the Bible used in the inauguration of our first President in 1789, and I have just taken the oath of office on the Bible my mother gave me just a few years ago, opened to the timeless admonition from the ancient prophet Micah: ‘He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God’” (Micah 6:2).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1980 – President Ronald Reagan:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the Healing of America … our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]May 3, 1990 – President George Bush proclaims National Day of Prayer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“The great faith that led our Nation’s Founding Fathers to pursue this bold experience in self-government has sustained us in uncertain and perilous times; it has given us strength to this very day. Like them, we do very well to recall our ‘firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,’ to give thanks for the freedom and prosperity this nation enjoys, and to pray for continued help and guidance from our wise and loving Creator.”[/SIZE]

In light of Memorial Day Weekend:
You can not argue with that. Way to show these heathens and homosexual lovers.

Steven Wang 1 month ago
What's beautiful in science? I'd go with Maxwell's c = 1/√(ε0μ0). It interrelates electricity and magnetism, shows the fundamental nature of light as a wave... It shows how electric and magnetic forces are orthogonal from each other, and (with Einstein's theories) sets the stage for explaining magnetism as relativistic electricity (and so works orthogonally). Additionally, substituting in c within E = m*c^2, you get E = m/(ε0μ0), which interrelates Energy, Mass, Electricity, and Magnetism. Wow.
[SIZE=10pt]First of all, no where in the bible does it say that it is a SIN to drink in moderation. That's proof enough, but here are some other verses:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Pr 31:6 (NKJV) Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to those who are bitter of heart.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]If it were a sin, why would God tell them to give strong drink to the dying and wine to the bitter?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]1Ti 5:23 (NKJV) No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]It was prescribed as a medicine to Timothy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Eph 5:18 (MKJV) And do not be drunk with wine, in which is excess, but be filled with the Spirit,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Basically it's saying not to be drunk, because it's excess. It is a warning against drunkeness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; {of good...: or, modest} Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]A pastor shouldn't drink at all.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]1Ti 3:8 ¶ Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Deacons can drink wine, but not in excess...not a drunkard as a deacon. If it's grape juice as some baptists claim, why would He care how much they drank? Grape juice doesn't get people drunk.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] ### 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; {holiness: or, holy women} {false...: or, one who foments strife} [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]The aged women are permitted to drink in moderation as well. Only a pastor, or an elder is forbidden.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Mt 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]John the baptist didn't drink alcohol because he was a nazarite. They were forbidden to do certain things that were not necessarily sins. If it was a sin to drink alcohol, why would God command John, as a special vow, not to drink it? If that were the case, then it would already be expected.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Mt 11:19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Jesus drank wine. They called Him a winebibber. They couldn't call Him a winebibber (lush) if He didn't drink wine with alcohol in it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]They offered wine unto the Lord for a drink offering in the old testiment:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] Ex 29:40 And with the one lamb a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil; and the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nu 6:20 And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine. This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Here are some more verses that show that there were wine offerings under the law:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] Nu 15:10 And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] Nu 28:7 And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth part of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] Nu 28:14 And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto a bullock, and the third part of an hin unto a ram, and a fourth part of an hin unto a lamb: this is the burnt offering of every month throughout the months of the year. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Anyways, I could keep going but I think I have proven my point to you. Now show me where it actually says not to drink. [/SIZE]

This is worse than Em/popsecret
I just assumed paddington was a Larry boy alias
No way. Larry Boy was a much more genuine sort and a heck of a nice guy.
If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Schtick it is. This seals it.

This is worse than Em/popsecret
I just assumed paddington was a Larry boy alias
No way. Larry Boy was a much more genuine sort and a heck of a nice guy.
If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Nobody hates you (or at least nobody should). People just want to make fun of you. Because you're crazy.

Please take the time to read this first post and vote in the poll.
What poll?
The only poll that matters. The one St. Peter tallies at the pearly gates. Apparently one votes by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and perhaps by not being Catholic, idolaters that they are. I mean, praying to the Virgin Mary, praying for the intercession of the martyrs and the saints when beseeching God. Really, are they all that different from Hindus and their plethora of Gods and Demigods.

If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Nobody hates you (or at least nobody should). People just want to make fun of you. Because you're crazy.
Woz dropping knowledge.

I personally have already locked in my seat in heaven by clicking my ruby slippers 3 times while saying "there's no place like home" while riding a unicorn and holding a leprechaun. It's a little-known backdoor/hack I learned while sipping butterbeer with Voldemort in Diagon Alley.


Last edited by a moderator:
Deuteronomy 23

1.He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

Deuteronomy 23

1.He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
My stones remain sound. My privy member has not been cut off, but at birth there was some trimming of it. I hope that the trim job will not disqualify me. I trust that it will not as it seemed part of God's covenant with the Jews, so it seems appropriate. Of course, not being a Jew maybe the Lord will resent my apparent horning in on a covenant to which I was not a party. Sort of a contract law type of question. If it comes to an interpretation I am prepared to argue that the action occurred before I was legally competent, being only an infant at the time. I wonder about the validity of that defense vis-a-vis the standing precedent of original sin (Noting that the Catholic interpretation that this is precedent is not conceded by all authorities.)

The Gospel according to Scoresman, written by God through 1 man.

1 Thou shalt #### some whores. Thou shalt be about meeting guys and meeting girls. That is what thou shalt be all about.

2 What dost thou knoweth about cars?

Deuteronomy 23

1.He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
My stones remain sound. My privy member has not been cut off, but at birth there was some trimming of it. I hope that the trim job will not disqualify me. I trust that it will not as it seemed part of God's covenant with the Jews, so it seems appropriate. Of course, not being a Jew maybe the Lord will resent my apparent horning in on a covenant to which I was not a party. Sort of a contract law type of question. If it comes to an interpretation I am prepared to argue that the action occurred before I was legally competent, being only an infant at the time. I wonder about the validity of that defense vis-a-vis the standing precedent of original sin (Noting that the Catholic interpretation that this is precedent is not conceded by all authorities.)
I wonder how a vasectomy works into this.

This is worse than Em/popsecret
I just assumed paddington was a Larry boy alias
No way. Larry Boy was a much more genuine sort and a heck of a nice guy.
If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Nobody hates you (or at least nobody should). People just want to make fun of you. Because you're crazy.
No because they THINK I'm crazy because they are brainwashed by Evolutionists and Antichristian propaganda. If they were to actually research the other side of the story, they would find that they have been lied to.

This is worse than Em/popsecret
I just assumed paddington was a Larry boy alias
No way. Larry Boy was a much more genuine sort and a heck of a nice guy.
If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Nobody hates you (or at least nobody should). People just want to make fun of you. Because you're crazy.
No because they THINK I'm crazy because they are brainwashed by Evolutionists and Antichristian propaganda. If they were to actually research the other side of the story, they would find that they have been lied to.
Schtick has run its course my friend.

This is worse than Em/popsecret
I just assumed paddington was a Larry boy alias
No way. Larry Boy was a much more genuine sort and a heck of a nice guy.
If I weren't genuine, I would tell you what you want to hear and focus more on making you like me rather than telling you what you need to hear in order to help you, even if it means that you hate me for it.
Nobody hates you (or at least nobody should). People just want to make fun of you. Because you're crazy.
No because they THINK I'm crazy because they are brainwashed by Evolutionists and Antichristian propaganda. If they were to actually research the other side of the story, they would find that they have been lied to.
Well, someone has been brainwashed on lies, that's been made clear. A good amount of schtick and fishing mixed in as well, but it's possible there's some core of this that you really do believe.

Great thread.

What are the odds of all those biblical prophesies being fulfilled by Jesus?

[SIZE=medium]The bible was written by God through 40 men in 3 languages over a 1,500 year period. These men lived in different parts of the world, some were rich, some were poor, some were educated, some were not, most didn't know each other, many of them didn’t have access to the other's writings and yet it fits together as if it were written by one person, because it was written by God. It has no true errors or contradictions. There are countless prophecies which have been predicted and fulfilled perfectly in scripture. Many of these prophecies were written hundreds or even thousands of years before they were fulfilled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]The Predictions that Jesus fulfilled in His coming were in the hundreds. The verse on the left is the prediction written hundreds of years before He came and the verse on the right is where it was fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s actual coming hundreds of years later as testified by the actual eyewitnesses. It is impossible that He is not Messiah, Savior of the world. The ONLY person...past, present or future...who could fulfill all these prophecies is Jesus Christ[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Fulfilled Prophecy Tenakh/Hebrew[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Scripture New Testament[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Micah 5:2 His pre-existence John 1:1, 14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Genesis 3:15 Born of the seed of a woman Matthew 1:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Genesis 12:3 Of the seed of Abraham Matthew 1:1-16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Genesis 12:3 All nations blessed by Abraham's seed Matthew 8:5, 10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Genesis 22:8 God would provide Himself a Lamb as an offering John 1:29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Genesis 49:10 From the tribe of Judah Matthew 1:1-3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 9:6-7 Heir to the throne of David Matthew 1:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 9:6 Called "The mighty God, The everlasting Father" Matthew 1:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Micah 5:2 Born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 7:14 Born of a virgin Matthew 1:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 7:14 His name called Immanuel, "God with us" Matthew 1:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 2:7 Declared to be the Son of God Matthew 3:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Malachi 4:5-6 His messenger before Him in spirit of Elijah Luke 1:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Malachi 3:1 Preceded by a messenger to prepare His way Matthew 11:7-11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 40:3 Messenger crying "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" Matthew 3:3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deuteronomy 18:15 Would be a Prophet of the children of Israel Matthew 2:15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Hosea 11:1 Called out of Egypt Matthew 2:15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jeremiah 31:15 Slaughter of the children Matthew2:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Judges 13:5;Amos 2:11;Lam. 4:7 Would be a Nazarene Matthew 2:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 9:1-2 Brought light to Zabulon & Nephthalm, Galilee of the Gentiles Matthew 4:15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 72:10 Presented with gifts Matthew 2:1, 11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:3 Rejected by His own Matthew 21:42; Mark 8:31,12:10; Luke 9:22,17:25 Psalm 118:22-23;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 28:16He is the stone which the builders rejected which became the headstone Matthew 21:42; IPeter 2:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 8:14-15 A stone of stumbling to Israel I Peter 2:8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 9:9 He entered Jerusalem as a king riding on an ### Matthew 21:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalms 41:9 Betrayed by a friend John 13:21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 11:12 Sold for 30 pieces of silver Matthew 26:15; Luke 22:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 11:12 The 30 pieces of silver given for the potter's field Matthew 27:9-10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 11:13 The 30 pieces of silver thrown in the temple Matthew 27:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 13:7 Forsaken by His disciples Matthew 26:56[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 35:11 Accused by false witnesses Matthew 26:60[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:7 Silent to accusations Matthew 27:14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 35:5-6 Isaiah 29:18 Heal blind/deaf/lame/dumb; Matthew 11:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 61:Preached to the poor/brokenhearted/captives 1 Matthew 11:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Micah 7:6 Came to bring a sword, not peace Matthew 10:34-35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:4 He bore our sickness Matthew 8:16-17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 50:6, 53:5 Spat upon, smitten and scourged Matthew 27:26, 30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Micah 5:1 Smitten on the cheek Matthew 27:30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 35:19 Hated without a cause Matthew 27:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:5 The sacrificial lamb John 1:29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 42:6;Jeremiah 31:31-34Given for a covenant Romans 11:27/Galatians 3:17, 4:24/Hebrews 8:6, 8, 10; 10:16, 29; 12:24; 13:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 42:2-3 Would not strive or cry Mark 7:36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 6:9-10 People would hear not and see not Matthew 13:14-15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 29:13 People trust in traditions of men Matthew 15:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 29:13 People give God lip service Matthew 15:8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 42:1 God delights in Him Matthew 3:17, 17:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:5 Wounded for our sins John 6:51[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:10-12 He bore the sins of many Mark 10:45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Daniel 9:26 Messiah not killed for Himself Matthew 20:28 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 55:5, 60:3,65:1; Malachi1:11;II Samuel 22:44-45; Psalm 2:7-8Gentiles flock to Him [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Matthew 8:10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:12 Crucified with criminals Matthew 27:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 12:10; His body was pierced Ps. 22:16 John 20:25, 27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 22:16 Thirsty during execution John 19:28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 69:21 Given vinegar and gall for thirst Matthew 27:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 22:18 Soldiers gambled for his garment Matthew 27:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 22:7-8 People mocked, "He trusted in God, let Him deliver him!" Matthew 27:43[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 22:17 People sat there looking at Him Matthew 27:36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 22:1 Cried, "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Amos 8:9 Darkness over the land Matthew 27:45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 34:20, Numbers 9:12 No bones broken John 19:33-36 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zechariah 12:10 Side pierced John 19:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isaiah 53:9 Buried with the rich Matthew 27:57, 60[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 16:10-11; 49:15 Resurrected from the dead Mark 16:6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 110:4 Priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 5:5-6; 6:20; 7:15-17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 68:18 Ascended to right hand of God Luke 24:51[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psalm 110:1 The LORD said unto Him, "Sit thou at my right hand, until I make [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]thine enemies thy footstool Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36;, 16:19; Luke 20:42-43; [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Acts 2:34-35; Hebrews 1:13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]His coming glory Malachi 3:2-3 Luke 3:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]324 Messianic Prophecies[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 3:15.....He will bruise Satan's head.....Heb. 2:14, 1 Jn. 3:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 5:24....The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated....Mk. 6:19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 9:26,27...The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem...Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Gen. 12:3...As Abraham's seed,will bless all nations...Acts.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Gen. 12:7...The Promise made to Abraham's Seed...Gal. 3:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 14:18...A priest after Melchizedek...Heb. 6:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 14:18........A King also........Heb. 7:2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 14:18...The Last Supper foreshadowed...Mt. 26:26-29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 17:19.......The Seed of Isaac.......Rom. 9:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 22:8...The Lamb of God promised...Jn. 1:29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 22:18...As Isaac's seed, will bless all nations...Gal. 3:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen.26:2-5..The Seed of Isaac promised as the[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Gen. 49:10...The time of His coming...Lu. 2:1-7; Gal. 4:4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 49:10.......The Seed of Judah.......Lu. 3:33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 49:10......Called Shiloh or One Sent......Jn. 17:3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 49:10...To come before Judah lost identity...Jn. 11:47-52[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Gen. 49:10...To Him shall the obedience of the people be...Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Ex. 3:13,14........The Great "I Am".......Jn. 4:26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 12:5...A Lamb without blemish...1 Pet. 1:19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 12:13...The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath...Rom. 5:8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 12:21-27...Christ is our Passover...1 Cor. 5;7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 12:46...Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken...Jn. 19:31-36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 15:2...His exaltation predicted as Yeshua...Acts 7:55,56[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 15:11...His Character-Holiness...Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 17:6...The Spiritual Rock of Israel...1 Cor. 10;4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ex. 33:19...His Character-Merciful...Lu. 1:72[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lev.14:11..The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood..Lu.5:12-14;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Acts 6:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lev.16:15-17...Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death...Heb. 9:7-14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lev.16:27...Suffering outside the Camp...Mt. 27:33; Heb. 13:11,[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Lev.17:11...The Blood-the life of the flesh...Mt. 26;28; Mk. 10:45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lev.17:11...It is the blood that makes atonement...1 Jn. 3:14-18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lev.23:36-37...The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst." ..Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Num. 9:12...Not a bone of Him broken...John 19:31-36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Num. 21:9...The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up...Jn. 3:14-18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Num. 24:17...Time: "I shall see him, but not now."...Gal. 4:4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deut. 18:15..."This is of a truth that prophet."...Jn. 6:14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deut. 18:15-16..."Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]me."...Jn. 5:45-47[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deut. 18:18...Sent by the Father to speak His word...Jn. 8:28, 29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deut. 18:19...Whoever will not hear must bear his sin...Jn. 12:15,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Deut. 21:23...Cursed is he that hangs on a tree...Gal. 3:10-13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ruth 4:4-9...Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us...Eph. 1:3-7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1 Sam. 2:10...Shall be an anointed King to the Lord...Mt. 28:18;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jn. 12:15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]2 Sam. 7:12...David's Seed...Mt. 1:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]2 Sam. 7:14a...The Son of God... Lu. 1:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]2 Sam. 7:16...David's house established forever...Lu. 3:31; Rev.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]2 Ki. 2:11...The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated...Lu. 24:51[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1 Chr. 17:11...David's Seed...Mt. 1:1; 9:27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]1 Chr. 17:12, 13a...To reign on David's throne forever...Lu. 1:32,[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]1 Chr. 17:13a..."I will be His Father, He...my Son."...Heb. 1:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Job 19:23-27...The Resurrection predicted...Jn. 5:24-29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 2:1-3...The enmity of kings foreordained...Acts 4:25-28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 2:2...To own the title, Anointed (Christ)...Acts 2:36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ps. 2:6...His Character-Holiness...Jn. 8:46; Rev. 3:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ps. 2:6...To own the title King...Mt. 2:2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Ps. 2:7...Declared the Beloved Son...Mt. 3;17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 2:7, 8...The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated...Acts[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 2:12...Life comes through faith in Him...Jn. 20:31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 8:2...The mouths of babes perfect His praise...Mt. 21:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 8:5, 6...His humiliation and exaltation...Lu. 24:50-53; 1 Cor.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 16:10...Was not to see corruption...Acts 2:31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 16:9-11...Was to arise from the dead...Jn. 20:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 17;15...The resurrection predicted...Lu. 24:6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:1...Forsaken because of sins of others...2 Cor. 5:21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:1...Words spoken from Calvary, "My God..." Mk.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:2...Darkness upon Calvary...Mt. 27:45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:7...They shoot out the lip and shake the head...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:8.."He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him"...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:9......Born the Saviour......Lu. 2:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:14...Died of a broken (ruptured)heart...Jn. 19:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:14,15...Suffered agony on Calvary...Mk. 15:34-37[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:15........He thirsted........Jn. 19:28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:16...They pierced His hands and His feet....Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:17,18...Stripped Him before the stares of men...Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:18.....They parted His garments.....Jn. 19:23,24[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:20,21...He committed Himself to God...Lu.23:46[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:20,21..Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]heel[/SIZE]..Heb. 2:14

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:22.....His Resurrection declared.....Jn. 20:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:27...He shall be the governor of the nations...Col 1:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 22:31......"It is finished"......Jn. 19:30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 23:1...."I am the Good Shephard"....Jn. 10:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 24:3......His exaltation predicted......Acts 1:11; Phil. 2:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 30:3......His resurrection predicted......Acts 2:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 31:5..."Into thy hands I commit my spirit"...Lu. 23:46[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 31:11...His acquaintances fled from Him...Mk. 14:50[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 31:13...They took counsel to put Him to death...Jn. 11:53[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 31:14,15..." He trusted in God, let Him deliver him"...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 34:20.....Not a bone of Him broken.....Jn 19:31-36[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 35:11....False witnesses rose up against Him....Mt. 26:59[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 35:19...He was hated without a cause...Jn. 15:25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 38:11.....His friends stood afar off.....Lu. 23:49[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 40:2-5...The joy of His resurrection predicted...Jn. 20:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 40:6-8....His delight-the will of the Father....Jn. 4:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 40:9....He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel....Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 40:14...Confronted by adversaries in the Garden...Jn. 18:4-6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 41:9.....Betrayed by a familiar friend.....Jn. 13:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 45:2...Words of Grace come from His lips...Lu. 4:22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 45:6...To own the title, God or Elohim...Heb. 1:8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 45:7...A special anointing by the Holy Spirit...Mt.3:16;[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 45:7,8...Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)...Lu. 2:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 55:12-14...Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy...Jn. 13:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 55:15...Unrepentant death of the Betrayer...Mt. 27:3-5; Acts[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 68:18...To give gifts to men...Eph. 4:7-16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 68:18...Ascended into Heaven...Lu. 24:51[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:4...Hated without a cause...Jn. 15:25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:8...A stranger to own brethren...Lu. 8;20,21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:9...Zealous for the Lord's House...Jn. 2:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:14-20...Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:20..."My soul is exceeding sorrowful."...Mt. 26:38[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:21...Given vinegar in thirst...Mt. 27:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 69:26...The Saviour given and smitten by God...Jn. 17:4;[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 72:10,11...Great persons were to visit Him...Mt. 2:1-11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 72:16...The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground...Jn. 12:24[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 72:17...His name, Yinon, will produce offspring...Jn. 1:12,13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 72:17...All nations shall be blessed by Him...Acts 2:11,12,41[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 78:1.2...He would teach in parables...Mt. 13:34-35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 78:2b...To speak the Wisdom of God with authority...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 88:8...They stood afar off and watched...Lu. 23:49[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 89:27...Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings...Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 89:35-37...David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]forever...Lu. 1:32,33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 89:36-37...His character-Faithfulness...Rev. 1:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 90:2...He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)...Jn. 1:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 91:11,12...Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ...Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 97:9...His exaltation predicted...Acts 1:11;Eph. 1:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 100:5...His character-Goodness...Mt. 19:16,17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 102:1-11...The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary...Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 102:25-27...Messiah is the Preexistent Son...Heb. 1:10-12[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 109:25...Ridiculed...Mt. 27:39[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 110:1...Son of David...Mt. 22:43[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 110:1...To ascend to the right-hand of the Father...Mk.16:19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 110:1...David's son called Lord...Mt. 22:44,45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 110:4...A priest after Melchizedek's order...Heb. 6:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 112:4...His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al... Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 118:17,18...Messiah's Resurrection assured...Lu. 24:5-7;1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Cor. 15:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 118:22,23...The rejected stone is Head of the corner...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 118:26a...The Blessed One presented to Israel...Mt. 21:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 118:26b...To come while Temple standing...Mt. 21;12-15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 132:11...The Seed of David(the fruit of His Body)...Lu. 1:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 138:1-6...The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings... Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Psa. 147:3,6...The earthly ministry of Christ described...Lu. 4:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Psa. 1:23...He will send the Spirit of God... Jn. 16;7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Song. 5;16...The altogether lovely One...Jn. 1:17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 6:1...When Isaiah saw His glory... Jn. 12:40-41[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 6:9-10...Parables fall on deaf ears...Mt. 13:13-15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 6:9-12...Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words...Acts. 28:23-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 7:14...To be born of a virgin...Lu. 1:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 7:14...To be Emmanuel-God with us... Mt. 1:18-23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 8:8...Called Emmanuel...Mt. 28:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 8:14...A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense... 1 Pet. 2:8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:1,2...His ministry to begin in Galilee...Mt. 4:12-17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...A child born-Humanity...Lu. 1:31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...A Son given-Deity...Lu. 1:32; Jn. 1;14; 1 Tim. 3:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...Declared to be the Son of God with power... Rom. 1:3,4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...The Wonderful One, Peleh...Lu. 4:22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...The Counsellor, Yaatz...Mt. 13:54[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...The Mighty God, El Gibor...Mt. 11:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth...Jn. 8:58[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:6...The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom...Jn . 16:33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:7...To establish an everlasting kingdom...Lu. 1:32-33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:7...His Character-Just...Jn. 5:30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 9:7...No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace...Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:1...Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer...Mt. 2:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:1...A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse...Lu. 3:23,32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:2...The anointed One by the Spirit...Mt. 3;16,17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:2...His Character-Wisdom, Understanding, et al....Jn. 4:4-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:4...His Character-Truth...Jn. 14:6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 11:10...The Gentiles seek Him...Jn. 12:18-21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 12:2...Called Jesus-Yeshua...Mt. 1:21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 25:8...The Resurrection predicted...I Cor. 15:54[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 26:19...His power of Resurrection predicted...Jn. 11:43,44[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 28:16...The Messiah is the precious corner stone...Acts[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 29:13...He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word...Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 29:14...The wise are confounded by the Word...I Cor. 1:18-31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 32:2...A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place...Mt. 23:37[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 35:4...He will come and save you...Mt. 1:21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 35:5...To have a ministry of miracles...Mt. 11:4-6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 40:3,4...Preceded by forerunner...Jn. 1:23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 40:9..."Behold your God."...Jn. 1:36;19:14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 40:11...A shepherd-compassionatelife-giver...Jn. 10:10-18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:1-4...The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer...[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:2...Meek and lowly... Mt. 11:28-30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:3...He brings hope for the hopeless... Jn. 4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:4...The nations shall wait on His teachings... Jn. 12:20-26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:6...The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles...Lu. 2:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:1,6...His is a Worldwide compassion... Mt. 28:19,20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 42:7...Blind eyes opened... Jn. 9:25-38[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 43:11...He is the only Saviour... Acts. 4:12[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 44:3...He will send the Spirit of God... Jn. 16:7,13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 45:23...He will be the Judge... Jn. 5:22;Rom. 14:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 48:12...The First and the Last...Jn. 1:30;Rev. 1:8,17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 48:17...He came as a Teacher...Jn. 3:2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:1...Called from the womb-His humanity...Mt. 1:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:5...A Servant from the womb...Lu. 1:31;Phil. 2:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:6...He is Salvation for Israel...Lu. 2:29-32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:6...He is the Light of the Gentiles...Acts 13:47[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:6...He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth... Acts 15:7-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 49:7...He is despised of the Nation... Jn. 8:48-49[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:3...Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation... Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:4...He is a learned counsellor for the weary... Mt. 11:28,29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:5...The Servant bound willingly to obedience... Mt. 26:39[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:6a..."I gave my back to the smiters."... Mt. 27:26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:6b...He was smitten on the cheeks... Mt. 26:67[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 50:6c...He was spat upon... Mt. 27:30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:7...To publish good tidings of peace... Lu. 4:14,15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:13...The Servant exalted...Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:13...Behold, My Servant... Mt. 17:5; Phil. 2:5-8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:14...The Servant shockingly abused... Lu. 18:31-34; Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:15...Nations startled by message of the Servant... Rom.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 52:15...His blood shed to make atonement for all... Rev. 1:5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:1...His people would not believe Him... Jn. 12:37-38[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:2a...He would grow up in a poor family.... Lu. 2:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:2b...Appearance of an ordinary man... Phil. 2:7-8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:3a...Despised.... Lu. 4:28-29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:3b...Rejected... Mt. 27:21-23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:3c...Great sorrow and grief... Lu. 19:41-42[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:3d...Men hide from being associated with Him... Mk.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:4a...He would have a healing ministry... Lu. 6:17-19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:4b...He would bear the sins of the world... 1 Pet. 2:24[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:4c...Thought to be cursed by God... Mt. 27:41-43[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:5a...Bears penalty for mankind's transgressions... Lu. 23:33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:5b...His sacrifice would provide peace between man and[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]God... Col. 1:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:5c...His back would be whipped... Mt. 27:26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:6a...He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind...Gal. 1:4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:6b...God's will that He bear sin for all mankind... 1 Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:7a...Oppressed and afflicted... Mt. 27:27-31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:7b...Silent before his accusers... Mt. 27:12-14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:7c...Sacrificial lamb... Jn. 1:29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:8a...Confined and persecuted... Mt. 26:47-27:31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:8b...He would be judged... Jn. 18:13-22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:8c...Killed.... Mt. 27:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:8d...Dies for the sins of the world... 1 Jn. 2:2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:9a...Buried in a rich man's grave... Mt. 27:57[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:9b...Innocent and had done no violence... Mk. 15:3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:9c...No deceit in his mouth... Jn. 18:38[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:10a...God's will that He die for mankind... Jn. 18:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:10b...An offering for sin... Mt. 20:28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:10c...Resurrected and live forever.... Mk. 16:16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:10d...He would prosper... Jn. 17:1-5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:11a...God fully satisfied with His suffering... Jn. 12:27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:11b...God's servant... Rom. 5:18-19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:11c...He would justify man before God... Rom. 5:8-9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:11d...The sin-bearer for all mankind... Heb. 9:28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:12a...Exalted by God because of his sacrifice... Mt. 28:18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:12b...He would give up his life to save mankind... Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:12c...Grouped with criminals... Lu. 23:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:12d...Sin-bearer for all mankind... 2 Cor. 5:21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 53:12e...Intercede to God in behalf of mankind... Lu. 23:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 55:3...Resurrected by God... Acts 13:34[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 55:4...A witness... Jn. 18:37[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 59:15-16a...He would come to provide salvation... Jn. 6:40[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 59:15-16b...Intercessor between man and God... Mt. 10:32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 59:20...He would come to Zion as their Redeemer... Lu. 2:38[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 61:1-2a...The Spirit of God upon him... Mt. 3:16-17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 61:1-2b...The Messiah would preach the good news... Lu.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Isa. 61:1-2c...Provide freedom from the bondage of sin and[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]death... Jn. 8:31-32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Isa. 61:1-2...Proclaim a period of grace... Jn. 5:24[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jer.23:5-6a...Descendant of David...Lu. 3:23-31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jer. 23:5-6b...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 13:13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jer. 23:5-6c...The Messiah would be both God and Man... 1 Tim.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Jer. 31:22...Born of a virgin... Mt. 1:18-20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jer. 31:31...The Messiah would be the new covenant... Mt. 26:28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Jer. 33:14-15...Descendant of David... Lu. 3:23-31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Eze.17:22-24...Descendant of David... Lk. 3:23-31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Eze.34:23-24...Descendant of David... Mt. 1:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 7:13-14a...He would ascend into heaven... Acts 1:9-11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 7:13-14b...Highly exalted... Eph. 1:20-22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 7:13-14c...His dominion would be everlasting... Lu. 1:31-33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:24a...To make an end to sins... Gal. 1:3-5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:24b...He would be holy... Lu. 1:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:25...Announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem... Jn. 12:12-13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:26a...Killed... Mt. 27:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:26b...Die for the sins of the world... Heb. 2:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Dan. 9:26c...Killed before the destruction of the temple... Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Dan. 10:5-6...Messiah in a glorified state... Rev. 1:13-16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Hos. 13:14...He would defeat death... 1 Cor. 15:55-57[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Joel 2:32...Offer salvation to all mankind... Rom. 10:12-13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mic. 5:2a...Born in Bethlehem... Mt. 2:1-2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mic. 5:2b...God's servant... Jn. 15:10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mic. 5:2c...From everlasting... Jn. 8:58[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Hag. 2:6-9...He would visit the second Temple... Lu. 2:27-32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Hag. 2:23...Descendant of Zerubbabel... Lu. 3:23-27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 3:8...God's servant... Jn. 17:4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 6:12-13...Priest and King... Heb. 8:1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9a...Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem... Mt. 21:8-10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9b...Beheld as King... Jn. 12:12-13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9c...The Messiah would be just... Jn. 5:30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9d...The Messiah would bring salvation... Luke 19:10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9e...The Messiah would be humble... Mt. 11:29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 9:9f...Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey... Mt. 21:6-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 10:4...The cornerstone... Eph. 2:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:4-6a...At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders... Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:4-6b...Rejection causes God to remove His protection..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lu. 19:41-44[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:4-6c...Rejected in favor of another king... Jn. 19:13-15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:7...Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant... Mt. 9:35-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:8a...Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them... Mt. 23:33[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:8b...Despised... Mt. 27:20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:9...Stops ministering to the those who rejected Him...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mt. 13:10-11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:10-11a...Rejection causes God to remove protection...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Lu. 19:41-44[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:10-11b...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 14:7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:12-13a...Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver... Mt. 26:14-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:12-13b...Rejected... Mt. 26:14-15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:12-13c...Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]the Lord... Mt. 27:3-5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 11:12-13d...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 12:45[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 12:10a...The Messiah's body would be pierced... Jn. 19:34-[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 12:10b...The Messiah would be both God and man... Jn.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Zech. 12:10c...The Messiah would be rejected... Jn. 1:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 13:7a...God's will He die for mankind... Jn. 18:11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 13:7b...A violent death... Mt. 27:35[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 13:7c...Both God and man.. Jn. 14:9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Zech. 13:7d...Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him... Mt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]Mal. 3:1a...Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah... Mt. 11:10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mal. 3:1b...Sudden appearance at the temple... Mk. 11:15-16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mal. 3:1c...Messenger of the new covenant... Lu. 4:43[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mal. 4:5...Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah... Mt. 3:1-2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Mal. 4:6...Forerunner would turn many to righteousness... Lu.1:16-17[/SIZE]

Paddington doing the Devil's work here.

Turning the words of Jesus Christ into - I have no ####### idea what you are saying.

Small miracle imo.


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