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If Facebook disappeared tomorrow... the poll (1 Viewer)

For those who answered that it would have a negative impact, is that primarily financial in nature?

  • Facebook disappearing would impact me financially

    Votes: 6 3.1%
  • No, it would be negative for non-financial reasons

    Votes: 42 21.6%
  • Not applicable / not a negative

    Votes: 149 76.8%

  • Total voters


Saw that Meta threatened to pull Facebook out of Europe and the leaders there indicated that would be a good thing.

Which got me wondering how many people would agree with them. 

i'm not a major facebook user but I wouldn't like for it to go away. I use it to keep in touch with family/friends that live across the county. Guess I don't use it enough to even understand how it would impact me financially. 

While I think society would be better off with a lot less social media, I voted slightly negative impact for myself.  While I don't browse/interact on social media much, I am in a few facebook groups with friends and many of my friends still use facebook for event invites, so I would need to find a replacement for those relatively minor/private ways of communicating.  

I agree that getting rid of Facebook, and more importantly the vacuous role it fills, would be a good thing for society.  Unfortch, if Facebook didn't fill whatever need it fills, another platform would come along.

I'm a crank.  I also believe that we'd all be better off with only flip phones and no smart phones.  I can live without the convenience, and would happily do so if it were to better society.  Smart phones coupled with social media make life suck for children.  My childhood was 100x better.

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I almost never log in, though occasionally a web search will take me there.  

It did help me reconnect with some people I'd lost touch with when I first joined. But after that brief flurry it quickly became something I didn't get much positive out of. So I can understand those who use it to stay in touch, though it ended up not enduring in that role for me.

I agree that getting rid of Facebook, and more importantly the vacuous role it fills, would be a good thing for society.  Unfortch, if Facebook didn't fill whatever need it fills, another platform would come along.
You know, let's find out.

Maybe the new platform will be protective of people's data, and won't have crappy algorithms that crank more nonsense down people's throats. 

Only reason I use Facebook is for birthdays and contacts. I have not manually logged those into my phone and don't see the need to have a ton of contacts I'm rarely in contact with. 

I voted slightly negative for that reason. 

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I guess this is kind of going to go the way of masturbation. Nobody does it, but we all can understand and tolerate everybody else doing it because it's natural. 

Unless you're a strict religionist. Then it's Facebook to the heavens and masturbators to hell. 

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Curious for the few that's a financial impact, if you could give a little insight into how you use it that it would hit your wallet. Without revealing more than you should of course.

Curious for the few that's a financial impact, if you could give a little insight into how you use it that it would hit your wallet. Without revealing more than you should of course.
I own stock so it would impact me but I would pay 50x my losses if it would go away forever. 

Curious for the few that's a financial impact, if you could give a little insight into how you use it that it would hit your wallet. Without revealing more than you should of course.

Probably people with small businesses that rely on it for advertising.  

I own stock so it would impact me but I would pay 50x my losses if it would go away forever. 
Ah I hadn't really thought about the stock angle, yeah was thinking more of advertising or online sales or something like SFBayDuck was thinking.

Only reason I use Facebook is to see if my ex girlfriends seem happier than me. They all seem to be...

So if it went away I'd be 👍 

I was a very late adopter of Facebook. I don't really use it to share alot of personal stuff. I may share politics, news, funny stuff occasionally. My.friends list is small. Some family, mostly iFriends. I do enjoy the groups aspect. I'm in some vinyl groups I really like and one in particular I spend time on daily. Other local groups can be helpful. I'd miss it. I've also been in more contact with my parents and sister through messenger since I signed up. That's their texting tool of choice.

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Looked back and found I joined in August 2015. My first post...

It's 2015 and I finally caved and joined Facebook. #shakesfistatMarkZuckerberg

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Slightly negative because I'm in a couple of clubs that use Facebook to communicate.  That's all.

Only reason I use Facebook is for birthdays and contacts. I have not manually logged those into my phone and don't see the need to have a ton of contacts I'm rarely in contact with. 

I voted slightly negative for that reason. 
Ha!  I only use Facebook to send condolences when a family member dies.

It would be extremely detrimental to both of my businesses.

For those wondering how FB can relate to businesses.

Business 1: Real Estate - I don't even know where to start with this one.  The majority of connections I've made for my real estate deals came from either Facebook or bigger pockets.  That's as simple as a connection where we share info on our experiences in different markets or with different strategies, to as complicated as hiring contractors or even partnering with people on deals.  I also connect with other owners there that are not interested in managing and hire me as their PM business.  I actually think every PM client I have came from either Facebook or BiggerPockets.

I regularly read, share, and learn tactics for managing my tenants (vacation rentals), optimizing my marketing, optimizing my listings, etc.  My properties also have business pages with followings where I get repeat bookings.  Sometimes I will get new clients that find my place on facebook, and I also am active in vacation rental groups in areas where I provide info on the area and people will click on my profile, see the listing in the area, and potentially book it.

Each market I'm in has multiple facebook groups for investors in the area where we share contacts, strategies for the area, or even help each other out when in town with picking something up or checking on someone's place.

I have no formal training in real estate.  Everything I've learned to build the business from property acquisition, lending, taxes, management, customer acquisition, marketing, etc was from Facebook groups and forums like Bigger Pockets, as well as virtual meetings with connections I met through those two platforms.

Business 2: Fine Art Photography - Fine art photography.  Think 6-10 foot long giant fine art prints.  I share my work on facebook and have a large following, and regularly get expensive orders from that following.  I also bring my work to outdoor art festivals and post my schedule there.

Like the above I have no formal training.  Everything I learned was from Facebook, Youtube, photography forums, and connections made along the way.  I have met a TON of other photographers on Facebook and we regularly get together for photography excursions.  Overnighters, multi-nighters, often in somewhat treacherous conditions that I would not be comfortable doing on my own.  We learn from each other.

Moreso than the photography itself was learning about the art sales world.  It is not easy and learning how to jury into high end fine art festivals, how to arrange a booth for it, how to market online, etc all comes from Facebook and photography forums.

From a personal standpoint I could probably live without it.  I like being able to keep up with the family but I do get suckered into dumb political stuff too often, and that is not healthy.

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I agree that getting rid of Facebook, and more importantly the vacuous role it fills, would be a good thing for society.  Unfortch, if Facebook didn't fill whatever need it fills, another platform would come along.

I'm a crank.  I also believe that we'd all be better off with only flip phones and no smart phones.  I can live without the convenience, and would happily do so if it were to better society.  Smart phones coupled with social media make life suck for children.  My childhood was 100x better.

well ...I mean you ARE a sleestack.

It is nice for community events/concerts/restaurant specials.  If they remove Facebook, I'm guessing they will start hammering out email more often.  

Curious for the few that's a financial impact, if you could give a little insight into how you use it that it would hit your wallet. Without revealing more than you should of course.

A lot of small biz don't have the time or money to do marketing and leverage Facebook to do a lot of that back end for them.

I live in Discord these days.  Facebook could be great.  If it was ad free, and posted everybody from your friends lists updates on your feed.  Gotta be in order, and in real time.  Like it was in the beginning.  No ads or click bait.  We would pay a monthly subscription for that.  No doubt.

I'm basically the same age as Zuckerberg, so FB got to our campus my junior year of college. When we all joined, it was just about posting pictures, connecting for events, "friending" someone you met at a party, etc.

At some point, it transformed (For a lot of people) into your backwards uncle posting bad political memes and Russian bots trying to influence our elections. So, obviously not good and probably a net-negative for society.

That being said, I feel that A LOT of people actively go out of their way to LET facebook and other social media make a negative impact on your life. You dont like Aunt Rosey's Biden Memes? Just block her. Dont want Steve from the country club constantly dropping stupid comments about mask mandates on your pics? Unfriend him. Its really not that hard.

I recognize that some people just go down the rabbit hole (my mom is one of those people) and let the FB algorithm control 90% of the content that they see. Its sad. But you dont have to be one of those people.  I choose not to be.....so for me, FB is basically just pictures of my friends' kids, updates on what's going on in their lives and updates from a handful of groups I belong to (mostly just very harmless hobbies and local news and the groups are pretty closely moderated to avoid things going off the rails)

I guess my overall thesis is that for you personally.....getting rid of something you DON'T like on FB is just a click away. That obviously doesn't help if someone close to you brings that crap into the real world (my mom has refused to get the COVID vaccine due to a bunch of crap excuses I'm sure she read on social media) ....but its a start.

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The only time I get on Facebook is on my birthday, to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. It, and by extension almost every other form of social media is a curse and a blight.

I'm basically the same age as Zuckerberg, so FB got to our campus my junior year of college. When we all joined, it was just about posting pictures, connecting for events, "friending" someone you met at a party, etc.

At some point, it transformed (For a lot of people) into your backwards uncle posting bad political memes and Russian bots trying to influence our elections. So, obviously not good and probably a net-negative for society.

That being said, I feel that A LOT of people actively go out of their way to LET facebook and other social media make a negative impact on your life. You dont like Aunt Rosey's Biden Memes? Just block her. Dont want Steve from the country club constantly dropping stupid comments about mask mandates on your pics? Unfriend him. Its really not that hard.

I recognize that some people just go down the rabbit hole (my mom is one of those people) and let the FB algorithm control 90% of the content that they see. Its sad. But you dont have to be one of those people.  I choose not to be.....so for me, FB is basically just pictures of my friends' kids, updates on what's going on in their lives and updates from a handful of groups I belong to (mostly just very harmless hobbies and local news and the groups are pretty closely moderated to avoid things going off the rails)

I guess my overall thesis is that for you personally.....getting rid of something you DON'T like on FB is just a click away. That obviously doesn't help if someone close to you brings that crap into the real world (my mom has refused to get the COVID vaccine due to a bunch of crap excuses I'm sure she read on social media) ....but its a start.
Same age demo. Facebook was the primary vehicle for communicating with those that entered my life before my early 20's after I moved away. A large % of them left the platform over the last few years for valid reasons and I've lost those connections. To some degree it'd have happened anyway (middle age life), but I don't think it'd have been as pronounced vs prior generations. 

My old man yells at cloud moment - if it goes away I hope it's replaced by something akin to what it was in its early years. Or at least what i used it for.

never been on Facebook. i've hit links to fb pages (altho i dont think they let you without being a member the first decade or so) but that's it. i joined Myspace when my peeps did but, when everyone migrated to fb, i was like "i aint hoppin to every future obsolescence everybody goes nuts for" and that was that. never been on Twitter, IG, TikTok, whatever. i'm on a comp 6-8 hrs a day, but this is my only soc.

I've had a Facebook account dating back to the days when you needed a .edu email address to sign up.

If it went away tomorrow, it would have no impact on me.

I'm basically the same age as Zuckerberg, so FB got to our campus my junior year of college. When we all joined, it was just about posting pictures, connecting for events, "friending" someone you met at a party, etc.

At some point, it transformed (For a lot of people) into your backwards uncle posting bad political memes and Russian bots trying to influence our elections. So, obviously not good and probably a net-negative for society.

That being said, I feel that A LOT of people actively go out of their way to LET facebook and other social media make a negative impact on your life. You dont like Aunt Rosey's Biden Memes? Just block her. Dont want Steve from the country club constantly dropping stupid comments about mask mandates on your pics? Unfriend him. Its really not that hard.

I recognize that some people just go down the rabbit hole (my mom is one of those people) and let the FB algorithm control 90% of the content that they see. Its sad. But you dont have to be one of those people.  I choose not to be.....so for me, FB is basically just pictures of my friends' kids, updates on what's going on in their lives and updates from a handful of groups I belong to (mostly just very harmless hobbies and local news and the groups are pretty closely moderated to avoid things going off the rails)

I guess my overall thesis is that for you personally.....getting rid of something you DON'T like on FB is just a click away. That obviously doesn't help if someone close to you brings that crap into the real world (my mom has refused to get the COVID vaccine due to a bunch of crap excuses I'm sure she read on social media) ....but its a start.
These are my thoughts. Though I wasn’t as cool as you in college apparently and didn’t get on Facebook until a girlfriend created a profile for me (so she could link the relationship - which after that time was also the real barometer for relationship status) a couple years later.

But I’m with you in that if somebody is posting nonsense just ignore/block/delete. Facebook is about the only way I keep in touch with friends back east and from college and law school. Not the biggest deal if I lost, but it would have some negative impact. 

I also think we are at the point where there are enough alternative media outlets and other social media sites that people would still consume garbage anyway. 

I could give you about 10,000 reasons but you probably already know them. 
Genuinely at a loss here. I assume you’re talking about anti-vax nonsense and other dumb baseless theories? 

If so, do you really think that goes away with Facebook?

Never had an account, never logged on so no impact for me.  My wife had an account early on but deleted it because all the negativity made her sad.  If something of family interest is posted, my daughter tends to forward (pics) to my wife via text.  

I never used it that much, but it was nice to see what old friends were up to.  Sometimes.  It and platforms like it (I'm looking at you Twitter) I believe have greatly contributed to the social and political divide in America. 

I deactivated it about 6 weeks ago and I don't even think about it much anymore.

Would not affect me personally if it went away.  I re-signed up last year due to buying an Oculus Quest 2.  I have 2  FB friends right now.

The business use part would be a bummer for a lot of people though.  My son uses it a lot for work (marketing).  At one point he was the social media manager for his company but now has a new position.

I'm sure that type of content would just transfer to another platform.


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