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If Gore can't go, Remember the name Thomas Clayton (1 Viewer)

Sigmund Bloom

Staff member
We were fans of Thomas Clayton and his low center of gravity, shifty, great initial burst style of running at the Senior Bowl (even if we weren't fans of all the trouble he got in at Florida State and K State). He's been on the SF practice squad for two years now, and there's word that he could get called up if Gore can't go this week:


Everyone who's been hoping to see Thomas Clayton in action in a regular season game - here's your best chance. In his Monday press conference, Mike Singletary said there was a chance that Clayton, stuck on the practice squad the last two seasons, could be elevated to the 53-man list this week. That, of course, is contingent on Frank Gore's left ankle, which he sprained early in the third quarter this week. Singletary said Gore would be evaluated throughout the week but had not been ruled out at this point. Said Singletary of Clayton: "All I know (about him) is he runs hard and he does everything he's asked to do. ... I'll say this: Mike Martz is a big fan of his. And that tells you something. ... he works his tail off."

Clayton has two things going against him. One is that Gore is heading home to Miami, a city that, if he were to remain with the 49ers, he wouldn't play in again until 2016. the other is that Gore is just 22 yards from reaching 1,000 for the season, thus becoming the first 49ers 'back in franchise history to rush for 1,000 yards in three consecutive seasons.

If Gore can't play, DeShaun Foster would start at tailback and Clayton would be his back-up. Foster was one of five 49ers who fumbled Sunday against the Jets, and Singletary said today he was concerned with the careless manner in which Foster holds the ball. "Absolutely. Yes I am (concerned)," Singletary said. "But he will get better at it."
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