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"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yo (1 Viewer)

most older people wouldn't even think of renting a hotel room for going out in the same city where they live.he's single and in his 20s. who cares if they share a room in the Bay area to avoid having to drive home wasted at 4am?
Not supporting or arguing against the so called "snobs." Just explaining the position. As I said, he added the 0300 thing after he was bashed. More than likely, that's because he didn't make up that "fact" until then.
I understand the position, and think it's pretty ridiculous given the situation he was in.Lots of stuff to give him crap about in this thread, but splitting a hotel room to avoid drunk driving isn't one of them.
I dont think you guys who are giving #16 a hard time about the hotel realize how expensive it really is to go out 3-5 times a night especially when you add in Vegas trips.
Finally some sense.Completed:May - HawaiiJune - VegasUpcoming:August/September- 3 vegas trips lined upOctober - Possibly the Philippines or Can####hen when I'm not traveling I'm going out to drink. Even just 1x a week that adds up. Sure I'm making decent cash but I'm also saving $1500 a month so I can buy a house, etc.
WhyTF are you pre gaming to go bar hopping? Money seems to be the issue, 2 cabs would been around the same price as the room.

Who gets a $150 hotel room 30 minutes from their house with 7 people to pregame and sober up in? May as well get the $79 ####hole room.

And here's the deal No. 16, I wouldn't be giving you any #### about this if you hadn't expressed that your true desire is ride off into the sunset with

Corlyssa. It's behavior like this that drove her away the first time. It's childish. She wants a man. Not some goofy kid thats pre gaming in a hotel just to go bar hopping. And then a few hours later is trying to #### her with 5 other people in the same room.

But, I appreciate your candor, keep it up!
She hooked up with a physical trainer that doesnt exactly scream ready to move up the career ladder and have kids. By all accounts Alyssa and #16 had alot of mutual friends which would suggest that she liked participating in these kinds of activities.
Independent trainers can make really good money, of course that depends on how motivated they are. They also don't have ridiculous working hours either.
he might have his #### together. or least appear to have it together. and being rich is probably not why she started boning him.here are corlyssa's options: go get it crackin in a hotel room with 7 people, and fend off sexual advances at 0330 in a room full of people. and have to leave at 0600

or go park on treasure island overlooking the city, drink a bottle of wine and get piped out under the stars. and be home by 11. sorry, 2300, cause homeboy has to be up and functional at 0500

which would most women like to do?
He could just as likely bang all his clients and party it up working late afternoon to night timeframe. Some of the biggest alcoholics I have known in my life have been workout fanatics.
not my point. but thanks
Your point has no merit either. This wasn't a date night nor did I go into the night aiming at hooking up with anyone. I just went to party with friends.
i thought my point spoke to the whole point of this thread. it's immature #### like this that drove corlyssa straight onto the PT shaft. :shrug:
WhyTF are you pre gaming to go bar hopping? Money seems to be the issue, 2 cabs would been around the same price as the room.

Who gets a $150 hotel room 30 minutes from their house with 7 people to pregame and sober up in? May as well get the $79 ####hole room.

And here's the deal No. 16, I wouldn't be giving you any #### about this if you hadn't expressed that your true desire is ride off into the sunset with

Corlyssa. It's behavior like this that drove her away the first time. It's childish. She wants a man. Not some goofy kid thats pre gaming in a hotel just to go bar hopping. And then a few hours later is trying to #### her with 5 other people in the same room.

But, I appreciate your candor, keep it up!
She hooked up with a physical trainer that doesnt exactly scream ready to move up the career ladder and have kids. By all accounts Alyssa and #16 had alot of mutual friends which would suggest that she liked participating in these kinds of activities.
Independent trainers can make really good money, of course that depends on how motivated they are. They also don't have ridiculous working hours either.
he might have his #### together. or least appear to have it together. and being rich is probably not why she started boning him.here are corlyssa's options: go get it crackin in a hotel room with 7 people, and fend off sexual advances at 0330 in a room full of people. and have to leave at 0600

or go park on treasure island overlooking the city, drink a bottle of wine and get piped out under the stars. and be home by 11. sorry, 2300, cause homeboy has to be up and functional at 0500

which would most women like to do?
He could just as likely bang all his clients and party it up working late afternoon to night timeframe. Some of the biggest alcoholics I have known in my life have been workout fanatics.
not my point. but thanks
Your point has no merit either. This wasn't a date night nor did I go into the night aiming at hooking up with anyone. I just went to party with friends.
i thought my point spoke to the whole point of this thread. it's immature #### like this that drove corlyssa straight onto the PT shaft. :shrug:
May have been immaturity is what drove her away but we'll have to agree to disagree that this is an example of that.
Everyone wants to pile on and destroy the guy for every move he makes. We should, as a collective, be trying to help even if he ignores the advice. Some lessons need to be learned the hard way - we were all young once.

Let's be more positive in here and be the cool big brother, like John Cusack in "Stand By Me." Not like Chet in "Weird Science."

Way worse transgressions in here than the hotel sharing given his DUI and need to be where it's crackin.

More play by play creepy texts about coming to her work to finish what you started please.

Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
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Buncha old curmudgeons in here. I wish I still had this kid's energy. #### I can't even stay awake past midnight anymore. Nonetheless the hotel room makes total sense (well up until he was hooking up then he shoulda tried for a relocation) and I don't know why you guys can't see that. Heck I'd go as far as to say it was responsible and a good thing for him to not be worried about getting some that night.

Also I swear every nurse I know does the whole, "stay out late drinking before a shift thing.". I don't know how they do it, it's gotta be miserable.

I do think there's merit to the no-party thing though. Lotta good could be had by concentrating on physical health.

Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
Exactly. Shtick aside, I wasn't trying to be funny or mean in that post. I really think he's overdoing it and could really benefit from taking a hiatus from drinking/rolling/partying. If for nothing else to refocus what's important, improve himself, and show himself that he can actually do it. And if he can't, then realize he may actually have a problem that needs addressing.Sorry to be the downer in such an uplifting thread. Carry on.
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
It's like he's stuck playing shades of the same role as a display for other people, instead of determining and moving towards the direction he wants in life.
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Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
Maybe some people are going overboard, but pretty much everyone was supportive for the first few months of this odyssey. It's only turning now because he seems to have made no progress even after several folks in here have spent countless hours discussing his issues and offering cogent advice.

Finally some sense.


May - Hawaii

June - Vegas


August/September- 3 vegas trips lined up

October - Possibly the Philippines or Cancun

Then when I'm not traveling I'm going out to drink. Even just 1x a week that adds up. Sure I'm making decent cash but I'm also saving $1500 a month so I can buy a house, etc.
When did you go to Hawaii? I thought that was Alyssa and PT?? :unsure:
Finally some sense.


May - Hawaii

June - Vegas


August/September- 3 vegas trips lined up

October - Possibly the Philippines or Cancun

Then when I'm not traveling I'm going out to drink. Even just 1x a week that adds up. Sure I'm making decent cash but I'm also saving $1500 a month so I can buy a house, etc.
When did you go to Hawaii? I thought that was Alyssa and PT?? :unsure:
Multiple personalities :excited: The PT is the manifestation of everything he wants to be or thinks Alyssa wants. No. 16 is who he really is and unsure if he has what it takes. This is getting good :popcorn:

This is EXACTLY like Fight Club (but rather different)

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Wish there was a $79 #### hole room withing walking distance of all the downtown bars and clubs. We could go a few more miles out, but hey we're all professionals now. We splurged.
www.priceline.com is your friend. That $150 hotel room could have easily been had for $100 at most.
Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
As soon as he starts the 3 month program for the DUI, he will be forced to take that break from partying. Show up to class with any kind of alcohol on your breath and you are kicked out. Miss more than 2 or 3 classes and you have failed to complete the program.
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
Exactly. Shtick aside, I wasn't trying to be funny or mean in that post. I really think he's overdoing it and could really benefit from taking a hiatus from drinking/rolling/partying. If for nothing else to refocus what's important, improve himself, and show himself that he can actually do it. And if he can't, then realize he may actually have a problem that needs addressing.Sorry to be the downer in such an uplifting thread. Carry on.
I think you guys are getting a false impression of how much partying I'm doing because those are really the only times I post updates. So it would naturally seem like party all the time. Aside from this recent up tick in activity and my trip to Vegas and Wedding in June... there was a time my life was so boring other people were bumping this thread. All I did was work, workout, and hang out with my buddies. Hell before this past weekend, I don't remember the last time I went downtown and to a club as I have been saving money anticipating this string of Vegas trips. Maybe if I was a pizza delivery boy, personal trainer, or desk jockey people wouldn't seem so upset about my partying. I understand with the nature of my job, but I hate to tell you.... I'm not the only one. Hell, I know doctors at Stanford that go out after a 12 hour shift, party like crazy at Rudy's, and then get back to work on a few hours of sleep. Do you know how many nurses work 16 hours in a day? Many have two jobs or due to poor staffing are stuck working overtime and then STILL come back the next day to work their regular hours (working 24 out of 36 hours) in addition to taking care of their families on their free time. What's the difference between my lack of sleep and a health care worker who has a newborn and barely gets any rest at night as well? Now this doesn't make it right or wrong, but it is the reality of the world. We're people too. Tons of medical staff function on a lack of sleep on a day to day basis. That's why everyone is addicted to coffee. I mean how many times did you guys go into work after a night of drinking and partying back when you were younger and not stuck at home watching Disney Channel? Maybe you old people forget and you get hangovers now after drinking one of your latest micro brews or babysitting that $200 glass of scotch, but I'm pretty sure there was once a time when you could kill a bottle of Jim Beam and still get up the next morning and not feel anything at all. Not every time you drink do you feel hung over. Hell, I don't remember the last time I threw up and unless I'm partying for 3-4 days straight Vegas style I don't feel hungover the next day. The worse is an occasional headache, but nothing a Tylenol and some hydration doesn't fix. I appreciate the perspective and concern of the older folk, but I wouldn't go into work if I was that drunk/hung over. Hell, I hope someone would plot all my updates about when I go out and you can see I really don't party all that much.
Wish there was a $79 #### hole room withing walking distance of all the downtown bars and clubs. We could go a few more miles out, but hey we're all professionals now. We splurged.
www.priceline.com is your friend. That $150 hotel room could have easily been had for $100 at most.
Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
As soon as he starts the 3 month program for the DUI, he will be forced to take that break from partying. Show up to class with any kind of alcohol on your breath and you are kicked out. Miss more than 2 or 3 classes and you have failed to complete the program.
So while she's rubbing my #### through my jeans, I should have busted out my cellphone and booked a room through Priceline? I have been in DUI class and at this moment I have an IID in my car. It really has curbed my partying and that's fine with me. I've been DD for my friend's plenty of times since it's been installed and it's pretty easy not to drink the one day a week I have DUI class.
Finally some sense.


May - Hawaii

June - Vegas


August/September- 3 vegas trips lined up

October - Possibly the Philippines or Cancun

Then when I'm not traveling I'm going out to drink. Even just 1x a week that adds up. Sure I'm making decent cash but I'm also saving $1500 a month so I can buy a house, etc.
When did you go to Hawaii? I thought that was Alyssa and PT?? :unsure:
Alyssa and PT went back in FEB.I went in May with my buddies. I even posted pics :e:lsewhere of the 3 FOBs we porked.

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Maybe you old people forget and you get hangovers now after drinking one of your latest micro brews or babysitting that $200 glass of scotch, but I'm pretty sure there was once a time when you could kill a bottle of Jim Beam and still get up the next morning and not feel anything at all. Not every time you drink do you feel hung over. Hell, I don't remember the last time I threw up and unless I'm partying for 3-4 days straight Vegas style I don't feel hungover the next day. The worse is an occasional headache, but nothing a Tylenol and some hydration doesn't fix. I appreciate the perspective and concern of the older folk, but I wouldn't go into work if I was that drunk/hung over. Hell, I hope someone would plot all my updates about when I go out and you can see I really don't party all that much.
Hey, hey, hey... I'm 40 and I would party your punk ### into the ground right now, let alone when I was your age. Let's go - Busch cans and a handle of Ten High. :lol:
Wish there was a $79 #### hole room withing walking distance of all the downtown bars and clubs. We could go a few more miles out, but hey we're all professionals now. We splurged.
www.priceline.com is your friend. That $150 hotel room could have easily been had for $100 at most.
So while she's rubbing my #### through my jeans, I should have busted out my cellphone and booked a room through Priceline?
No, I was giving friendly advice for the next time you guys want to get a $150 hotel room to pre-party and sober up in. :rolleyes:
'identikit said:
'Rick James said:
'gianmarco said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
'Keerock said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
It's like he's stuck playing shades of the same role as a display for other people, instead of determining and moving towards the direction he wants in life.
Even on a night where he has to get ready for work at 0600 he can't stop being the party guy. Now he's got all these Vegas trips lined up (didn't you blow $2k last time?) and showing no signs of slowing down the partying and focusing on what's important. Yet he still think Alyssa wants that guy back. :crazy:
16 will be married to Alyssa and expecting a baby a year from now. This is his last chance to live it up.

I don't get you old folks getting onto a guy in his mid 20's partying it up.

You don't really care, and it's none of your business.

Worrying about what he spends? Doesn't he live with his parents?

But he is a pudd for taking that whoore back.

'No. 16 said:
'gianmarco said:
'Rick James said:
'gianmarco said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
'Keerock said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao: After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
Exactly. Shtick aside, I wasn't trying to be funny or mean in that post. I really think he's overdoing it and could really benefit from taking a hiatus from drinking/rolling/partying. If for nothing else to refocus what's important, improve himself, and show himself that he can actually do it. And if he can't, then realize he may actually have a problem that needs addressing.Sorry to be the downer in such an uplifting thread. Carry on.
I think you guys are getting a false impression of how much partying I'm doing because those are really the only times I post updates. So it would naturally seem like party all the time. Aside from this recent up tick in activity and my trip to Vegas and Wedding in June... there was a time my life was so boring other people were bumping this thread. All I did was work, workout, and hang out with my buddies. Hell before this past weekend, I don't remember the last time I went downtown and to a club as I have been saving money anticipating this string of Vegas trips. Maybe if I was a pizza delivery boy, personal trainer, or desk jockey people wouldn't seem so upset about my partying. I understand with the nature of my job, but I hate to tell you.... I'm not the only one. Hell, I know doctors at Stanford that go out after a 12 hour shift, party like crazy at Rudy's, and then get back to work on a few hours of sleep. Do you know how many nurses work 16 hours in a day? Many have two jobs or due to poor staffing are stuck working overtime and then STILL come back the next day to work their regular hours (working 24 out of 36 hours) in addition to taking care of their families on their free time. What's the difference between my lack of sleep and a health care worker who has a newborn and barely gets any rest at night as well? Now this doesn't make it right or wrong, but it is the reality of the world. We're people too. Tons of medical staff function on a lack of sleep on a day to day basis. That's why everyone is addicted to coffee.

I mean how many times did you guys go into work after a night of drinking and partying back when you were younger and not stuck at home watching Disney Channel? Maybe you old people forget and you get hangovers now after drinking one of your latest micro brews or babysitting that $200 glass of scotch, but I'm pretty sure there was once a time when you could kill a bottle of Jim Beam and still get up the next morning and not feel anything at all. Not every time you drink do you feel hung over. Hell, I don't remember the last time I threw up and unless I'm partying for 3-4 days straight Vegas style I don't feel hungover the next day. The worse is an occasional headache, but nothing a Tylenol and some hydration doesn't fix.

I appreciate the perspective and concern of the older folk, but I wouldn't go into work if I was that drunk/hung over. Hell, I hope someone would plot all my updates about when I go out and you can see I really don't party all that much.
i wish i was in an industry where a hangover cure is some industrial strength Tylenol and LRS administered with an 18 ga. pipe. #16 is so lucky.

'identikit said:
'Rick James said:
'gianmarco said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
'Keerock said:
'Evilgrin 72 said:
Now, send Alyssa pictures of yourself pretending to #### your dog.
:lmao:After that previous post, I was going to comment that you still need to bring your poignant yet twisted advice to this thread. I see you haven't lost a step. Carry on.
Oh, fear not, I'll be here to provide advice as it's needed/warranted. I just want to be certain that in the interim, we're supporting No. 16 rather than belittling him and trying to make him feel like crap. He's obviously not thin-skinned, but I like him and don't want to see this turn into a shooting gallery. We should save our vitriol for those who deserve it, not a guy who's sharing the more intimate details of his life here for our amusement.That said, his next move is going to be largely predicated on what's going down with Alyssa, so we need more updates to that end and less talk about whether or not it's immature to pile 7 people in a hotel room (I've done it a million times, and when I was older than No. 16 is. Sometimes you have no choice.)
I think part of the hate is due to the poor decisions related to his partying and work. These are actually legitimate concerns. These escapades combined with heading to work on minimal sleep after drinking on a repeated basis are rubbing some people the wrong way and in turn making him into more of a villain than a hero in this thread. I can't say it's unjustified. It seems that No. 16 may be overdoing it a bit, IMO. Taking a 2-3 month sabbatical from drinking and going out and rolling and finger-####### any cutie with a pulse might not be a bad idea. I'm not even sure he could do without alcohol for that period of time which is part of the problem. Considering his DUI, it's even more of a problem. A couple months of working, good eating, good sleeping, working out, reading, and maybe some self-reflection while avoiding the bar/club scene could go a long way. Unfortunately, it's just been non-stop trips and vacations and clubbing and prepartying and all kinds of other crackin adventures. I know he's young and all but 2 months away from the party scene isn't gonna kill him. I just doubt he could actually do it which is part of the problem.
If 16 was my brother, I'd be worried about him. He has yet to take a step back, let everything calm down, and taken an honest look at his life. It's like he's afraid to stop partying.
It's like he's stuck playing shades of the same role as a display for other people, instead of determining and moving towards the direction he wants in life.
Even on a night where he has to get ready for work at 0600 he can't stop being the party guy. Now he's got all these Vegas trips lined up (didn't you blow $2k last time?) and showing no signs of slowing down the partying and focusing on what's important. Yet he still think Alyssa wants that guy back. :crazy:
When I was with Alyssa I didn't party this frequently. We did EVERYTHING together for 7 years except for her last trip to Vegas where she met the PT. In college we both had jobs and went to nursing school. Most times she was the one to drink and I drove us home when we went out. If I got drunk it was usually when we drank at home with my buddies. Nights more likely spent watching movies/tv series than out drinking with friends.
i thought my point spoke to the whole point of this thread. it's immature #### like this that drove corlyssa straight onto the PT shaft. :shrug:
How can you know this to be true? Seems to me she could just as likely be unsatisfied physically or emotionally or simply not that dedicated to No 16 so regardless of his maturity level this was bound to happen.
i thought my point spoke to the whole point of this thread. it's immature #### like this that drove corlyssa straight onto the PT shaft. :shrug:
How can you know this to be true? Seems to me she could just as likely be unsatisfied physically or emotionally or simply not that dedicated to No 16 so regardless of his maturity level this was bound to happen.
Read the thread
I mean how many times did you guys go into work after a night of drinking and partying back when you were younger and not stuck at home watching Disney Channel?
#### you, do you know the magic words to get into Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse.
Suggestions on next step with the pre-school teacher? No contact since Sunday.

Where the hell do I take her so I can bone considering I can't drink at all and drive? Another night downtown and book a hotel room?

Last edited by a moderator:
Suggestions on next step with the pre-school teacher? No contact since Sunday.Where the hell do I take her so I can bone considering I can't drink at all and drive? Another night downtown and book a hotel room?
What happen to the Build a Basketball franchise?
This thread has really train-wrecked with the ballas spending two plus pages berating a guy for sharing a hotel room and the holy rollers chastising some stranger on the internet for drinking more than they feel is prudent. WTF?

I must have missed it, where does the pre-school teacher live, can't you bang her at her place??


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