The way I understand it, each year a flu shot is created based on the flu strains from the previous season. The flu virus mutates so the shot is only somewhat effective.
That's kind of what we're seeing with COVID, the vaccine is based on (and built to fight) the original virus. So it's 90% effective against it. When the variants come around it's not quite as effective but still better than not having been vaccinated at all. It's a moving target as there's no cure for viruses.
So you think all the folks who pass on yearly flu shots are off their rocker if I read this post correctly, yes/no?
Blue feels a lot more like a sweeping opinion. "It's still better than"...that really excludes folks like my younger brother who has severe allergic reactions to shots. He had to take one about 10 years ago and it ravished his skin for months, I've seen pictures and I believe him. I'm not going to mandate that he HAS to get these shots if it poses some side effect that cripples him just so some folks who believe everything that is broadcast from TV Land can sleep at night. I won't do it.
Let me try and make an analogy so folks understand my POV, indulge me for a minute if you will CB. Think about abortion for a second and my wife and I are PRO CHOICE, now we choose not to abort but we respect, defend and honor those who opt not to choose that path. I cannot make it much clearer than that. You can be Pro Choice and still choose to not have an abortion, there's room for more folks in that lane vs if we wanted to be anti-abortion and turn it into a holy war or tug'o war and those don't really help bring people together.
There are going to be folks who won't get the shot, period. I'm trying to focus on the folks we can sway, there's way more who will take this shot if given the right circumstances. And to think otherwise is naive IMHO. People can be bought for the right amount all the time, Wall Street thinks up ways everyday to extract money from our bank account and paychecks, why on earth can they not figure out a way to make everyone want the shot.
-$50 off a pair of Nikes at Foot Locker
-Free ticket to concert or sporting event when you get vaccinated on your way in
-$1,000 tax credit...not enough? Try $2,500 but my thinking here is the people who really need to get the flu shots likely don't pay that many taxes anyways so this might not work.
-Student loan forgiveness...oh yes!
-Want the handouts from the government? Gotta get the shot and I find this one hard to be on the other side of the aisle. If you want to play chicken with the CV-19 that's on you but we are not going to enable you with government handouts. This one doesn't get a lot of positive feedback and I don't know why

and I'm being glib here quite honestly, right
@Tom Skerritt wherever you are hovering and looking over my shoulder
That was a long post back with a few different arcs in it but you really triggered a response from me
It's Friday night, time to light this J up for the evening and relax.