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Mathematically Sound Roulette System (1 Viewer)

Maurile Tremblay

Staff member
The following roulette system is the brainchild of respected gambling authority Mike Caro, and has been endorsed by several top mathematicians. It is easy to use and mathematically sound. Moreover, it has been shown to completely eliminate the house edge in tests involving millions of computer-simulated trials.

I'm going give you a secret roulette system that really works. It will cut the house advantage to literally nothing, if you believe in it enough to never get frustrated and switch tactics. What I'm going to say may seem strange, but here goes.

First, never bet simply red or black. Also don't bet odd or even. These are equally poor, consistently losing wagers.

Second, don't be suckered into betting zero or double zero, despite what some experts may suggest. This may seem like you're betting with the house, but for technical reasons you are actually betting against the house -- and you are taking the worst of it.

So, in order to negate the house advantage, you MUST stick to straight non-green number bets. All odd red numbers turn out to be bad choices, based on over two trillion computer trials. Don't bet them.

All even black numbers fare poorly, and cannot be bet, for much the same reason, which I won't explain here.

Let's get straight to the money-saving advice. Any bet you decide to make MUST cover only even-red or odd-black numbers. There are no exceptions.

Finally, you need to be very disciplined in excluding the number 30 and the group of consecutive numbers that begins with 11 and continues clockwise through and including 14.

This system may seem mystical, but I take gambling quite seriously, and this works for me.

I don't know all the technical reasons for it, but that's what the combinatorial mathematics and the computer simulations say to do.
Hmm, sounds a bit strange. Why wouldn't those numbers have as good a chance of coming up as any other? :gang:
I don't know all the technical reasons for it, but that's what the combinatorial mathematics and the computer simulations say to do.
weren't you the guy who said there's no way to ever get an edge, ever?
Why wouldn't those numbers have as good a chance of coming up as any other?
They do, but the payout (35:1) isn't high enough on those particular numbers to make them good bets.
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weren't you the guy who said there's no way to ever get an edge, ever?
This system will not give you an edge over the house, but it will completely eliminate the house edge over you, making it a fair game.
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They do, but the payout (35:1) isn't high enough on those particular numbers to make them good bets.
Wait I thought the payout was the same regardless of the number, excepting zero and double zero of course. :gang:
Any one who has used this system a lot and it works is lucky.Any one who believes there is ANY system for roulette which eliminates the house advantage is :wacko: Stick to craps and poker, my friends.

Are you skeptical of this Maurile? I see no reason why it makes sense.
No, I think it is correct. The math clearly tells you to avoid the number 30. I haven't worked out the math for number 11 yet, but I would expect a similar result.
There is probably a similar system (based on the same principles) for craps.
Yeah, I bet there is, but if it says that it teaches you how to completely level the playing field by eliminating the house edge, it's lying to you.Craps odds are as close as you can get to even, but as long as the pass line and don't pass bets pay even money, it can never be exactly even odds with the house (even though betting the minimum on the front line and the maximum backing that up can get you pretty darn close).
I've heard of this system before but I also always heard that it only works on days of the week that start with the letter 'T"

Yeah, I bet there is, but if it says that it teaches you how to completely level the playing field by eliminating the house edge, it's lying to you.
I trust Mike Caro on this one.There are certain games (e.g., blackjack, video poker) in which you can actually get an edge over the house. In roulette you can never have the edge (without wheel-clocking, etc.), but if you follow this system consistently without giving up on it if you get frustrated early, you can eliminate the house edge over the long run.

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Who knew you had better chances of landing on say Black 17 than Red 30.No wonder I don't play roulette :wacko:

Who knew you had better chances of landing on say Black 17 than Red 30.
It has just as good a chance of landing on Red 30. The reason to avoid Red 30 isn't because of an abnormally low chance it will land there, but because of the relationship between the chance of landing there and the payout if it does.
More simply stated... The house has no chance to win the game if you choose not to play.Good strategy.

The first short bus is now full.If you are still in line, please wait indefinitely for the next short bus. Please put on your helmets while waiting.

Clockwise 11-14 covers all numbers except:2 Black 0 Green28 Black9 Red26 Black30 RedThese numbers are also excluded by the other rules (even black, odd red, green and #30)Basically, if you don't bet the house can't win.

No, you're looking at the table. You should be looking at the wheel.
Okay...So NO to: 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14But do bet Red: 18, *28, *32, *34, *36& Black: 13, 17, *31, *35* Indicates in "3rd 12" - still 6 out of 12 numbers in the list of numbers to bet on should make it a good "group" bet...
The following roulette system is the brainchild of respected gambling authority Mike Caro, and has been endorsed by several top mathematicians. It is easy to use and mathematically sound. Moreover, it has been shown to completely eliminate the house edge in tests involving millions of computer-simulated trials.
:wall: :rotflmao: :rant: :rotflmao:
Clockwise 11-14 covers all numbers except:2 Black 0 Green28 Black9 Red26 Black30 RedThese numbers are also excluded by the other rules (even black, odd red, green and #30)Basically, if you don't bet the house can't win.
Woo Hoo a mod fishing trip. Boy that was fun. :wall: :gang:
So, in order to negate the house advantage, you MUST stick to straight non-green number bets.
I have used a very similar system in the past, but green number bets were allowed once very 6-7 spins. Otherwise, it is the same system and I have won lots of times with it.Thanks for making this public. Maybe now more people will see that there are sometimes ways around the house edge :wall:
I have been using this system for years, every time I enter a casino. And I have kept very accurate records and I am EXACTLY EVEN at the game. It really works, not just in theory, but also in reality.

I have been using this system for years, every time I enter a casino. And I have kept very accurate records and I am EXACTLY EVEN at the game. It really works, not just in theory, but also in reality.
"years""everytime""detailed records""exactly even"either llllllllll:llllJor a colossal waste of time
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I have tested a theory that won me approximately 2,000 last weekend in vegas.Walk up to the table, put $50 on red. Then put $10 on 10-11 split, $14 on $16-17 split and $24 on 20-21-23-24 corner. This will put you on 62% of the board with a 57.8% payout. Don't ask me why this works or who told me about it, but it does. Oh and don't use this very often as the dealers will get wise to it after a while.Good luck.

The first short bus is now full.If you are still in line, please wait indefinitely for the next short bus. Please put on your helmets while waiting.
:rotflmao: don't forget the mouthguards.

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