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Mathematically Sound Roulette System (1 Viewer)

Saw this at a used book store today.

Customers who bought this book also bought:

Spin Roulette Gold: Secrets of Beating the Wheel by Frank Scoblete

Get the Edge at Roulette: How to Predict Where the Ball Will Land! by Christopher Pawlicki

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Roulette Secrets Revealed by John C. Steele


Saw this at a used book store today.

Customers who bought this book also bought:

Spin Roulette Gold: Secrets of Beating the Wheel by Frank Scoblete

Get the Edge at Roulette: How to Predict Where the Ball Will Land! by Christopher Pawlicki

Gamble to Win: Roulette by R. D. Ellison

Roulette Secrets Revealed by John C. Steele

Sounds like the climate-modeling global warming guys are looking for work now that they've been exposed.

The only roulette system that ever worked for me involved gauging the tilt in the wheel and calculating which quadrant of numbers is most likely to be at the lowest point. Unfortunately, the pit bosses tend to frown upon bring levels to the on the table.

Saw this at a used book store today.

Customers who bought this book also bought:

Spin Roulette Gold: Secrets of Beating the Wheel by Frank Scoblete

Get the Edge at Roulette: How to Predict Where the Ball Will Land! by Christopher Pawlicki

Gamble to Win: Roulette by R. D. Ellison

Roulette Secrets Revealed by John C. Steele

I think it says something that the person who bought that book needed money so bad they sold it to a used book store.
There is a mathematically sound winning system for roulette, in which you can actually play.

Step 1: Find the owner of the casino. Wager that the roulette wheel 'will not go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red'. If it does go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red, you win ownership of the casino and assume all control. If red does hit, he wins 50 cents every time.

Step 2: Go the the bank, or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, and ask for a loan of $536,870,912.

Step 3: Wager $1 on red. If you win, collect $2, for $1 profit. Pay the casino owner 50 cents.. If you lose, wager $2 on red. If you win, collect $4, leaving you $1 in profit--minus 50 cents to the casino owner, then bet $1 on red. If you lose, wager $4 on red. Repeat.

Step 4: Every time red hits, you net 50 cents in profit. Every time red loses, double your previous bet, and continue until red hits. Should the wheel go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red, you are in the hole for $536,870,912. Happily turn to the casino owner, and demand he pay up with ownership of the casino. Now, you own your own debt and can wipe it clean, and use the $536,870,912 you just fed into the casino to pay back the bank and/or Bill Gates.

Guaranteed profit, either you get 50 cents every time the wheel hits red, or, you wind up with your own casino and no debt. Now every time someone loses in the casino, you make money.

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There is a mathematically sound winning system for roulette, in which you can actually play.Step 1: Find the owner of the casino. Wager that the roulette wheel 'will not go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red'. If it does go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red, you win ownership of the casino and assume all control. If red does hit, he wins 50 cents every time.Step 2: Go the the bank, or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, and ask for a loan of $536,870,912.Step 3: Wager $1 on red. If you win, collect $2, for $1 profit. Pay the casino owner 50 cents.. If you lose, wager $2 on red. If you win, collect $4, leaving you $1 in profit--minus 50 cents to the casino owner, then bet $1 on red. If you lose, wager $4 on red. Repeat.Step 4: Every time red hits, you net 50 cents in profit. Every time red loses, double your previous bet, and continue until red hits. Should the wheel go 30 consecutive spins without hitting red, you are in the hole for $536,870,912. Happily turn to the casino owner, and demand he pay up with ownership of the casino. Now, you own your own debt and can wipe it clean, and use the $536,870,912 you just fed into the casino to pay back the bank and/or Bill Gates.Guaranteed profit, either you get 50 cents every time the wheel hits red, or, you wind up with your own casino and no debt. Now every time someone loses in the casino, you make money.
:thumbup: :suds: :lmao:
Here are some testimonials from satisfied Caro-system users:

"I have nothing but the highest praise for the scientifically developed Caro Roulette System for Advanced Players. Of all the roulette systems I've ever used, Caro's is unsurpassed in results, and I don't know of a single top professional roulette player who would even think of going to the wheel without it. The only reservations that I might have about recommending Caro's truly remarkable system to others are because of the iron discipline required (that not everybody might be able to muster), and that the casinos tend to discriminate 'comps'-wise against Caro System players. I myself once went fourteen sessions in a row without a loss -- until all the intense pressure just caused my discipline to break down momentarily, and I placed a bet on number 30 (any such bets involving number 30 in any way shape or form are strictly forbidden by the Caro System), just to see what would happen -- and as Caro himself likely would've predicted, I lost (but I sure did learn a valuable lesson there, and haven't deviated since!)... However, we really ought to be careful not to 'kill the goose that lays the golden eggs' here by letting too many people in on the Caro System -- because if every roulette player were to play exclusively by the Caro System, casinos around the world would be left little choice other than to discontinue offering the great game of roulette, and they'd almost certainly just remove all the roulette wheels, and add more *&^%$#@! slot machines." -- Barbara Yoon

"I can categorically state that after years of mathematical study, Mike's system is THE ONLY system that does what it claims. I have already noticed that the casino treats me differently, refusing me comps and giving me rude looks. And never ever again will I bet on 30." -- John A. Simkiss, III

"This system is a ripoff. I never won a dime!!!" -- Matt Treasure

"Casino pit-critters are very sympathetic to roulette system players in general, but they are wise to people playing the Caro system. If you play Roulette using the Caro system and win even one bet, you will be escorted to a back room for a friendly 'conversation' with casino officials. Playing the Caro system is reasonably safe. But winning with it can be downright dangerous.' -- Alan Bostick

"I bet you can't name even a single top professional roulette player today who does NOT use this truly remarkable Caro system -- especially now in this modern era of high-tech synthetic lubricants for the wheels." -- Pat Givalry

"Using the Mike Caro Roulette System, I was able to earn a profit at the roulette table of 3500% of the total amount I wagered. See if you do that well on the NYSE!" -- Stacy Friedman

"The thing I like best about Mike's roulette system is that (despite its apparent complication) it's really easy once you learn it. I don't have to pay attention at all; I can leave the wheel and sit down in the poker room while waiting for the right moment to bet." -- Dennis Rodriguez
Maurile -I am very interested in using your system. Unfortunately, I am completely color blind. Will your system still work for me? I'll hang up now and listen.

So much for MT's credibility :kicksrock:
Hi TenTimes,It appears there has been some confusion about certain elements of the Mike Caro Roulette System and the claims made for it. I will try to clarify matters by laying out the facts as clearly and precisely as I can. I personally certify and stake my reputation on the following:Fact #1. Some members of this message board -- members that I will not name now -- believe that there is no way to manipulate bets at roulette to overcome the house advantage, provided the outcome of each spin is totally random.Fact #2. Although those same members may be sincere in what they say, humans sometimes err.Fact #3. The Mike Caro Roulette System that I posted earlier provides a way of avoiding certain roulette numbers that have a long-term losing expectation.Fact #4. Anyone who shows discipline in following the step-by-step instructions of the Mike Caro Roulette System can expect to cut the house edge at the roulette wheel to literally zero.Fact #5. Despite fact #4, you should be aware that, in gambling, it is possible to encounter long losing periods, even when you have the best of it. This is not intended as a disclaimer. It is simply the truth.Fact #6. Looking back on the controversy, I believe some of the confusion over Caro's roulette system may have been caused by the fact that Caro's advice was not worded as clearly as it could have been. The system really isn't as hard to follow as it may at first seem.Fact #7. For thousands of years, many people believed that man could never fly. Today, many people think you cannot beat roulette. Fact #8. I am very certain that Caro's Roulette System has the potential to be worth many thousands of dollars to some regular roulette players who have previously been unable to win.Those are the facts. I hope you don't still think my credibility has been damaged.
Damn you executed this so well. :thumbup:
Anyone else see the "Breaking Vegas" episode regarding Roulette?

It was fairly interesting. It was on the Biography channel last night... whatever the f that is.

Paper Lions said:
All odd red numbers turn out to be bad choices, based on over two trillion computer trials. Don't bet them.All even black numbers fare poorly, and cannot be bet, for much the same reason, which I won't explain here.
Why would some numbers do better than others theoretically? I understand he is basing the recommendation on tons of spin history, just curious why this might occur conceptually...
I too was skeptical when I read this 4 years ago, but I was intrigued enough that I bought a used roulette wheel on E-Bay. I've been logging thousands of spins every week since in my garage. I've stopped asking "why?" because I frankly I don't give a ####. The results, and the kitchen remodel, speak for themselves.
Anyone else see the "Breaking Vegas" episode regarding Roulette?It was fairly interesting. It was on the Biography channel last night... whatever the f that is.
If I remember correctly, the guy figured out "hot zones" on the wheel and bet those numbers in that area.
You know, I really wanted to believe in this system, but I keep pretty careful accounting records and I have never, that's NEVER, shown a profit using it.

So despite all the positive testimonials, I have to say :nerd:

So much for MT's credibility :lmao:
Hi TenTimes,It appears there has been some confusion about certain elements of the Mike Caro Roulette System and the claims made for it. I will try to clarify matters by laying out the facts as clearly and precisely as I can. I personally certify and stake my reputation on the following:Fact #1. Some members of this message board -- members that I will not name now -- believe that there is no way to manipulate bets at roulette to overcome the house advantage, provided the outcome of each spin is totally random.Fact #2. Although those same members may be sincere in what they say, humans sometimes err.Fact #3. The Mike Caro Roulette System that I posted earlier provides a way of avoiding certain roulette numbers that have a long-term losing expectation.Fact #4. Anyone who shows discipline in following the step-by-step instructions of the Mike Caro Roulette System can expect to cut the house edge at the roulette wheel to literally zero.Fact #5. Despite fact #4, you should be aware that, in gambling, it is possible to encounter long losing periods, even when you have the best of it. This is not intended as a disclaimer. It is simply the truth.Fact #6. Looking back on the controversy, I believe some of the confusion over Caro's roulette system may have been caused by the fact that Caro's advice was not worded as clearly as it could have been. The system really isn't as hard to follow as it may at first seem.Fact #7. For thousands of years, many people believed that man could never fly. Today, many people think you cannot beat roulette. Fact #8. I am very certain that Caro's Roulette System has the potential to be worth many thousands of dollars to some regular roulette players who have previously been unable to win.Those are the facts. I hope you don't still think my credibility has been damaged.
Damn you executed this so well. :lmao:
#7 is :goodposting: :lmao: :lmao:
I was cleaning out my spam folder, and this caught my eye:

yo mate, ok I`ll give you my trick but if you give it someone else I`ll ####in kill you :unsure:you know in roulette you can bet on blacks or reds. If you bet $1 on black and it goes black you win $1 butif it goes red you loose your $1.So I found a way you can win everytime:bet $1 on black if it goes black you win $1now again bet $1 on black, if it goes red bet $3 on black, if it goes red again bet $8 on black,if red again bet $20 on black, red again bet $52 on black (always multiple you previous lost bet around 2.5)if now is black you win $52 so you have $104 and you bet:$1 + $3 + $8 + $20 + $52 = $84 So you just won $20 :shrug:now when you won you start with $1 on blacks again etc etc. its always bound to go blackeventually (it`s 50/50) so that way you eventually always win. But there`s a catch. If youstart winning too much (like $1000 a day) casino will finally notice something and can banyou. I was banned once on royal casino. So don`t be too greedy and don`t win more then $200a day and you can do it for years. I think bigger casinos know that trick so I play for realmoney on smaller ones, right now I play on lycky diamond casino: www.dimondjackpot.net for morethen 3 months, I win $50-$200 a day and my account still works. You`ll find roulette there when you log in go to"specialty games" - "american roulette". And don`t you dare talling about it anyone else,if too many people knows about it casinos will finally found a way to block that trick. Ifyou have any questions just drop me a line here or on skype.c ya
I was cleaning out my spam folder, and this caught my eye:

yo mate, ok I`ll give you my trick but if you give it someone else I`ll ####in kill you :)you know in roulette you can bet on blacks or reds. If you bet $1 on black and it goes black you win $1 butif it goes red you loose your $1.So I found a way you can win everytime:bet $1 on black if it goes black you win $1now again bet $1 on black, if it goes red bet $3 on black, if it goes red again bet $8 on black,if red again bet $20 on black, red again bet $52 on black (always multiple you previous lost bet around 2.5)if now is black you win $52 so you have $104 and you bet:$1 + $3 + $8 + $20 + $52 = $84 So you just won $20 :)now when you won you start with $1 on blacks again etc etc. its always bound to go blackeventually (it`s 50/50) so that way you eventually always win. But there`s a catch. If youstart winning too much (like $1000 a day) casino will finally notice something and can banyou. I was banned once on royal casino. So don`t be too greedy and don`t win more then $200a day and you can do it for years. I think bigger casinos know that trick so I play for realmoney on smaller ones, right now I play on lycky diamond casino: www.dimondjackpot.net for morethen 3 months, I win $50-$200 a day and my account still works. You`ll find roulette there when you log in go to"specialty games" - "american roulette". And don`t you dare talling about it anyone else,if too many people knows about it casinos will finally found a way to block that trick. Ifyou have any questions just drop me a line here or on skype.c ya
I've gotten this exact same e-mail in my junk folder at least 5 times during the last two weeks... :unsure: Seems pretty foolproof in my opinion. :thumbup:
I know a lot of people think you can't win at roulette, but I had an Asian friend named (we'll call him) Al who was one of the top fund managers in the 90s. Have no idea what he's doing now. Anyway, this guy loved to gamble on trips to Vegas. He came up with his own Craps system and always walked always with mucho dinero after every session. Everyone used to ask him about different games in the casino, and one day he decided to try to beat roulette. Pretty soon he had a system for that, too. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. He'd walk up and double or triple whatever money he started with in like half an hour or so and then walk away.

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Why avoid 30 and 11 thru 14?  :gang:
I don't know all the technical reasons for it, but that's what the combinatorial mathematics and the computer simulations say to do.
I know a lot of people think you can't win at roulette, but I had an Asian friend named (we'll call him) Al who was one of the top fund managers in the 90s. Have no idea what he's doing now. Anyway, this guy loved to gamble on trips to Vegas. He came up with his own Craps system and always walked always with mucho dinero after every session. Everyone used to ask him about different games in the casino, and one day he decided to try to beat roulette. Pretty soon he had a system for that, too. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. He'd walk up and double or triple whatever money he started with in like half an hour or so and then walk away.
Can I get some of what you are smoking?
Why avoid 30 and 11 thru 14?  :gang:
I don't know all the technical reasons for it, but that's what the combinatorial mathematics and the computer simulations say to do.
I know a lot of people think you can't win at roulette, but I had an Asian friend named (we'll call him) Al who was one of the top fund managers in the 90s. Have no idea what he's doing now. Anyway, this guy loved to gamble on trips to Vegas. He came up with his own Craps system and always walked always with mucho dinero after every session. Everyone used to ask him about different games in the casino, and one day he decided to try to beat roulette. Pretty soon he had a system for that, too. Damnedest thing I've ever seen. He'd walk up and double or triple whatever money he started with in like half an hour or so and then walk away.
Can I get some of what you are smoking?
Not smoking anything. This guy is a brilliant mind. Anything mathematical, he could do it. One of the top fund managers of the 90s. Written up in Money Magazine, Forbes, etc. Loved to come up with these gambling systems as a hobby and was very good at it. Hard to understand?
This guy is a brilliant mind. Anything mathematical, he could do it. One of the top fund managers of the 90s. Written up in Money Magazine, Forbes, etc. Loved to come up with these gambling systems as a hobby and was very good at it. Hard to understand?
So you never watched him play or asked him anything about his "systems"...?
This guy is a brilliant mind. Anything mathematical, he could do it. One of the top fund managers of the 90s. Written up in Money Magazine, Forbes, etc. Loved to come up with these gambling systems as a hobby and was very good at it.

Hard to understand?
So you never watched him play or asked him anything about his "systems"...?
A little bit...but (a) I didn't play craps back then so I didn't understand anything he was telling me anyway, (b) I wasn't around him enough to get much info, ( c)I was always playing Blackjack, which he had no interest in and I was pretty good at, (d) we were drunk most of the time, and (e) this was about 15-20 years ago at the end of and right after college.The point of the post was just that there are people who do consistently win at roulette even though many gamblers say it's bs.

ETA: I haven't read much of the thread, but I agree that MT's "system" will work wonders as well, esp for entry level players. For us it's probably the best bet.

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The following roulette system is the brainchild of respected gambling authority Mike Caro, and has been endorsed by several top mathematicians. It is easy to use and mathematically sound. Moreover, it has been shown to completely eliminate the house edge in tests involving millions of computer-simulated trials.

I'm going give you a secret roulette system that really works. It will cut the house advantage to literally nothing, if you believe in it enough to never get frustrated and switch tactics. What I'm going to say may seem strange, but here goes.

First, never bet simply red or black. Also don't bet odd or even. These are equally poor, consistently losing wagers.

Second, don't be suckered into betting zero or double zero, despite what some experts may suggest. This may seem like you're betting with the house, but for technical reasons you are actually betting against the house -- and you are taking the worst of it.

So, in order to negate the house advantage, you MUST stick to straight non-green number bets. All odd red numbers turn out to be bad choices, based on over two trillion computer trials. Don't bet them.

All even black numbers fare poorly, and cannot be bet, for much the same reason, which I won't explain here.

Let's get straight to the money-saving advice. Any bet you decide to make MUST cover only even-red or odd-black numbers. There are no exceptions.

Finally, you need to be very disciplined in excluding the number 30 and the group of consecutive numbers that begins with 11 and continues clockwise through and including 14.

This system may seem mystical, but I take gambling quite seriously, and this works for me.
I actually tried this last month in Vegas. It works. :thumbup:
Dude, I am SO glad that this thread got bumped up so I could see it and learn so much. They just built a new casino here in Columbus only about 3 miles from my house, and I have won ALL my bets made since I started using this system. No lie.

I just wanted to jump in and add, that on top of other praise here, I'll add that I have never, in dozens of trips, shad a losing night using this system.

I think that speaks volumes regarding it's consistency. :thumbup:

I was skeptical at first, but this really worked. I am hoping they can come up with a similar system for the Money Wheel. That game still kicks my butt.


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