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Minnesota at NY Giants (1 Viewer)

Can't wait to watch Gruden try to polish this turd.

My guess is that every player on the field will be the best he's ever seen.

Thinking the Giants get tihngs a little more right tonight and have their best game of the year to date

Eli has to bounce back sometime. Yes, it's been said several times this season and will say one more time - too good a QB to not turn it around.

And, TC should retire, please Tom.

Have these announcers not watched a Viking game this year :confused:

They seemed surprised the Giants are moving down the field and the OL is protecting Eli.

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Have these announcers not watched a Viking game this year :confused:

They seemed surprised the Giants are moving down the field and the OL is protecting Eli.
I think they were referring to offenses in general against the Vikings this season, compared to recent years. I was a bit confused about that too.

Why is Percy Harvin playing QB for Minny?

Other former Vikes who wore #12, while we are bored:

Sean Salisbury

That's all I got so far.


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