I've waited a couple days to actually comment about the major topics stemming from Super Bowl XL. Its been interesting to hear and read everyone discuss this. Now, I'd like to share my point of view.
The NFL has never been about being fair. Sure, there are people who like to pretend everyone plays with honor, but the reality is its not true at all. We have guys like Bill Romanowski who uses steroids and wins three super bowls. Sure, some people whine but in the end he has three rings and that is all anyone is going to care about. I made the comment before about the Rams-Patriots super bowl, where in reality all the Patriots did was take cheap shots all day at the Rams' receivers and Faulk. In the end, no-one cares how underhanded that all was. In the end, all anyone cares about is that the Patriots won. In the end, it was the Rams' fault for not returning the favor and taking cheap shots at Brady.
The NFL has always been about the ends justifying the means. It doesn't matter how you win. It doesn't matter how many steroids your club does, how many cheap shots you take, how unfair the calls are. You know why it doesn't matter? Because in the end, the fans, the media, everyone will sweep it under the rug because when the clock hit triple-zeroes, you had more points than your opponent.
Surely, the Steelers should admit that the refs were the reason that they won Super Bowl XL. So should their fans. It IS unfair, and that is the way the NFL always has been.
Cowher has coached the Steelers for 14 years. He's been to the brink many, many times. Yet HE was always the one getting punked. HE was always the one never doing whatever it takes to WIN. And now there is Cowher, getting HIS unfair advantage and pressing it. It can be argued Cowher should have created his own unfair advantage a long, long time ago. He was too nice. It was too easy for him in the past to get punked and smile.
So get your grubby hands on those ill-gotten gains Cowher. Hold that trophy high. Let everyone else scramble to prostrate themselves at your feet. As he stood there smirking with his prize, I thought maybe he finally gets it, and I gained a little admiration for his willingness to be able to enjoy a win he knows he didn't earn fairly.
Now maybe you see why I have such high standards. Win at all costs. Because no matter how sinister or underhanded a win seems, in the end, everyone will not only give you glory for the dirty deed but anyone who does not will actually be called the classless ones! Now maybe Cowher understands what it takes to win.
And this translates to real life as well. We as Americans used every dirty trick we could to win independence. We used every dirty trick to take the land from the native americans. In the end, some whine, but the end justifies the means. No one will take america from us. No-one will take away rings from guys like Romanowski. No-one will do anything but praise you.