If you select Bush, which I expect 99% to do, explain what you expect the Texans to do with Morency, Wells, and Davis.... not to mention with their struggling O-line and quarterback.
they need to find out what Morrency, Wells, and Davis would fetch in trade. IMO Davis might be worth alot. Is Wells a FA?His late season play probably earned him some hgiher trade value.
I think they should research this in addition to researching the "trade down" offers.
If Davis can fetch a 1 and ?, I say take Bush
I doubt they could get more than a third for Davis. Travis Henry was a comparable player at this time last year and he only fetched a third. RBs don't have as much NFL value as FF value. Keep that in mind. Remember this offseason when there were rumors that James and Alexander were both available for any first round pick? Those were probably just rumors, but my point is that even the better RBs don't command that much in trades. Davis has a 4.1 YPC average and has had durability issues throughout his career. If the Texans could get more than a third round pick for him, I'd be surprised.
Edge and Alexander were expensive and teams would have had to cut players if they traded for them. Essentially they were trading even more for them(picks, players plus cut players)It
seems the salary cap is going to give teams some more room than usual this offseason. I think the wise teams will use the extra money to land a player that will be good for a long time and NOT a bunch of fill-ins that might not be there 2 years from now. IF teams have extra $, Davis may have more value this year than last. Teams competing offers would raise his value
The question still remains, who's going to give up a first round pick for a RB with mediocre per/touch numbers and history of nagging injuries? It doesn't make any sense for a team to do that when they can acquire a similar player at a greatly reduced cost. Serviceable RBs are a dime-a-dozen. Look at last year's draft. Guys like Moats, Morency, Gore, Houston, and Barber were available in the mid-rounds. I wouldn't call any of them stars, but they're all performing adequately.
This year won't be any different. Bush, White, Williams, and Maroney have a good chance of going in the first round. After that, guys like Jerome Harrison, Leon Washington, Joseph Addai, Michael Bush, and others will provide solid value in the mid rounds.
When you add it all up, there's almost no reason why a team would trade a first or second round pick for Domanick Davis. He just hasn't shown that he's that valuable.