I believe it was particularly ineffective since its purpose was to restrain minds and ideas. Rather than restrain them it made imaginations take flight. Also, I am told it had ends around which people could and did go.The Berlin Wall wasn't effective eh?
The answer is neither. Trump's image problem comes from constant attack from dishonest people in power/media that don't want someone winning that can't be controlled. Coyote News is one of the biggest offenders in this. Their real goal is having someone win that is open borders and tree trade, even though that kills the middle class.Serious question here...How much of Trump's image problems stem from the fact that he is just not a very good orator vs. genuinely being a person of such poor character as he is portrayed by some? It seems to me that he tries to address valid concerns in the public interest, concerns that are obviously shared by many others (thus his popularity), but he is just not very eloquent about it. When I listen to him speak it just seems like such a struggle for him to communicate his ideas in a cohesive manner. Is it possible that his lack of oratory skills just leaves him more susceptible to having words twisted, misunderstood, and/or misrepresented so that he is perceived as a bigot/racist/sexist/fill in the blank-ist, but really isn't? Or is it as simple as "walks like a duck, talks like a duck..."
For the record, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do love the idea of a "non-politician" being in the mix. Unfortunately, this still leaves me hopelessly looking for other options not named Hillary.
Well, duh.It would have been much better received if Trump would have said we were stopping all immigration from any of a number of countries housing or supporting terrorism.
The fact that you ask such a question indicates to me that I doubt I could explain my answer to you in any way you can accept. But let me put it very simply and bluntly: 300 years of a history of slavery, Jim Crow, and general treatment makes it OK for black voters to vote as a bloc, and for politicians to attempt to appeal to that bloc, and none of this is racism. White identity politics is, however, racism.Tim - let me pose this question to you... Let's hypothetically assume for a minute that Trump is in fact engaging in identity politics and targeting white male voters. How is this any different than Hillary targeting minority voters? When you make the intellectual leap to allow for identity politics how can you complain when the other side does it too? What is the distinguishing element in your rationale that allows you to do this?
Since Tim won't answer I'd like to know what others think. The article by his communications director today made me rethink it. He may be terrified, or he may be avaricious and is greedily trying everything he can which might explain the erratic behavior.Tim - I'll ask you this because I think we view Trump differently. Do you think Trump REALLY wants to be POTUS? I don't.
I agree - but then who gets it? If it's someone who's not even running (Romney, Ryan, etc) that's difficult to imagine. If it's someone who was running and lost (Bush, Rubio, Kasich, etc) that would be kind of pitiful. And I honestly think Cruz would be worse than Trump - he's only benefited by avoiding the scrutiny a front runner gets. There's no GOP version of Elizabeth Warren waiting in the wings that would be acceptable to the rank and file voters. This is the problem with democracy - if you let the people decide you might not like who they vote for.Looking at his leads shrinking in Cali and Wisconin I'm not as confident he's going to hit that 1237. If he does not get to that I don't think he's getting the nomination.
Dude you are dreaming. Donald cannot articulate the problems or solutions. I saw him on Fox/Bolling tonight largely on foreign policy and he was indecipherable, ranting.Anyone that thinks Clinton wins in a landslide and the GOP loses control of the House and Senate with the current state of things including but not limited to...
-Obamacare: I can't find 5 people on the street who will openly endorse or say good things about it. My mother in law who is way under the poverty line couldn't wait to get this and signed up for it. She went to the doctors several times to get check ups and things she had put off for a long time, then she started getting bills after she was re-adjusted shall we say in the program after she started using more of the features. And the cost were too much and she dropped coverage and now has none like she did prior. But for a lot of folks, the health premiums have increased, care/choices decreased(we are paying double what we used to pay for same coverage). This is a sore spot for many and something the GOP if you believe them says they will CHANGE
-Islamic Terrorism: There I said it. One side of the aisle can't even bring themselves to say it and the answer when and as it is happening is to dine and tango in a country ruled by a brutal dictator and the brother trashes you the second you leave town. "The Empire" actually was a great term Fidel used. Will Hilary Clinton even bring this topic up? Is she legally allowed to say it? Then there's the e-mails but we better just keep going here. People are looking for a CHANGE here vs the current administration's passive policies. I would remind folks though that Obama has kept us out of harm's way largely and also teamed up with Putin to destroy the Euro by flooding them with immigrants. Brilliant depending on your POV but again most Americans will want CHANGE on this issue.
-Society/Lifestyle choices: They have been heaped on the American people left and right over the last many years, most of these bills on lifestyle choices would never pass in at large vote the way we elect a President. It's not like 75% of the country is begging for gay marriage to be legalized, religions deemed too taboo to discuss, the human emotion of anger has been outlawed, at a certain point people are going to push back. I'm a little shocked more people seem so surprised by it all.
-Banks are evil: The Federal Reserve is not actually run by the Federal Government, you know that right? It's a private bank of sorts and you should really check into it because the end of the world is upon us. ("MOP, that's not on the talking points bulletin") Sorry, I thought I was in the Art Bell forum, just scratch that last one kids.
We can't so instead let's put a moratorium on anyone coming in here from the Middle East, excellent point!Please explain to me how you will determine someone is a Muslim while they are going through security. I'll wait.
Wall seems to work fine in Israel, yes/no?The Berlin Wall was successful at keeping people in, not out.
Part of his problem is that he speaks off the cuff. He does not use prepared speeches (other than the AIPAC one) written by experts every time he is in front of a camera like other politicians (with the possible exception of Bernie). This is a double edged sword. It is very appealing to some people because they see him as an authentic candidate speaking about the issues this country faces. He is bashed by others because his tone isn't "presidential" and he speaks in plain language, often repeating sentences, which they assume means he lacks intelligence.Serious question here...How much of Trump's image problems stem from the fact that he is just not a very good orator vs. genuinely being a person of such poor character as he is portrayed by some? It seems to me that he tries to address valid concerns in the public interest, concerns that are obviously shared by many others (thus his popularity), but he is just not very eloquent about it. When I listen to him speak it just seems like such a struggle for him to communicate his ideas in a cohesive manner. Is it possible that his lack of oratory skills just leaves him more susceptible to having words twisted, misunderstood, and/or misrepresented so that he is perceived as a bigot/racist/sexist/fill in the blank-ist, but really isn't? Or is it as simple as "walks like a duck, talks like a duck..."
For the record, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do love the idea of a "non-politician" being in the mix. Unfortunately, this still leaves me hopelessly looking for other options not named Hillary.
I hate to break it to you Saints but that article is bogus. She was not his communications director and was never affiliated with the Trump campaign. She was part of a PAC that Trump disavowed and reported to the FEC. She is nothing but a bitter attention and possibly money seeking #####.Since Tim won't answer I'd like to know what others think. The article by his communications director today made me rethink it. He may be terrified, or he may be avaricious and is greedily trying everything he can which might explain the erratic behavior.
There are rumors of a Cruz mole in the Trump camp being outed and fired though. It would be disappointing if it turns out to be Hurricane Katrina.This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.
Does watching the entire speech put the ignorant remarks into better context? How would this work exactly? Is "Mexicans are rapists" canceled out because later he says he's a huge fan of the Jews?Part of his problem is that he speaks off the cuff. He does not use prepared speeches (other than the AIPAC one) written by experts every time he is in front of a camera like other politicians (with the possible exception of Bernie). This is a double edged sword. It is very appealing to some people because they see him as an authentic candidate speaking about the issues this country faces. He is bashed by others because his tone isn't "presidential" and he speaks in plain language, often repeating sentences, which they assume means he lacks intelligence.
The "doesn't sound presidential" argument is odd but understandable. We have been conditioned to think that reciting a speech or canned response someone else wrote is an indicator of strong leadership. Trump's rambling style is more suited to one on one or small group interactions like making deals or social gatherings.
I would recommend checking out one of his rally rambles in its entirety. He is all over the place, but his message is clear and delivered with confidence and charm. Also, if you watch an entire rally speech you get an honest look at his tone towards protesters, immigrants, women, etc. Spoiler alert: it is the opposite of what the media and SJWs want you to believe.
You poor Trump guys are treated so unfairly in here. Clearly all you want is a fair and respectful discourse on the issues.BernieTrash
Dude is an expert at the authoritarian shtick but is totally out of his league when it comes to anything having to do with the job of actually being President.
I've seen plenty of his speeches and it's the same thing over and over. How great I am, how everybody loves me, how unfairly I'm treated by losers, Bomb the hell out of ISIS, build a wall, make America great again, and goodnight.
Fortunately, he is basically handing the Democrats a blank check when it comes to the general. They could send up Michael Dukakis and still win 40 states. Unfortunately, chances are they'll fill in the check with Hillary's name.
He's done it again.Its all about , well you know who
I thought he answered Tim on the first page?![]()
Tim did exactly what MOP encouraged people to do...bring up legitimate issues for discussion. Then MOP (just like I knew he would) avoided answering the question and had every excuse in the book. Heaven forbid the topic of bigotry be mentioned in here. Trump supporters avoid it because they know they have no real answers. It is the single most important topic related to Trump and yet MOP, who claims he wants to discuss the issues, refuses to answer.
Just be honest and change the title to something like "discuss anything but no mention of bigotry " because Trump supporters know they have no answers.
Face facts...MOP wants another Trump circle jerk thread. If it was REALLY about the issues, the most talked about and most important one (bigotry) would be open for discussion.
By definition you and your cohorts are bigots.If you were convinced that Donald Trump was a bigot would you still support him?
You have just describe 98% of politicians.Trump is easy to define. He may not be a true bigot but he's a classic opportunistic fear/hate monger. He preys on others emotions of anxiety and hate to scapegoat groups of people for his own personal gain. I do think he is a bit of a misogynist though.
In other words, a really great example for our kids. Those that support him should be ashamed. IMO of course.
Rubiobot should not be typing this much.Tim did exactly what MOP encouraged people to do...bring up legitimate issues for discussion. Then MOP (just like I knew he would) avoided answering the question and had every excuse in the book. Heaven forbid the topic of bigotry be mentioned in here. Trump supporters avoid it because they know they have no real answers. It is the single most important topic related to Trump and yet MOP, who claims he wants to discuss the issues, refuses to answer.
Just be honest and change the title to something like "discuss anything but no mention of bigotry " because Trump supporters know they have no answers.
Face facts...MOP wants another Trump circle jerk thread. If it was REALLY about the issues, the most talked about and most important one (bigotry) would be open for discussion.
Easy Higgs....No, I'm done. You're a Cubs fan. You've been abused enough.
It does? First election/visit to a message board?it amazes me how hard people work at trying to convince others what to think or feel
Well I mean when you say it like that...You know what's becoming crystal clear to me -- the true believers in Trump really are buying into a brand and not caring about the message. You're basically saying don't worry about anything he says, just trust him because he's terrific. He acts like it's beneath him to have to pretend to care about people or to learn about foreign policy. Just elect me and everything will be great, because I'm the smartest person in the world. Everything sucks and I'll fix it. Everyone in government is a moron and I'll make them see the light. Details? Don't worry about those. This is where his fatal character flaw is coming into sharp focus. The narcissist is offended that you'd question his greatness. He doesn't need to explain himself, or consult with anyone, or polish his message. Leave me alone fools, I've got deals to make.
Gee, no risk in letting that guy become leader of the free world right? Just because he has no experience and has a rudimentary understanding of the issues and no apparent desire to learn anything and his greatest advisor is himself. Hmm, but what if he's wrong about something really important and everyone in his cabinet says he's wrong but he unilaterally decides to make a horrible decision because he can never be wrong? I mean....can ya maybe see that happening? Like, maybe often? If I'm not connecting the dots correctly here please, someone, anyone, explain how this works.
Anyone saying I didn't answer Tim's question...I'm still waiting on this one.Wall seems to work fine in Israel, yes/no?
Good call. You never hear about any terrorist activity, tensions between religious groups or discrimination/human rights issues in that delightful paradise. An excellent model for what we should strive to achieve.Wall seems to work fine in Israel, yes/no?
I hate to break it to you Saints but that article is bogus. She was not his communications director and was never affiliated with the Trump campaign. She was part of a PAC that Trump disavowed and reported to the FEC. She is nothing but a bitter attention and possibly money seeking #####.
There are rumors of a Cruz mole in the Trump camp being outed and fired though. It would be disappointing if it turns out to be Hurricane Katrina.This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.
Now that happened.Last summer, I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC.
Roger Stone Drops Bombshell After Bombshell About Cruz Sex Scandal: If It's Not All True, "Sue Me Immediately"
condoms on Amanda's bed and on her twitter she claimed the condoms were PS'd in even though she posted the picture herself. VERY STRANGE.
Starting to look more and more like Amanda and Cruz GOT IT ON
Good video here as well https://twitter.com/NvrSurrender101/status/714085788158300164
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/28/donald-trump-classified-intelligence-briefing-presidential-nomineeAre confidential intelligence briefings for Donald Trump a recipe for disaster?
Presidential nominees are kept abreast of some classified information in the months before the election. If Trump is the GOP nominee, what will he reveal?
... If he becomes the presidential nominee at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, he’ll also obtain something most real-estate developers will never receive: his very own top-secret briefings, delivered by the US intelligence community. And there appears to be little stopping him from repeating to his roaring crowds what he hears there.
You know what's becoming crystal clear to me -- the true believers in Trump really are buying into a brand and not caring about the message. You're basically saying don't worry about anything he says, just trust him because he's terrific. He acts like it's beneath him to have to pretend to care about people or to learn about foreign policy. Just elect me and everything will be great, because I'm the smartest person in the world. Everything sucks and I'll fix it. Everyone in government is a moron and I'll make them see the light. Details? Don't worry about those. This is where his fatal character flaw is coming into sharp focus. The narcissist is offended that you'd question his greatness. He doesn't need to explain himself, or consult with anyone, or polish his message. Leave me alone fools, I've got deals to make.
Gee, no risk in letting that guy become leader of the free world right? Just because he has no experience and has a rudimentary understanding of the issues and no apparent desire to learn anything and his greatest advisor is himself. Hmm, but what if he's wrong about something really important and everyone in his cabinet says he's wrong but he unilaterally decides to make a horrible decision because he can never be wrong? I mean....can ya maybe see that happening? Like, maybe often? If I'm not connecting the dots correctly here please, someone, anyone, explain how this works.
It's rather simple to explain, but you won't like the explanation. He's saying these things to get elected and he doesn't believe a single one of them. You're good with saying what's necessary to get the nomination right? Or does that just apply to Hillary? NOTE: This is NOT a defense of Trump rather an explanation for his behavior. I pointed out several months ago that I believed this was what he was doing. Of course this doesn't make it right, but the show you're seeing doesn't mean it's anything more than a show. You should understand this concept being a Hillary supporter.Fai enough guys. Here are some reasons, among others, that I regard Donald Trump as a bigot:
2. He has called for the exclusion of all Muslims from coming to the USA for the time being. He is not distinguishing between countries or radical Islamists or terrorists, he is targeting an entire religion.
2. He refers to Mexican illegal immigrants as rapists and murderers, knowing very well that the vast majority are not.
Please explain how you can reconcile these positions with the belief that Trump is not bigoted.
Well, Hillary would beg to differ. Heyoooo!!!
Here's hoping he keeps his yap shut but releasing classified information to the public can carry criminal penalties.
Ha right, potentially yet another issue against her which could be negated. I really doubt if Donald can even distinguish what is classified and what is not. Otoh the powers that be may recognize this and severely limit what they tell him, hopefully.Well, Hillary would beg to differ. Heyoooo!!!![]()
So you're anti-Israel?Good call. You never hear about any terrorist activity, tensions between religious groups or discrimination/human rights issues in that delightful paradise. An excellent model for what we should strive to achieve.
You do realize that if "they" (whoever they are) ask Christians, many will feel that the Ten Commandments trump the Constitution, right? And, if "they" ask Catholics, many will feel the Pope's proclamations on things like abortion trump what U.S. law says about it, right? Are we going to keep them from walking on US soil as well? Or, do those sit well with you?I''ll stick with the First #2...I support a moratorium on any of them walking on to US soil right now.
-They ask Muslims in the United States about Sharia Law and many feel Sharia Law trumps the Constitution...that just doesn't sit well with me but maybe it does for you?
How do people take the whining? Constant btching, complaining. Make America A 5 year Old Child should be his motto.Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 4m4 minutes ago
I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, and yet am not being treated properly by the Republican Party or the RNC.