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***Official President Joe Biden Thread*** BEST EVER! (1 Viewer)

For the sake of discussion, I'm going to suspend reality and give you the fantastical argument that Trump is 100% solely responsible for everything that happened on 1/6.  The buck stops with Trump and Biden.  Now, to settle this once and for all, let's score the damage and death toll.


13 Marines Killed

5,000+ Civilian Casualties

Hundreds of US Citizens left as hostages to terrorists.

Hundreds of thousands of military allies left hostage to terrorists.

Last military strike kills 10 innocents, seven of which were children.

85 Billion of military equipment given to terrorists.

An entire country was handed over to terrorists.

Your turn.  You take 1/6, go.
 Out of Afghanistan is the point to take out of this.  That's the legacy moment...not 13 dead or abandoning allies.  Joe Biden was the only US President to value future generations of American soldiers by getting out of a no win situation.  

I'll mark you down as not being able to compare the two objectively.  
It is what it is.....all the hand wringing and trying to make political hay over the lackluster job the U.S. did in getting out of Afghanistan under Biden won't be an issue.  People and the history books will remember the U.S. getting out. I'm sorry that doesn't fit a political narrative for you. 

It is what it is.....all the hand wringing and trying to make political hay over the lackluster job the U.S. did in getting out of Afghanistan under Biden won't be an issue.  People and the history books will remember the U.S. getting out. I'm sorry that doesn't fit a political narrative for you. 
Yes it is what it is.  Public opinion of how it was handled down to sub 30% and Biden's approval rating to the low 40s.  Seems most American's don't agree with your version of history.  

I wouldn't want to compare it to 1/6 either if I were you. 

Did anyone REALLY believe Biden and that drone strike actually being a terrorist? It was all lies - and people aren't holding Biden accountable - this is just crazy now isn't it ?

"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," Biden 

"We will respond with force and precision at our time, at the place we choose and the moment of our choosing," Biden said. "Here's what you need to know: These ISIS terrorists will not win."

U.S. drone strike destroys Islamic State car bomb in Kabul, officials say


WASHINGTON, Aug 29 (Reuters) - American forces launched a drone strike in Kabul on Sunday that killed a suicide car bomber suspected of preparing to attack the airport, U.S. officials said, as the United States nears the end of its military presence in the Afghan capital.

The strike, first reported by Reuters, was the second carried out by U.S. forces in Afghanistan since an Islamic State suicide bomber struck the airport on Thursday, killing 13 U.S. troops and scores of Afghan civilians trying to flee the country.

and now ...


Target of US drone strike likely did not have a bomb: reports .. Additionally, both news outlets reported that 10 civilians, including Ahmadi, died in the attack — in contrast to the three people officials have reported thus far.

Yes it is what it is.  Public opinion of how it was handled down to sub 30% and Biden's approval rating to the low 40s.  Seems most American's don't agree with your version of history.  

I wouldn't want to compare it to 1/6 either if I were you. 

It wasn't handled great.  I don't think there's many that would tell you otherwise. It's on the minds of Americans right now, so naturally it's going to resonate with polling.  It just isn't going to matter in the political world.....particularly if Biden runs against Trump again.

There's no real comparison to 1/6 and Afghanistan.   Not even taking into account your parameter of "that Trump is 100% solely responsible for everything that happened on 1/6", the actions on 1/6 will resontate through the history books far more than the botched Afghanistan withdrawl simply because 1/6( and the previous election cycle) is as much a societal commentary on the citizenery of the U.S. in the late 2010's/early 2020's as it is a political narrative. 

Not to say that Afghanistan isn't both a beginning and an end to American Middle East policy.....but as a society, 1/6 and what led us up to that is just the beginning.....and THAT, IMO...is defintely going to be crappier.  

It has everything to do with party.  Apply this treatment to Stacy Abrams and it's headline news for a week.

Do you really think the LA Times would have published a story about "The Black face of white supremacy" about a Democrat?  
Depends on the person....but to act as if Elder having that done to him is oddly not as talked about as POTUS...when a large chunk of this country have no idea who Elder even is...its odd to me.

Now do that kid from Covington high school

Why?  Did the same types of things happen to someone else that week?  He was comparing two events that just happened and why one got more coverage than the other.  Your point would be great...had there been some big F so and so conservative at the same time.

Why do people keep posting about Trump in the Biden thread?

It's a crutch of the unskilled.

Over the decades, I've been asked from time to time by people I know in some of my industries to come in and do work for political campaigns. A few times I was even asked to come in and work with others I know on Presidential campaigns.

If I run the hypothetical that I was working for the Biden Administration ( I would never work for them, then again I would never work for Trump either, or Obama, or Clinton, or any of them for that matter) , I could run a media optics defense of what Biden was doing this past year WITHOUT invoking Trump's name in the national daily media cycle. Would it actually work? Well what's going on this past year is indefensible. That being said, I can do a better job than what's being done right now to defend this current administration. I could probably bring it to a "push" with the existing voting blocks that supported Biden in the 2020 general cycle.

DNC HQ has never embraced a true "ground and pound game" aside from ballot chasing and voter registration drives. It was then and has always been a mistake. The problem there is you need a large cross section of your base that are ideologically devoted to you, the cult of your personality, to pull that off. And that's not the marketing scheme used ( the Identity Politics Playbook is what is pushed forward no matter how insane) by a not shockingly inept Biden media optics staff.  For all of Tulsi Gabbard's flaws ( she has quite a few of them sadly), she has fiercely loyal base and her own cadre of mini cult of personality acolytes on her staff.  She lacks charm and charisma but has figured out how to weaponize Servant Based Leadership on this broader scale. How DNC HQ missed that about her and why they refused to emulate her style is kind of baffling. Because you could win if you scaled it up and did it correctly.

The unskilled like hitting softballs because trying to hit a major league fastball is too much work. Major League level fastballs terrify them.  Actually, if I really think about it, since He Who Can't Be Named is out of office, it's more like Tee Ball for grade schoolers.

The predictable Orange Man Bad crew here are basically just a bunch of incompetent wannabe Tee Ball heroes jammed on the highway looking for a last chance powerdrive.

What's the lesson here? No matter where you are in life, men are judged by deliverable results in this society. Don't be lazy. Don't be unskilled. Bring value or get cast out. That's the deal. That's how it works. In less than a year, Biden has run this country into the ground. He's empowered our nations worst enemies and he's strangled the basis of hope from our national morale.

The real argument being made by the Tee Ball crowd is Orange Man Bad is enough justification to avoid the truth that when you are QB1 on the depth chart then you will be held to the standard of a starting quarterback responsible for leading his team to victory.

Anyone who spends their life looking for only softballs to hit is exercising their free speech, but I would not call them actual men.

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Sorry?  But hell yes that had a huge part in why that story was big.  How did it not?  yes...the racial side made it big...but if that is just some kid in a Nike hat...that is likely barely a story.    
I'm sorry but this is a credibility killer.  You can't possibly believe this.

For the record, you're arguing that attacking a black man while wearing a gorilla mask is just another day in these United States, but some kid just standing there in a MAGA hat justifies wall-to-wall media coverage.  Are you sure that's really the hill you want to die on?

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I'm sorry but this is a credibility killer.  You can't possibly believe this.

For the record, you're arguing that attacking a black man while wearing a gorilla mask is just another day in these United States, but some kid just standing there in a MAGA hat justifies wall-to-wall media coverage.  Are you sure that's really the hill you want to die on?

Yes...I am quite certain the reason it was a big story had to do with the kid being a Trump supporter and wearing that hat.

And no...I did not argue what you are claiming.  Like the vaccine passport thread, please stop putting words in my mouth that just aren't true.

That whole second paragraph are not at all what I said.  I expect that spin from the schtick posters around here...not what I was expecting as your reply.

My point was that wearing the MAGA hat made it a huge story. Didn't say it justified it...didn't say attacking him was just another day in America.  Didn't say I even agree with any of it.

I simply stated that saying F POTUS is going to be a bigger story in almost every case out there...its a national thing.  Most don't know who Elder even is.  Id say a great number of people don't even know there has been a recall going on.

My point was that wearing the MAGA hat made it a huge story. Didn't say it justified it...didn't say attacking him was just another day in America.  Didn't say I even agree with any of it.

If not for the MAGA hat, it wouldn't have been a story at all. 

So this is Bidens fault?  We're all dealing with it as a consequence of the Pandemic.  How's the value of your house and 401K going?  If we're gonna blame for economy, give credit too --even tho he has little impact in less than a year-
The market has done ####ty the past month.  You really want to go there?  Watch what the mandate does over the next few months.

Pretty much every story about the Covington kids led with white male in MAGA hat or something about Trump supporting.  It was a huge part of the story.  Not even sure how anyone can deny that played a part in what the story became.

Pretty much every story about the Covington kids led with white male in MAGA hat or something about Trump supporting.  It was a huge part of the story.  Not even sure how anyone can deny that played a part in what the story became.
Nobody is denying it.  :lmao:  

It wasn't handled great.  I don't think there's many that would tell you otherwise. It's on the minds of Americans right now, so naturally it's going to resonate with polling.  It just isn't going to matter in the political world.....particularly if Biden runs against Trump again.

There's no real comparison to 1/6 and Afghanistan.   Not even taking into account your parameter of "that Trump is 100% solely responsible for everything that happened on 1/6", the actions on 1/6 will resontate through the history books far more than the botched Afghanistan withdrawl simply because 1/6( and the previous election cycle) is as much a societal commentary on the citizenery of the U.S. in the late 2010's/early 2020's as it is a political narrative. 

Not to say that Afghanistan isn't both a beginning and an end to American Middle East policy.....but as a society, 1/6 and what led us up to that is just the beginning.....and THAT, IMO...is defintely going to be crappier.  
Wat?   :lmao:   Something imaginary in the future is going to make 1/6 worse?  ok.  

Yes...I am quite certain the reason it was a big story had to do with the kid being a Trump supporter and wearing that hat.

And no...I did not argue what you are claiming.  Like the vaccine passport thread, please stop putting words in my mouth that just aren't true.

That whole second paragraph are not at all what I said.  I expect that spin from the schtick posters around here...not what I was expecting as your reply.

My point was that wearing the MAGA hat made it a huge story. Didn't say it justified it...didn't say attacking him was just another day in America.  Didn't say I even agree with any of it.

I simply stated that saying F POTUS is going to be a bigger story in almost every case out there...its a national thing.  Most don't know who Elder even is.  Id say a great number of people don't even know there has been a recall going on.
MAYBE you might be learning that it isn't just the "schtick" posters that question a lot of your credibility.   Mirror time I think

Anyone who spends their life looking for only softballs to hit is exercising their free speech, but I would not call them actual men.
This coming from someone who only responds to softballs from like-minded people (and a small handful from others) but refuses to answer tough questions or debate real issues. How ironic.  :lol:

not a single person can argue against that

but Biden didn't tweet anything mean today, so its better 
He also didnt try to steal an election nor has he continuously said a free and fair election was rigged, both of which are dangerous to our democracy.

Keep trying to pretend its all about mean tweets. It clearly is not.

This coming from someone who only responds to softballs from like-minded people (and a small handful from others) but refuses to answer tough questions or debate real issues. How ironic.  :lol:
Ironic post coming from you.  

Still waiting for the damage and death count from 1/6.  You can't defend your most prized position.  Just weak one liner lazy posting.  

He also didnt try to steal an election nor has he continuously said a free and fair election was rigged, both of which are dangerous to our democracy.

Keep trying to pretend its all about mean tweets. It clearly is not.

Would love for you to quantify this danger you're hyperventilating over.

Ironic post coming from you.  

Still waiting for the damage and death count from 1/6.  You can't defend your most prized position.  Just weak one liner lazy posting.  
Trying to overturn an election and still claiming the election was rigged is much worse because it has done irreparable damage to our country, but if you want numbers here you go: 

If Trump had pushed people to get vaccinated instead of spending 2 months on the bogus election fraud nonsense, how many thousands of people would have gotten the vaccine and thus not died from Covid? Thousands and thousands and that is a conservative estimate.

Trying to overturn an election and still claiming the election was rigged is much worse because it has done irreparable damage to our country, but if you want numbers here you go: 

If Trump had pushed people to get vaccinated instead of spending 2 months on the bogus election fraud nonsense, how many thousands of people would have gotten the vaccine and thus not died from Covid? Thousands and thousands and that is a conservative estimate.


So no concrete numbers huh?  If you are going to push a narrative ad nauseum you might want to have some facts to along with the dramatic opinion posting.

Wat?   :lmao:   Something imaginary in the future is going to make 1/6 worse?  ok.  

Think more about WHY 1/6 happened and then you'll realize that it's going to get worse. 

If it makes you feel any better, I'm not just laying the combining the questionable practices of social media with the gullibility of Americans soley in the province of the American Right.  

I didn't expect you to respond with anything of substance. You never do. 

For the sake of discussion, I'm going to suspend reality and give you the fantastical argument that Trump is 100% solely responsible for everything that happened on 1/6.  The buck stops with Trump and Biden.  Now, to settle this once and for all, let's score the damage and death toll.


13 Marines Killed

5,000+ Civilian Casualties

Hundreds of US Citizens left as hostages to terrorists.

Hundreds of thousands of military allies left hostage to terrorists.

Last military strike kills 10 innocents, seven of which were children.

85 Billion of military equipment given to terrorists.

An entire country was handed over to terrorists.

Your turn.  You take 1/6, go.

Your turn.  What's the damage and death count from 1/6?  

Trump, A losing president, directly trying to circumvent the election and undermining our election process is pretty damaging to the country and our voting process. Riots inside the Capitol Building are pretty unusual.

Your turn.  What's the damage and death count from 1/6?  
You can't just cherry pick death count. There is much more to it than that and you know it. But if you want to cherry pick then I will play too. Bottom line is Trump costs thousands and thousands of lives by choosing to spend 2 months talking about the bogus election fraud nonsense instead of urging his supporters to get the vaccine and you don't need a rocket science degree to see that thousands died from Covid because of it. 

You seem to only want responses only about deaths related to Trump trying to overturn the election and the damage that did cannot be quantified by just deaths but the damage it did to our country is immeasurable and much worse. 

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