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***Official President Joe Biden Thread*** BEST EVER! (1 Viewer)

If this has always been a red team priority then help me understand why the gov't didn't change the regs when they were in charge sometime over the last several decades.
Because as soon as the blue team takes over they would change the regs back and the companies would be out their massive investment.

There shouldn't be conservative and liberal solutions to energy.  There should just be solutions, based upon data and not politics.  But, as with most topics, understanding the material never gets in the way of you just grasping on to some notion some politician put in your head, without doing any independent research.  But I'll toss you a bone.  Read the following Twitter thread, and watch the video mentioned in the thread that I'll also link here:



The point being, it's rarely as simple as you think.  And the proposed "green" energy solutions you think will save the world will not, and at substantial cost to people's livelihoods as well as the environment.  There are certainly things we should be doing but the proposed "plans" are not anywhere near the best course of action. 
Thank you for your posting. I will certainly read it and ponder it. You’re quite wrong about my thinking- I don’t believe in simple solutions and I’m also not at all sure that green solutions will save the world. I’m not sure about ANY of it and I’m open to well reasoned argument. 

But right now the Republican alternative to Biden seems to be to turn our back on this issue and drill drill drill, free up the oil and coal companies, apparently in the hope that it will alleviate our immediate inflation issues. That doesn’t seem like a reasonable alternative to me, so I reject it. 

I will repeat what I have written many many times before: despite my disagreement with Republicans on so many issues I consider important, if the Republican Party were to make specific proposals promoting nuclear energy, I could switch my vote on that issue alone. I am not typically a sole issue voter (not even on stuff like abortion or immigration, two issues in which I feel very strongly about) but nuclear energy could be the ultimate solution to our climate change issues and liberals don’t seem to realize this. 

If this has always been a red team priority then help me understand why the gov't didn't change the regs when they were in charge sometime over the last several decades.
No doubt - over the last 50 years there is plenty of blame to go around.  

They said smart and proven solutions.  A wall is neither.

actually, it is - Homeland Security 


Effective physical infrastructure works to secure our Southwest Border. Since the U.S. Border Patrol began constructing border barriers nearly 30 years ago, these barriers have proved to be a critical component in gaining operational control of the border.

Biden: The best way to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is diplomacy. 

Israeli Prime Minister: The only way to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is force. 

Good cop, bad cop? Or maybe they just see it differently. Whether or not Biden is right, any kind of military action against Iran would be disastrous for us and the world IMO. 

John123 said:
There shouldn't be conservative and liberal solutions to energy.  There should just be solutions, based upon data and not politics.  But, as with most topics, understanding the material never gets in the way of you just grasping on to some notion some politician put in your head, without doing any independent research.  But I'll toss you a bone.  Read the following Twitter thread, and watch the video mentioned in the thread that I'll also link here:



The point being, it's rarely as simple as you think.  And the proposed "green" energy solutions you think will save the world will not, and at substantial cost to people's livelihoods as well as the environment.  There are certainly things we should be doing but the proposed "plans" are not anywhere near the best course of action. 


@timschochet  Have you looked at the above links yet?  If not, you'll understand in the future why I won't try to educate you about topics.

Biden: The best way to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is diplomacy. 

Israeli Prime Minister: The only way to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is force. 

Good cop, bad cop? Or maybe they just see it differently. Whether or not Biden is right, any kind of military action against Iran would be disastrous for us and the world IMO. 
Not sure Israel sees much choice.  Iran has stated over and over that they plan on wiping Israel out.  Tel Aviv is in the crosshairs for a nuclear attack and it's only a matter of time before Iran launches once they have a nuke.  Add in that Iran has just elected an even more conservative (i.e. bellicose) PM and things are not looking good for Israel.  

The good news is that thanks to DJT we have a relative mideast peace, excepting Iran.  This is a wonderful start.  Iran, though, seems to want to be a bad actor - Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, terrorist support, nukes.  They have so many proxy wars going I'm surprised they can track them all.

Biden: The best way to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is diplomacy. 

Israeli Prime Minister: The only way to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is force. 

Good cop, bad cop? Or maybe they just see it differently. Whether or not Biden is right, any kind of military action against Iran would be disastrous for us and the world IMO. 
Biden is wrong. Israel is right. 

We can bribe Iran to stop, but it is only temporary and they are still working... just more quietly behind the scenes.  Anyone that doesn't see that isn't paying attention. 

The time is coming, sooner than later, where they announce they've got a bomb (or more than one). 

Stealthycat said:
actually, it is - Homeland Security 


Effective physical infrastructure works to secure our Southwest Border. Since the U.S. Border Patrol began constructing border barriers nearly 30 years ago, these barriers have proved to be a critical component in gaining operational control of the border.

If the United States does indeed build a wall along its southern border and then monitors it effectively, it may succeed in curbing illegal immigration, but it will not end it. Walls cannot prevent people from overstaying their visas or being smuggled in another way. And if history is any precedent, illegal immigrants may attempt to tunnel under the wall, go over it or breach it some other way.

As long as life in the United States offers potential migrants more opportunities and fewer perceived dangers than their home countries, illegal immigration will likely persist.

If a border wall provides the political space for addressing these more systemic problems, then it may still be a worthwhile investment. That said, the proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border—like all previous walls—should be viewed as a means to an end, rather than an end unto itself.

The other effects of such barriers...


And yeah...I don't expect Trump era DHS to put out anything other than support for his wall.

John123 said:
There shouldn't be conservative and liberal solutions to energy.  There should just be solutions, based upon data and not politics.  But, as with most topics, understanding the material never gets in the way of you just grasping on to some notion some politician put in your head, without doing any independent research.  But I'll toss you a bone.  Read the following Twitter thread, and watch the video mentioned in the thread that I'll also link here:



The point being, it's rarely as simple as you think.  And the proposed "green" energy solutions you think will save the world will not, and at substantial cost to people's livelihoods as well as the environment.  There are certainly things we should be doing but the proposed "plans" are not anywhere near the best course of action. 

Weird that Costa Rica has managed to go effectively 100% renewable energy, given how costly and impossible it is. 

Oh... and Iceland, Paraguay, Norway there as well... with Austria, Brazil and others making major strides. 

But let's keep up with the scare mongering about how impossible it is. 

Meanwhile the US is around 15% renewable which is ####### embarrassment. Even a move to 50% would be 100% doable and would make a huge difference. 

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Go and have a look at what that wall has done in terms of violence and so on.  Not sure that is a great comparison with rockets flying over it constantly.
Let me know when the Hondurans get Scuds.   :P

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Not reading your links.  No one expects walls to eliminate illegal immigration.  But it will get rid of 95% of the "low hanging fruit" of illegal immigration and let us focus our limited resources on the other 5% that is either trying to smuggle drugs in or are hell bent on getting here.  And no one says our "wall" has to be 100% physical barriers either.  Technology can assist in areas where physical barriers aren't practical.

Weird that Costa Rica has managed to go effectively 100% renewable energy, given how costly and impossible it is. 

I have never heard of the "World Future Council", but when your article starts out with the following:

Costa Rica is already a frontrunner when it comes to renewable energy. Roughly, 95-98% of the country’s electricity has come from renewable sources since 2014, while providing access to energy to almost all the population. However, despite the nearly 100% RE electricity production, around 70% of the country’s overall energy still comes from oil and gas

You kind of lose me.  Is there some double speak going on here that I need help translating?  Because your own link says 70% of the country's overall energy comes from oil and gas.

My take on walls:

1. Yes they provide some effective benefit

2. No they won't work 100%

That seems pretty clear. What is worth discussing is the efficiency, cost-benefit, opportunity cost. 

From what I gather...some of you think he is responsible for the rise in gas prices...but now have a problem when someone with tongue in cheek praises the fall of prices.  
Many of the same people so see in my travels can’t fathom that the money they saved at the pump is spent at the grocery store.  Until diesel drops, this will be the case.  

Not reading your links.  No one expects walls to eliminate illegal immigration.  But it will get rid of 95% of the "low hanging fruit" of illegal immigration and let us focus our limited resources on the other 5% that is either trying to smuggle drugs in or are hell bent on getting here.  And no one says our "wall" has to be 100% physical barriers either.  Technology can assist in areas where physical barriers aren't practical.

I don't expect many to read them...why educate yourself on all aspects.  Its why SC ignored the large post of links he requested over a week ago and continues to ignore it.  Its why he will ignore these.

My post was to illustrate that it may not be the most effective way...as many have said before.  When it comes to cost and so on.

Many of the same people so see in my travels can’t fathom that the money they saved at the pump is spent at the grocery store.  Until diesel drops, this will be the case.  
Seems that is a different discussion for sure.   Point is...people complained and blamed Biden for rising gas prices and their personal cost at the pump.  Those same people should then praise him when it starts going down...correct?  I mean if he is responsible for the rise...he must be responsible when the prices fall too?

My take on walls:

1. Yes they provide some effective benefit

2. No they won't work 100%

That seems pretty clear. What is worth discussing is the efficiency, cost-benefit, opportunity cost. 

Agree...the issue I have is there are people reflexively against it, but nothing else has worked and I see no other alternatives that make sense...it is like when you first start working and you see a problem and you go to your Boss and tell him/her about it and they say no s***, what's your solution...that is how I feel about many of the anti-wall/security people.

I have never heard of the "World Future Council", but when your article starts out with the following:

You kind of lose me.  Is there some double speak going on here that I need help translating?  Because your own link says 70% of the country's overall energy comes from oil and gas.
Costa Rica's electric grid is powered by Renewables for over half a decade now. They produce so much clean energy that they actually sell to other countries. 

They still utilize fossil fuels for automobiles/transportation as their EV adoption is currently low. This is common among some nations who's grid is approaching 100% renewable.

However the fact that they produce at a a surplus means they have the overhead to power the adoption of EVs as they grow.  Leadership is being proactive and pushing for a gradual ban on fossil fuels... and they will get there. 

But hey.. dismiss what you don't understand. It is absolutely doable for the US to dramatically improve our pathetic dependence on fossil fuels.  Those pushing against the switch to renewables are dinosaurs on the path to extinction. Charge IS coming. 

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@timschochet  Have you looked at the above links yet?  If not, you'll understand in the future why I won't try to educate you about topics.
Yes. Interesting stuff, and I’ve encountered some of it before from other sources. I’ve also read information that contradicts it. I am always trying to educate myself. 

I don't expect many to read them...why educate yourself on all aspects.  Its why SC ignored the large post of links he requested over a week ago and continues to ignore it.  Its why he will ignore these.

My post was to illustrate that it may not be the most effective way...as many have said before.  When it comes to cost and so on.

I looked at your first link.  Besides being from a source as credible as Breitbart, it's basically just an opinion piece regurgitating left wing talking points.  And it has a large focus on Trump's wall, and the various claims he made about it.  I don't care about Trump's wall.  I care about what works.  And where walls/fencing have been deployed there have been extremely significant reductions in crossings.  I've posted links before.  I'm not going to again, but you're welcome to do research beyond the Cato institute if you're so inclined. 

Yes. Interesting stuff, and I’ve encountered some of it before from other sources. I’ve also read information that contradicts it. I am always trying to educate myself. 

Sure you have.  I'm sure your next post will be links to that information, or are you not as altruistic in wanting to educate me as I am you? 

Agree...the issue I have is there are people reflexively against it, but nothing else has worked and I see no other alternatives that make sense...it is like when you first start working and you see a problem and you go to your Boss and tell him/her about it and they say no s***, what's your solution...that is how I feel about many of the anti-wall/security people.
Yeah, I don't know enough about the cost of a wall or it's effectiveness vs other options given the price tag. There are experts studying that who could present the information. I just wish we could have this kind of information clearly presented and Congress would vote based on the information. Instead, it's just a game of politics. One said is for it because the other is against it and vice versa. 

I looked at your first link.  Besides being from a source as credible as Breitbart, it's basically just an opinion piece regurgitating left wing talking points.  And it has a large focus on Trump's wall, and the various claims he made about it.  I don't care about Trump's wall.  I care about what works.  And where walls/fencing have been deployed there have been extremely significant reductions in crossings.  I've posted links before.  I'm not going to again, but you're welcome to do research beyond the Cato institute if you're so inclined. 
I agree that walls work at least temporarily (I strongly doubt they will work long term.) 

But they will be effective at least for now in shutting down illegal immigration by a large percentage. Since I believe that would be terrible for this country I’m against these walls. Like you I care about what works. Stopping illegal immigration without first greatly widening legal immigration from these countries doesn’t work for me. 

Seems that is a different discussion for sure.   Point is...people complained and blamed Biden for rising gas prices and their personal cost at the pump.  Those same people should then praise him when it starts going down...correct?  I mean if he is responsible for the rise...he must be responsible when the prices fall too?
I’ll let them go ahead.  

Stopping illegal immigration without first greatly widening legal immigration from these countries doesn’t work for me. 

Why isn't' the current administration doing more to expand legal immigration?  It's flawed thinking that the two must happen in order and can't happen in concert. 

If your basement is flooding because your pump failed... you don't wait until you've fixed the pump to stop the unwanted water from coming in.  

Why isn't' the current administration doing more to expand legal immigration?  It's flawed thinking that the two must happen in order and can't happen in concert. 

If your basement is flooding because your pump failed... you don't wait until you've fixed the pump to stop the unwanted water from coming in.  
To use your analogy: I want that water. 

To use your analogy: I want that water. 

I do too, but I want the water coming into my home in a controlled manner via the appropriate channels, not through a failing structure. 

You're pretty much alone on this stance, too, might I add. 

How many illegal immigrants would you like to see entering the nation annually? 

One million? 5 million? 25 million?  

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Yeah, I don't know enough about the cost of a wall or it's effectiveness vs other options given the price tag. There are experts studying that who could present the information. I just wish we could have this kind of information clearly presented and Congress would vote based on the information. Instead, it's just a game of politics. One said is for it because the other is against it and vice versa. 

Agree again...I would like to do away with the political nonsense and agendas as well as the stupid theater and speeches that happen in hearings...just have two experts with no agenda (1 for it and 1 against) and debate the merits and negatives to it and then make a decision that has zero to do with ideology.

Biden: The best way to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is diplomacy. 

Israeli Prime Minister: The only way to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is force. 

Good cop, bad cop? Or maybe they just see it differently. Whether or not Biden is right, any kind of military action against Iran would be disastrous for us and the world IMO. 
Diplomacy works best when you got a big stick.   Biden is a joke.   His backbone is puddy.

Agree again...I would like to do away with the political nonsense and agendas as well as the stupid theater and speeches that happen in hearings...just have two experts with no agenda (1 for it and 1 against) and debate the merits and negatives to it and then make a decision that has zero to do with ideology.
For sure. Unfortunately, I don't know what the answer is. We are the ones choosing these people. I don't know if this is still true but research has generally shown the public has a very low approval rating of Congress while at the same time having a high approval rate of their local representatives. That seems to guarantee the problem isn't going to improve. Millions of people might want Mitch or AOC or Boebert or Pelosi gone. They might absolutely hate them. Meanwhile, the people in those districts voting for them probably have a very positive opinion of them. How is it going to get better then?

Weird that Costa Rica has managed to go effectively 100% renewable energy, given how costly and impossible it is. 

Oh... and Iceland, Paraguay, Norway there as well... with Austria, Brazil and others making major strides. 

But let's keep up with the scare mongering about how impossible it is. 

Meanwhile the US is around 15% renewable which is ####### embarrassment. Even a move to 50% would be 100% doable and would make a huge difference. 
If I could give this post 100 likes I would. Embarrassment is exactly the right word for what is supposedly the greatest country that has ever existed and the current worlds leader.  

For sure. Unfortunately, I don't know what the answer is. We are the ones choosing these people. I don't know if this is still true but research has generally shown the public has a very low approval rating of Congress while at the same time having a high approval rate of their local representatives. That seems to guarantee the problem isn't going to improve. Millions of people might want Mitch or AOC or Boebert or Pelosi gone. They might absolutely hate them. Meanwhile, the people in those districts voting for them probably have a very positive opinion of them. How is it going to get better then?

This is a big issue locally as I am sure it is elsewhere...somehow you gotta make seniority less important and the pork needs to be reigned in...it is all about the purse strings and once someone gets some power, they can make the $ flow to their district so while people may not like him/her they may be better off with them because they can deliver...it's almost like legalized Mafia.

Stopping illegal immigration without first greatly widening legal immigration from these countries doesn’t work for me. 
Reverse this.  Stop all migration across the border for a period of time to get a wall built and to get a reasonable immigration policy in place.  Then restart things.  The way you want will end up with a massive crush at the border.  Chaos.

How many illegal immigrants would you like to see entering the nation annually? 

One million? 5 million? 25 million?  
I want a good bit of immigration - legally.  Right now we've taken some absurd stances on this.  We dispersed these folks all across the US during COVID.  Right now we let anyone in regardless of COVID status, but are locking the best tennis player in the world out since he has to come in legally.

Totally nutso stuff.

Weird that Costa Rica has managed to go effectively 100% renewable energy, given how costly and impossible it is. 

Average Local Salary: A middle-class salary in Costa Rica averages USD $750. In smaller cities, a monthly income is roughly $450 (which just above the country’s minimum age). These fluctuate by region/city.

5 million people, a bit smaller that West Virginia ... 

you're going to compare the USA to Costa Rica !!!  


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